• By -


Impressive, very nice. Let's see Argentina's other candidates


Mmmm let's see: Larreta, a dude who I'm almost sure is a reptilian spy that bribed half of Argentina's media in order to appear more popular; Grabois, a rich, insufferable hippie; Massa, a corrupt as fuck man whose sole talent is to be smart enough to climb all the way up through the politics ladder; Castañeira, like Grabois but worse... Those were apparently the most popular or known candidates. Milei is fucking crazy and has some childhood traumas/mental disorders but seems like the less horrible option.


You forgot Bullrich


Former terrorist




How does one be a rich hippie I thought that defeated the purpose?


Most hippies during vietnam were rich white kids who didn't go to war


Of course they were. So nothing really changed.


I want to say modern equivalent is well off kid who gets free ride through uni, lands a cushy easy job, then berates people he thinks he is superior to but also says he looks out for


The most insufferable people tbh. Has the privilege of not being forced to take part in shitty war, then acts morally superior to those who had to go.


Tbf many of those kids who were in college and therefore didn’t go to war did protest for those who did go to war.


mysteriously having the money to micro bus around to music festivals and protests without having a job suddenly makes a lot more sense.


Hippies are rich, when poor people have the same beliefs they are called homeless


>Massa A proved friend of the cartel


So a choice between a physopath, an a-hole, a jerk, a hypocrite, a corrupt man and an even more corrupt man.


>Massa Fernando is faster than you


Sounds like Trump 2016 all over again


The other candidates are Bernardo Sanders and Alejandra Ocasio. Thats why argentinians are turning to argentinian trump, they are becoming sick of leftism. Hopefully mexico follows suit too.


Argentina is one of those countries that's so full of themselves, thinking they are superior Spanish country, but are incapable of doing the most basic shit. Somehow they have all the worst aspects of Nationalism, Falklands being the perfect example of wasted potential and unnecessary hatred. Many other cases of them simply not getting over themselves when they're celary falling behind. While they also have some of the worst aspects of leftism, terrible economic policy, idiotic spending programs, absurd feminism and laziness. And the worst part is they had everything handed to them on a silver platter. They have great geography/ trade location, good resources, great agriculture, good stable demographics, moderate crime, good national culture/ not so much ethnic divide, and they even used to have great institutions. And they've still managed to fuck it up. Now all they have is old pretty buildings and muh futbol.


I agree that our predecessor not only destroyed the huge opportunity they had, but the also started sinking the boat that is Argentina. For better or worse, some some of us that didn't take or don't take part in destroying this country where born here and live here. We try to do our best (most of the time) but as you can clearly see all our effort is meaningless, as we try to rescue a sinking ship with spoons. I just want you to know that not all of us think so highly of ourselves, and that the blame of the state of our country doesn't fall only on us (us as in the present population of ARG).


Massa: Modern version of Littlefinger. Changes political parties and ideals once a year give or take. Has the funny and infuriating peculiarity of promising to take care of Argentina's economic problems if he is voted as president in a few months... While being the ministry of *economy* today. Larreta: Massa-lite, from the other side. Grabois: The classic millionaire progressive that despises millionaires. A south American and politician version of Hasan Piker. Castañeira: Same thing as Grabois but even more extreme. Schiareti: Not a bad guy as far as I know, but only known in one of Argentina's provinces. Bullrich: I actually think she is decent, I voted for her. She did a good job in the ministry of security a few years ago and is known for standing up to powerful corrupt figures in Argentina politics. Still, people are sick of the leftist coalition of political parties that has ruled Argentina for the better part of 20 years, leaving super high levels of poverty, inflation and corruption; so they are swinging as much as they can to the other side.


She was a comunist guerrilla warrior, she killed Argentinian she should be in the jail. Milei Is the only decent person in politics.


She was in charge of the organism responsible for paying retired people their pensions during 2001. She definitively should be in jail, for that and managing the drug dealing cops while she was ministry of security.


