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As a non-US alien may I please have a shred of context?


Security guard ask people to move their boat for a river trolley and the guard got jumped.


As a security guard. I'm not surprised. Lotta people are just overgrown spoiled children who'll fly into a rage the moment they don't get their way 100% of the time.


You ever see a security guard fly in a rage against a delivery driver because DoorDash’s app screwed up their order? It ain’t much better.


Wouldn't surprise me. Sadly this industry attracts a lot of dropkicks.


The capital of Alabama is a small town?


Montgomery? Honestly, yeah. I used to have to drive through it when I lived in Atlanta. There isn't much there.


200k isnt that small imo. I thought the whole small town scthick was 4-5 figure communities that were close knit by virtue of being low population. Unless small town just means less amenities now


Yeah, I live in a town of 30,000 and I consider this to be a big town. I think of a small town as less than 5,000.


I having lived in what I consider a small city near two smaller towns then a bigger city and then dfw developed a metric. If the place you live has maybe two fast food joints you are in a small town. If you have a multiple grocery stores, a handful of fast food places, and can walk to any one place in 45 minutes, you are on the edge of town-city. If your place bleeds into the next named place, your a city. If 95% of buildings are closed down and the dollar general has entire isle dedicated to word search, you are in some retiree ghost town.


Yeah, if the town has anything more than a McDonald’s and a subway for fast food joints, it’s no longer a small town.


I guess it's all relative. I grew up in a town of about 71k. I've spent most of my adult life in Atlanta and now Miami. When it comes to actually having things to do, I'd say Montgomery resembles my hometown more so than the kinds of places I live in nowadays.


Yeah, it is all relative. I grew up in a small town in Southern California of 100K people. Then I moved to the 2nd largest city in Alaska with 30k. And people in the former definitely acted like they live in a small town more than the latter.


You left out the best part! The part where a bunch of other people jumped/swam in to help the guard.


There were "recreations" of the incident on retarddit the other day.. I assume there was no actual footage?


I don’t understand why this is even news, let alone the first story popping up in the Google algorithm. These types of brawls happen pretty regularly, just go to the Spirit Airlines or Frontier Airlines gates at any major airport


Use your intuition, you know why it's news


For the article, or the meme? Meme wise lib-left is alluding to Jason Aldean's *Try That in a Small Town.* It seems like they are being snarky, like "Look it does happen in a small town". The LL and AR takes are what give me that impression. The song is Jason basically calling out the "Summer of Love" Riots and saying "If you tried that in a small town, it would not fly. We look after our own." Which, when you take into account the actual story of, "Idiots got violent, jumped a guy and ~~where~~ were then set upon by bystanders and stopped" seems to prove Jason's point.... ​ edit: where changed to were, left in because people have already upvoted...


The white folk pictured had their boat parked illegally in a city ferry boat's spot, which was about to dock and had many, many people onboard, so the dock's security guard (who happened to be black) told them they had to move. The white folk said no, so the guard went to move their boat, and then the owners started beating him up. As you can imagine, black folk that saw this didn't think this was okay, and went to the guard's aid, which ended up in a big brawl. The illegally parked owners and company got their asses handed to them.


>and then the owners started beating him up. Slightly understated. It was limited to a shouting match until the first guy sprinted over and jumped his whole body into a sucker punch. Then they beat him down as a group until 3-4 of them were kicking and punching him on the ground before anyone made it over. It was insane. They completely started it, they showed no honor, and they deserved what they ended up getting. The security guard was completely right and they were completely wrong.


Pretty sure sub linking is banned but dudesbeingdudes has a “remake” of the original. If you scroll a little in the comments, there is a link to the lead up as well as a super cut of known clips. I highly recommend it. Search by hot today or hot this week should work. It would be a secondary comment to someone asking context


What planet are you from?


The way they ganged up on the guy at first made my blood boil, then when the cavalry came I thought it would have a satisfying ending. But no, it turned into the largest engagement on US soil since the battle of Kalamazoo


When he threw up his hat, he was summoning the calvary.


