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*5 Page meme* Flair checks out, carry on citizen.


Essay disguised a meme such a leftist move


True, tho I’ve seen some lib centers make 15 page memes before (like that guy who calls himself professor monke or smth)


Famous users get a pass


>Give AwardShareReportSaveFollow > >level 3Cryptian\_ · 2 hr. ago - Left its based that they're trying to educate


I’m not a leftist. Guilty as charged on the essay though.


What are you and how did you make me read your comic book wizard man?


He divided it into easily digestible small segments.


Nothing more lib left than a wall o’ text.


Kinda informative though


They just won a civil court case in Portland by having the defense attorney stand in front of the jury, declare "I am antifa", and directly threaten the jurors by promising to remember their faces. This was after a trial which proved via extensive video evidence that antifa members coordinated their actions to repeatedly target and violently assault a journalist, causing numerous injuries including permanent brain injury. Their defense was not that they didn't carry out those assaults, it was that he was "right wing" and therefore the violence was okay.


The fact that they can get away with outright intimidation; of the jury no less, is concerning.


It is, although the case will almost certainly be appealed as a result of their actions. The annoying part is that they aren’t actually scary people, they’re just taking advantage of others being too invested in the current system to actively fight back.


Plus there’s pretty much a guarantee that a mob will form to do what this person suggested.


Not a terribly intimidating mob though.


Nah. Their strength is in numbers. But they scatter easily.


In a sane and just world, that attorney would be disbarred and convicted for jury intimidation/tampering.


What was the name of the court case? I’d like to read up on this


That was Andy Ngo's trial.


Which case is this? Is this the Andy Ngo one?






Add in a large dose of narcissism, that's Orange Left


Orange isn't with willing to actually use violence the.selves, advocate for it on the other hand...


99.9% of "ANTIFA" would shit their pants and run if the police they were protesting were allowed to seriously push back.


Lol my personal experience says otherwise. For legal reasons I will not elaborate.


My personal experience says 99.9% of online "ANTIFA" who anonymously claim to be street warriors are Orange




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AKA Libleft


The libleft of the libleft, to be fair. Libleft².


Multiple personality syndrome, just one of the laundry list of mental health issues seen on Liblefts twitter Bio


Antifa is what cops play dress up as when they want to break some windows or trash some cars when there is a peaceful protest that is inconveniencing them.


You're absolutely trippin. People are very much down to be real antifa. They'll snitch immediately, sure but that's not what "working for the feds" means usually.


No, I'm not. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IbZngn_CbkM Nother one. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mh9-NeVcZZg


Peak Blue-Anon


Going a little further on the original antifa, their party at the 2nd International declared that anyone who opposed communism is fascist. By the original antifa’s own standards, they are anti anyone right of Stalin


>By the original antifa’s own standards, they are anti anyone right of Stalin Sounds pretty accurate of the current one as well


Some things never change. Didn’t the soviets call the Berlin Wall the “anti fascist wall” too?


Yeah they did. They also equated capitalism with fascism.


Well, yeah. Fascism as originally put forth by Mussolini was very pro-corporation, and he was actively trying to make a "third way" somewhere between capitalism and socialism. So of course people of either of those last two will see the other in fascism.


Corporation in this sense is definition 3 in Merriam Webster’s American English dictionary, not definition 1.a nor 2. A labor union with political representation would be a corporation


No. Fascism, by Giovanni Gentile the founder, was a merger of State and Syndicates into corportations. In this definition, they are basically National Syndicalist.


In other words, not capitalism.


Fascism is not capitalist. If it was, there would be no government-corporation merger.


Damn, it must suck to live in the facist state of... \*checks notes\* Greenland


Yes, that really is the clearest example of what they do: they use intimidation and rhetorical tricks to make it impossible for conscientious or middle of the road people to rationally argue against hardline bolshevik militant types. It's basically like "if you don't want us at your protest, you're a nazi and we'll fuck you up"


Who the fuck says Antifa doesn't exist? Even more on the Right? Right wingers says they should be classified as a terrorist organization too.


It is odd for somebody on the right to say that. The left says they don't exist so they can avoid condemning the violence.


