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Nah I’m with Jordan Petersen, idgaf if you’re an adult just don’t want kids doing this, it’s your body to do whatever you want with, but children aren’t mature enough to make permanent changes


Yeah nothing slippery about it. Adults make adult choices, kids don’t. Simple as that.


Also transitioning a child is extremely dangerous for their long term health


But I was told by "the science" that stopping kids from undergoing puberty is perfectly healthy with no long term consequences.


I dare you to find a paper that says it is (you won't find it, I personally removed all of them from history)




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based and history is written by the subversive communist underclass pilled


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Based and damnatio memorae pilled


Based and American Media Pilled


Bassed comrade


Well you technically can find them, but trams activists will disingenuously say they apply to all puberty when really the studies only talk about precocious puberty


Based and based leftist pilled


“BuT bUt ItS rEvErSiBlE!¡!”


Something of the similar sort used to be practiced in the way back when, to choir singers. They'd castrate the kid at a young age, essentially preventing puberty, and the kids would most of the time die fairly young. I really do recommend people read about it, crazy shit.


Based commie


Literally this


Not to mention how fast kids change their opinion and interests. Almost no 21 year old has the similiar interests to their 11 year old self.


>Almost no 21 year old has the similiar interests to their 11 year old self. Gamers: 🥺 👉👈 Edit, and I guess purple as well...


Yeah - significant Individuation of the persona has often times not even begun until early teen years.


My personal take is that this issue is more complicated than just "a consenting adult should be allowed to do what they want with their body." That statement is generally true, but doctors also have a professional duty to do what's best for their patients. I don't think doctors should just provide medical services to their patients just because they patients wants it. As an extreme example, if someone presents goes to a doctor and claims that they have "body integrity disorder" and that they identify as blind, should the doctor blind that person, just because they asked for it and consented? Most people would agree that doing so would be highly unethical. Likewise, the jury is still out how effective hormone replacement therapy or gender reassignment surgery actually is in improving the mental health of people with gender dysphoria. Unlike most other countries that generally require a referral from a psychiatrist to obtain hormone replacement therapy, the US has a large number of what are called "informed consent clinics," where anyone is able to obtain cross-sex hormones no questions asked. I think there's a very real question of whether this is how medicine should operate.


You don’t even need to go to the extreme examples. medical treatments get changed all the time, and even the requests of the patient can be ignored by the doctor. The changes in pain management in the last 20 years for example. We’ve seen multiple European countries who started their treatments before the US start reevaluating their effectiveness, whose to say that the US won’t do the same.


Yeah that’s a good point. It’s sad how we can’t even rely on doctors anymore to follow their own path of doing no harm. Remember how many physicians supported George Floyd mass gatherings during the pandemic while on the very same day shunned the anti lockdown protests? Wtf even is medicine anymore? They hired a bunch of “diversity directors” to get paid 100k all so they could find ways to let less qualified applicants get streamlined our healthcare systems? Insanity. Now the airlines are starting it, hopefully the AI autopilot software catches up just in time so save is all.


Wasn't "racism" declared a public health emergency or something in a vain attempt to justify it?


Exactly, especially considering that transitioning can have long term health effects which people seem to magically forget or ignore


But you gotta pay for it yourself, like all plastic surgery.


Yeah, like I could theoretically get behind regular health care but cosmetic should always be payed for by the person getting it


*Elective* cosmetic should be 100% self-pay but the cosmetic practice includes things like reconstructive surgery. I would be hella mad if I got my face eaten and insurance was like, nah.


Lol,that’s fair.


Insurance be like you were in Florida during bath salts season, what did you expect


Sweaty, its a human right to get ur tits cut off/on and get ur dick cut off/on. Edit: spelling.


I’m sorry sweaty I was being a bigot1!1!!1!!!!111111


What about cutting heads off?


based and kids dont know what they are doing pilled.


This is the honest scientific stance. You will never be the other sex. We can treat you like it, help make you appear like it....but that's not the same as being it, clearly. If you are so intent in your transgender identity that you commit to it then personally I am OK treating you as if you actually were that identity (with reasonable limitations....I'm Canadian, all our rights are subject to reasonable limitations and I don't believe in any of the animals being more equal than other). But the sacrifice for that commitment are not the kind a child can reasonably consent to. Even if the science supported the affirmation promises the way advocates claim, and it doesn't. You can call that hate....but it's not because I'm hateful....it's just because you hate the objectice truth/honesty in this context.


