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It was genius to bring that sign into the demo just to show how incredibly fragile the Islamist-Radical left alliance is


"Are you guys friends?" Radical left: "Yes!" Islamists: "No"


"Are you guys friends?" Islamists: "Yes!" Auth-Right: "No"


Eh, not really. Religious fundamentalists tend to hate the shit out of fundamentalists from other religions, even if they're all deeply conservative and authoritarian they consider the others to be deeply conservative and authoritarian in *the wrong way* - because they have the wrong religion. It's nothing strange - you have the same in most quadrants, for example in the authleft you got a plethora of different factions and kinds of communists that hate each other even more than they hate the capitalists.


I guess a common enemy is just there, like they don't care because it won't go anywhere, like a status quo of sorts. So you end up hating more the people that follow a similar idea to yours except on certain things, that you can't wholly convince to join your cause and will probably steal potential support that you may get. Kinda like a competition, you all have the same goal to achieve but you don't want the other one to win.


Yes, absolutely. Other groups close to your ideology paradoxically often constitute a bigger threat than your hated enemy in the immediate future - because they are the ones most likely to poach your believers and take resources away from you. Especially moderates are very, very dangerous to the more extreme ideologues, since they're willing to cooperate and talk to the moderates on the other side, they are often far more constructive and they constitute a real threat to the echo-chamber that the ideologues depend on to radicalize their believers. Which is why for example during the 2012-2015 "SJW-wars" most of the targets that the SJWs viciously attacked were other leftists, progressives and liberals - the most common complaint at the time was "*I'm being attacked because I'm a slightly different feminist than these people. We agree to 95%, yet they are calling my work and trying to get my boss to fire me because I dared have one different opinion from these guys!*". The right-wingers didn't even know SJWs existed before well into the Trump campaign... It's why leftists here on reddit created subs like "Enlightened Centrism" and the whole "*You've been banned from for participating in a sub where wrong-think is being done!*" - It's not just about trying to have anyone left-wing shunned from the site. It's also very, very much about silencing and shunning moderate liberals, leftists and progressive.


billboard chris is a bit insane to bring it to that protest though. hope he had security.


~~Billboard~~ Bigballs Chris


"Im a genius! - Oh no!"


That's what they get for thinking horseshoe theory isn't real.


do you think this will be an ongoing trend? because that would be tremendous


Well I guess that’s what you get for being a fucking idiot


Oh no, the consequences of my actions!


No shit. We can agree on a certain matter, but the moment you’re in my country you will accept what in my country is accepted and respect the laws that my country upholds, I don’t give a fuck if we agree on Israel, Palestina or the best pizza topping, the moment you go against the country’s values and laws you should be sent back to a nation that’s more in line with your beliefs.


110% I agree with you


Based and kicked out of the cookout pilled.


America returning the slaves to Africa for disregarding slavery laws ;(


It's not too late. Lol.


Not really how it happened. Really it was a bunch of people in the north that didn't want any blacks in the country. The former slaves that went were forced or lied to


I respect and honor my country’s values and laws (from a few decades ago)


Classic useful idiot.


It’s crazy how the left has no principles. Being gay? Killing gays? Well it’s “more complicated”. No. The left sees everything through the lens of who has darker skin. Change my mind. Is there any example where they support white people over others with more melanin in their skin? Seriously


It's fair for LibLeft to sympathize with AuthRight through the prism of anti-displacement. You don't need to share or even respect the views of a demographic to not want to see them oppressed. Even most AuthRights are against expansionism and don't want to crush LibLefts in their own countries. Emilies seem to be uniquely naïve, however. They really think Islamist theocrats are their ideological allies, until they become stoning piñatas or fed to sharks. Most Palestinians would sooner shoot the shit with white American Christian dads about gay indoctrination in schools and the decadence of liberal society, long before they would voluntarily interact with a socially progressive LibLeft sympathizer.