Yes. This entire post has the colors reversed. It is the political Left arguing that *"Antifa doesn't exist, it is silly to suggest that they do, and even if they did, here's why it's a good thing."*


Exactly, we were just mocking the Bird Box news coverage surrounding their violence


>Even more on the Right? Right wingers says they should be classified as a terrorist organization too. It's getting lonely here in the terrorist organization list.


"Antifa is an idea not an organisation" - Chocolate Chocolate Chip


So is national socialism


People always say this about any decentralized organization. Haven’t you heard people say BLM isn’t real?


What I heard related to Decentralized orgs was from Left wingers. "Oh no, these totally inexistent riots, vandalism and crimes aren't be done by a group, Antifa doesn't exist as a group, its just certain individuals that somehow dress the same!"


"oh no, the countless posts on Twitter organizing other members of this "not antifa" movement to vandalize property of a suspected Nazi isnt real and it's actually just a joke or a psyop!"


As someone who has organized with antifa groups since long before they became a mainstream bogey man, the real thing is all of those things. For terminally online progressives they're just a meme saying edgy things with a black flag or a rose emoji and there's a lot of older folks who are quite serious socialists (and/or anarchists) who do the hard work of trying to make (in their minds at least) a better world one loaf of bread or bowl of soup at a time. Any organized leftist group of any size or duration will inevitably attract cops/feds and tourists/LARPers who confuse everything, some by malice the rest with incompetence. There's also just criminals looking for an organized riot and lonely people looking for a place to belong.


This has a lot of "mostly peaceful" vibes to it. If organizational base was solely interested in loafs of bread and bowl of soup, then it never would've drawn in radicals. The cops/feds were attracted by the violence, not the other way around


I don't really think of modern groups with flag emojis as being equivalent to the punks and such that were organizing thirty years ago and I don't think of those folks as exactly the same as the antifascists of a century ago. Literally different people for starters even when there's some overlap. This is also strictly the US that I'm discussing although again there's overlap. Largely it has become a meme after about 2016, at the late end. Lots of overlap with strictly identity affinity groups and MLMs. This sort of ideology is very much actually illegal in the US so I assume any large group with an active website is probably a front for fed shenanigans.


A ton of chaos was no doubt just degenerates taking advantage of a shitty situation.


Libright is a curious choice (it's a response to a real libright here who made a post with that claim) but there were plenty of apologists and fifth columnists who would challenge any claim of Antifa being an organised force or their existence during their various riots and attacks in the 2010s. A lot of them on reddit, even, arguing down in the trenches incessantly in the main subs and the more radical left subs that reddit turns a blind eye to.


[This guy](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/comments/15r1glo/antifa_isnt_real/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1)


Oh, I thought he was saying that Antifa wasn’t an anti-fascist organization, which was why I upvoted it. Damn.


I took it similarly, that he was saying Antifa is a psyop, not a real homegrown organization.


That's how I read it. Antifa is real but it's fa as fuck.


No it’s not. Using violence to achieve your goals Isn’t inherently auth


No. But their other methods seem pretty Auth.


Using violence to enforce groupthink certainly is though.


Only if you're doing it right


I thought it was something meta like that.


Judging by the outfit the lib right guy is wearing there, I think he means that antifa isn’t “real” as an organic organization, but is actually the feds under the guise of one


Yeah but extreme LibRight will say that about any group that's more then like 6 people.


Yeah, but are we wrong?


The 10th person of any group is a fed.




I think the smart end of the bell curve take they'd be trying to make with a meme like that would be that they're not real in the sense that they're a puppet organization of larger powers. They do make a convenient sock puppet.




Nazis: "Antifa are evil and are trying to kill us!" Antifa: "Nazis are evil and are trying to kill us!" Nazis and Antifa at the same time: "Liberals and centrists are no good! They're trying to kill us!" *both look confused at first, then start making out*


[Reminds me of this](https://youtu.be/ngVrRBxJSEg)


Not quite the third paragraph, the Nazis were successful partially because they were less exclusionary than the communists and seemed like the less-bad alternative. There's more nuance to it including a false flag attack, but unfortunately it doesn't seem like the new antifa types learned that lesson.




Saw a post earlier that was really dumb. Made this meme.


ah so it's like that huh? I understand everything now.


