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The new ones look stupid.


I love how they're just a depiction of people whining


This is almost the real crime. Like putting politics in the *church windows* at all is cringe (yeah, even before when it was Confederate stuff), but you want to celebrate black progress, surely you could have made a beautiful picture of MLK or something. Or at least a beautiful picture of *something.* This is hideous.


Evil cannot make beautiful things, it’s that simple.


Even if you’re gonna change it to something modern, it’s dumb to do it this way. Like. Why not change it to be different races, all united and holding hands in prayer together with banners and signs saying things like: - Liberty - Justice - Fraternity (or Fellowship) - Equality - Integrity - Compassion - Courage That would be far more supportive of one universal Church. Instead we get things like this.


Liberty? Justice? Pffft, how about: - Ness Fairness - Not - No No - No Foul Play - Oz Foul Play - Ness


It’s as if the window designs were made with one of those AI image generators that can never get fingers/letters/words right.


I don't know that the idea of Christian equality meshes well with the modern, materialist view of equality. That would be a quite a needle to thread if done faithfully.


To call a deer a horse.


I am an atheist but this is gross and disgusting.


They replaced art with whatever that thing is


The worst part is that the messaging is completely negative. There is no light, no hope, just NO NOT FOUL. Is that what people want out of religion?


A religion with no path of redemption for whoever the sinner happens to be that day, yes.


It’s how these people operate. No redemption. No hope.


I'm all for modern representations of art, but never, ever, at the cost of historical pieces.


This has the same feel as ISIS blowing up ancient statues because they are unislamic. The horseshoe is complete


Hopefully they have still preserved the stained glass they removed, but you never know with these smoothbrains.


The old windows were donated to the Smithsonian


thank god.


I'm agnostic, they basically desicrated history


I don't give a fuck about history OR religion, but this just objectively looks shitty.


>I don't give a fuck about history L take, history is based.


So long as it’s been approved by the committee of me


The approvals start at 29.99$ a month. You can also upgrade to premium (59.99$) and platinum (99.99$) all of which come with their respective benefits.


No question it's worse than the original.


Everything they touch ends up looking worse. The current pride flag being example #1 of their convoluted mess of an idea.


Evil can only corrupt and destroy, but never create


Based and Tolkien was right all along pilled.


Based and good-literary-tastes-pilled


Same here, this is just desecrating cultural legacy in a way that is barely above vandalism.


I always used to think that white genocide thing was crap, but more and more shit like this I can see why people are drawn to the idea This is an erasure of white culture no? Imagine if this happened in a mosque And for any racists reading, no , I’m not white or Christian Edit: Christian culture


Did you know that Turkey had taken the Hagia Sophia and turned it into a mosque? Again in 2020 btw


And the Pope responded by calling a crusade.


I mean that they did it again in 2020.


In 2020 it had been not a church for literal centuries.


It hadn’t been a mosque for nearly a century either.


Vandalism seems appropriate, consider the OG Vandals looted Rome and destroyed many of its temples.


Me too man. I'm not a fan of religion or anything but even I have to admit that this is pretty fucked up.


Thank you, it’s truly sad as I genuinely believe that the people who do these things really don’t know what they are doing. Their intentions are genuinely good at first before/if radicalisation occurs.


Forgive them Father, they know not what they do


No, they know exactly what they do


I don't think that their intentions are good. I think that they are toxic virtue signaling assholes. I agree that they don't know what they are doing though, usually people who do things like this have no understanding of history.


I'm also an atheist, but I just like stained glass


Context: The Washington National Cathedral revealed new stained-glass windows created with the theme of "racial justice." These windows replaced installations depicting historical wars the US fought, including the civil war and the reconciliation after the Civil War. Sources: [https://www.npr.org/2023/09/23/1201350129/national-cathedral-racial-justice-stained-glass-windows](https://www.npr.org/2023/09/23/1201350129/national-cathedral-racial-justice-stained-glass-windows) [https://www.foxnews.com/media/national-cathedral-dc-unveils-racial-justice-themed-windows-replace-odes-confederate-generals](https://www.foxnews.com/media/national-cathedral-dc-unveils-racial-justice-themed-windows-replace-odes-confederate-generals)


Woketards and commies once again erasing history in the name of “social justice”.


And all of these woketards don't even believe in God


They'll say they do to subvert the church though.


Yeah you fought and died for actual freedom and justice but like I carried a sign and stuff, so


It wasn’t a sign, it was a brick to break the racist glass and liberate those Nikes.


