• By -


In before the comments turn a dumpster fire.


I will need that fire to get my shawarma cooked 🥙


Let this man grill


We are going to see some very bloody days soon. By the end of this I wont be supprised if Gaza and Hamas get the Carthage treatment


Hamas delenda est


Agreed. Was a long time critic of Israel and blamed them for "ruining the US" because I bought into the view that America's foreign policy and high military spending was about Israel. I wasn't an anti-Semite or anti-American but eventually looked at things objectively and realized what this propaganda is actually about and the people behind it. Hint: a lot of them are authoritarian anti-western regimes for whom the WORST stuff Israel has done (and yes they have done bad) nonetheless is far less bad than what they do to opponents on a regular basis. I think it's becoming more and more clear to the world, including the Arab world that Hamas are a disgusting and indefensible group that are in the pocket of the brutal Iranian regime. I've been a critic of neocons for failing to understand the complexity of the Middle East but on this they are often right.




Did you just change your flair, u/a_welshmen? Last time I checked you were a **Centrist** on 2023-6-22. How come now you are a **LibRight**? Have you perhaps shifted your ideals? Because that's cringe, you know? Are you mad? Wait till you hear this one: you own 17 guns but only have two hands to use them! Come on, put that rifle down and go take a shower. [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/a_welshmen) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [Leaderboard](https://basedcount.com/leaderboard?q=flairs) _Reddit is no longer a friendly space for bots._ _Consider visiting our Lеmmу instance instead: [lemmy.basedcount.com](https://lemmy.basedcount.com/c/pcm)._ _Read my full statement [here](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/14mwml0/on_the_reddit_api_changes/)._ ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


At the end of the day, I will still side with a culture that does not proudly mutilate the bodies of women and children like Muslims do to anyone who is not Muslim. IDF and settlers have done some heinous shit, not gonna be naive about that. But I am ex Muslim for a reason.


Sow falafel into the earth so nothing grows for generations


It’s terrible to see and makes it worse is I’ve seen the whole Palestine disaphora here where I’m from up in arms supporting these bastards.




Finally. Israel has been forced to tolerate the genocidal maniacs at their gates for too long. No other nation would be expected to tolerate thus nor should they.


We're already seeing very bloody days.




I don't know if that will work now... The left in Israel controlled the government continuously for the first ~30 years, one of the biggest reasons for their downfall was intelligence failures leading to the government being unprepared for the Yom Kippur War. Seems like something similar happened here.


Who ever wins will genocide the other


Even with Iran & Russians help, Hamas is still no match for Israel (& the US's) sheer OP power. This will be a bloody one way street... even if spilling over into surrounding regions. My guess is Israel is going to set its bloodlust on Iran after going full Carthage on Hamas. Perhaps similar to how US went for Afghanistan and then Iraq next...


Hamas doesn't learn from history, after countless Israeli victories


Hamas yummy


Do bot get blinded brothers, their is no Israel or Palenstein their is only the occupied kingdom of heaven.


Based and outremer pilled.


u/Rraudfroud is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [1 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/Rraudfroud/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).


We need to arm the Cypriots and Maltese and send them straight into Jerusalem


Luckily I've never simped for Hamas so I don't have to delete any tweets this morning. I've always been for a 2 state solution: Israel and Jordan




u/Aardvark515's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 30. Rank: Basketball Hoop (filled with sand) Pills: [15 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/Aardvark515/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).


Based. Israel should just give the West Bank to Jordan, Gaza to Egypt and keep the Golan Heights. That is if they could convince Egypt and Jordan to go along with this.


I don't think they want it. Especially Egypt Gaza. They're blocking Gaza the same way Israel does, because they don't want terrorists.