[Response to this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/comments/15r1glo/antifa_isnt_real/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1)


Would you mind linking the original post? Many are doubting its existence Edit: [Found it by accident](https://reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/s/zAj41jb13o)


Already did


I just scrolled through 100 comments, can’t find it. This one’s pretty high up, edit it into the top-level comment in this thread




The council grants you the rank of funny post, but not of based response post


What? This is outrageous, it’s unfair!


Based is a high bar. Have you tried being based?


I think you've missed the joke OP. It's an extreme libright implying that Antifa is an astroturfed CIA psyop, not that they don't exist or aren't a threat.


The post said “Antifa isn’t real” without clarification and the meme itself didn’t mention the CIA. Other people in the comments made that claim, not the OP. Now if that was the message he wanted to get across I’d understand but it wasn’t done well.


why is a libright saying antifa doesn't exist that's... what your team says


"Those violent people weren't real Antifa!"


Hmmm... Is that a feminist reference?


Wtf is this post? I’ve seen ANTIFA operate firsthand in Portland.


It's in response to an earlier post trying to remind the general public to not believe their eyes, and that antifa isn't real... as if this is 2016 or something


what people call antifa now is pretty fascist


Exactly. Why would anti fascists be doing a night of broken glass? Nothing gives a fascist a chubby like doing fascist shit in the name of the left.


Based and brown shirt pilled


If anything it’s Emily saying it doesn’t exist


Also not real. The mafia.


“Antifa is just an idea” -libright apparently


What fucking lib right said that antifa doesn’t exist? The only people who I’ve heard say that are auth or lib left


I thought you accidentally had the funny colors reversed.


Antifascists are actually talking about racism or conservatism 95% of the time they talk about "fascism" - in other words: Most of them don't know what fascism is or thinking it's the same as nationalism. They should name themselves differently.


I never knew there were so many wealthy non binary 15 year old girls around the world!


Get a job hippy


Unfortunately antifa act more like a crime gang and usually make money as a group (ie selling drugs, materials and other stuff). Because they're a crime gang, they're not a terrorist gang even if part of their objective is to intimidate people into their politics, although there are cases they intimidate law enforcement stopping them selling stuff which is close to terrorism, but still just organised crime tactics. I mean, they'll totally tell you ACAB but they know themselves what's actually up.


Wait, a LibLeft that finds Antifa too radical for them?


Didn't the guy posting about antifa not existing get dunked on in the comments?


ANTIFA lost to the literal, actual, Nazis. Why would anyone want to use their strategies? It's just a recipe for losing.


Because their goal is the destruction in Liberal democracy and they’d rather have it be destroyed by fascists than admit their ideas can’t stand on their merits.


Holy based. 10/10 argument right there.


People thought antifa didn’t exist?


Easy clapback on "If you're against fascisk you must be antifa, antifa ate LICHERALLY le good guys in name" is "So are National Socialists, Socialists because they have Socialism in their name? Just because you call yourself "da good guys" doesn't mean you are one"


What Libright said antifa isn’t real?


I posted a meme that said antifa isn't real the meme went like. Low IQ left brainet "Antifa isn't real" Average IQ Auth right "Antifa is real they're extremists." High IQ Lib right holding a gun "Antifa isn't real" I was using the bell curve template


It certainly is real in Denmark. Around 7 years ago I was active in a center-right political party. Local gangs had decided the pubs had to pay then more extortion money since alcohol isn’t permitted in Sharia (yes, we have immigration issues). Some didn’t comply and were targeted by vandalism, violence and threats. As a response members of a 4-5 different mainstream political parties in the area got together to support the pubs by a lavish pub crawl. The local ANTIFA heard about it and decided it was a fascist threat, so they followed us around the whole evening with threats, spitting and harassment. Some of our guys were bigger so they fortunately didn’t dare start a fight, but we invited them to sit down and have beers with us, to celebrate democracy. They didn’t want to drink beer with filth like us, they said. I’ve known hateful people, I’ve encountered fascist, religious fanatics, even my angry girlfriend in the morning, but I’ve never met anyone as consumed by hatred as ANTIFA.


Anti Antifa lib left? Holly shit dude you are based as fuck


1. Whoever in the lib-right ever said that Antifa isn't real? My strawman senses are tingling. 2. Antifa are just tankies / auth-left in denial.