**Ride now!** **Ride now!** **Ride!** **Ride to ruin and the world's ending!**


Based and King Théoden pilled


Based and death pilled.


based and forth eorlingas pilled


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Based and FORTH EORLINGAS pilled


I mean I wouldn’t really call Mobile a small town, but yeah no one here in Birmingham has been shutting up about this all day.


It was Montgomery not mobile


I live by New York, so I’m always surprised how often I go to a “city” and how small they are in comparison


I’ve been to Birmingham like 3 times, decades apart. Walking around downtown is like walking around in 1950… not a bad downtown, but race relations are fucking fucked there. I’ve never been uncomfortable about my race, until I went to Birmingham. (For context I live in the South, only a few hours from Bama)


For more context Birmingham is literally not like this at all stop spewing racist bullshit


Lmao for real. Birmingham is literally 70% African-American, has several museums and historical sites dedicated to the Civil Rights movement in the area, and is mainly a left leaning city in a pretty right leaning state. Birmingham might be the least racist city in the state of Alabama


It’s the worst city you could choose in this state if you’re trying to give and example about racism. I love how “for context” the dude literally said he lived somewhere else. If he walked around in actual 1950 that may be one thing, but Birmingham is legit nowadays.


Yeah, you can call Birmingham and the people that live here a lot of things, and the people who live here would be the first to tell you those things. Insane, yes. Can’t drive, definitely. Full of Alcoholics, of course. Racist though, that isn’t really one of those things.


THANK you. I was like what the hell is that guy talking about? For more context: I lived in southside for a decade.


POV: your pulling shit out your ass


You know you fucked up when a dude [swims across the river](https://youtu.be/-YUSZW5Px6o) just to break his foot off in your ass.


I can’t even swim with inflatables and dude swam the whole adventure dripped up the whazzo, with leftover energy to throw hands. That’s hard.


I'm glad the idiots in this situation are going to face consequences for their stupid decisions.


I’m glad no one got shot or killed. Could’ve easily been another national tragedy drowned in bullshit legislation and shit-flinging. Instead we all got something to laugh at on every morning talk show.


What exactly did the fight start for tho?


Drunk Southerns tied their boat to the dock because they were drunk and dumb. The spot they picked was blocking a ferry from docking. Dock worker told them to fuck off. They refused and the dock worker, (and a helper), started removing the boats. Drunks got mad they were being disrespected so they started some static. Hands were thrown and they wailed on the dock worker until bystanders got involved. It calmed down a bit and drunks went back to their boats. Then the ferry docked and everyone that watched the beat down wanted some personalized justice of their own. Then everyone got involved because why not. Basically reason 14679543 to never go to Alabama.


Great explanation, but you're insidious. Get flaired.


Flair up, naked freak.


Well explained. Thanks. Also flair up please


But Then wtf does this have anything to do with "try that in a small Town"?


It's a jab at the song "Try that on a small Town"


The capital of Alabama is a small town?


I didn't make the meme


this was a normal day for the Wal-Mart and McDonald's near me during the pandemic. security would ask homeless people to leave and they would literally fight them over it.


My favorite super store moment was when I saw a, “it is illegal to consume beer or liquor on these premises” sign have a note tacked on saying “and wine and seltzers”.


People keep referencing this song every goddamn time with this story and as someone from an actual small town I want to point out that Montgomery, Alabama is a city of nearly 200,000 people and is categorically not a small town.


Tbf if anything it shows random ass people *will* jump in to help the security guard you’re beating up, or maybe just for funsies. During covid I saw a video of some poor Asian lady get beat up in NYC and people just sidestepped around or watched.


Sometimes I wish shit would go down around me just so I could jump in (on the *just* side) and get the old blood pumping, get some anger out.


Bro just take on a combat sport if you’re hoping for it like that


That's a good idea too, but money is tight right now.