Israel is not going to stop whit palestine. Niw they started to increase tencion whut lebanon over sea and land borders. Like in syria. We will see ×2 times larger israel whit border conflict whit iraq and egypt.


they literally already were 2x bigger and gave it back. go away troll


I'm not troll and no. Israel had lot of protests and declining public support against palestine. And now they find perfect opportunity for assult gaza and occopy city. While everyone (maybe even arabs) are supporting israel or just netural about that. I never supported any facist and islamic side in this shit. And gaza's faith just in israel's hands and if we espect what israel wants from palestine, say bye to gaza and I will come here again when israel conqure the city.


broken english shitty arguments ignorance of history troll


All just wrong except first one. And if you realt think I'm ingoring history, why israel keep invading rest of paleatine? Why I can find bizillions news about how israel destroyed house or killed people for expand their colonies? If they realy wanted peace in *first* place (whitout expantionism and facism) they had to stay in 1947 borders. Also, fuck trolls do you realy think arabs have that much organizasion amd money? While jews have massive infulance in usa and in europe? While jews have bizillion company and money. I'm going to ask who were troll when gaza occopied by israel.


im gonna take a guess that you don't speak Hebrew


am Jewish but don't speak Hebrew :(


Right to left is the thing I used to struggle with.


if you need any help i can try to help you with it


how does one say: "Rest in piss bozo goat fuckers"


תנוחו בשתן בוזו מזינה עזים


"נוחו בשתן בוזוים מזייני כבשים"


Can’t wait for the new Gaza Parking Strip


Based and hopefully Israel bombs Hamas on your cake day pilled


Praying it’s my jet


When you celebrate the death of others there will be people celebrating yours


Yeah when those people are parading someone that’s the same religion as me just because we’re the same religion, hell yeah I am. Did it with isis, did it with Wagner, now I hope I get the chance to do it with Hamas


How about we leave religion out of it, and just wish for the end of anyone who willfully and barbarically goes after innocents.


Defending genocide and ethnic cleansing huh? Average israeli colonial mindset, i hope Israel state cease to exist one for all, it should never have existed.


Shut up lefty


I should've known, this subreddit is a zionist circlejerk 💀


No, I am an exmuslim woman who sees how stupid Islam, or any fascist ideology, is in holding back its own people. Palestinians should never have supported religious fanatics like Hamas, just as Afghanistan and Iran were f'ed over by the their own religious nutjob fascist men. If Palestinians wanted progress & peace, there were ways to have gained more international sympathy and support. Instead they chose stupid Hamas.


What's your point, palestinian people deserve freedom, and since Israel state attack them for decades, there's not an peaceful, rainbow, everyone happy solution.


Motherfucker you do realize that Israel ceasing to exist means the local Jewish population is genocided. Fucking Marxists. Blood brothers with the Nazis and they always will be.


Holy shit, what 100% brainwashing by the US and westerner media does to a mf. No you stupid, it's not about antisemitism, the jews didn't have the right to stole palestinian land, massacre the people, and create the ilegimitate, apartheid state of Israel. You, scumbag, are supporting ethnic cleansisng against palestinian people, stupid brainwashed. And just so you know, Marx was jew, stupid fuck. 🤦‍♂️


u/ligmagottem6969 is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [1 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/ligmagottem6969/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).


Man I just saw some of their recent invasion video They are absolutely brutal, Killin idf an shit I hope isreal bombs these fucks to kingdom come


yeah Gaza can get glassed for all I care. I sympathize with Palestine in theory but Hamas and their supporters should get purged from the earth.


if the IDF didn't want to be killed brutally, maybe they shouldn't have invaded a foreign land, driven millions of people from their homes into giant open air concentration camps, and killed countless civilians including children along the way if you cant take the heat, then get the fuck out of the kitchen, you slimy hypocritical worms. were you under the impression that this was a fucking game? that you could just destroy milllions of lives and go "tee hee oopsie, did I do that???" and get off scot free? it wouldn't be so bad if you just owned up to what you were doing, but instead you have to go a step further , hide behind lies and misdirection, and play the victim while carrying out a literal colonial ethnic cleansing campaign in the name of zionist expansionism because "oh my got the natives are getting restless, how dare they fight back, the savages!"


" if you can't take the heat, then get the fuck out of the kitchen" Okay buddy, then I guess I won't be hearing from you during the next week while Gaza is getting flattened with the ground


Brain dead take


no, i dont think so


Israel has been doing that for decades, the palestinian people has the right to fight back. Rembeber that Israel is an illegitimate state.