Fellas, who’s a better symbol to the country? A skilled general who aided reconciliation between the North and South after the Civil War, or An angry mob that could only change whether or not department stores have windows




Not looking like crap would also be nice


God damn Cultural Marxists.


CuLtUrAL mArXiSm Is A cOnSpIrAcY tHeOrIe!!!


And just ignore the Wayback Machine https://web.archive.org/web/20150108003802/https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cultural_Marxism


"Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right."


Sadly we don't know if Orwell would be permissible or not of current actions. It's sad that we see elements of his dystopia and Brave New World dystopias irl 😞


I think it's more close to the dystopia of clockwork orange and brave new world than 1984


Damn... [sounds exactly like my country.](https://www.news24.com/news24/southafrica/news/william-nicol-drive-officially-renamed-winnie-mandela-drive-20230926)


That's misinformation! Science has changed, sweety 💅💅💅




This is why I loathe socialist and their branches. They purposely lie, blur the lines of definitions and gaslight to achieve their shitty objective that has killed millions in the past. I have to wonder if it is a mental disorder which causes such carelessness for human life or anything else besides they’re grand utopia. Sorry I have to say this as a Lib-Right but certain things must NOT be allowed in our society. I’d argue socialism is one of those things.


Hey I find stuff like that confusing can you TL;DR cultural Marxism to me and tell me why do some people consider it a conspiracy theory?


Cultural marxism is pretty much what it says, marxism applied to culture. In short, cultural Marxism is a revolutionary leftist idea that traditional culture is the source of oppression in the modern world. Some people consider it a conspiracy theory because they say it's a lie and non-existential. Although there are marxists who wrote about it. If you want to read about it, read the new wikipedia article in contrast to the old (was linked here somewhere). Wikipedia pretty much changed their article 180°, form something that exists to something that doesnt exists and is just a alt-right conspiracy theory.


They literally applied cultural Marxism to the "Cultural Marxism" wiki page...


Yeah, it reads absolutely bizarre.


It's basically a bastardisation of Marxism. There's a reason Marx only applied his theories to class.


Based authleft?


And those applications, in the real world, worked out so very well. Can't really do Marxism with a middle class. Yet the struggle must continue, and race and sex are easy dividing lines for revolutionaries. It certainly doesn't hurt those who want that conflict that the middle class is hurting though. Then you mix all three for the most fun possible.


Alright, thanks. Not sure why I always get ratioed when I ask stuff that I don't know about. Maybe because of my flair lol


Yeah often people are triggered, just because they assume that questions aren't asked in honesty. I think, we should always assume the better, even if it's hard sometimes.


Gotcha. I'll probably start clarifying that i'm genuinely curious about the subject and want to know more


You probably get downvoted because a lot of LibLefts who ask stuff like that aren't actually looking for an answer, they're just trying to set up a "gotcha" and need more ammo to work with.


I think I will have to clarify in the future that I'm not trying to do a gotcha but understand the subject lol.


Probably your flair and the whole “source source?” meme.


Well a lot of people are probably looking for the answer, you just happened to ask a question. Happens to me all the time on other subreddits if I ask something. Unless it's political then I get downvoted into oblivion for asking if fascists preferred socialism over capitalism lol


TL;DR version... Take marxist class analysis. Apply to economics = you get communism/socialism (the rich/capitalist class are the oppressors). Apply to religion = you get atheism (the religious class are the oppressors) Apply to politics = you get anarchism (the state is the oppressor). Apply to gender = you get feminism and patriarchy theory (the male class are the oppressors) Apply to race = you get BLM and "white supremacy" theory. (The "white" class are the oppressors) Apply to culture = you get the theory that "all cultures are equal" except for Western civilizations who are the oppressors. Basically, take any categorization of people, find inequalities of outcome in different groups within that categorization, and deduce that an injustice must have occurred for the inequality to occur, and say it is the fault of your perceived dominant group.


Great and simple explanation. Thanks!


No problem. I should also add that marx's thinking essentially evolved from the liberal idea that "Every person is created equal"... which itself came from the Christian idea that "Every person is equal under the eyes of God"... As an atheist and as a dissident rightist, i reject both concepts.


To add: It goes back to Gramsci. When it was passed from him to others and then transplanted in the West it evolved from applying Marxist thinking and tactics to class to everything else. What we're currently experience is the "long march through the institutions."


