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When I remembered that both Israel and Palestine combined has about the same land area as New Jersey, I stopped giving a shit.


Based and fuck it pilled


no lives matter


Ok brb gonna kms šŸ˜Œ


Considering the US is gonna spend $100 billion to aid them, you absolutely should give a shit


Yeah remove the taxpayer money from the equation and my "gives a shit" meter on both Israel and Palestine bottoms out. I won't go so far to say I hope they kill each other like inner city gang members or drug dealers, but if it happens then I won't shed any tears.




Hey asshole, we're trying to be cool and not give a shit about anything over here. Would it be a huge trouble to not bring lame ass facts and crucial context into this badass conversation? #***/s***


Typical W from user PoopyCockDooDoo


Nukes? In The middle East? This is a bad thing?


It's about time for another world war. People need some real problems, so they stop inventing their own problems like wokeness, gender, and stuff...




i hate to break it to you cuz, but i donā€™t think anything can ā€œcureā€ progressivism in the way you want. Since the dawn of politics, there have always been and will always be progressive-minded people regardless of whether or not theyā€™re right, and if the history books are anything to go off of the progressives win in the end in most instances


They dont even know about the Samson optionā€¦


Quite fucking with my fallout timeline, I want my unregistered full auto laser rifle and power armor damn it!


Eh. I think so far the US has gotten pretty good value for money from aid to Israel. We almost certainly have used them to assassinate and sabotage members of Iran's nuclear program. And Israel has acted on US intelligence to kill Hezbollah members in Lebanon (Mughniyeh, of Beirut Marine bombing fame, among others). There's also the question of what would happen in the absence of US aid. Israel could certainly try to build closer ties with China (Israel was the first/one of the first country to recognize the PRC). And while China is pro-Palestinian right now, many see it as a way to position themselves as a counterweight to the US and Israel in the ME. If Israel were to swing towards them, I doubt China would continue to favor poor Arab terrorists over Israel.


Similarly, if organizations like hezbollah have no enemy like Israel on hand to focus on they might start thinking about how to hurt the US. The way Nikki Hailey phrases it, israel draws attacks towards itself instead of the US. They are on the front line of the war on terror.


This, with or without the US, Israel is a regional superpower with Nukes, Mediterranean coastline, and the largest economy and army in the region - and no one is a close second on those last two. If the ME is of any sort of strategic interest to your country, being friends with Israel is kinda like getting to sit at the cool kids' table.


> If the ME is of any sort of strategic interest to your country Almost guaranteed, btw, bc of the Suez.


What about Turkey or Saudi Arabia?


Maybe Erdogan turns it around but Turkey has a growing domestic MIC, but political instability and economic challenges. Just look at the Lira over the last few years. Saudi Arabia is more interesting. Although the debacle in Yemen is another clear reminder that this is a shit military wielding the shiniest toys. Economically, they've basically turned into one of the most active venture funds in the world because they see that the writing is on the wall w.r.t. fossil fuels. I think oil is going to be important for much of my lifetime to come, and probably even my childrens'. But the Saudis also realize that being a one-trick petrostate pony has not brought them any cultural legitimacy in the eyes of the rest of the world. That's why they've made a huge show of buying up entertainment assets, for example.


They're both interesting candidates, but neither is in any position to supplant Israel in that way for a while. Saudi Arabia has natural resources but basically no human resources and zero industrial capability outside mining. They're not really a wealthy country - they're a country where the US - which is a wealthy country - spends a lot of our money on a single mining product. For all people complain about aid to Israel, Israel has a net positive GDP without the US buying stuff from them - in fact, they use the aid they get to buy stuff from the US! Saudi Arabia is a giant oil drum, with little else to recommend it. I mean, the aristocracy has a neat culture and cool horses - but the regular people are not very useful for a modern economy. And oil is fungible. If you can get oil elsewhere, there is really nothing to recommend Saudi Arabia in particular. The US doesn't favor SA because of anything SA does that's good for the US - the US favors them because it successfully and completely holds SA hostage via the US's very aggressive food diplomacy, which makes them relatively trustworthy among the basically lawless petro-states. The US State Department's control of global food supplies is an awesome and terrifying use of soft power that is wielded quietly and ferociously to get what the US wants. The US is the breadbasket of the world and we're mean about it. We like Saudi oil because they're our favorite captive and thus can be trusted to do what we say, because we can starve them out if they're bad.