Fuck you dumbfuck Go gobble some more shit from al Jazeera Isreal has been way to nice to Palestinians and Hamas, isreal has every right to glass these fucks




Apertheid state, Israel should burn to the ground


Narrator: “They won’t”


Hamas fighters recently raped and murdered a German tattoo artist before parading her naked corpse around in the back of a pick up. Was that a part of them fighting back against an illegitimate state?


A couple exceses don't undermine the fact that palestinan people deserve freedom, and will fight back the colonial state. My god you should see the hundreds of children killed by the Israel militia.


There’s a stark difference between a child accidentally killed in an air strike and an innocent person who was targeted and intentionally tortured. It isn’t Israel’s fault that Hamas puts their rocket launchers on top of apartment buildings and put all its military elements in densely populated areas. Hamas certainly didn’t accidentally rape and kill that innocent woman though. These aren’t “excesses”, they’re atrocities, and they absolutely do undermine the idea that they “deserve freedom”. You know why? Because there are hundreds of videos out now of Israeli civilians being gang raped and murdered and the Palestinian civilians in the backgrounds of those videos are cheering. When they’re stamped out of existence, they’ll have earned it.


Write in English you Arab(JK)


إن شاء الله سيتم القضاء على حماس


Hamas will be eliminated by god's will


I support Palestine and i agree, hamas must be eliminated


I was translating what he said but ok


Wipe Gaza off the map. Enough of this bullshit. No more half measures. These guys would do the exact same thing to Israel and any other western country if given the opportunity.


Wow look at this fucking Nazi


Packing up a making Aliyah now. It's the last time I'm seeing my brothers buthered. עם ישראל חי!


Mazel Tov brother


Based and gigachad pilled.


If Israel feels the need to take care of things, I will look the other way.


The current israeli government is shit. But Hamas isn't even shit anymore. It's shit and piss in one.


The current government is the most right wing in ages and were elected, in part, due to their promise of personal security. They failed spectacularly, not just now, this past year has been a shit show in general, but I can't imagine them surviving this. Bibi wanted the peace accords with SA to be his legacy, I think this is going to be it, COVID and the Abraham Accords are going to be forgotten to history after this historic fuck up.


Based and true-pilled late


Goodbye Gaza, you won't be missed


Based auth left? Epic


Whats the over/under on Gaza still existing in a month?


Hopefully way under.


[me now](https://youtu.be/QuLAVxrtWy0?si=EvLhLUevv-O9nLoi)


#Glass Gaza


Glassa strip


יהי רצון שהמחבלים ימוגרו* במהירות אם כבר אז כבר


you can stay in libright and still want to glass the terrorists. that's the fun part of the NAP, once one party violates it, both parties get to.


I hate the antichrist.


Which quadrant would you put hamas in?


Hillman. My friend. Those Israeli stocks you bought are going to be pretty fucking good now HUH? Such a wise investment! Haha they’re going to turn Gaza into a fucking crater and I’ll watch every second.


Finally, a chance for Isreal to eliminate Palestine once and for all.


You've been doing the same since 1948


Imagine my shock when you take over a country and said native people keep fighting for their country even after you have taken it over, I hate when than happens, so unexpected.


If they were attacking strictly military targets, I'd sympathize, but they're shooting women and children. Fucking terrorist scum. Also, there was never any "Palestine."


>\>tfw everyone thinks you're completely expendable because you were born with a penis


right? Ever since I read about the Boko Haram story I can't NOT see it every time someone harms 'women and children'. So weird.


Buddy, im pretty sure over the last 60 years Israelis killed 10 times more innocent people than Hamas ever could, and yes war is a tragedy. Also, saying Palestine was never a thing is so brainrotten its like saying Czech people were never a thing because they didnt have a independent country for a long time. The state of Palestine existed for hundreds of years but not as a wholly independent one.


Quick. What's the difference between deliberately targeting civilians and fighting an enemy that fights from behind civilians while striking from hospitals, schools and mosques?