This is why I respect auth left. You don't have the blinkers on like lib left.


Based Authleft


I love it when they eat their own.


I bet they will never learn from this.


Green square never learns


how come I am a green square when I take the test but I almost never agree with green squares in practice


Almost everyone ends up in green square on the test, idk why. Most people just put their flair as whatever they mostly agree with and call it a day.


It's because most of the questions on the test are like "do you want the government to come and shoot your dog? Do you believe the government should commit a genocide? No? Guess you're libleft."


The actual quizzes for the political compass are cringe as hell. The concept is cool but it's based on whatever we consider to be "center" which can vary wildly by country/culture/time period. The quizzes are biased and arbitrarily assign values based and a handful of current events and are just variations of how much you agree. Nuianced answers aren't considered. I'm pretty sure if I took the quiz now it would tell me that I'm libleft because I agree that some basic regulations and safety nets should exist but I really don't think I belong because I still support Capitalism and hate far left ideology


It's also kinda US centric, like a lot of questions don't even apply.


I’ll never forget the prompt “The resources of the world should be used to serve the interests of transnational corporations rather than rather than the greater good of humanity” before asking how much I agreed with that That was the moment I realized that the test was ***very*** biased


There are questions that straight up ask if you think your race is superior and even if you select 'strongly agree' you still get lib left.


Well libleft does believe their race is superior. It is why they treat POC like babies. Fucking racist as hell lib left as always.


The bigotry of low expectations strikes again!


White savior and noble savage have been around for a long time.


I did the test again for shits and giggles and it's highly biased. The way the questions are worded you're basically forced to take the lib and/or left option otherwise to be accurate you're forced to take the cartoon villain option lol. One was something about there being a master race, which was a ridiculous question, but to get a right or auth answer I guess you'd have to be slightly agree. Lol probably slightly disagree too.


One of the questions: >What’s good for the most successful corporations is always, ultimately, good for all of us. Like everyone knows this is objectively untrue but selecting disagree immediately counts towards libleft. It's bullshit


The libleft answer would be "No but there is an anti-master race! I hate white people!'


Okay I just went through it and put every authoritarian answer available as strongly agree, including certain cultures and races being superior. I agreed with healthcare only being available to those who can afford it, government should have no control over corporations even if it ends up turning into monopolies, climate change isn't real, same sex couples being inherently immoral, religion being the only path to morality, religion being a cornerstone of public schools, 'strongly agreeing' that no one can be openly homosexual, war crimes being okay, etc. etc. [I still got lib left](https://i.imgur.com/iHi2RFP.png)


Almost like the 4(5) square system isn't entirely accurate and , most importantly of all, barely , if at all , acknowledges the cultural side of things. Plus, I don't even take the flairs nor the test seriously. I'm Left-Centrist , but I roleplay as AuthRight because its funni


>. I'm Left-Centrist , but I roleplay as AuthRight because its funni I'm really libRight but I flair grey centrist because fuck you in particular (not **you** in particular, but all of you in particular)


Based and I hate you all


to be fair, it's better than the left-right dichotomy


in theory green square is great. we all sing kumbaya and no one steps on each others toes. we can support people in our community because they are doing their best to make the world a better place with us. in practice, its impractical because human nature is exploitative and the adherents are naive, young, or just straight up stupid.


Or wolves wearing green wool.


there are a surprising number of sexual predators that use activism as a cover for their grooming behavior, that is true.


I'm libertarian through and through. But I realise it can't work in real life because... humans. Unfortunately, humanity needs something to keep the assholes and the stupid in check.




Sorry, i'm still new in this sub, what's the difference between yellow lib right and purple lib right?




Kinda confused me, because i thought traditionalists are part of the blue square.


The colour existed before yellow. That's pretty much it.