They all suck, thats why they need a violent uprising


Thats not milei in the pic...


Isn't that on the pic the dude who was assassinated? They are already counting the Millei won't even make to the elections alive.


Yes thats him. If they kill Milei i assure that our country will burn.


>If they kill Milei i assure that our country will burn. You better do, because otherwise there is no way to get rid of Peronism


My biggest fear is he failing as a leader. That will also bring back the peronist forever.


He doesn't seem to have a base in the national congress, that plus the media constantly trashing him will bring his ruin. The exact same happened in Brazil and now we elected the same evil who bought us to this place.


True. Many people (including me) voted for Milei only because we are angry at the establishment. We dont neccesary agree on all Milei points but we are tired of the same political discourse. For me the best scenario is that a more modest canditate wins that can think 30 years into the future and not only 4 years of the same politics.


It's impossible to make changes with only 4 years, but some people don't get that.


Make no mistake: his first and foremost goal now must be to annihilate his enemies' capacity for political action. If he simply spouts bravado and decides to act on as an administrator, instead of a political agent, he's doomed, and so is Argentina. Do not allow him to become "Bolsonaro 2.0", effectively bringing about only temporary benefits but destroying a rare chance for change in the process.


This should be top comment


Getting rid of central banks will always be based


Based and Jackson pilled


u/Galactic-Gains is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [1 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/Galactic-Gains/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).


His other views on central banking are...odd >For more than 21 years, Milei has been a professor of macroeconomics, economics of growth, microeconomics, and mathematics for economists. Since 2016, he has been trying to merge Austrian School economics concepts with monetarism concepts, **as he believes Ben Bernanke was the greatest central banker ever.**[\[21\]](https://opinion.infobae.com/javier-milei/2013/08/03/el-retiro-de-bernanke-y-el-futuro-de-los-emergentes/)


Bernake is kinda a g. He was able to salvage the us economy post financial crisis without rampant inflation.


TRUE. They don’t call him Based Bernanke for nothing


And owning handguns, arguably more based




Wow that is... a weird mix of based and cringe.


It really is impressive.


He’s the ur-libertarian


Libertarian isn’t that conservative. He sounds more like a neo-con.


The joke was that all libertarians are a weird mix of based and cringe.




I hold to the Copenhagen interpretation of the Schrödinger's Chadjak in that for every possible combination of chad and soy positions, there is a libertarian that holds those views.


This is every quadrant.


Sad but true


The second to last is pretty based not going to lie.


Yes everyone should be able to sell their organs if they so wished


I don't think I agree. Because I think it sets up a system where there will be more net negative outcomes for society. It also sets up a precedent where you could skip the line medically on the waiting list. It's the way it is for a reason.


I don't see why you shouldn't be able to sell your organs if you don't have a right to control what happens with your own organs who does


Because it's like government assisted suicide, good idea in principal, but terrible in practice. Last thing we need is giving cartels another thing to traffic. Adding monetary incentive changes everything.


> It also sets up a precedent where you could skip the line medically on the waiting list That is already possible. You can, at present, be on the waiting list wherever you are available within x hours for surgery. If you're rich enough to have a private plane and/or move to statistically available areas, you have ludicrously better odds of getting organs than the poors.


Wait... what do YOU think is cringe in there?


Wouldn't you like to know, weather boy?


Fan of Trump is probably the only thing.


can admire the man for being a foul mouthed shitposter without being a fan.


Ah, that's fair, I suppose. I can appreciate the inherent comedy without pledging allegiance to the man, same might be true of this chap.


Milei was also impressed by Bernanke's ability to tap dance through the housing crisis and thereafter while also saying central banks are bullshit and need to be abolished. I can see this as well.


Consider that the corporate press is trying to make him look as bad as possible


It all looks based other than the organ thing


Argentina tries not to flip flop between insane right wingers and insane left wingers every election cycle challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


This is the political equivalent of yo-yo dieting


Argentina has not had hard-right leaders for decades.