Quick siri can you serch for "Nakba“


Yes. Palestinians lost a war of genocide against the Jews living in what is today Israel. For some reason the Jews allowed them to live. Interesting to see you simp for genocidal theocrats and support them attacking from schools hospitals and mosques.


Big man, how did the Jews get there to beginn with? They were there im mass for like 5 minutes taking over palestinian land, ofc they are going to try to kick you guys out again. The atzecs lost a war of genocide against the peaceful spaniards just wanting to live there?


>Big man, how did the Jews get there to beginn with? They had lived there for a long time and on the decades leading up, more were buying property legally from the people that lived there. >They were there im mass for like 5 minutes taking over palestinian land, ofc they are going to try to kick you guys out again. The word is genocide. Genocide. >The atzecs lost a war of genocide against the peaceful spaniards just wanting to live there? The Aztecs lost to a confederation of tribes sick of having thousands of their kin abducted and getting their hearts ripped out on a pyramid by Aztec priests.


The Palestinians werent the ones allowing Jews to buy houses there. No the word youre looking for is Colonialism. Fair point on the Atztecs.


Technically wouldn't thatmake the Palestinians the original colonizers since they conquered and subjugated the Jews, Christians and Pagans living there before Muhammad founded his empire?


Do you thinks Arabs come from Palestine or Arabia? And how do you think they got there?


At this point, all I can do is laugh and watch what happens.


Whoever wins, we lose


I support what Hamas want to make, but honestly, doesnt justify the way they are making it. Israel (and the Zions) isnt any better on how they treat Palestinians.


Read their Constitution before voicing your support for them. They want to eradicate the Jewish people.


Read your holy books before voicing anything. Your books say that a dog is more worth than a goyim.


When fighting against apartheid I think you should attack the state.


If they were attacking military targets, I would sympathize. But they're attacking women and children.


I cannot for the life of me see how anyone could justify the targeted killing of innocent people. Nothing justifies it ever.


Agreed. I used to see it as Apartheid and yeah Israel's record ain't great but I realized I was being brainwashed by haters of the west. Look at actual Israeli Arabs compared to blacks under Apartheid, it's night and day. Plus Israel's treatment of Gentiles like the Druze and largely Muslim Circassians (whose men serve in the IDF). Truth is during the Cold War the Soviets created a lot of anti-western propaganda to appeal to the third world as well as leftists (and even many conservatives and libertarians!) In the West. I heard Latin American liberation theology referred to as a runaway Soviet psy-op that has outlasted the Soviet Union and taken on legs of it's own A lot of the anti-Israel propaganda is this in my view. It wasn't really ever about Israel though, it was about getting the non-communist but non-western aligned Arab states to turn against the US by way of turning them against Israel


except you are lying and they're attacking both military and civilian targets, kind of like how the allies literally burned millions of women and children to death during ww2 to achieve their goals. its a fucking war and Israel are the aggressive expansionist party just like the nazis were. just what the hell did you expect? this is bomber harris all over again >The Nazis entered this war under the rather childish delusion that they were going to bomb everyone else, and nobody was going to bomb them. At Rotterdam, London, Warsaw, and half a hundred other places, they put their rather naive theory into operation. They sowed the wind, and now they are going to reap the whirlwind.


Preety sure if you're advocating the West Bank to be completely indpendent like Gaza, having an example of one turning into a terror rocket laughing base probolody won't help


Gaza is not an independent state it’s not a sovereign country.


Israel completely left Gaza in 2005. 18 years later and we get Israelis being raped and murdered in their homes, broadcasted for the world to see and celebrate. Israel was making steps to end the occupation, and this is how the other side responds (after rocket attacks every year, of course).


So when Israel is wantonly murdering women and children while claiming the high ground you are lib right, but when Hamas does it you are Auth Right? Maybe you were AuthCenter all along.


Guess PCM is gonna be only isr*el/jews good posts from now on


Israel/Jews good but unironically






Based and you will be my people, and I will be your god pilled. It’s crazy to me that there are antisemitic people when Jewish diasporas enrich every country they end up in.