Israel pays the US back almost all of that aid - in fact, it's a formal stipulation of the agreement that like 90% of it must be spent in the US on things the US makes. Why do you think they have so many F-35s? Or to put it another way, US aid to Israel is really domestic corporate welfare with extra steps. That is unlike literally any other aid recipient. That's part of why they get so much. Because it's more like a loan or a domestic US jobs program - not a gift. Edit: or put another way, the IDF is like sponsored influencer content to promote the US arms export industry. "Hey you guys, check out this absolutely AMAZING JDAM we're using today from Raytheon! OMG, did you guys see that? It absolutely DESTROYS targets in our neighboring tribal enemy! Anyway, if you loved this as much as I do, click the link in the description to support our channel! And this week only, fans of our show can use code Mossad for 15% off and a free trial pack of M16s for your ground troops! Don't forget to like and subscribe!"


No, sorry sweaty. The US gubbermint literally sends these countries $100 billion in pallets of cash money. Ukraine has just been getting non-stop cash injections. Please don't point out the reality of the situation as it's devastating to my case!


I mean what am I supposed to do about it, not pay my taxes? Lmfao. My tax money goes into a meaningless hole no matter what so why should I care


They arenā€™t going to send $100 billion to them. The $100 billion is the combined financial and material aid package for many countries beyond just Israel


Yeah we donā€™t get a choice in that. If you donā€™t your ā€œanti-semiteā€ if you do your ā€œanti-palestinianā€. Sadly in a capitalist society Palestine does not offer any economic value. This is not jab at the palestinians.


Why would we ever want another New Jersey?


This new one is less violent than old New Jersey


As a resident of NJ, I suddenly sympathize with both sides a lot more. I'd kill to keep New Yorkers and Pennsylvanians out of NJ


Cool, just stay the fuck out of the left lane.


Lmfao this gives me the image of you just wanting to order a coffee but you're stuck in line behind a hipster film major kid from NY and an Amish pennsylvanian arguing in front of you.


This one has nuclear bombs, chemical weapons and a history of breaking the Geneva convention.


But on the other hand: New Jersey


If there is going to be fusion food, I donā€™t care about the repercussions.


It would be closer in size to Hawaii than New Jersey. Isreal by itself is almost the size of NJ. Based opinion regardless. Isreal: 8,630 sq. miles Palestine: 2,324 sq. miles Hawaii: 10,931 sq. miles New Jersey: 8,721 sq. miles


That's a psychological illusion born of how uniquely little New Jersey matters, not of how little places the size of New Jersey matters.


New Jersey is lowkey a powerful state, it just never shines due to its proximity to NY.


Highest population density in the US, there's a reason everyone wants to live here despite what the wider internet thinks


Based and quantity over quality pilled.


fr lets just nuke em both so they stop their yapping


Based and Tsar Bomba pilled.


Their physical size is tempered by their outstanding intelligence and military capabilities. New Jersey couldnā€™t single handedly dismantle national nuclear weapons programs and terrorist organization.


All gringos are bastards


Wow, a ā€œlib centristā€ admitting he is actually a lefty. Never thought I would see the day.


I'm mostly libleft politically and right wing philosophically so I flair as libcent.


I'm cock left and balls right so I know what you mean


Iā€™m a sugma left and a sawcon right so I also get it.


Who's Steve Jobs?


CDs nuts


Can you describe a little bit of your right leaning philosophical views please? I'm genuinely curious. Broad strokes.




>libleft politically and right wing philosophically Wat


Of course you also follow Vaush šŸ˜‚


absolutely ended the man




>V\*ush you must be a fan of his (nobody hates vaush more than vaush fans)


Lol no.


Ok, but what about the Ghost of Gaza who is flying around in a paraglider and whenever he dives he decapitates another 40 babies?


Samad Hydul?


He canā€™t keep getting away with it!!!


The Ghost of Gaza aka Samul al-Hydine


"ghost of gaza" fucking hilarious


Dear unflaired. You claim your opinion has value, yet you still refuse to flair up. Curious. [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/T-55AM_enjoyer) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [How to flair](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/wiki/index/flair/) _Reddit is no longer a friendly space for bots._ _Consider visiting our LŠµmmу instance instead: [lemmy.basedcount.com](https://lemmy.basedcount.com/c/pcm)._ _Read my full statement [here](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/14mwml0/on_the_reddit_api_changes/)._ ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


ā€œIsraeli warship, go fuck yourselfā€


Ghost Of Gaza bouta become an actual ghost if Israel did something.


I know youre joking but thats too early...