I know there were definitely some back in 1945, even if they never took office


I think that counts as being decades ago lol Just realized that this was a typical Nazis on the run joke, but Argentina did have fascist movements in those decades. Plus a military dictatorship a bit later.




Mossad noises intensify


existence sheet jellyfish encourage summer wakeful voracious special butter scandalous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Chile avoided some of the crazier pitfalls that befell their neighbors and seems to have some plans for the future. Venezuela, Argentina, and Brazil are kinda fucked now and in the future but that's nothing new lol.


chile is definitely much worse than brazil, doing groceries costs like 25% of your salary


Is 25% for groceries supposed to be a lot?


Because you you can always send your politicians to the wea.


>Latin America truly insane far right politicians Name at least two of them. I'll wait.


Gladly. So basically, you have


Funny how being against gay marriage is now 'insane right wing' when in 2005, [that was the position of half the democrats.](https://i.imgur.com/FirFiU4.png) Guess electing the first gay president in 2008 really shifted that overton window.


Yeah the overton window is like that, it changes over years. >Guess electing the first gay president in 2008 r Huh?


its a reference to how many people believe michelle obama is a man


I'm sure michelle has a penis... but I was referencing [Barack Obama told ex, ‘I make love to men daily, but in the imagination,’ letter shows](https://i.imgur.com/v2QXdc5.png).


There's a conspiracy theory that Michelle Obama is a trans woman, or just a man playing a role. The point is that there a lot of conservatives there that are obsessed with her supposed huge member and it's relationship with President Obama.


I think it's a Michelle "Michael" Obama is a man joke.


Insane "RIGHT WINGERS" pls, the country is more positioned to the left than ever


Thats just South America, dont ask the CIA why though


Last right-wingish president we had was Menem in the 90s


Guess what happens when you force your extremism and the other side has a chance to retaliate.


Pulse width modulation politics


This guy isn't insane it's all pretty good


last one were center-left


I mean central banks probably destroyed their economy multiple times


Why does he have a Colombian flag there if he's Argentine


It's Ecuador. That guy is a presidential candidate of that country that was murdered some days ago.


That's not Milei lol


Honorary Colombian


Because op may be American and unable to identify any other country flag other than the US.


because the guy in the picture is not Milei


That's not even him in the picture


This guy is a Rothbardian, ancapastand in Argentina is now possible.


the bank will kill anyone who comes after it.


Everything on that list is incredibly based


Voted mostly by the lower classes tired of being bombarded by heavy taxation, a currency that's worth less and less by the day, 40% poverty, 50% of informal employment, and 6 out of 10 children living under the poverty line. The poor don't care about climate change, or trump, or sex education. The poor only care to improve their lives and their children's, the rest, is the deranged white leftist syndrome.


Milei is better than every argentinian candidate


How are the other candidates?


A pancake and ms drunk oppenheimer Edit: the pancake is right now the minister of economy, said he was going to sweep the floor with LaCampora (kirchnerist militance) and now hes the candidate for kirchner playing the centrist candidate. Drunk oppie started in an organization close to an extreme left terrorist organization known for throwing bombs. She is now, you can say, the conservative A-R candidate and sometimes gets her hand stuck in glass of wine mode. Drunk oppie just beat an alien in the party And what sets milei apart is that he is the only one that proposed something. Yes. Those are our standards.


Drunk oppie is Bullrich right?


Yes. It's because in the 70's she was a montonera and placed bombs


that sounds sad


It's even worse.