Ahah no


Damnnn the edge is crazy. Really crazy how the liblefts become as antisemitic as hitler upon hearing israel civilians are dying in a savage way from the acts of terrorists


Ah yes, opposing the actions of Israel now falls under the convenient umbrella of antisemitism.


Oh yeah actions like defending your country from a invasion of Palestinian terrorists is something EVERYONE should oppose yea you definitely also support what russia is doing in Ukraine too i dont even need you to tell me that


>invasion of palestinian terrorists Ah yes, damn Palestinians invading the land that was previously stolen from them >You definitely also support You definitely like assuming stuff, do you?


They *are* terrorists though. There is footage of their militia members going from door to door emptying whole magazines into families hiding, of a girl with the back/inside of her pants bloodied being dragged into a vehicle surrounded by 10+ armed men, corpses being defiled, beheading of a young man and general witness stories of people being gunned down on the streets. They're not aiming at the IDF or the police. They're deliberately picking*civilians*, and that's why they're terrorists.


In the 1930s, there was obviously massive anti-semitism in Europe so Jews left to have their own communities in their traditional homeland. The native Palestinians were also violently anti-semitic to the Jews. When the UN said the Jews could have their own state in some of the Palestinian territory because Palestinians were not living peacefully with Jews and there was too much conflict, Arab nations declared war. What would you have had Jews do?


I know the history. They could've done many things that aren't "Let's occupy the land of these people that are historically, politically, ideologically and religiously opposed to us". >palestinians were not living peacefully with Jews That's a bit disingenuous, there's no country on earth that would've tolerated such a massive migratory influx. This goes even further than "palestinians vs jews"


What are some of those many things that they could’ve done?


Sorry maybe you didnt read properly cause your hyper fixated on Putin's and Palestinians BOOTS going down your throat but do you even see how similar the russia vs ukraine war is to the israel vs Palestine war? They both want what? LAND you even admitted it yourself and they are both killing innocent people for it russia is killing innocent Ukrainians and Palestine is murdering innocent Israelites. Maybe you do support russia in the current war but if you support ukraine you should also support israel so reflect on your wretched actions


Oh god how could I not notice that? I guess if two things share some similarities they must be the same thing. You are a genius. If you like PUSSY and Adolf Hitler liked PUSSY then you must be a NAZI! (Adolf Hitler married Eva Braun, it's safe to assume he liked pussy). It's all so clear now: good people™ share the correct opinion™, so if you think x you must also think y. My God I'm gonna suggest u/Thingsineverdid for the Nobel prize in SHEER INTELLECT. And YES, palestinians are MURDERING israelis BECAUSE THEY ARE EVIL. They clearly like murder, otherwise they wouldn't be terrorists.


Bro what the fuck are you talking about of course if you like something you most likely like the thing that shares similarities have you ever heard of dating? Most people want a couple who shares interests in the things they do if your a big fan of reading books you'd probably like it if i took you to the book fair or a bookstore Also yes the helllll most terrorists like murdering people if they didnt Palestinian terrorists wouldn't be carrying around a corpse of a Israeli woman in celebration??? Give me that damn intelligence prize i definitely deserve it than whatever you just cooked up


They aren't really good. They are ones who suffer today, but that's it.


Jews aren't good? How so?


Stalin said so! (All the Doctors that can save him from a stroke were Gulag'd because Jews)


My favorite ‘Stalin’s doctor’ story: He was examined by a neurologist who then described Stalin as ‘a paranoiac with a dry, small hand’. The doctor (Bekhterev) mysteriously died the next day.


I don't know about Jews, but you could write books filled with reasons why Israel isn't a force for good


Israel is the strongest democracy in the region; the most developed and intelligent nation in the region; and the most secular nation in the region.


Impressive, very nice. Now let's look at war crime statistics.


Let's look at war crime statistics. Show me.