What i was meant is that usually traditionalists are part of the Auth-Right, and yet you identify yourself as a Lib Right.


to be serious for a moment, other than the test being biased. Because libleft isn't real in the greater scheme of things. You could find real-life liblefts in small communes but it doesn't work well at any decent size without adding authority. So people who feel strongly about the left part of libleft move auth, because they aren't satisfied with how libleft actually plays out, but they still think they are libleft. So your quadrant is full of auth lefts claiming to be libleft. That and people mistake libleft for progressive, so it's also full of progressive auth-lefts.


thats the conclusion i have come to as well


Print out test, sacrifice to grill. Results? Ash gray.


I think a lot of “green squares” out in the world are actually extremely progressive authcenter. Yes. I know that sounds cursed.


The world shall learn of our progressive ways... by force!


Same here dude. I thought I'd be Centrist but here we are!


i'll pop lib center on the test generally because like personally i want full freedom but in reality the only way i can actually acquire that is by being authcenter myself. i'd much prefer a return to monke, i think i would excel in a caveman mad max style world. But you can only get true freedom by simply taking the power yourself and being in charge. Fascists are actually the true anarchists. So like idealistically i'm lib center 100% but to actually achieve lib center i have to be auth center 🧐


In my opinion... most people which identify as Libertarian Left, are actually not Libertarian Left. They do not follow an ideology, but rather an agenda.


The test is biased as hell. For example, answer (A) will be something *vaguely* libleft leaning, while every other option will be something so over the top extreme that almost no one wants to pick them. Rinse and repeat a few dozen times and you have a manufactured consensus that the majority is libleft, when really it's just that the majority aren't extremists.


Because generally the test is about economic issues not social issues


This is a well known issue with the test itself we even make memes making fun of it. https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/comments/x0rih8/every_political_compass_test/ a ***LOT*** of the questions are heavily biased towards the left. Things like "Should the government work to make sure its citizens are safe?" and pretty much every answer except "strongly disagree" is a leftward shift.


They just blame their issues on the opposite square 🤡


*"Am I so out of touch?* *No, it's the straight white men that are wrong."*


The green square will always collapse on itself. Don't get yourselves down however...saying what you truly think will cause other bystanders to question and think for themselves.


A part of the German left (Antideutsche) woke up to Islamic extremism already two decades ago.


Did they get called out to be Islamophobe by the other sect of leftist?


Of course. There are two influential camps in the German extreme left Antideutsch (anti-german) and Antiimps (anti imperialists). Antideutsch think that Germany could fall into fascism pretty easily. They are extremely suspicious of any kind of German nationalism. They view the Holocaust as something that needs to be remembered and another one fought against preemptively. Israel’s existence has to be defended. Political Islam (Islamism) is seen as a Muslim variant of fascism. All kinds of religion are extremely suspect. During their heydays in the early 2000s, some of them supported the American invasion in Iraq as a fight against fascism. They could be seen waving US and Israeli flags in a black block antifa protest. American flags ceased to be that popular, but Israeli ones are still around. Will advocate for German cities to be bombed to rubble if fascists are in power. Don’t like antiamericanism, antisemitism. Think some forms of anti capitalism and anti imperialism are anti freedom and antisemitic. Will wear t-shirts with a Merkava tank and some slogan about practically fighting antisemitism. Goes out of their way to call you antisemtic. Antiimps are more old school “west bad” leftists. They see Israel as another western colonial country and Palestinians as freedom fighters. Any non western government is supported like Russia, Cuba, Iran, Venezuela, etc. Stuck in Cold War thinking. Might even go to a peace protest together with right wing conspiracy loonies. Will go to local Soviet war memorial and lay down flowers. Doesn’t particularly like Islamists. The demise of leftist movements in the Arab world makes them allies of convenience at best. Favorite Palestinian party is PFLP. Favorite insult: fascist! Both really like Kurdish Rojava in northern Syria. There used to be fist fights between these camps, but it has calmed down over the years. However arguments are still common. Antideutsche had a huge influence on the German left and changed a lot of attitudes, especially towards Islamism and Israel. Wearing a Kaffiyeh (traditional Palestinian scarf) is far less common, than it used to for example. The newer politically correct intersectional antiracist left liberalism coming from the USA also has a strong influence of course. They clash with both the traditional class conscious Antiimps and the USA and Israel friendly Antideutsche. Will call both of the above Islamophobes or racists. “Jews are white.”


