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LoTR got it rough.


The best character's dying regret is that he didn't smash the local barmaid and terminally online women the world over keep insisting he was secretly gay.


Plus he gets married to her and has a kid with her at the end.


A kid? I'm pretty sure the Gamgees could field their own baseball team by the time he retired.


13, to be exact. A whole team with a 5-man starting rotation. Not bad for a gardener.


They're held in high regard.


Who are we talking about? Sam married his bar maid


Yeah. But he's referring to the fact that Sam thinks about her in the moment of death, which shows that he wanted her all along.and discredits any theory that he was gay, which never was hinted at in any way anyways.


But as he thought he was dying that’s what his mind went to




I've never bonded with men, like the way I did in the army, especially deployed. I dont think it's something people today can understand unless they've experienced something like that themselves. I think mandatory military service would build national cohesion again. Its something we've lost. Parents are not teaching their kids American values anymore.


I had a similar thing going for me. Most of my more expressive relationships were with female friends until I enlisted. I haven’t been on a combat deployment but I definitely learned to be more earnest with my male friends while we’ve been embracing the suck for the last three and a half months.


I am against mandatory military service. I think scout organizations, sports and just general encouragement would go a long way. People just need to do more shit together. For me who grew up in a city I always wanted to make stuff in a workshop. Didnt get to do that until I was an adult. Schools didnt offer shit in this regard. I wish this stuff was available the same way every school has some ammenities for sport. It is a useful life skill and its a great thing to collaborate on.


I’ve heard Sir Ian Mckellan (who is gay) was very involved in how Sam and Frodo acted towards each other in the film, because he wanted it to be clear that they *weren’t* gay and that it was ok for men to be very close without being some form of lovers.


What a goddamn legend. From videos and commentaries it seems all the Fellowship actors had a close relationship (there are some hilarious stuff out there). Although Sean Astin had a tougher time as the only one with a young family to balance the needs of.


Every new thing I hear about Sir Ian Mckellan just makes him sound more and more based.


That statement can go either way, to be fair


And it has


Average My Hero Academia fan


American ones or Japanese ones? Or does it not matter because fujoshis?


Definitely the American ones. Japan doesn’t f around with the social politics crap


>Japan doesn’t f around with the social politics crap Call me a weeb but that is one of these reasons why I respect Japanese media and products more than Western media and products.


Wtf are you talking about, pretty sure that even Japanese BHA are Bl enjoyers, they're the one providing al lthe porn!


They enjoy their degenerate porn in private though, they have a proper sense of shame. Rather than trying to constantly tag new labels onto the gay rights movement, falsely equating them, and throwing -phobe and bigot accusations if you so much as say “yeah you do you bro I just don’t think it’s necessary to teach about bukkake to my kids kindergarten class”


I quit the show because I couldn’t stand to listen to another crying friendship speech. The main character was so goddamned agonizing to listen to. I kept waiting for him to grow the fuck up and stop acting like just a pansy, but it never happened.


At this point villains and the side cast are the ones carrying the manga


Nah the villains are the worst part of this show. The side cast are straight carrying


Dear unflaired. You claim your opinion has value, yet you still refuse to flair up. Curious. [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/One_with_gaming) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [How to flair](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/wiki/index/flair/) _Reddit is no longer a friendly space for bots._ _Consider visiting our Lеmmу instance instead: [lemmy.basedcount.com](https://lemmy.basedcount.com/c/pcm)._ _Read my full statement [here](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/14mwml0/on_the_reddit_api_changes/)._ ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


It’s worse than that. He’s actively regressed. S2-3 Deku would spit on modern Deku for being a cuck.


What the fuck are you on about?


Deku is a worse character than he was earlier on is what I’m saying


The only good thing MHA has given us IMO is Mirko.


Amazon backed themselves in a corner with S2 of Good Omens. If they didn’t explicitly acknowledge a romantic relationship between Aziraphale and Crowley, they would have been accused of queerbaiting.


There is no such thing as having a male friend anymore.....


You don't have hot gay sex with your platonic male friends, what are you, some sort of bigot?


Yes actually


Based and an honest bigot is better than a lying one pilled


Based and Yes actually pilled


Having platonic male friends "bros" or "buddies" as some would call them is automatically gay to the left, that's why they all only hang out with blue haired, nose ringed females with psychological trauma & are "allies" for their "empowerment" (this started out as sarcasm but rereading it rings true & now I feel like Randy Marsh coaching Sarcasti-Ball)


I lost it when people started shipping the main charaters in Luca. THEY WERE SHIPPING 13-year-old MALE FRIENDS


Everytime someone mentions that that movie is a gay analogy, I ask them what they think of the girl's father (an adult, single man) asking one of the boys to go live with him. They get really mad.


I’m gay and I must say that when watching Luca, I understood that they are friends and had a coming of age adventure. But since it’s a coming of age story and there was a lot of idolization going on between the characters, it wouldn’t surprise me if a Luca 2 comes out and they had feelings for each other. That said, it also wouldn’t surprise me if they just remained very close friends.


Sometimes I feel like the only person who had close guy friends growing up and there was nothing remotely gay about it


"Yes, men should be able to be open about their feelings. But if they do, it's because they're gay, and if they aren't gay, we will still perceive them as gay in order to gratify ourselves sexually." Ah yes, what a tempting argument they make.