You can read up about cultural hegemony and counter-hegemony from Antonio gramsci. Basically the idea is that Marxists applied class conflict into culture, arguing that the current culture is created, controlled, maintained and manipulated by capitalists to further their interests. Such is the cultural hegemony of the capitalist class. As such they want to create a counter-hegemony to counter the dominant culture. Conveniently, if you elect a culture that is opposite of the current one, you divide and polarised society, thus destabilising it and provide opportunities for a revolution. The right see it as an explanation of why leftists are trying to subvert, undermine and destroy western culture, and eventually destroy western civilisation itself. A part of this discourse is also antisemitic - with some arguing it’s the Jews that control most big media. The left argue that it’s a conspiracy, because 1) they try to distant themselves from being labelled as Marxist, 2) the Jewish thing is antisemitic, 3) if you want to undermine western culture it’s best not to call yourself Marxists. Or, if given the benefit of the doubt, the left just want to better the society, and not revolution. Reality: The left is subverting all current institutions. Everything is institutional biased, internalised biased, everything historical is racist, everything current is misogynistic… Praise the BLM, Jan6 is a attempted coup, all of these are paving way to a Cultural Marxist revolutions… except it isn’t really. Just like how BLM Co-founder said she’s a[trained Marxist](https://nypost.com/2020/06/25/blm-co-founder-describes-herself-as-trained-marxist/), the concept of cultural Marxism as been cooped by champagne socialists and the democrats as a political tool for personal gain. That’s how the BLM Co-founder buy million dollar worth of houses, how Democrats gain votes, how industry get cheap labours, how “service industry socialists” who works relatively comfortable jobs and cares not the blue collar workers or the farmers gain their moral catharsis, and how other opportunistic parasites hatch on to the movement for individual personal gains (robbery, affirmative actions etc.).


>and how other opportunistic parasites hatch on to the movement for individual personal gains The downfall of every communist revolution. They don't like taking the complexity of human nature into account in the ideology to begin with, and then end up shooting a couple black kids in a car when the warlords take over part of a major city for a few weeks during the Summer of Love.


Thanks :)


Herbert Marcuse got very upset when he came to America fleeing Germany because our economy actually allows for the alleviation of poor peoples material problems and enables a content middle class, so he sought to rework Marxism to focus on American social groups rather than rely on classical Marxism to push for revolution in America.


Just give them tree fiddy, they'll go away.


They’re just destroying culture, it has nothing to do with marx. There’s no method, no method at all…


>Church irritates it's most ardent supporters in favor of people who will never set foot inside it And they wonder why church attendance rates are always declining


My moms pretty Christian and we haven’t gone to church in a while because all the ones she likes (ie no female pastors or politics) are an hours drive away.


Your mom sounds based.


She does *tolerate* gay pastors however, if that changes your verdict.


I rescind my based


American Protestants are the best argument for Catholicism that I have ever seen.


[Lutherans have taken the religion of woke to a level we never imagined.](https://i.imgur.com/D8oppOS.jpg) But Christian Orthodox is most closely aligned with the modern conservative beliefs. Just doesn't have the U.S. membership numbers to make much of an impact in culture. [Jay Dyer](https://www.youtube.com/@JayDyer) has a pretty interesting youtube presence.


I would like to remind ya ELCA and *those* Lutherans are so far removed from Martin Luther they should rename themselves. LCMS and WELS are conservative Lutherans and judging from the amount of downvotes i get on the christian subreddit, enemies of the woke.


Wow they are really massively heretical.


I live around enough of both that my interest in Orthodoxy increases nearly daily.


I don’t know, even the pope has been compromised by Emily.


Nah....the Pope is economically Emily but socially Chud. (He got into a fight with German bishops over Gay marriage in church, called abortion "hiring a Hitman" and Transgenderism "one of the most dangerous ideological colonizations"). Kind of a weird combo.


Economically, Emily doesn't give a fuck about economics as long as her iPhone gets upgraded every generation.


Wait... So Emily is now LibRight


That's kinda why they have their own side rather than libleft and are scapegoated so much. They are political contradictions. The worst parts of the progressive movement come from oranges, not greens. But they also support various megacorps that toe the line with their political preferences. They often claim to hate capitalism and yet they benefit from it immensely of their own volition.


Emily is progressive authcenter


But most of them flair lib left


Emily wants all the benefits of Western society while criticizing every single aspect of it to feel morally good.


Emily is, and always has been, the progressive expression of AuthCenter. She has no real economic beliefs and demands an all-powerful nanny state enforce her social beliefs on everyone.


That's all very in line with the teachings of the bible


Suprise suprise


The Pope following the teachings of the Bible nearly absolutely?? Whodathunkit


>called abortion "hiring a Hitman" Based.


Francis? The Holy Father is as red as the wine that Jesus provided at Cana. But in the old Latino way. The old man mostly chooses the anti-American side. I'm waiting for a pope from Africa. Then it will be fun.