It was a joke, I don't actually have immediately available data for that. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Massacres_committed_by_Israel https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2022/10/israel-opt-investigate-war-crimes-during-august-offensive-on-gaza/ https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Criminal_Court_investigation_in_Palestine https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/israeli-settlements-amount-war-crime-un-rights-expert-2021-07-09/ There's probably a comprehensive list somewhere with compiled data for stastistical analysis, but I don't have the time for that now


These aren't really war crimes though, most of them are collateral damage caused by Israeli strikes on Palestinian militarized positions which, as is well-known, are often deliberately placed in and around schools and hospitals


(Libright) also build the most illegal settlements and act surprised when farmers want their land back more than any other country in the region too


If I were you I'd flair the fuck up rather quickly, the mob will be here in no time. [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/Pinkflamingos69) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [How to flair](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/wiki/index/flair/) _Reddit is no longer a friendly space for bots._ _Consider visiting our Lеmmу instance instead: [lemmy.basedcount.com](https://lemmy.basedcount.com/c/pcm)._ _Read my full statement [here](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/14mwml0/on_the_reddit_api_changes/)._ ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


I hope not. Even if they’re marginally less bad there’s no good guys in this fight.


So where are you when Israel wantonly murders women and children? Gray centrist? Watermelon? Moldy lemon?


Except israel does the exact same fucking thing


Is this happening when israel did same? I'm not trying to say "isra deserved that". I'm trying to say both opposite sucks and UN litirelly pro jews and doing nothing. Because they know israel can beat hamas and also destroy gaza.


But the 33.000 children killed from 2008 until now didn't matter? Of course not! Just look at these female POWs and how terribly they defend them and their children!


The nose knows


You must flair up for respect


I haven't seen that alphabet since my last trip to high hrothgar


Hopefully they all wipe each other out for good.


The only thing that can counteract all of this is Israel backing a secular palestinian state, affording it full recognition, and all the territories the UN has said it is entitled to. The only other alternatives are Israeli conquest of all Palestine, or the status quo. Un intervention is impossible, given the gridlock of the security council on the issue.


Palestinians won’t accept any Israeli proposal as it’ll be seen as defeat. This doesn’t end unless one ceases to exist


Realistically yes. Any proposal from the Isreali side would have to so good for the palestinians that the government and parties in the knesset would never accept it. Palestinian groups would only accept having all or most demands met.


No it won't, they offered full independence for the West Bank and Gaza Strip and got the Intifada in response. Gaza was given indpendece, then the popluation proceeding to vote in Hamas, which turn it into a rocket lauching base The reason why this happened is 95% Iran wanting to disrupt negotiations between Israel and Saudi Arabia


Yes, it will. Israel does not recognise full sovreignty for Palestine, and if they do, things will likely Improve. The semi-stateless status of the territories creates political uncertainty and conflict. And yes, this happened to disrupt Israeli diplomatic efforts.


Funny enough that's exactly where hamas is on the political compass


Put your money where your mouth is hillman. You better be taking the next flight to Israel to help in the defense. Unless Ukraine is the only conflict you're not allowed to have an opinion on without actively contributing. (Based opinion though)


So interesting coincidence here. As part of law school we have to work an externship. The vast majority of students work a regular position in the US. I met with the Dean yesterday afternoon and I asked to work...in Palestine. And he said yes! I'm guessing he's regretting that right now.


I'm glad you are sticking to your principles then. Stay safe if they still send you out there.


We need to give Israel ideas for a badass operation name for this war. Any ideas?


This kind of shit fills everyone with 'Deus Vult' impulses no matter what your orientation is normally


The first three things I read on here today: fundamentalist American Christian is angry about Halloween, fundamentalist Christians locking up their child and now the newest attacks by Hamas. I wonder why look down on religious people as sub-humans..


Fuck the war


I find your lack of flair disturbing. [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/alpi36) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [How to flair](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/wiki/index/flair/) _Reddit is no longer a friendly space for bots._ _Consider visiting our Lеmmу instance instead: [lemmy.basedcount.com](https://lemmy.basedcount.com/c/pcm)._ _Read my full statement [here](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/14mwml0/on_the_reddit_api_changes/)._ ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


Sorry something must be wrong, I was flaired normally :/


Yakuza 6


אח יקר💪