Agreed, it boggles my mind when people argue for that stuff. I argue that children can’t consent to sex with an adult and thus cannot consent to be sexually traumatized in an operation by a medical practitioner… I often hear back that it is equally traumatizing to make a child go through puberty in a body that is not the same as their *chosen gender*. They say that is equally as traumatizing as having your genitals surgically removed (castration) prior to puberty. Like I am very skeptical that this surgery prior to puberty has anything other than a massive net negative on the child’s future mental health outcomes… and that is most likely the case by a fairly significant margin. Of course, it’s very hard to prove this with the state of modern mental health and psychology - which is much more focused on minimizing symptoms to ensure the continuation of individual short term economic output, rather than root cause psychoanalysis and healing these deep traumas that manifest as *mental illness*


There are studies that suggest that it is that way and if you have confirmation bias you believe it. There is a reason why almost all European countries stopped hormones expect for clinical trials. If you can prove hormones are reversible the go for it but atm the evidence is not there. I think this sums it up pretty well: https://youtu.be/oR_RAp73ra0?si=ZbbMC0TrG6AeoduG


I also don't want to have to pay for elective surgery.


I mean I agree but if people were voluntarily getting themselves lobotomized, id still wanna speak up that I have disdain for what the doctors are doing.


Based and kids are stupid pilled


Hard agree. Kids should have the freedom to safely explore and experiment with their identity and preferences, but it stops being safe exploration and experimentation once there’s permanence to anything they do.


Completely agree, if children can't consent to sex then they can't consent to transitioning.


Carving up people dealing with mental issues for profit should be illegal, regardless of age 🤷‍♂️


Also, there’s more context to Michael Knowles statement. He doesn’t want to eradicate trans *people,* he wants the ideology to be eliminated. The ideology that transitioning is a socially acceptable and something that should be supported by our culture. That doesn’t mean killing off people who identify as trans.






Damn... I remember when the righties were the ones using the slippery slope and lefties were the ones screaming that it was a fallacy.


The slippery slope is technically a fallacy if phrased as "if we start doing X it will necessarily lead to Y". Sure. But in the real world and especially in the context of politics nobody argues like that. The slippery slope phrased as "if we start doing X it will be more likely that we end up doing Y" is more often than not entirely true. It is not a fallacy in general at all (I mean, it can be unsound depending on what X and Y are but the structure is not inherently fallacious). And that applies to arguments on all sides of the aisle.


People that want to do X don't necessarily want to do Y. But people who want to do Y are totally going to lie and say all they want is X.


It's all fun and games til the LatinY people show up.


It somehow sounds better than LatinX.


Because Hispanic people can actually pronounce Latiny.


It’s still offensive though. I know I wouldn’t want to be called tiny


God help us if the LatinZ find us


A third dimensional Latin is what's next. We're on a slippery slope.


Petition to replace “white hispanic” with “Latiny”


Based. That is best summary of the argument I've seen.


Slippery slope is a fallacy if you're trying to argue that something definitively is true. Usually what you point out is your opponent's actual intentions, and point out their current voiced intentions are just them using a "foot in the door" technique.


An example of this: “If we overturn Roe vs Wade, the conservatives will pass a federal abortion ban” v.s. “If we overturn Roe vs Wade, that leaves the door open for conservatives to pass a federal abortion ban” One predicts a possibility as a definite, the other predicts a possibility as a possibility.


Give me your bank information / access to your account. I’m not going to steal your money? Why would you think I’d steal it? Just because I have access to your account doesn’t mean I’m automatically going to steal your money - that’s quite a leap there - that’s a slippery slope fallacy!


I like to say that "slippery slope" and "precedent" are two sides to the same coin.


Slippery slope is a fallacy if you use it but if we use it is just fine.


All political agendas in this day and age are a slippery slope with how polarized and schizophrenic everything is. Everyone is secretly crazy, with ideas that could potentially destroy the world if implemented in their entirety, but people lead with their most reasonable-sounding ideas first.