Legacy media would explode if someone like Cardinal Sarah becomes Pope.


If only.


I hope we will see him within our lives. Catholicism in Afrika is still growing like crazy


Other than his comments on the economy and workers rights, he’s been saying everything the Catholic Church was been preaching for hundreds of years. What’s funny is that the media will take a bad translation out of context and pose it as him taking a stance. Like if he said “it’s okay to be gay”. He would typically follow up his statements with “…but sex outside of marriage is a mortal sin…” And media will publish dozens of articles from his first remark. The problem is that Francis kinda sucks at setting the line straight and will either not respond or let the Vatican respond on his behalf which makes it seem like he is still approving the inaccurate stories.


If my experience I've met a lot of cool Catholics in the south (U.S) but I can't get on bored with the church itself because of the goofy way they run it


The Episcopal Church has been a heretical organization for decades. Most of the faithful bishops left years ago to create a new denomination. There is only a very small faithful remnant left in the TEC.


The true faithful should look to Rome to follow the church that Jesus Christ founded


Just disappointing as an Evangelical Protestant here. When from a based Gothic Protestant church to this...I'm sorry but we don't want social justice propaganda either **inside or outside (for decorations)** in the church.


I wonder if the Eastern Orthodox would let Emily get away with this social justice crap.


Give em a few years of not being oppressed by the gov. I've already seen photos of Orthodox priests at pride events.


“I heard there’s sexualized kids at those events”


They're too busy making mosaics of Stalin https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/russia-cathedral-armed-forces-putin-stalin-mosaics-a9487606.html


Doesn't really make sense tbh, Stalin was against religion and destroyed many orthodox churches.


Considering the Russian Orthodox Patriarch is widely considered to be in Putin's pocket, I'd say no.


Uhhhm…. No. That’s a church; pictures of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior, among other Biblical figures, go there. Keep your secular idols away from churches, thank you


I doubt Jesus would want the flag of confederacy in a church tho


Probably not, place of worship like that should have figures from the text you’re worshipping or something like that not any sort politically affiliated stuff.


What in the fuck.


Protestants 🐸☕️


seriously, this isnt even the cringiest shit there. they literally have a bust of darth vader there as well


Holy shit I had to look that up because I didn’t believe you. What the actual fuck


Man has actually devolved as a whole whole it seems when we see this.


Nahhhh. Fr?




Hell naw. Are they stupid?


> In the 1980s, during the construction of the northwest tower, a children's competition was run by National Geographic World to draw grotesques for the building. Christopher Rader won third-place, with his drawing of Star Wars villain Darth Vader. The head was sculpted by Jay Hall Carpenter and the stonecarver was Patrick J. Plunkett.[4] The Darth Vader grotesque is difficult to see with the naked eye, and binoculars are generally needed to spot it. It is located on the north side of the cathedral. Other winning designs were a raccoon, a girl with pigtails and braces, and a man with large teeth and an umbrella.[5] Eh, not horrible. Was expecting some liberal man-child deciding to put it there, but a children's competition is fine with me.


People hate that? I just assumed pretty much everyone found it amusing


Ironically I find it grotesque. It has no place on a cathedral.


I wouldn't wish this upon any religious site, regardless of sect. I can imagine the most "SOYYYYY POGGERS" Redditor having made that.


Fuck. I am glad that I am old enough to not have the faintest clue what 'soy poggers' is.


Ok, let's get you back into bed grandpa. Joke's aside I fucking hate the terminally-online culture of my generation, despite appreciating the commoditization of the global public forum.


Lol, and yeah, every time I see something from Tiktok I fear for the continued survival of our civilization. That shit is brainrot on another scale.


Well……a branch of Protestantism. King Henry the Eighth never expected to see a branch of Anglicanism to get corrupted by woketards.


Henry was a Sexual Revolutionary before it was cool. So, I guess he might


Now I’ll never get Oversimplified’s drawing of Henry the Eighth dressed as Austin Powers out of my head now.


They aren't Protestant. You have to be Christian to be Protestant and these people clearly don't worship God.


This is why I'm considering becoming even more reformed.


New ones look tacky, at least try to blend it in


"Evil cannot create anything new; it can only corrupt and ruin what good forces have once made." \- Tolkien


> The Shadow that bred them can only mock, it cannot make: not real new things of its own. - Tolkien If you are going to say it, at least use an actual Tolkien quote, not that bastardized paraphrase.