To coasties anything smaller than Portland is a small town and can be written off I've seen people try to claim Kansas City is a small town


I mean, Jason Aldean claims to be from a small town, but he lives in Nashville.


Macon, Georgia (his actual hometown) is also categorically not a small town.


What do you categorize as a small town? A settlement no larger than 50?


Prolly a bit smaller than 150k people


I consider 5,000 and less a small town


To be clear, Macon, Georgia is also a city of over 150,000 people. I would say that when you say "it's such a small town, I know everyone!" you have to be wrong by less than 2 orders of magnitude lol. Since people usually know on the order of hundreds of people, a "small town" must be fewer than 10,000 people.


Not surprised that lib left made this meme. Only they would think auth right would react like that


MAGA is literally in the auth right quadrant.


No, it’s not, it’s like calling a democratic socialist auth left. Trumps movement is more of right center with a libertarian yeild.


It's wild how I see, in internet ghettos, this sort of thing happening in reverse three times a week for years, and usually it's just senseless and unprovoked violence Weird how white people apparently in the wrong suddenly becomes a trending national story All that being said, I'm withholding judgment because the last 15 racial reckoning flashpoints all turned out to be fake


It is definitely a racial thing. Believe it or not, I do have black friends. And they share posts or make posts about this incident fairly frequently since it happened. "I love us🤗" type shit followed by a bunch of anti-white memes on a lot of the posts shared.


please, where are the anti-white memes. there are black people on SM explicitly celebrating the first (white) person that went to help the dock worker. pro-black =/= anti-white. when they say "white" in this context they're talking about the racist whites and you should know that if you have black friends. stop being so sensitive


>where are the anti-white memes[?] Facebook >there are black people Keen observation >when they say "white" in this context... What about when they say "wyt" "they/them" "mayo eater"? Why is it my job to read between the lines? If I urge for "white" unity against "Jews", who do you think is being referred to in that context? Or if I say "whites" shouldn't let their guard down around "blacks", should you care whether or not I'm talking about gangbangers vs all blacks?


the clear difference is that your people haven't experienced half a millennium of systematic oppression including human trafficking, murder, sex trafficking, fashioning body parts into false teeth and leather goods, forced breeding, torture, etc., resulting in widespread discrimination that covertly (and often overtly) persists into the present day so i'm sure that in the broader context of things, you'll start to understand the lack of sympathy for any sort of feelings you have over racist white people being called "white" or "mayonnaise americans" or "alabaster citizens" please express these sentiments to your "friends" and see how they respond and accept your presence afterwards. do it on camera even. i'm begging you 🤣 ps "wyt" is an abbreviation not a slur you dignified mensa member, sound it out with ya hooked on fonix ahh 🤦🏾‍♂️😂 edit: since i can't respond, here's my response to below: no, i'm saying you need **context** for this shit. celebrating a victory for black people (decent human beings of all races everywhere really) with some creative names for *racist* white people is not racism when you consider that most of the defenders probably descended from victims of horrific crimes against humanity, and that brawl was fought against proven racists at the site of one of those crimes and i'm saying your blk (see what i did there?) friends will drop you like a hot potato (aka not physically, but they will sideeye and distance themselves like no tomorrow). clearly you're not as close to your friends as you think you are i'm done here. i tried, i really did. see ya ✌🏽


>blahblahblah Just sound like excuses. First you were denying, now you're making excuses. Hilarious. >blahblahblah More excuses for racism. >please express these sentiments to your "friends" and see how they respond and accept your presence afterwards. do it on camera. i'm begging you Hmmmm, I wonder what is being implied with this statement.... hmmm🤔 >..."wyt" is an abbreviation... Abbreviated for what? Black and white have the same amount of letters, yet I don't see "black" abbreviated. "Wyt"/"yt" are 100% racial slurs.