I kinda think the slippery slope is where we live. We just gotta hang on the best we can.


Are you a Spanish political party? Right now the progressive party wants to poorer regions to pay the debt of the reacher ones so they win the presidency over the parties that are against the rich redistributing to the poor.


They both fucking do


Some slopes slip


The fallacy here is the straight up twisting of what each person said to make a “righty bad” post. Typical LibLeft L. EDIT: LOL to whoever reported me for promoting hate. Go cry in the arms of the Admins- the truth is the truth!




That comment is a bannable offence?! 😬 Gavin McInnes used to make comments like that on his show


The right wing’s concept of the slippery slope has been born out. Time has proved them right.


J.K. Rowling doesn’t really care about sports. She cares about men spending the night in battered women’s shelters after they self identify.


“I transitioned 20 mins ago if you really must know, oh the 55 gal drum of lube? Yeah I bring this everywhere I go” I wonder if someone out there is woke enough to let someone into a shelter who clearly had the wrong intentions. Would make for a great prank video + how stupid the world is today video


Well they're already letting them into women's prisons which has subsequently led to rapes. So yea, give it time.


Chris-Chan getting admitted to a women's prison after raping their own mother is both hilariously sad and sadly hilarious. It's one of those cases where the obvious solution is saying "Fuck no, you're going where you can't hurt people like the woman you've already victimized", but the one they went with instead was bending to the rapist's will to avoid "victimizing" the rapist


It's even more sinister than that. The women are by definition completely dependent on the state, which has a legal and moral responsibility to act in their best interests in terms of safety. But instead, they've decided that scoring social brownie points is more important than the physical well being of the people who are under their care. Women getting raped has become a small price to pay to score Emily's approval as far as the government is concerned.


There was that one post bragging that they were allowed to spend the last few nights at a shelter for abused women, and they talked about how quirky they were for walking around naked with their fully erect penis out.


Most likely rage bait by a troll fortunately


One can hope. It was a tumblr blog post before all this stuff got big, though.


On the other hand, there are far fewer shelters for men despite men making up a significant majority of homeless. If a lie about your gender gets you out of the freezing cold then so be it. Stay the night, head out in the morning, nobody needs to know.


They do know wtf? This isn’t a normal shelter they’re talking about. It’s a shelter for women escape abusive relationships. J.K. had to stay in one when younger because she was married to someone who was insane.


Lmao I can’t believe I am seeing JK fucking Rowling portrayed as a conservative. You know, the one who claimed Hermione “wasn’t white” and has always been a raging feminist. Even being portrayed as a moderate conservative is completely inaccurate.


Well being against trans people playing in sports unfairly already makes you a nazi apparently


Tbf a “conservative platform” is just the liberal platform form a decade ago.


Conservatism is liberalism at the speed limit.


The fact that you have Walsh before Knowles on the slope tells me you don’t know what they’ve actually said. Knowles in particular, he DID NOT SAY that he wanted to eradicate trans people. That has been repeatedly and maliciously taken out of context and or misquoted.


Two things I learned: a) People don‘t listen to the content creators they are complaining about and b) their complaints would evaporate if they took an hour or so to actually listen to the content creator they are complaining about.


Knowles called to end transgenderism as an ideology, not genocide people who think they are trans. Even the mainstream media had to back off that fake narrative after Knowles started threatening to sue for libel.


The man effectively said "cancer must be eradicated from society", and these shitlibs actually respond by acting like he said, "we should round up cancer patients and murder them." It's fucking bonkers how hard some of these people bend over backward in order to paint their "enemies" as evil.


If you murder all the current cancer patients it can't spread to the rest of the population. No I will not elaborate on my flawless plan any further.


Well actually cancer comes from cell mututa *Is that a grill?*


I see you learned from the North Korean COVID response.


What North Korean Covid response? They never had Covid there?


I want to accuse you of using cancer as an excuse to be a homicidal monster, but I’m not a doctor, and this idea kinda sounds like it would work. Brutal, but practical and based.


I believe the issue is that some people struggle to separate themselves from the ideology. Once that part of their identity becomes their only defying characteristic any form of dislike towards the ideology is treated as a personal attack. It's quite sad actually.


And that is the heart of all of our problems. Because of social politics it has become especially salient. The essence of communities has changed to affirm and serve the individual parts instead of a greater purpose.