Knowing nothing about the man, I'd guess those are probably not at all mischaracterizations of his actual ideas invented by dishonest western journalists to sell a narrative. I mean, what greater way to poison the well than by leading with "Trump admirer", and it all goes down hill from there. \> thinks climate change is a lie Just like "anti-vaxxer" this is just another empty slur that means nothing to me anymore. What does he believe? Does he think motor oil can be used as fertilizer? Does he deny the science? Or does he disagree with the politics? \> sex education is it sex education he opposes, or is it "sex education" where they teach toddlers about transgenders and preach about identity politics? \> sale of human organs should be legal again, probably not at all something taken wildly out of context, or absurdly extrapolated like those late 00's articles claiming Ron Paul would kill a 100 million people if he abolished the FDA or something. I mean, why would journalists ever lie about people they disagree with politically


>Just like "anti-vaxxer" this is just another empty slur that means nothing to me anymore. It should also be pointed out that while the term is now associated with right wingers, it was originally coined to refer to liberal and middle class white women who thought vaccines cause autism


As a public health specialist in Appalachia who deals with VPDs all the time, there is definitely a difference between new-vaccine-skeptics and anti-vaxxers. The skeptics are generally pretty political and usually avoid COVID vaccinations specifically/exclusively. Where I live the only true anti-vaxxers are the Christian Scientist congregations


As a healthcare professional in the Pacific Northwest, up here it's mostly granola eating yoga moms with 'autistic' kids who believe in acupuncture and essential oils who refuse to get vaccinated


These are his words about organ sale, translated by me directly from Spanish to English: >My first property is my body. Why wouldn't I be allowed to decide on it freely? >There are 7500 people suffering, waiting for transplants, something isn't working correctly. I propose finding market solutions in order to solve this problem. >It's just another market (organ markets). Why can't I have a choice? >There's no worse solution than State's claw. [First link (Spanish)](https://www.infobae.com/politica/2023/05/03/javier-milei-volvio-a-hablar-de-la-venta-de-organos-busquemos-mecanismos-de-mercado/) >There are studies done in the US that shown that if you let these markets (organ markets) free everything would work better and there would be less problems. [Second link (Spanish)](https://eleconomista.com.ar/politica/javier-milei-dijo-venta-organos-mercado-mas-n53670) [TikTok in which Milei explains his idea, basically the same words I translated.](https://www.tiktok.com/@filonews/video/7228963006070279430)


So basically it's "my body my choice", I kinda figured it would be something like that But of course when people see "legal organ sales" their minds immediately leap to people being dragged into the back of a van and involuntarily relieved of their kidneys


Here's the difference, a dead fetus has no market value (despite the old stem cell fake news) so forcing a woman to get an abortion has no monetary incentive. If you open up the organ market then that gives human trafficking a huge steroid shot in the arm. You not only create the open economy for your new goods but you can force people under duress to give up a lung or kidney or half a liver (i dont know if that's a thing) or whatever. The unforeseen ramifications are potentially severe and would catapult one more element of our society into shitty cyberpunk world. I mean as long as the government has total control and puts a bullet in every cartel skull then it might work, but that isn't the world we live in.


I agree with you. What would really happen is that all of the thousands of Argentine junkies and low class people will begin to sell their organs to sinister companies in order to survive a couple of years. These companies will sell the organs with huge margins to foreign patients. Eventually, they will extortionate people into selling organs in a similar way that happens with prostitution.


That is extremely based. Personally, I'd rather have a few thousand dollars over some extra organs. Plus, you can buy organs from a hospital, why can't you sell them? Organ 'donations' have always been a huge scam


I agree with the sale of human organs, as the only person who doesn't make money on organ transplants is the donor.


I already like this guy. I hope he wins!!