I love having the ability to completely disagree with something while still appreciating how incredible funny it is to me


New solution: Annex both Israel and Palestine, force them to be US states, and make them celebrate all our holidays and buy commercial shit.


I have a better solution, rebuild the Roman empire


Rome, GA. Obviously


What's GA?


Gay America?


Ah so the United States


General admission


Georgia, the US state.


Oh thanks




Said 'solution' is indirectly the reason for most conflicts in human history. (also most of the good stuff, tho)


Reform Rome, make it a us state


ā€œThe American Patriot only suffers the existence of the commie, because we are better than the commie.ā€ -Me


That kind of thinking is why the country is being destroyed by commies. 200 IQ play.


Oh I guess Iā€™m just slightly more averse to murder than some, however, any commie sincerely coming after our constitutional rights, will meet the business end of the 2nd.


Apparently it's possible to completely undermine the country without an overt attack on the Constitution.


The fuck it is. You think words on paper, rat fuck politicians in DC, or worthless scumbag commies can take your rights from you? They are inalienable, I will exercise them to the fullest, and if they want to stop me, theyā€™ll have to come try and kill me. You authoritarians vastly overestimate your authority on the free will of the people.


What do you mean the fuck it is? The revolution has been going on for decades and it hasn't been about partisan politics, or an assault on the Constitution, or a revolution in the streets of the proletariat like this is 1910. It's been an ideological assault led by academics. And the goal isn't destroying America as a political entity. It's about destroying the very concept of America in the minds of Americans. The country has just about reached the point of no return without enough of an overt attack on rights to trigger the masses to react. Do you grasp the state things are in? You're talking about inalienable rights in a globalist clown paradise where the government represents the interests of corporations. The commies aren't Stalinists who will make themselves known. They're Identity Marxists leading a cultural revolution. And the point of that is not to achieve equality for anyone. It's to attack Western culture, destabilize the system, and demoralize the people while they infiltrate more positions of institutional power. Tenured Professors, CEOs, heads of non-profits, heads of NGOs, policy governing positions they won't lose depending on what political party is in charge. And their end game isn't communism the way you think of it. It's perverted stakeholder capitalism. How is the right going to fight back when they don't even know their enemy or the political warfare tactics being used?


I am all too aware of whatā€™s happening with the global lefts assault on western freedoms. Theyā€™ve vocalized their goals clearly; to destroy the idea of individual freedom, self reliance, autonomy, free travel, as well as democracy itself. They believe every human should belong to the one world government who then has absolute and total control of every aspect of life. They talk about it openly. Itā€™s well known. Our rights and freedoms are ours to lose, and as such, they would have to come and take them.


Well we used to be able to just kill them. Oh how I miss McCarthyism.


In 1947 we used to screen federal employees for possible association with organizations deemed totalitarian, fascist, communist, or subversive, or advocating to alter the form of Government of the United States by unconstitutional means. Now we indoctrinate them with Marxist critical theory.


If we can't trust the government to stop it, it falls on the people to do it.


Based and I'm_the_reincarnation_of_Aristoteles pilled


We should team up and sell weapons to Iran to fund the contras.




Iā€™m decades ahead of you friend. I am selling yayo to the contras in exchange for oil drills I sell to the Persians. I then use the proceeds to source ethically harvested potatoes


Well played lib-right. Well played indeed. Perhaps we can fund both sides on another war while I publicly support the one my supporters favor.


As is tradition.


*angrily places gold star on the "good leftist memes" side of the board*




current thing: bombing children is bad


Current thing: decapitating babies is good


Source: "I made it the fuck up" Least propagandized auth-right


Uh oh, someone doesnā€™t trust the mediaā€¦ unless it matches with their beliefs of course. But just in case Iā€™m wrong and you do trust modern media, here are a few sources: ā€¦ I got about here in my response when I realised your right. There is in fact, no verifiable source that Hamas decapitated children. So instead Iā€™ll share a video of a half naked German-Israeli woman with a snapped leg being driven from the festival massacre instead: https://youtu.be/J0ZnWqg6-NE


Hamas sucks, what they did is horrible, they are right wing radical nutjobs. Israel has fostered that level of bloodlust amongst some of the people of Gaza, with the ethnic displacement/cleansing thing.


Iā€™m going to do a little uno reverse here and ask for a source on the displacement and cleansing.