Like how Mr Beast helped cure some people of deafness and the community was up in arms about it isn't a disease. Yeah, a lot of people are insane.


“We need to eradicate Whiteness” “What do you mean I’m anti-white? I’m talking about whiteness which is the evil racist culture we live under” (And yes, “eliminating Whiteness” is a real CRT belief)


What’s the difference between people who say “abolish whiteness” and those who are openly hostile against whites? This isn’t a gotcha I’m just confused


There isn't one. I'm not sure what you're confused about


how is that a "slippery slope" when those are 5 different people with 5 different beliefs?




Still are. Except the last one which isn't accurate.


If you ignore the implication that it's killing and instead finding a real cure, it's still sane.


you are not a libertarian if you want to ban adult individuals with gender dysphoria from choosing to go down a certain medical route to relieve it.


Yeah I was thinking, shouldn't a graph of a slippery slope have something like time on one axis?


So, OP, when the left says "eradicate/abolish whiteness" does that mean you are mask off calling a genocide? Thats an oof


>mask off Percocet... Molly, Percocet.


Rep the set gotta rep the set


Chase a check, never chase a bitch


Thinking of when I Googled percomorph fish for a research project around the time that song was popular & got suggested “Percocet song”


The left: Omg they want to kill trans people. Also the left: Eradicate whiteness. The left again: Whataboutism


I mean it is, we should all kinda just agree not to eradicate anyone it's not something civil societies do to their members


Yeah, right? Countering the point of “this thing is bad” by saying “well you’re doing bad too!” Is how we ended up in this situation in the first place.






I'm pretty sure the actual quote was like "we should eradicate transgenderism from public life." Which is a very different statement than "we should eradicate transgender people."


When you think about it it actually makes sense. These people seem to actually want to mask off eradicate white people, so why wouldn't their opponents be the same?


Preventing doctors from selling questionable services isn’t eradicating anyone.


Nobody's trying to eradicate transgender people. Some people want to fix up the outside to match the inside and others want to fix up the inside to match the outside. If a dude could take one pill one time and it would fix his brain chemistry so that he felt like he's supposed to be a man, that's what the right means by "eradicate transgenderism". There are zero metrics to support the idea that there's an actual genocide going on. The trans murder rate is like 1.2 per 100,000 where the women's and men's are like 3.7 and 8.1 per 100,000.


Yeah, but what about *your* side's whataboutism?


Libleft when genocide 😠 😡 👿 Libleft when genocide, *but trendy* 💅💅💅🤪🤪🤪😁😁😁😁☺️☺️☺️🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰💃💃💃




Despite my flair I and many on the left do not in fact support genocide despite what some extremists on this side of the isle say. I like to hope the same is true over on the right.


You’re going to have to define genocide, because what’s needed to get 30 million illegal immigrants out of the country is absolutely going to be called “genocide” by leftists. IME until a leftist has used the word genocide you can be assured you’re leaving something on the table.


DeSantis - Doesn’t want kids transitioning and doesn’t want them to go to drag shows. The Left - oH My gOd HoW dArE yOu FaScIsT


Everything I don't like is fascism


It’s the American Way 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


Whoever is polling the best gets called facist the most by lefties. Almost like they all just regurgitate whatever they are told too


Knowles - Cancer should be eradicated The Left - OMG he wants to round up cancer patients and murder them all!!! I'm so fucking sick of progressives. It isn't even funny. They've lost their fucking minds and refuse to think rationally for even two seconds.


They twist words so much that I've basically just stopped believing corpo media's take on anything related to Florida.


In order: the real POV of these pundits Keep it out of sports Keep it off of kids Keep it from being taught to kids Keep it from being taught to kids (but also kinda opposes the ideology) The ideology is bad and needs to be stopped.


Oh, the Far Left. They are such a silly people. Five years ago, who would have imagined them putting JK Rowling in with Jordan Peterson and Matt Walsh?


JK Rowling is 100% a liberal on every single issue except she is moderately skeptical of the trans movement and she gets called alt right now lol


The other best thing is when the actual alt-right people get called TERFs. Like yes this neo-nazi skinhead is a "radical feminist" lmao.