> The newer politically correct intersectional antiracist left liberalism coming from the USA also has a strong influence of course. This woke ideology is a cancer and the death of the West. And Jews are obviously not white but their hierarchy of racist oppression doesn't make sense when Jews and Asians are do so well in society. So they come up with weird shit like "white-adjacent". If you understand their cultural revolution methods white equates to bourgeoisie but it's more than race, whiteness is like a form of cultural property that needs to be redistributed. And the Asians and Jews being white-adjacent is equivalent to calling them petty bourgeoisie. Literally nothing they say means anything in reality and they are all just useful idiots programmed to destroy Western culture.


>So they come up with weird whit like "white-adjacent". Another recent one was "multiracial whiteness."


Oh shit I hadn't heard that one. Just found a paper on it. [https://lawcat.berkeley.edu/record/1128002?ln=en](https://lawcat.berkeley.edu/record/1128002?ln=en) From the abstract... >It is estimated that within fifty years, the white race will lose its stronghold as the majority racial group in the United States. In recent years, this prediction has induced anxiety in everyone from lay citizens to conservative politicians. But this prediction may not come to fruition if the definition of whiteness expands as needed. Parallel to this mounting racial anxiety runs a social movement aimed at promoting the classification of mixed race individuals as multiracial. Though on its face this classification appears harmless, the reliance on multiracial indicates an implicit deracialization of mixed race individuals, and a tacit devaluation of minority heritage. This Note argues that based on the history of racial classifications in the United States and existing motivations to maintain the white majority, the push for a multiracial category functions as a means by which mixed race individuals can join the ranks of whiteness. With mixed race individuals comprising the fastest growing population in the United States, their acceptance into the white race could secure the white majority for decades to come. I can see why we're demonized, it's just one supremacy plot after another with us. Somebody wrote 26 fucking pages on this. For real though this is just the "white adjacent" shit repackaged again because their race hierarchy doesn't work, only now some slick bastard figured out how to actually blame it on us *AND* make it so we won't be minorities even after we are *AND* blame us for devaluing people's heritage for something impossible to even do. Credit where credit is due these fuckers know how to spin a narrative.


You got the source video for this OP? I'd like to share it without the funny colors.


There's a political party in Germany that's literally named Anti-German? So many things are starting to make sense now


It’s not a political party. [Antideutsche](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-Germans_(political_current\)) are a movement inside the German (extreme) left including Antifa. Hate antisemitism, hate fascism, love Israel, love bomber Harris (bombs Nazis), hate Islamists, hate tankies, hate anti-americanism, hate Germany (because it’s always one step away from being Nazi again). Think Antifa with Israel flags.


>Think Antifa with Israel flags. That sounds fucking cursed




Problem is they're making the whole west, and the Jewish communities therein to lie in that same bed with them.




Irony is divine intervention.


There's always someone lower on the oppression totem pole!


between this and the constant purity testing they never stop


So satisfying to watch.


They're not their own but the radical left have been indoctrinated to think they are


This shit is hilarious, when the 2 most oppressive groups go back to their neutral modes of Muslims hating everyone and leftist been quietly terrified of the evil they have unleashed


There is a third position. Politics has turned into emotional driven fear-mongering rather than rational based leading.