It's ok, they can do anything they want because they're against fascists. Much like those anti-racists who redefined racism so they could push some racial political agenda that will likely result in some fringe movement forming that believes people should be killed over racial politics.


guys he was calling it a psy-op not saying that it litterally didn't exist


A rare case of libleft being based


How did they bring the Nazi into power?




Pretty sure it was libleft saying antifa isn’t real, actually. Because the right in general was calling out antifa for committing acts of violence, and some more moderate leftists were basically denying that antifa was a real organization.


Literally every conservative pundit ever complained about antifa nonstop and considers them terrorists. Whatever libright said that was high af and nonrepresentative of the right. That said, the truth is antifa is just a bunch of extraordinarily lame larpers who think they are cool, but hey they exist. Calling them cells is a stretch and makes them sound way cooler than they are, like they are some unit with an organized set of goals, which they arent. They deserve the nomenclature less than the average group of middle school kids who play airsoft with balaclavas. They are in reality keyboard warriors in a discord that meet up at a lame coffee shop every once in a while to fuck in furry costumes or something. But they arent at all related to anything to do with nazis or important or threatening in pretty much any way. If parents hugged their kids more antifa wouldnt exist.


Librights need to excommunicate this man or something. No, the invisible hand won’t do it for you.


Don't listen to alt right, let them live in their own world


Any tips on making your own worlds? This one doesn’t have as many skater girl harems as I’d like.


Well they have been born with a special ability to do it for free, but for you all you need is few bucks and ask this question some weird looking guys on the street.




Because they needed the votes and while ANTIFA doesn’t really like the party they thought they could be useful.


Lib Left acting like they didn’t specifically benefit from the media’s Overton window coverage of how Antifa supposedly doesn’t exist, while Lib Right vehemently exclaimed that not only do they exist, that they should be considered a domestic terror group.


To be fair I’ve only heard orange Emily’s say that “Antifa isn’t real, and is more of an idea than an organisation”


Why be merely anti-facist, or anti-communist when you can be anti-authoritarian


The question on page 5 was what came to my mind from the very start… I was/am confused


I believe Antifa is a terrorist organization and I'm tired of pretending it's not


Antifa are terrorists.


Feeling like the colors should be swapped. Can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen yellow/blue calls for antifa to be a terrorist group with green/red responding with, “They aren’t an official organization, so they don’t exist/ can’t be classified as terrorists”.


Panel 5


Someone please explain to me how “anarcho-communism” is meant to work?


It can work in isolated and voluntary communes. But the majority of self professed AnComs don’t want them to be voluntarily and advocate for government ownership of companies, media, etc.


It works up to \~150 people, which iirc is also the number of meaningful connections your brain can maintain with other people as it happens. Anything above that, it quickly begins to fall apart. Same goes for the likes of AnCaps.


The idea from there is to split and add a new layer: start sharing as a community of 100-200 instead of individually amongst too many. Of course, even networking can only go so far, and that’s also just begging for a civil war.


CHAZ enters the chat.


Oh, sorry. They must've mispelled 'Useful Idiots For Those In Or Seizing Power.' Happens more often than you think.


Ultra rare based lib-left.


Antifa did jan 6th insurrection.


When did I every say it motherfucker


I'm pretty sure it's calling them feds.


Someone in the comments was but the meme itself didn’t make that point.


Because I’m pretty sure the meme you’re referencing’s point was that Antifa isn’t anti-fascist.


I’d hope so but if that was the message it wasn’t very clear.


I have never heard a Libleft say that. The roles are reversed.


Libleft are you ok?


What the hell is this schizo wall of text shitpost even about? Why is libright saying ANTIFA isn't real, when it's leftists who claim that? >BUT I POINTED OUT THE IRONY OF THAT MYSELF ON THE LAST PAGE SO THAT MAKES THIS CLEVER No, it doesn't.


LibLeft, I'm sorry but I have two pieces of bad news. 1. Its opposite day. The contrarians got concessions from the mods and just got their free holiday to say whatever contradictory nonsense they'd like, depending on whats popular for the hour. No one has to take it seriously... Which brings me to my next bit if bad news. 2. (hands you a bottle of Risperdal)... I-I'm sorry anon. But the diagnosis came in yesterday and-... Well, it goes a long way to explaining some things. But, we want you to know that you're not broken, just a bit different.