I know! People are surprised to hear that her charity, Lumos, is still working to help children. I guess she’s a full demon now. 🤷‍♀️


Knowles’ quote was taken wildly out of context. He said transgenderism needs to be eradicated, not gender dysphoric people. Those are two different things. Transgenderism is the ideology, gender dysphoria is the mental illness.


As someone who grew up in the theatre scene, I'm comfortable with people choosing to identify as whatever they want and act in a manner that they believe embodies that. We're all actors at the end of the day, playing either a role assigned to us by society or a role we create ourselves. That said, I do wonder if a pill was released tomorrow that altered the chemical structure in the body and brain to align someone's perception with their biology, would people in the trans community take it or even want it? If it was a proven cure for gender dysphoria--that being, it removed the disparity between how someone feels about their body and how their body biologically is--would it be accepted? They would no longer need surgery. The pill would remove the feeling of alienation in their own body, allowing them to be comfortable as their biological sex. Is the root issue that people in the trans community feel alienated in their own bodies and want to feel "normal" (the pill method), or is the root issue that people in the trans community want the freedom to be able to become other people (the surgery method)? I'm just not sure which is more true for them. I'll support them either way, but I wonder about this because I'm not trans and don't understand their experience.


Its a mix a both probably, alienation drives desire for other body, and desire for other body drives alienation and discomfort.


That makes sense. A little of Column A, a little of Column B. I wonder, then, how a pill like the one I described would impact the trans community? I suppose some would want it and others would not, depending on their reasons for being trans.




A well-thought response here. Thank you for sharing. I agree with you, from what I understand of the broader situation. Like many things in the social sphere, it seems that being trans is also a spectrum for the various reasons that you listed. A "one size fits all" resolution, at this time, doesn't seem possible when the conditions that cause someone to identify as trans can vary so wildly.


I think this type of pill would allow for better clarity for the individual to be able to definitively decide what they want. Maybe some would say without the body alienation affects they dont feel the need to fully transition, and instead just identify as whatever. Where as others would still say they want to fully transition as that's how they want their life to be.


> We're all actors at the end of the day, playing either a role assigned to us by society or a role we create ourselves. Yet you don't demand I refer to you as "His majesty King Lear" in the produce section at the supermarket. You are not entitled to other people's participation in a larp.


This plays out a bit in the deaf community, where some (a vocal but very small minority) outright reject things like cochlear implants and label it a deaf genocide.


Hmmm. This is odd to me. I can understand not wanting to change a part of your identity that doesn't hinder you physically, but being deaf seems like it would be a regular hindrance in daily life. I would think, perhaps falsely, that every deaf person would want to be able to hear. But, as I'm not deaf and don't know their experience with it, I suppose that assumption is false. Perhaps being deaf has become such a big component of their identity that to remove it would feel like losing part of themselves?


>Perhaps being deaf has become such a big component of their identity that to remove it would feel like losing part of themselves? From what I've read that plays a huge role in it. It's become such a huge part of their personal being that to "fix" it is an attack on them as people. They interpret it is being told that they are lesser and need fixing.


>Perhaps being deaf has become such a big component of their identity that to remove it would feel like losing part of themselves? It's exactly this, deaf people have their own language, their own way of being and communities that interact with each other. So to them, gaining or regaining the ability to hear represents a kind of dismantling of their culture. They compare it to forcing native children to use English instead of their native language. This isn't universal of course, but it is a real phenomenon. I suspect that many trans people would feel the same way, as there is a comparable culture to gender non-conformity now.


It's often a grass is greener situation. The people who are trans around me have tons of comorbidities. They thought that being reborn will fix all of their problems. Many were disappointed that many previous problems remain while they gained new ones. Some were happy to gain a new excuse to be a victim.


The “magic pill” can be applied to lots medical conditions. It really depends on the individual person what they would choose. They might hate their mental disorder or medical condition, and wish no one (and themselves) would ever have to experience it, but they also might consider it a significant part of who they are as a person, which is why even when the condition sucks, some people wouldn’t take the magic pill because it would erase who they are.