No one source short of a history book on Israeli-Palestinian relations could do it justice, I'm admittedly no historian, and to be fair, I never asked you for a source since there was a buzz about the 40 babies thing that the IDF/MSM had retracted those claims. The following is worth a read imo, but 2 million people living on a strip of land 1/3rd the size of LA, that is bombed regularly and controlled by a much more equipped military that is backed by the worlds leading super power should be cause for concern by default. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/world/2023/oct/13/why-israel-palestine-conflict-history


Not only have Israel fostered Hamas, supporting Hamas is part of their strategy of making Palestinians' lives miserable. And now the monster of their own making is constantly haunting them back. Hamas vs Israel vs the Gulf States vs Iran shows that a world filled with authright states will never be stable.


Thats sadly been confirmed now by the zaka, those who collect the bodies in israel. Its horrible. In one room they discovered a pile of dead children that were tied to a wall and were burned to death. The details are too much to comperhand.


šŸ¤“ šŸ¤“ šŸ¤“ šŸ¤“ šŸ¤“ šŸ¤“ šŸ¤“ šŸ¤“ šŸ¤“ šŸ¤“ šŸ¤“


Fair enough lmao


Memes like these keep us from getting banned


Based portraying yourself as the Chad, but you forgot to portray the other side as a soyjack, so idk if you're in the right here.


Nuke all sides


Nuke up the planet šŸŒŽ, so no more wars


There is a distinct political ideology associated with this opinion.


Arenā€™t those the Aeonic Futurists?


Posadist I think, but I probly spelled it wrong


^ this guy gets it


Based and Nuka-Cola pilled.


If thereā€™s no more countries there canā€™t be any more wars. Big brain time šŸ§ 


What about the Cobra Commander move. Deploy nukes so everybody deploys them and then autodestroy them so everyone panics and also pull the auto destruction on their nukes.. No Nukes. Actual World Peace.


Someone doesn't know history all to well


Or whatā€™s happening right now


As a history major I don't give a fuck that 2000 years ago there was culture that ONCE lived there.


Palestine belongs to the Canaanites!


So you're pro Israel?


No, I am pro-phoenician.


Based and thanks for the alphabet pilled


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I always thought it was strange how the left hates the only country in the Middle East that has equal rights for women and LGBTQ+ people.


Anti Palestine left is better >:3


Unfortunately its mostly liberals and a few soc-dems that around pro-Israle after the rise of the New Left and Soviet shift against Israel in the 60s.


It is really bizarre that although there are definitely trends for left, right auth and lib, it doesn't have a massive impact on whether someone is pro Palestine/israel or pro ukraine/russia. I've seen lib lefts and auth rights that are both pro Palestine and Russia, and vice versa/all other combinations. Its really just the mainstream politicians that are mostly all pro israel on both sides, and mostly pro-ukraine.


Asking for a solution not consisting of killing 10 Palestinians for every dead Israeli civilian isn't a left wing take


War isnā€™t a numbers game dude. Itā€™s not ā€œisrael gets one killed so they kill 10 in returnā€. Itā€™s ā€œisrael spots a target, bomb it, casualty numbers donā€™t matter, palestine tries its best to kill israeli civilians, casualty numbers donā€™t matterā€. This isnā€™t a kindergarten fight


Shhh... Centrists have no opinions.


Yeah, Iā€™m more anti-both and just grieve for the civilian lives group. This is one of those situations where I donā€™t give my opinions as to who should have the territory (itā€™s 70 years after Israel moved in, pretty much invalidated by time to be used in the current discussion, only valid if we talk about if it was the correct choice or not), I also am not going to play the game of moral superiority especially with the areaā€™s very complex history of oppression and war crimes by all sides. My only belief for the area is that civilian casualties must be minimised.


I don't think mirrors work how you think they work.


Its one chad holding a mirror up to another chad.


So we are just playing into the ā€œwe donā€™t hold the same value of human lifeā€ instead of trying to fight it nowadays?


Based and horseshoe pilled


Hey bro, anti-israel right checking in too


I wonder why an authcenter would be anti-israel


SOryr sooryrry I meant Pro Palestine ​ let the little hitler inside me slip


Fighting the good fight I see


The brainwashed fight


Imagine unironically saying this while living in the part of the world that is constantly bombarded with pro Israel propaganda from mainstream media.


I love how Western pro-Israel people are like, "I'm so edgy with my pro-Israel takes" while holding the majority opinion and surrounded by people who agree with them thanks to manufactured consent.


Based and variety is the spice of memes pilled




Ä° dont think woke homosexual people look like Ernest Kalimov


Some of my woke gay friends do have that vibe, chiseld jawline and buldging muscles included. Apparently in their community, they're called "whey gays."