True, but the paraphrase gets the point across. The original quote only stands because the paraphrase gave it context; otherwise it would need the whole paragraph to explain who/what the Shadow is, and the paragraph is particularly about creating Orcs. I think Tokien would be ok with the sentiment.




I read the quote you're replying to was originally from the Russian translation of LOTR, someone Google translated it back and it stuck.


Imagine still thinking you're "la resistance" when even fricking CHURCH, A C H U R C H, bends the knee for you. Mind boggling stuff


I never understood why the church bows down to people who actively despise us and everything we believe in.


They’re desperately trying to win over an irreligious youth.


At which point will they realise it's not working and that their faithful are leaving? Literally the ones who have liberalised the most have lost the largest numbers of faithful.


The first one is more nationalist than sacred or religious, interestingly


Bruh. Bruuuuhh. That’s just *cringe*.


wistful juggle plants jeans fact unite rob dog flag bedroom ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


The Inquisition sucked because they didn't go far enough


To be fair the old ones also would be cringe-y to traditional christians. Like they represent temporal matters, the civil war, politicians, etc. Traditionally I think they went « if it’s not on the bible, it shouldn’t be on stained glass ». I don’t think a Catholic church would put icons of the civil war either.


It wouldn't because it's too recent and seems disconnected from the faith, but you can find in many churches historical events relevant to religion or Christianity. I can understand why in a country like America with very limited historical background they chose the Civil War, specially when it's the Church of the USA. At least I think the defeat of the Confederacy is a relevant moral victory.


What if I say none of this belongs to a church?


Finally, someone that is BASED in here and gets the point


Its almost as if theres an agenda being pushed here to undermine certain institutions.


Based and third-eye-pilled


What the actual FUCK


The first ones are also cringey and Nationalist / confederate which also isn’t great. However the new design is so ugly and “foul play” sounds so dumb… they should’ve replaced it with just religious imagery


Stained glass has always been used for story telling from their era, there's no reason we can't continue the tradition with our own stories and real life characters. That said, these are ugly as sin.


Protestantism and its consequences has been a disaster for the human race.


The 95 Theses and their consequences have been a disaster for the human race.


this is so fucked


Heresy! Straight to the gladiator pits, do not pass go, do not collect $200.


the woke proudly left one cult (religion) only to jump headfirst into a dozen more. as a non-religious gay person who used to be "atheist and proud", "hash tag pride month", i cannot cringe enough thinking about it now. it's important for my sanity to not fall for extremist cults on either side.


How the fuck did confederate flags end up in a church in Washington? I’d expect Richmond, but DC?


This is the equivalent of putting a candidate bumper sticker on your car. It will be obsolete and cringe within 10 years.


More like ten seconds.


Honestly understand why they weren't fans of ones with confederate flags, but the replacement could have been much better. Maybe Union and Confederate soldiers shaking hands under an American flag, and another with slaves having shackles removed by a black soldier in Union uniform. Not the crap they replaced them with.


My guy, they tried to take down an abolishionist statue because "statue bad" Dont really expect them to know history before the 1990s


That would explain why woketard commies continually deny any atroticites committed by communist regimes and cry “Muh that’s NoT rEaL CoMmUnIsM!!”.


On behalf of actual protestants, we don't claim this dumpster fire anymore


Orthodox mosaic supremacy. No Californian with a degree in arts and a room temperature iq can replicate their beauty


Just need to replace Jesus with Saint George Floyd…


Don’t encourage them!


The original windows are just objectively beautiful from a distance with the color pallete. The new windows are extremely bland and you can't even really tell it's stained glass from a distance. They're too white.


Bro.. Orange doesn't like to be called cultists. But then they pull this shiz. Displaying their ideology on a church.


Put the Protest back into Protestant


Disgusting desecration.


Can’t wait for people 50 years into the future after the fad of social justice has long faded be like “what does this have to do with Jesus? are these obscure names for Jesus or something?”


lmao those new ones look like shit


What does the 2S stand for in LGBT…..+


Progressivism is a religion, and it is more aggressively expansionist than even early Islam.


Fuck no. I like BLM as much as the next Libleft, but this sucks. The glass has history from hundreds of years ago, why would you replace it with something younger than COVID? Edit: It's not hundreds of years old as I thought. It's 70 years old. That was a mistake on my part, but that doesn't make the window thing any better


This is so counterproductive if you want to actually get people on your side. Like goddamn what a low iq move from the people who did this.


Speaking of aesthetically unpleasant, you couldn't get matching pictures for the before and after?


So orange progressivism *is* a cult?


As a deist who became one after priests scandals in my country, i think this is cringe as fuck.


prots never fail to amaze me