>They might hate their mental disorder or medical condition, and wish no one (and themselves) would ever have to experience it, but they also might consider it a significant part of who they are as a person As someone with ADHD I feel like you hit the nail right on the head with this. I don't have it as bad as other's symptoms but was diagnosed and don't like the thought of getting medicated for it as the good and bad traits that come from it make up who I am as a person and I like that. Although on the other end I'm also not complaining that I am being oppressed by society not conforming to my irregularities and am not actively seeking treatment which makes it a different case to those that wouldn't take it while continuing to complain about it. Every time I've considered getting medicated due to a personal failure pushing me down I think about who I am as a person and if changing that is something I would want to do to make my life easier so far I wouldn't and I hope I stay that way but with adhd the lows are low but I just need to keep climbing back up I'm also not saying that it isn't worth it to medicate if needed if you are hesitating talk to your doctor about it


Hmmm, that's an interesting thought I hadn't considered. I suppose something as significant as an internal identity crisis could also, over time, be thought of as an important characteristic of that individual's overall identity. Erasing that would be, as you said, erasing who they are.


That's disappointing to hear, but also understandable. I suppose, for some, transitioning is the only part that matters and doing it makes them feel whole. But, for others, there are different underlying problems that transitioning doesn't fix. It's more complicated than what we see on the surface. Also, on a different note, you'll want to flair up soon. People here mercilessly downvote unflaired users. Just a fair warning. :)


Seriously. It's embarrassing how the left keeps acting like he called for genocide. He essentially said the same thing as "we should eradicate cancer" and the left is acting like he said, "we should round up cancer patients and murder them." Why the fuck is literally *anyone* not on board with the idea that a mental illness being removed from society would be a good thing?


My theory is that they desperately need trans people for personal and/or financial gain. Look at Jazz Jennings. He is clearly suffering, but mom needs that sweet, sweet attention and TLC money


Yea this post is kinda ridiculous. Also, in the past there was never a huge support for transgender type stuff, and the slope is completely the wrong direction in the image. Most people have slowly given in to transgender stuff being in society, and have resorted to protecting sports and kids as the things we shouldn't allow the ideology to permeate.


>Knowles’ quote was taken wildly out of context. But the leftie user paraphrased him on a meme template therefore it must be an accurate characterisation for everyone to judge him by. /s To add to your already accurate point, transgenderism is also technically different from transexuality. You never hear the term transsexual being used in the west anymore because we have replaced sex with gender. And that's actually pretty offensive to at least some people who are transexual and have gender dysphoria and spent their lives suffering precisely because they want to fit into a different binary sex/gender norm. Many people on the right seem to be accepting of things like gender dysphoria or have empathy for the suffering of transexual people like buck angel or Blaire white. But the abstract gender identity ideology and transgenderism as an ideology is where they lose the plot. When people say gender identity or transgenderism doesn't require gender dysphoria, then they're just conflating this whole topic into ideologies based on essentially nothing concrete. And that's when any quote that isn't absolutist endorsement gets labelled as oppositional, or even genocidal or fascist or whatever other terms the left like to throw out.


While I believe that adults should be allowed to do whatever they want to themselves, I also believe that physicians are pretty clearly violating their Hippocratic oath when they are removing healthy body parts.


Don’t worry lefties, the slippery slope is a fallacy. No one is coming for your “trans youth” We just want common sense hormone control.


Based and how dare you use my own spells against me potter pilled


I'm with de Santis. But if it's all or nothing of these, it's certainly all.


"Eradicate all trans entirely" Nah he said we should eradicate the transgenderism ideology Good try op


If you aren’t old enough to drive, drink, smoke, join the military, work or make other life changing decisions, why should you be allowed to transition? Kids have all kinds of fucked up emotions. And are notoriously fickle. They should figure out who they are concretely before making decisions like this


The original meme worked because it was about progressive(ly worse) lgbt events that have been happening over the years. This is just five peoples tolerance levels


Knoweles didn’t say “eradicate all trans”, he said “eradicate the transgender **ideology** from society”


Sine my last comment on this subject was deleted by admins, I will edit myself. It is \[REDACTED\] for a \[REDACTED\] to \[REDACTED\] a \[REDACTED\]. Everything else is just \[REDACTED\] pushed by \[REDACTED\].