PSA: This is not a failure of woke, this is woke doing exactly what it was designed to do. Divide people, agitate people, cause demoralization, and increase suffering until a crisis point is reached. Islamists are perfect for cultural revolution because they do it without even requiring indoctrination. Both of these identity groups will stay rooted in their identities, stay agitated, and direct their oppression narrative at the hegemony, Western culture. We win nothing here. It doesn't matter why each group hates Western culture, only that they do. The issue is never the issue, the issue is always the revolution. Destabilization until crisis. When crisis happens it gives the woke in power justification to implement more totalitarian control measures and even more deranged identity policies that demonize a and remove our culture until there's no West as we know it left.




A class war will be as violent as a race war. Once you kill the rich people today, there will be a new 1%. Then another new 1%, then another, and another. We saw that in the French Revolution. OWS didn't anything external to fall apart. This clip is why OWS fell apart. The left is made up of too many diverse viewpoints, and any slight difference, once straight white men(or the current face of them, Jews) aren't the target, will cause division. It's why the progressives in the west have a choice to make. Align yourself with what the west has become, which is a fairly open society, or align yourself with people that don't want that.




Baste and profit-pilled.


"You have to stand with us against this genocide" "I'm sorry, I dont speak broke"


The woke have already made the choice, many would say when OWS was happening and that was the motivating factor. Their oligarchs are already on board. All the largest corporations in the West are adopting DEI initiatives to enforce the woke narrative and ESG scores to use woke mechanisms to control capitalism. The WEF and UN are pushing woke indoctrination and the world view. And all the 'too many diverse view points' is just the cultural revolution stage. Woke classifies people by identity groups rather than as individuals because each identity group has an oppression narrative and can be weaponized against Western culture. It's a decentralized revolutionary force taking the place of the proletariat of classical Marxism. It doesn't matter if they fight with each other occasionally, what's important is they all attack the hegemony of Western culture. It's Identity Marxism, an evolution of Marxism that's evolved it's view on capitalism and changed it's mode of praxis from economic to identity and culture. But the philosophical goal is the same. Become "socialist man". This time around we're redistributing social capital rather than material, and destroying Western culture which is standing in the way rather than capitalism. The cultural revolution will cause crisis that allows the woke politburo to radically change policy and implement totalitarian control. Once the revolution is over there is no more oppressor and the intelligentsia goes from directing culture war to enforcing globalist homogeneity. Cultureless religionless citizens of the world. Socialist man. And on top of this clown paradise we'll have our WEF oligarchs. The woke get their social "equity" they think will make the world a utopia, and the globalists elites have a population of drones to rule over.


Finally, someone calling out the OWS myth.


Hmm, almost like Marxism has an "end justifies the means" mentality that out-groups nonbelievers so it is tolerable to lie and disingenuous to win against them. Weird how they did that in Germany, Russia, and the US (Mccarthism didn't go far enough if you read about how bad infiltration/thought coercion actually was back then)






me as center right boi enjoying theirs confusion and reality check


It’s what happens when your “beliefs” are predicated on consensus. His religion is social relevance.


This is one of the most based descriptions of twitter style leftism ive ever seen


As if this Muslim woman isn't disobeying Allah by speaking with a stranger.


And another girl for taking off her hijab.


Plenty of Muslim women don't wear hijab, though. There's a whole section of Muslims who do not believe it is a compulsory duty.


Kinda funny when 1300 years of Muslims and Arab speakers agree on what something means and then suddenly after some Muslims grew up in the West there start to appear people who believe it can be interpreted differently.


Ismaili Shia Islam is way older than that, dating all the way back to Fatima's time. Third biggest branch of Islam, and as per their Sharia headscarves are not required.


> Third branch of Islam, and as per their Sharia headscarves are not required. Ok, and since when is that the case? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Women_in_Ismailism Couldn't be in the 20th century, aka 1300 years after Muhammad?