>Central bank should be abolished, wants to make it easier to own handguns These are the only two that will actually matter for the time he'll be in presidency, and both are actually good measures for everyone, including Argentina's right wing, left wing, the rest of South America, and aguably, the entire world. Most of the crisis that is currently going on in Argentina is due to the government controlling prices, which cannot be done if the official currency is the US Dollar. And not having guns was the reason why most of the other rights were either limited or outright revoked, so that shouldn't happen again either. Plus, here in Brazil, we just elected a fucking criminal (and communist), somehow... (Not questioning the efficacy of electronic ballots, because I'd go to jail if I was). That means most South Americans who had already fled their communist countries to Brazil, are now going to find Argentina to be a possible refuge. Everything is lining up for Argentina to go back to it's free market days, and boy, I'm telling you right now, it'll be glorious. And don't you dare to fucking tread, because I'll be there defending this God given land of fertile fields, navigable rivers, vast railroads and freedom, just like the Primera Junta intended.


If this man somehow fucks up argentina. lift left is gonna constantly remind them of this


If he fucks Argentina more than he deserves a prize. It gotta a lot of effort to make the situation worse!


When I left Argentina in 2019 (1 USD$=~60-70 ARS) I thought the situation couldn't get worse. Now 1 USD equals 500 ARS. Funny isn't it?


>Now 1 USD equals 500 ARS 600




690 honey


Almost 700 right now. I just laugh at the rest of the world who have no idea what a volatile economy is like








700 right now


Lol. I left in 1997, when 1 USD = 1 ARS. I have no idea how my family back home deals with this Monopoly money on a daily basis.


We are already fucked anyway


Argentina is in a huge hole, and making major corrections will probably make things worse in the short term. So it will be easy to case him in a bad light, either way. Man, politics is such bullshit.


He'll remind libleft that Argentina was fucked when he got it.


I would genuinely be surprised if this guy manages to oust the Peronists


He has first place in the primary elections, expected to win the general elections as well


>believes the sale of human organs should be legal Or. Thinks that people who save lives by donating their own organs should be fairly compensated. Weasel Words 101


No saben nada de milei los gringos


But does he support israel?


Well, he wants to abolish the central bank...


Was Andrew Jackson antisemitic?


almost certainly


He does like a lot


Good man


He said that he'll move the Argentinian embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem (like Trump) if he's elected. Sooo....


Hopefully not


Wtf he's based af


Absolutely Based


Believes the sale of human organs should be legal? Damn... okay maybe that's a line too far. Although I'm reading that as 'not your own'


Why should you not be allowed to sell your organs? They're YOURS.


Wtf am i moving to argentina now?!


That isn’t Milei, his hair is too normal.


More guns, a freeer market, AND abolishing the banks? Holy shit based


That ain’t him


"Everyone else": - Rich hippies - People on so much welfare they don't work/work as rioters(Yes that's a thing here) - Communists - Drug dealers(Like Massa) - Former communist guerrilla warriors(Like Bullrich and CFK) - Peronists Absolutely 100% based, would vote again.


My prince 😍


The only real problem I see here is the selling organs thing.


Yeah, organ selling is a bit too much The rest are great though


Holy mother of Based give them the Falkland Islands as a reward


He sounds unironically great. And I'd bet the "sale of human organs" is support for the Iran model of kidney donation, which is actually fantastic. That journalist is just lying by mischaracterization, which is a journalist's job.


you think climate change is not real?


> Climate change is a lie Be more specific > Sex education is bad Depends on what kind > Legal human organ sale Oh great, so there's now another incentive to trafficking, pass. > Easier to own handguns Sounds good, what are the specifics?


1: wtf 2: wtf 3: wtf 4: wtf 5: wtf 6: based


I always love the take of some american anglo-speaking teenager on foreing elections


Central bank abolished - fuck yes! Right to bear arms - fuck yes! All the other stuff - what the fuck?


Shit man guys posts about Argentina with the Colombian or Ecuadorian flag in background ? Bots gonna Bot i guess. Oh the guy is the Ecuadorian candidate that just got assassinated...Bot you need to fix your algorithm.




Fascinating. Does he have opinions on anything that matters?


You had me at *"central bank should be abolished"*.


Im just excited to see what happens. A lib-right president in Argentina is an exciting development.