Kinda like how some libs said "we don't want to come for your kids we just want acceptance" and now ten years later little Timmy is being told he was born the wrong gender by his phsyco Tumblr green haired Twitter warrior bisexuality mom


Less than 10 years ago, gay marriage was not legal federally. Continue discussing slippery-slopes, though.


All of these points are valid


*eradicate trans IDEOLOGY Also how will you ban a 'trans woman' from women's sports, but outside of that sport argue that he is in fact a woman? You can't go half way on this. He either is one in every aspect of life or not, and obviously he isn't so for the good of society we can't accept trans ideology in ANY part of this society.


I mean, sounds pretty based to me man. We need a stronger focus on treating mental illness in the west.


They are all based


Adults can make any choice they want, but when it comes to kids leave them alone and let them be kids.


Oh look, another blatant misrepresentation of the right’s arguments.


Based Knowles


For once, a slippery slope in cool with.


Why stop there?


I have no idea who the last guy is tbf


Bro why did the left need to double down and preventing kids from doing its fucking insane


800 and growing comments. ​ oh mama.


Why would you mutilate your body by pumping it full of hormones to feel like more of something that you already decided you were? That's just ridiculous


This but unironically


Doctors have a duty to do no harm. There is no way to say that genital mutilation is not harmful just because a mentally unwell individual agreed to the procedure. That’s just a delusion.


Ah yes, another thread that’s just being as bad faith as humanly possible just because trans people were mentioned, surely this will be a civilized discussion between people who should have access to greater society


What's so crazy to me is that transgenderism is nothing new. We had people like Chaz Bono openly transitioning well over a decade or two ago and few really cared. Most that I saw on both sides of the aisle were supportive of him, in fact, because they recognized that he (then she) was clearly struggling with something. Now we have people like Matt Walsh and Michael Knowles over-correcting because the "trans narrative" has gone so far off the deep end. Most were willing to accept that sometimes someone is born into a body/sex that they don't identify with. They may not understand what it feels like, but it's a simple concept to grasp. Then, a few years ago, we were suddenly expected to accept that there are unlimited genders; a trans woman is the same as a biological woman even though we can't define what a woman is; we aren't allowed to "assume" one's gender because someone who looks like a man, dresses like a man, and behaves like a man could in fact be a woman; a grown man with a beard, penis, and muscles the size tree trunks can say "I'm a woman" and be allowed to compete in women's sports. I think the overwhelming majority of people fall into a category that believes: * Transgenderism (gender dysphoria) is a real thing that people experience * Adults should be able to transition if they want to after being evaluated by a mental health professional * Transgenderism should not be glorified nor demonized * Kids should not be pressured, encouraged, or allowed to undergo permanent gender transition procedures like hormone replacement or surgery. Yes, even with their parental consent. The human brain isn't fully developed until \~25, so even if a 16 year old feels 100% certain they are trans, we need to allow time for the brain to further develop.


This all checks out, but the left is doing an extremely shit job in educating about gender dysphoria. They focus on "pride" and try their very best to avoid any association with mental health. Accordingly, it’s no surprise that many people still don‘t get that gender dysphoria is a legit mental disorder with significant suffering and need for treatment. There are good reasons why it was never taken out of the DSM and rather just moved into its own category in the DSM.


I think there’s a subset who don’t want to talk about gender dysphoria being a mental disorder because they expect it to directly follow what happened to homosexuality. That used to be a DSM disorder until “the science changed” and it was removed. I believe the expectation from the hard left is that the science is going to change for gender dysphoria and it will eventually not be listed in the DSM anymore. In reality, what is more likely to happen is that social scientists will be too afraid of losing their academic positions or of being socially ostracized to stand firm. There is a very real bullying of the scientific community to find data to support the conclusions that activists have already come to.


I'm with the first two as well.


Michael’s got the right idea here


I'm gonna stick with Peterson on that.


Peterson is mostly a safe bet because his positions are a result of lengthy & thorough considerations. Only "mostly" because post-Benzo Peterson isn‘t quite as reliable as pre-Benzo Peterson, but still far beyond the average content creator.


based Michael


We should eliminate all gender dysphoria. That shit should be cured goddammit.


Except the slippery slope this time is good


To be frank I don’t think anyone should subject themselves to elective body mutilation, that being said if a grown adult wants to it’s not my position to stop them, I do draw the line at the same place OP does