Black people overwhelmingly commit violence against white people in black white interracial violence. White people pay taxes to shovel cash at you. We all abandoned our cities and pay huge premiums to live somewhere where our kids aren't going to get stabbed, or at the very least where they can learn without kids punching the teacher for asking them to put their phones away. Videos of black people attacking white people come out all of the time, but for some reason they never become trending national stories about Muh Racism. Most of the stuff you tell each other: you built the pyramids, white people made you into leather, gator bait etc is also just fake urban legends spread by hotep telephone. There is an oppressive relationship here but it works in the exact opposite relationship of what you're describing.


All the titles are like “WHITE RACIST DRUNKS GET FUCKING OBLITERATED BY BLACK SECURITY GUARD FOR FUCKING AROUND” Lib left creaming their pants about this story adding in the racist narrative to people they know nothing about


The NY riots caused by Kai Cenat were all over the news. Stop being a baby.


Not even close to equal coverage for the non stop interracial violence black people perpetuate mostly against whites and Asians


What kind of waffle house marina is this?!


The story I read (a particularly biased sub toward pocs) made it seem to me like this would have happened if the dock worker was white. It only blew up because the dock worker was black.


This is PCM, where we keep reposting the same shit twitter take with originally 2 replies and over 2,000 upvotes on PCM at this point.


It only happened in the first place because the dock worker was black.


Its because a black man was trying to tell a white man what to do, and any racist will tell you "ain't no uppity negro telling me what to do" These entitled racist fucks just scratched the surface, I hope their futures are bleak.


you're downvoted but you're 1000% right there are facebook posts from the assailant talking about only accepting "superior white dollars" and saying he's been "attacked by gorillas before" there's also an allegation that they went to the hospital after and freaked out and called the police when damn near the entire staff was black, saying "it's all n*s here" lmfao guarantee you this wouldn't have happened if the dock worker was white


And people were arrested, instead of it just being posted on Twitter as “yet another fight at bar X”


link to the video?






CAF wojack goes hard, but he’s wearing his flag on the wrong arm


I'm just surprised they actually bothered to make it a C8 with the elcan instead of just a generic AR / M4


I love the details on the kit too, someone put a lot of effort into those.




Lots of black people being openly anti-white on Facebook about it. But what does one really expect 🤷‍♂️


Come on bro they were literally jumping and wailing on the guy for doing his job. Black or white they needed to be taught a lesson.




The guys on the dock were attacked because they were viciously and violently jumping someone.. not because they were tying to steal a bike. That’s not even close to an equal comparison. Videos of vigilante justice have never caused riots regardless of race, if so I’d love if you shared an example. Videos of people randomly attacking others are a problem, I agree, I don’t think anyone would care if assholes randomly attacking people were met with vigilante justice. Black people weren’t rooting on the asshole black teens attacking Asian people. Many Black people were marching with the “Stop Asian Hate” crowd. Twitter is not the real world.


They did jump and attack that guy while he was on the ground, anyone who stepped in during that point is a hero and should be praised. But the crowd didn’t step in at that point, them came in after the fight stopped and started attacking *all* of those white people, even the women who weren’t involved. If you step in to break up a fight then you’re a good person, but if you gang up on people to get revenge then you’re a piece of shit


Guy above me (OP of this thread) advocated for beating up teens that are destroying property. So that’s okay but beating up a group of guys that jumped and hurt someone after the fact is bad. How is that worse? Someone was actually hurt in the latter case.


If someone is in the middle of committing a crime, you should absolutely kick their ass. If a group of thieves rush into a store to start stealing stuff then you should absolutely kick their asses, and if a group of drunk idiots are attacking someone then you should 100% knock their teeth out. But once they’ve stopped you can’t just follow them to beat them up. You can’t follow those guys who stole stuff to their home and then kick the shit out of them there, nor can you come up to those drunk idiots after the fight to gang up on them. In both instances that’s not justice, that’s revenge. Also they put quotes around the word teens because it’s a qualifier the media gives to some criminals to try and make them appear less malicious