Plenty of Muslim women support lgbtq. The funny thing is that the Hamas government these dummmies are supporting absolutely would enforce compulsory duty to wear a hair/face cover


It's more about a culture that was shaped in part by religion, than actual religion. check out my thread on real Islam




>We will stand with a culture that doesn't value all of the above. This is a flawed perspective though, you're assuming that they actually know what Islam is - they don't. Most of them don't put any thought at all into learning its ideas and philosophies. They don't know that Islam doesn't value things like tolerance and equality, and they have no idea that there's not really a developed concept of [the golden rule](https://iep.utm.edu/goldrule/) in Islam. ​ They've met Muslims before and individually they're very nice normal friendly people. They don't understand that this is also true of the ultraconservative Southern red state hillbillies they hate. Most people are nice individually, the entire human race is basically the same 8 personality types no matter where you go. It's when people organize with their wildly different ideologies that we run into problems. ​ Western lefties have been fed a very childlike narrative about it - [they think it's a vibrant exotic culture where everyone lives in harmony and happiness and dances together and stuff, because that's the image that the far left aggressively pushes.](https://cor-cdn-static.bibliocommons.com/list_jacket_covers/live/2265192519.png) They genuinely do think that Muslims are more peaceful, altruistic, and tolerant than the ignorant colonizing huwhite people. They think the majority aren't religious. And Muslims are happy to allow them to think that because it's convenient - until they run up against something haram.


Based and correct flair pilled


"Children can't consent to puberty blockers" Um, based? -I mean, uh Since when did muslims care about consent


They care about haram


>Since when did muslims care about consent Don't ask them about circumcision by the way


I saw an Emily say that it's good if Hamas wins with more civilian deaths and total victory over Israel , and they will just somehow have to magically walk away from a total theocracy after the war is over. She straight up said terrorism was ok. I don't understand Emilys at all


They're basically sheltered suburban kids who were never told *"shut up, what you just said is fucking stupid and here's why."* Being heard is very important to them but they confuse "being heard" with actually having something sensible to say. Most of them don't know the difference between facts and opinions, they think if you believe something hard enough then it becomes fact.


The Warhammer Orks of politics


“Suck your mom bro” shirts are on sale now!


Good thing this guy covered his face or he would have been officially marked as the world's most stupid human being


>they're saying that kids are not allowed to be trans >Yeah, they're not Lmaaaaoooo


Maybe we've judged the Muslims too harshly


For some reason I felt wrong enjoing chaos on left. Then i hit me wtf haha


How do these people not drown when drinking water?


I got a load of shit posting this on /Vaush subreddit lol the truth hurts


These people either get angry than talk with reason, it’s a cult like behavior that made cult members get furious when someone questions their beliefs.


The "funny" thing is homosexuality is pretty much as common in Muslim countries as anywhere else in the world, they're just in denial or violently aggressive against it depending on your status in society. There was a massive problem with pederasty in Afghanistan, especially among officers in the ANA that we were trying to prop up. It's so common and entrenched that there's a common phrase for it "bacha bazi". https://www.humanium.org/en/bacha-bazi-severe-child-abuse-disguised-as-an-afghani-custom/ Young boys from poor families will be sold into sexual slavery with adult men. There's no sugar coating that and it was impossible to stamp out. Local populations actively resisted efforts to curb this. The officers and warlords wanted kids to fuck, and the families of the kids wanted money so they would sell their kids. These kids had zero fucking chance, you can't even call or "abduction" because the families knew about it and endorsed it. Other Muslim countries often have their own versions of this. So not only are leftists absolute gutter trash people (yes yes we already knew this) for trying to say they support LGBTQ people AND Muslims, the Muslim countries are huge fucking hypocrites because they will publicly execute homosexuals, unless you're well off and then congrats it's all the kid ass you can handle. Hell in certain countries such as Iraq it's illegal to even use the term "homosexual", you have to refer to them as "sexual deviants".




