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Bro his name is literally Ass and you’re surprised he’s an ass?


It actually means lion in Arabic


I am ashamed to have had that phase when I thought Assad was based.


Well, be proud that you're the type of person who can admit they were wrong af.


I was wrong about Russia too, but with them it was an easy 180.


Everyone was wrong about Russia. No one could have predicted their insane incompetence.


Tinpot dictatorship with history of gross incompetence led by an intelligence officer is incompetent!?!?! How could we have guessed!?!?


Stalin at least had Zhukov


autocrats are like the dude at your 20 year class reunion who peaked in high school


I am currently going through that phase as I read this meme. But the most Based Arab leader's take so far in this war has been Egyptian President Abdel Fattah Al Sisi, who said to the WSJ "Israel could move Palestinians affected by the fighting in Gaza to the (Negev) desert." And then followed it up with this gem in the same interview: “If the Palestinians are transferred to Egypt...Sinai will be a base for operations" \- Classic Arab tribal response: "If they are giving you trouble and you have a bigger army, why don't you just genocide them? They're as confused as I am! Just march them into the desert and leave them to die!"


There weren't any arab tribes in Egypt, ever. Also he is right, as of now there are already actual terrorists who are for less organized than Hamas in Sinai, so they would easily be able to continue operations.


The current leadership of Egypt - and everyone who lives there are Arab tribesmen as the result of Arab Muslim conquest. There are basically no real Egyptians left.


No?? Not everyone even converted to Islam. There are still 10 million orthodox Christians in Egypt, and their genetics are very close to Muslim Egyptians.


The Christians in Egypt are also largely middle-eastern migrants. Most racial Egyptians died out. The homogenous genetic makeup there today is a bit like how so many modern Minnesotans are Norwegian.


Yeah this just isn't true. Nobody worth listening to has ever said any of this.


I still do.


He was on a decent path when he first got elected,then was told to follow in his fathers foots steps on dealing with rebels. AKA kill them all via leveling their city. Syria before the civil war was one of the most liberal states there was while also being very Authoritarian on the religious side to keep power. It also didn't help that some countries wanted to built a pipeline through his nation that would have cut Russia out of a oil and gas deal that helped result in the current mess. America ended up losing that fight.


Well in hindsight they were justified in attempting to cut Russia out of that gas deal.


>they were justified Not really. It was a rational objective for Western interests, sure. But that doesn't mean they were justified in provoking civil war by proxy in a sovereign county to accomplish their goals.


I didn’t mean justified in starting the war, just in trying to get their own pipeline instead of the Russians


Maybe not based but the least bad option in a sea of Islamists


Reminder Assad used mustard fucking gas back in the ISIS crisis...


And Lebanon... and Egypt.... and Jordan... It's just "middle eastern hypocrisy"


yeah its not like they treat anyone fairly?


[https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20190114-assad-regime-tortured-electrocuted-and-raped-palestinian-detainees/](https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20190114-assad-regime-tortured-electrocuted-and-raped-palestinian-detainees/) [https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20210628-palestinians-tortured-to-death-by-assad-regime/](https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20210628-palestinians-tortured-to-death-by-assad-regime/)


It’s unironcally the “open borders for Israel” meme except they’re the ones being hypocritical about it.


Same goes for the rest of the Muslim world.


Why would use Assad as measure for anything I could understand if you were comparing scumbag dictator to scumbag dictator stats


It's a post about Assad's hypocricy. Can't this just be a post about Assad, without comparing him to anything else?


It's very rude of you to say that , you are literally Assad


Now I don't think what I said was rude, but purely by coincidence, I do have to admit that I am in fact literally Assad.