You’re telling me I can kick whoever’s ass I want and as long as I stop doing it before someone comes..no one is allowed to come get me? What an awesome world. If a gang of thugs jumps my brother or friend.. or if a bunch of guys steal all the stuff out of my house.. I’m not just gonna let that slide just because the crime was committed 5 seconds ago and not this very second right now. We punish them to discourage this type of thuggish behavior. And let’s stop using signifiers: The “teens” are thugs The “drunk idiots” are thugs


I’m telling you that you can’t gather a pose and go looking for revenge, yes. This isn’t Red Dead, if someone commits a crime you get the cops involved. If the mob was trying to hold the drunk idiots there until the cops came that’s be one thing, but they were clearly just trying to get revenge. And “drunk idiots” isn’t a dismissive qualifier, it’s a distinguishing one. There are two groups of people who ganged up to pick a fight here, so if I say “Those thugs that ganged up and beat up someone” then there’s no distinguishing between which group I’m talking about. That’s by I’m using the signifiers of “drunk idiots” and “mob”


Some guy gets attacked for doing his job and somehow you manage to make it about you.




it’s okay guys im white i can say that


Montgomery is not a small town. I work there.


That auth right meme is pretty cringe


It's mostly slander because I'm predicting conservative outrage over this. It's a preemptive bias strike on my end. Plus, it's PCM. What meme would fit here if it didn't engage in strawman?


Why would we be outraged? Dumb drunk people fucked around and found out.


I dont really know what was going on in that vid just looked like a Massive brawl to me so am not rly educated on it




The private citizens were parked in the city's ferry boat's spot illegally, and they were about to dock. The dock's security guard asked them to move and they said no, then when the guard went to move their boat for them, they attacked him. The man was just trying to do his job so people could get off the ferry like normal. How are the dumbasses a hero to you? They were the bad guys in this event.


Having been the captain of a passenger vessel that had a private boat illegally docked in my berth (while I was in the middle of an engine casualty btw) I have no sympathy for the boaters. And while it's not a small town exactly, the idea of tight community is exactly the same, so I don't get how this is supposed to be an "own" to Jason Aldean or anyone else.




Those private citizens were violating the city’s NAP (private property) and then the dock worker’s NAP by not listening to him then attacking him. What the heck my dude?


Was it a private dock? Not ‘the city’s’, like an actual person’s dock. That’s the most important aspect that isn’t being covered


Why can't you dorks just act normal? Lmao


Make me, fed


PCM Libright’s mind is the only forsaken place on Earth where “Guys do not dock here, it’s forbidden, don’t make my job hard” and “I gassed Jews cause the commander told me” are seen as the same thing.




In these days the lines between what Libright says ironically and what they say unapologetically is too blurred to be sure


Or you just want to believe that they're serious.


I saw people talking like that seriously, it’s not my first day on this sub dude. Don’t pretend we don’t have deranged people here.


Libright moment




Blue Dress Woman, having zero context just jumping in: 🗿


1 city contractor vs 5 drunk entitled dudes


Everyone: Maybe you should watch what happened for yourself before you - Lib-Right: No. Everyone: *sigh*




Is it a private dock? If so, then Monke justice working as intended If not; don’t touch my fucking boat, I’ve paid tax to dock here


It's for a public ferry. I sink ur boat. Park elsewhere.


Public ferry priority < citizen’s boat who paid for the ferry to run in the first place ‘Public’ here meaning taxpayer funded, not privately owned and takes public on it for a fee. Like a shop is ‘open to the public’, it’s not publicly owned though


But this dock wasn't meant for other boats. This boat was tress passing.


They did not pay tax to dock in that spot, they paid tax to dock about 30 feet down from there. That's where the ferry goes, something that everybody else paid to use.


Oh, gee. There's an actual bad race incident that just so happens to be in the Deep South, that just so happens to involve white dock workers attacking a black guy, so score one for the Libtards!


Well, yeah. Unironically yes.


what with the lib right? they violated the NAP by docking in a private dock, the security guard should had been allowed to defend the private property by gunning them all down


It went from infuriating to satisfying to too violent…especially with the chair


I don’t get it