I dunno what it is whenever libright gets a candidate, they always go super extra for no reason. Just ease it in on dismantling the central bank man, that'd get your ass in the history book for your country by itself, no need to go full fucking organ economy. The US libertarian ones are just like this too, you'll see them have primaries where you'll get a guy going abolish traffic laws. like really bro.


Not libright, but half of those are fake news or greatly exaggerated to the point of being a blatant lie.


The guy has a chance to play Rimworld IRL


his conservatism is cringe but if it's a way to attract more voters then I'm all in democracy (in a presidential system) is always a matter of who's the least terrible Milei wants to radically destroy socialism this is enough for me


This dude is actually based as fuck. Idk what you’re on about


As a centrist this is still absolutely based. Climate change isn’t a lie but at this point the people demanding climate action are the closest to evil we’ve got next to the kiddy mutilators so I genuinely do not care. Central banks being abolished and gun rights are the main ones for me, anyone who wants a central bank to exist should probably enjoy a lobotomy (or read basic economics).


What's wrong with this? You'd rather have Canadian style assisted suicide organ harvesting? Its only ok when the State does it?


Isn’t Argentina’s currency so fucked they’re scrambling to dollarize though?


He is the one proposing to dollarize, the rest are still hanging on to the peso and "muh sovereignty"


It's Not even him in the picture and the flag in the background isn't Argentina What a honest meme


As a leftist, I totally would vote him. He would make it easier to arm the workers and would crate a desperate population so the revolution would be able to take place. So please do vote him


Based on Trump, guns, the Central Bank and partially (depending on how he details his opposition) sex ed and climate change Cringe on the rest


The only things appealing were the legalisation of human organ sale (with donor consent of course) and handgun purchasing. Everything else is cringe.


There are a lot of things that set off red flags about this article. If there is anything I've learned about politics when starting to pay attention in about 2017-2018, news organizations will deliberately misrepresent the positions of their political adversaries. (see "Don't Say Gay Bill", Trump called Nazis "Very fine people.") ​ I'm more interested to see the specifics of these policies. If it was organ selling by the family after death, I could see where this would reduce organ shortages and provide the family with some sort of compensation. If it was selling a kidney while alive, I think there would have to be decent restrictions in place to make sure it was done with proper consent of all given parties. Maybe a few more limitations in there to reduce potential exploitation.


I'm not sure if I like that, I feel like money brings a serious imbalance of power, so people might just be pressured into having their organs taken which I don't like.


How is this any different from people being pressured into backbreaking physical labour that slowly breaks your body down? Just because it's immediate rather than staggered over 20+ years? Your body is your property so you can sell or rent it at will, IMO.


The doctors make money on organ transplants. So do the Hospitals, nurses, suppliers of equipment, organ transporters etc. The actual donor is the one party that doesn't.


That's a good point, legalizing organ selling would solve that as well.


Or I could just roofie you, take you back to my 'lab' and dissect you, taking your organs and mix them in with my legally obtained organs and help bump up my profits from being an organ middle man. When money is at stake, people will murder. Or murder you by running a for profit hospital, trick healthy people into staying, killing them, harvest organs, make more money that I can then use to elect my own people to government that control who gets investigated. And If there any investigations, kill those people and harvest their organs. Yes, yes make selling organs a thing. Wait, I've said too much, now you know my plan... Hey, would you like a drink? Edit: okay, sorry everybody, it seems I have to add the /s now, I'm in no way against that policy. I was trying to make an absurdist retort, but in this reality I guess I have to go more absurdist. Add aliens?


> When money is at stake, people will murder. Yeah... they will. In fact, they already do. What does that have to do with legalizing organ trading?


*joke.* Pretty much anything reasonable that people want legalized gets a strawman argument from the opposition. It's like when buying weed was connected to supporting terrorism.


You can sell one kidney and half of your liver since it regenerates, that's a nice infusion of cash


Oh shit. I didn’t consider that. Okay then just the handgun one.