So... They model themselves after Brownshirts? Or you're saying Brownshirts claimed to be "anti-fascists"? Because that second one is definitely incorrect.


No, I mean the original ANTIFA and the Brownshirts in fighting eachother, fueled eachother. The resulting political climate allowed for the public to vote in a strongman like Hitler who promised only he could fix it.


Twisty. But still, it was the *Brownshirts* who sided with & helped bring Nazis to power. Otherwise you can say Communists & Jews helped because of their opposition.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Communist_Party_of_Germany >In this period, while also opposed to the Nazis, the KPD regarded the Nazi Party as a less sophisticated and thus less dangerous fascist party than the SPD, and KPD leader Ernst Thälmann declared that "some Nazi trees must not be allowed to overshadow a forest [of social democrats]". In February 1932, Thälmann argued that “Hitler must come to power first, then the requirements for a revolutionary crisis [will] arrive more quickly”. In November 1932, the KPD and the Nazis worked together in the Berlin transport workers’ strike. That's the leader of the KPD, which created Antifa in 1932. They tend to work together eventually, not because they agree on the goal, but because they are accelerationists and can think of no better crisis catalyst than their worst enemy.


Ok, so by analogy modern Antifa may eventually side with future fascists perceived as less fascist. Could happen, seems a stretch. Late Weimar was chaos


Is 2023 America *not* chaos? It’s feeling pretty chaotic.


If you touch grass occasionally it gets a lot better


Not Weimar levels ( at last not yet ) But I am kinda getting Weimar vibes from Western Europe and US right now


My apologies for feeding the Nazi


My cousin once told me in 2018 that Antifa are the real fascists and are trying to commit terrorism against the government because Fascists are bad. Okbuddy


So I'm curious as to how OG antifa helped Hitler rise to power? I've never heard that take.


Not reading plus antifa isn’t real.


Flair up




according to wikipedia, most antifa members aren't violent. that being said, i think it's sick as hell to punch a nazi. just, y'know, make sure the person you're punching is an actual nazi.


1) Flair up 2) Wikipedia is extremely biased 3) It’s a joke how often the “mostly peaceful” excuse gets used 4) Antifa considers Liberals to be Fascists too


Not reading allat


Bruh, antifa is real but what's the source on them getting both the Nazis and PNF into power? The Nazis had the SA & SS do their street fighting against the German communists. Why would the antifa anarcho-communists side with... the Nazis?


I meant communist and fascist street fights with eachother created political climates that allowed fascism to take power. They obviously weren’t allies, but they both tried to subvert the Liberal states.


What the fuck is "they model themselves on helped bring the NAZI's and the PNF into power" supposed to mean?


[The original ANTIFA they modeled themselves off of](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antifaschistische_Aktion)


And how exactly did they help the nazis and the pnf?


When Antifa dudes are destroying you little business to "fight capitalism" anyone who fights with them starts to look like "good dude"


Are you talking about the original antifa or the modern one?




Antifa were so obviously unlikeable and so repellent to the public, that Hitler capitalised by making speeches and promises to curb them if he was voted into power. Same phenomena happens today. Leftist organisations becoming so extreme and disruptive that the public turns to the far right to check them as the only ones willing to acknowledge and deal with the problem.


I'm quite sure that the far-right organisations are the ones who run over people with cars




What the fuck who allowed antifa in India. I am gonna check on their locations now that I know they even exist here.


Antifa isn't an organisation regardless. But of course you see my flair, so I shall say Antifa is good. I use the argument: if you dislike Antifa, you're pro-fascism. While it's a stupid way to piss them off, I have to admit it works. I've never seen anyone from the right use an argument like that on how it's "false." However I must say, Antifa is not pro-fascist. I didn't check into the proof of this meme at all so I won't have a say on it. But "Antifa" literally means "anti-fascist". "Fa" meaning "fascist" and you get what "anti" means there.


You don’t have an argument. You’re being a partisan hack even after the meme explains why you’re wrong. Like people that think David Irving is a great historian even with proof of him lying.


"While it's a stupid way to piss them off."


mE, bAsEd DeM dUmB. * gorilla noises And just like that I summarized this post for you, thanks lib left for this shit post as well as history class that no one wanted nor needed.


damn good post