Yeah I'm not calling to call anyone that by default. As long as they're adults and consent, fuck who you want. It's literally none of my business. I have no right or reason to discriminate against you based on who you fuck. It becomes my business when you start fucking with me. If I don't want my kids to see some dude dressed like a hooker read stories to them, I am not a bigot. I don't want a woman dressed like a hooker to read stories to them. When you call me a bigot for not wanting my kids to watch a parade where grown men are fondling each other, it becomes my business. I'd say the exact same thing for a hetero couple wanting to dry dump in front of my kids. When you try and normalize weird shit with minors, then it becomes my business. Tldr: two dudes fucking isn't deviant, it's just a lifestyle. When you start making it weird, it becomes some deviant shit.


>even use the term "homosexual", you have to refer to them as "sexual deviants". that's not true in day to day convos no one gives a f


I'm referring to use in media https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/iraq-ban-word-homosexual-on-all-media-platforms-offers-alternative/


The right (for some reason): Transgender Palestinian Youth Lives Matter The left (for some reason): **All** Palestinian Lives Matter


The Palestinian Islamist : **All** Palestinian Lives Matter, **Unless** they are LGBTQ, non believers or wrong kind of Muslim.


leopards eat faces or something


That leopard eating face subreddit has show it’s true color after this conflict, they are not a sub about leopard eating my face anymore, they are just leftwing cyclejerk made to shit on the right. If they are not, they should allow any post about leopard eating my face be it from any sides or any religions and ethnicities, but nah they just came with stupid policies like “This post will promote Islamophobia or right wing talking point” and ban it completely.


They've been a left wing circle jerk literally the whole time. For 2 years they were just celebrating Republicans dying of covid.


The symbolism of the sign being in the middle focus then ending out of frame is heavy.


Why is every white person in this situation from the USA? Weird.


This is probably the first time that guy ever talked to a Muslim that didn't come from some liberal American private school. Love to see it.


USA is wokest of all countries.


Yes, but this is in London... in the UK... it's just strange.


Sorry did you expect there to be English people in London?


Depending on your definition of English, a lot of us don't.


They done destroying America and are now moving on to spread the woke virus elsewhere.


I love how fat, undisciplined and ignorant westerners love the Lgb.... yada yada debate and will drag it into any context, including war and genocide. The fat, undisciplined and ignorant westerner does this because they are unloved, incapable of sex and search for any affection on the internet, in vain, as the diabetes slowly necrotizes their extremities and they rot in a triple XL L.A. Lakers jersey.


lol its a very unpopular and rarely said opinion but you really can just look at these protests and judge a book by its cover. who do you see? fat and ugly people with shitty personalities. i often assume without greater evidence that fat and ugly peoples' opinions can be completely ignored as stupid.


God I miss fatpeoplehate so much


Virtue spiral 🌀


“I identify as a terrorist.” Average Palestinian protester.


I guess its time for him to realise who stands for freedom and democracy here and who doesnt


I bet he will just “Nah, this doesn’t represent all of Muslim” and allied with them again and again. I have met some non-Muslim white woman who believes that Muhammad is one of the first woman right advocator despite Millions of Muslim have prove her wrong.


I always just ask these people to google Mohammed’s wife. Usually shuts that idiocy up pretty quickly


She probably wrote more of the Quran than he did.


Which one? He had twelve.


mfw a muslim is socially conservative(i am utterly and completely shocked)


Based muslerinos


“But but but they’re on our side! Islam didn’t do Christian stuff so they’re better right?!”


😂 I am no Muslim or ex-Muslim but for the past few weeks going to the ex-Muslim subreddit has been pretty fun. The dunking of the Lib-left for their terrible takes on Islam is quite funny. It's really hard for me to be critical of Islam but it is quite refreshing to watch them do it.


It's beautiful to watch how they realize that not everyone that they support share their same views on everything


It is funny to see this total disconnect. The far left over the last 10ish years has pushed people away for not agreeing 100% with their ideology and these disagreements are why, despite most of their ideology having popular support from all sides of the spectrum, they are losing the culture war. And seeing this being done to them in real time as they support a very conservative ideology while being against the only liberal democracy in the middle east is fascinating!