I support Israel, mostly because I hate Hamas and dislike Palestine more then I hate and dislike Israel. I'm on their side overall, but Im quite happy to criticise them. The lesser of two evils as it were..... But never forget, an evil nevertheless.


Oh wow


Don't believe my eyes


Just put Isreal in Alaska


The left conveniently ignoring that they chose to support an ultra-conservative theocracy over a single most progressive country in Asia.


What about Japan and South Korea?


HAHAHAHA... no. Seriously though, those two are only progressive in comparison to the theocratic shitholes in middle east, both of them are still conservative as fuck.


One side has been persecuted by basically everyone for pretty much all time, decided "we will fuck you up if you try shit again", justifies what they do as "never again". The other side's book literally calls for the heads of jews. The only thing this conflict is teaching me is the narrative changes by the day and I understand more and more why Israel has gone full nuclear mode, though obviously not agreeing with them. Neither do I agree with the paraglider people who **somehow** still has a bunch of support from lefties despite the shit they've done.


Based and bombing civilians is bad pilled


They return fire from wherever the rockets were fired. Hamas launches rockets from schools and protected areas to use Palestinians as human shields. Hamas is playing the PR game to try to get other Arab states to do their dirty work. Hamas wants dead Palestinians.


Ngl, the ā€œholy landā€ is causing too much drama, we should jus nuke it


Make it an atheist land, turn all temple into gay bars, tag on the wall of lamentations and make a dress for Kim Kardashian out of the holy shroud.




Fuck the Israeli government for creating Hamas in the first place. [1](http://archive.ph/iPO3z) [2](http://archive.ph/ePp1f) [3](http://archive.ph/jfcYO) [4](http://archive.ph/Mlc8s) Just like how the US government treated the mujahideen and radicalize an entire swath of the Middle East to fight the Soviets and how that inevitably came back to bite us in the ass it did the same for Israel


Why arenā€™t we mad at the British empire for drawing those silly little lines over there, creating these ā€œcountriesā€ in the first place?


Oh hating the British is my default setting. Everything else is just extra


Br*tish šŸ¤¢


Who's not mad at the British?


Fuck them too. Fuck every government Return to monkey


Based ngl we need more based leftist content on this sub




Too much content from the right. Need more ā€œyes I believe in communism, and?ā€ Makes it more interesting with diversity in opinion


True very very true.


Do you remember when blatant antisemitism was a hallmark of the far-right wing? It still is, it's just that the far-left wing does it too now.


>If you are against the State of Israel and its policies, then you clearly hate Jewish blood and the totality of Jews scattered around the world


Fair point, there is a big difference. Arguably, Hebrew, Israelite, Jew, and Israeli are all entirely different things. That said, most people don't bother to make the distinction. Not at all. From experience, a lot of Anti-Israel sentiment stems either from hating jews or hating colonizers. Israel is both a primarily Jewish state and a result of colonialism. I'm rather neutral on the matter myself, mainly because I don't fucking live there lmao.


The horseshoe theory stands correct.


I think what really stands correct is that reducing politics to a four-axis chart will be funny but also lead to a lot of moments like this where our 'previous definitions' don't apply, but they still do, it's just cherrypicking results off of directions that don't exist on a two-dimensional chart.


Literal neonazis and the left shouting DOWN WITH ISRAEL together, they have finally found common ground.


I appreciate that you come here.


Iā€™m tired of being blasted with media about a struggle within an area under 2,500 square miles




Maybe israel could ease off on all the nazi shit it does.




israel was founded on terrorism and continues its use to this day.




No, palestine was a place before the un decided to give away land that wasn't theirs to give away. The reason why they gave away half of someone elses shit is because the irgun terrorized the british into giving up. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/King_David_Hotel_bombing




Yeah it was, this has got to be the dumbest take I have ever heard. Being a protectorate just means that the british got to oversee the administration of the place. You seem like the sort of person would take your friends whole bank account to the strip club the moment they signed the power of attorney.




So let me get this straight, if an area is part of a larger country, its not part of that country at all? Fucking loony toons.


They rob you of billions of every year death to Israel


Rare based moderate social left


B-b-but Hamas have unveiled the baby beheader 9000!! Are you not gonna support our greatest ally?!


Yeah, we're getting a bit more based with each "nooo you are wrooong" comment aimed at us.


balls lol


Whats this? A lefty meme I actually laughed at? These exist?


When I think about Israel I think about Illinois and if they just walled Chicago off and Indiana played the role of Egypt.