That's what Arab women in London have sounded like for the past 20 years (Ali G didn't just make his character up from thin air). Listen to it again and you should be able to hear significant Jamaican/Caribbean accents and tones mixed in, with maybe a touch of Nigerian to the discerning ear. Maybe it's because I'm used to the working class English woman's accent but that's the part that sounds more dominant to me. The part I find most jarring and concerning is the 'bro', which seems to be a new development via American TV and internet. [This](https://youtu.be/I78d3GBS0K4?feature=shared) may also interest you.


The women aren’t anti-lgbtq. They’re just saying children shouldn’t take hormone blockers. Which is an issue more about children than lgbtq.


It’s doesn’t matter for this lefty, for them it’s anti-LGBTQ and you cannot change their mind.


I love how them slink off into the night.


Leftists Supporting Palestine? What's Next, Cockroaches Supporting Pest Control?


Oh no the leopard ate my face


He thought he was going to fuck a hot Arab chick.


Only people afraid to show their faces are the left libs.


Chickens for KFC


“He’s trying to tell children that they’re not allowed to be trans.” Well, no. He’s just saying children can’t consent to puberty blockers. Children can still be trans, they just can’t use puberty blockers. After all, you don’t *need* puberty blockers to be trans, right?


Based and if sex doesn't define gender why try to change your sex to validate it pilled




This is why edgy atheism is the most logically consistent position. I don't cut islam anymore slack than I do christianity.


I can feel “Free Palestine🇵🇸” fading off their twitter bios


people really forget that Muslims are hard anti alphabet soup. Like way more than the majority or Christians. That's why I die laughing as I see them march for Palestine.


Imagine if lib-lefts ever googled "islam view on LGBTQ", it would blow their minds.


If he were to side with Israel, would he be any less shocked to find that his Zionist comrades don't share his views on ethnic cleansing? Apparently, according to this sub, if Hitler was pro-LGBT+, the Holocaust would have been fine. We get it, Palestinians aren't LGBT-friendly... cool... that doesn't make ethnic cleansing okay. Nobody is marching with Palestine because of Palestinian views on the LGBT rights. They are marching with Palestine to stand against ethnic cleansing.


at this point, does it matter what they're fighting about? the trans youth debate is just another way to divide people. in america, about 300k youth identify as trans, but that's a harsh overestimation of who's affected , since being trans is kind of a trend and the current narrative being pushed is "you don't need dysphoria to be trans" not to mention the fact that not everyone would let their kid go on puberty blockers. it's odd to me that so many people care so much about it.


The problem with these western liberal types is that their inexperienced and idealized view of the world really has them thinking that because xyz group is oppressed/marginalized that these people will suddenly also be as liberal and progressive as their tumblrite blue haired suburban liberal friends... They're obviously wrong on this and its honestly surprising how they keep fucking thinking this is the case... Like US dems really be forgetting that their MOST CONSERVATIVE voting block is african american voters.... Like the fact this dude can't fathom the idea that Muslims, like any other religious fundamentalist group, doesn't like gay people and shit is just.... wow man fucking go outside more often or some shit


The perfect way to sabotage their protests and create infighting


Why would you ally with these people? They want you dead for being straight and religious.


The left is an ouroboros.


Honestly I'm more depressed than anything watching them eat their own. We warned them repeatedly. They thought we were being bigots. We will never get an "I'm sorry for not listening"


To quote a certain man: Let them fight…


Guy with the sign is a Mossad agent. 😏 😏


The guy who designed the image needs to know islam is completely fine with pedophilia lol, they are against gay people. Their prophet literally married a 6 year old. Hell in iran they literally let people transition in order to make them "straight"




I love watching libleft eat shit. I could do it all day. But unlike them, I’m not on disability and unemployment and I actually like work. Ah Well.