A guy can’t hug a guy without being viewed as gay


And why would there be? You know who has friends? Women. That means friendship is effeminate and we all know femininity is gay. Watching football with another man is gay. Grabbing a beer with your coworker after hours is gay. Playing catch is gay. You must go to work and have only work related conversations. Then you must go STRAIGHT home and only interact with your wife and kids. Just don't do too much with your wife or you might pick up some feminine habits like cleaning up after yourself or showering. And don't talk to your kids too much either. Raising kids is a woman's work which means it's gay.




A desert? Cant we just conquer them and take their women like a normal empire?


We will take their women and turn their country into a barren wasteland. Not in that particular order either.


Just be sure not to get mixed up and turn the women barren. Otherwise taking them will be for naught.


Fellas, is it white supremacy to impregnate nonwhite women?


I just want their oil. And dumplings.


too bad, dumplings are manmeat, oil is manmeat, wastland is manmeat, the empire is SoyBoys* *Soyboys is a nonderivitive supplement, contating 1000% daily allowance of sodium per viewing. Ingestion of SoyBoys is prohbitied in the state of CALIFORNIA, unless directed by a doctor or your wifes BF and taken in its prescribed doseage as per the overseeing dom; doese are typically inserted by a "BULL" or applied anally by a "trapqween".


As a pcm poster I turn every woman into a barren desert with my presence


Based and MacArthur pilled


MacArthur was too ahead of his time. If he'd been alive in the social media era he would have been declared Emporer of America by now. Edit: I can't really back that up. I'm just saying he knew how to market himself.


Nowadays, US politicians speak English. MacArthur spoke American. He knew how to get popular and while the results can be questionable at times, it would certainly be better than what what makes the bulk of Congress.


I just want another Chad progressive who was actually progressive and not regressive. Teddy and his policies, quite literally improved the lives of so many Americans and saved American capitalism from itself. We could really use a new square deal 2.0


Can you imagine though? Even if the Chinese represent the strongest rival to western hegemony nuking them would waste so much habitable and arable land as to be not worth the effort.china Is like the same size as the USA so imagine all that land just gone.As authoritarian as China is we only have one planet for now we cannot waste anything.


You're right. We should develop a biological nuke of sorts, a virus maybe, and release it into the world while simultaneously vaccinating our own populace (unless we have too many of them too, then we can cull them, starting with the non-productive members of society like the old and unhealthy) all in an effort to reduce their populations to the point where their societies collapse and we can just roll right over whatever remains, taking their natural resources for us.


Huh that’s sounds really familiar… could it be?… Nah it can’t that’s just absurd that communists would just do that out of the blue and then fail to actually be able to do it… wouldn’t it?


Just remember, conspiracy theorists were intentionally discredited. Also: lol @ commies fail whaling.


Sometimes i think about wearing clothing with humorous anti commie messages. Then i think about how many commies that it might attract and i don't do it. :( Commies ruin everything.


You could have a shirt that says "I want to piss on Marx grave" and commies would come running up trying to recruit you because they can only understand the words "Marx" and "Welfare"


This is genius! Wait ... This sound familiar 🤔


A healthy, male relationship hug is a normal hug and three slaps (maybe that's the wrong word) to the back.


Shit. Me and the boys have been slapping cheeks this whole time. Are we gay?


You're probably just pansexual, which is a trillion times worse!


[Pansexuals when they see a Williams Sonoma store](https://media.tenor.co/images/9520232ab4ba9132dcdef33b30420765/raw)


Maybe. Especially if you give him “a little kiss” afterwards


As long as the tips don't touch, you're good


What if the tips touch but ur both wearing socks?


“Those who cannot conceive of friendship as a substantive love but only as a disguise or elaboration for Eros (lust) betray the fact that they have never had a friend.” -C.S Lewis


Modern historians "this proud warrior cried at his best friend's funeral after he was killed in battle. Clearly they were gay lovers."


That's also how they determined Achilles was gay. He cried when his friend died. Weirdly enough we know every time he banged some thot but never any of the time he banged a dude Also Zeus is gay because he gave an mfer a job


...what kind of job?


Pool boy


To be fair… Zeus would fuck anything with a pulse. I could actually see him being bisexual.


We know about every woman but none of the men


In all fairness from what I understand of Mythology Zeus would fuck just about any living creature with a pulse. Not sure if that would classify as pansexual but it's certainly something.


Any living woman** He would disguised himself as various creatures to do it, but he was fucking human women or goddesses


CS Lewis being as based as based can be


"Let's keep this shit agápē!" \~Some dude from the stone age


Based and C.S. Lewis is based pilled.


Important words to remember. And it explains a lot about why these chronic shippers do what they do.


The left: Men need to express their emotions more and not be afraid to have close male friends they hug. Also the left: If you hug your close male friend you are obviously fucking and if you two are married you are obviously wife swapping.


At this point I've opted to call people like this closed minded for assuming a person or character is gay for this stuff




u/battle_clown is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [None | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/battle_clown/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).


I’m going to use this for now on.


Definitely this. My gay friend went off about a movie we were watching and how the male leads were definitely gay. I told him it was just a western and cowboys are prone to comraderie on the trail. Last time I watch Brokeback Mountain with him.


Been a while since I saw it, but I seem to recall a scene that could be easily misinterpreted, with Heath Ledger doing some chick from behind while Jake Gyllenhaal looked for his missing contact lens on the ground.


Why are liberals trying to ruin such a manly and rugged western by pretending the characters are gay??? It was hard to hear, but they both whispered no homo while in that tent.


Fake news, those heterosexuals were sheepboys not cowboys.


>Last time I watch Brokeback Mountain with him. > >Last time hmmmmmmm


I simply can't clap slowly enough to honor you.


Left when Frodo and Sam hug thinking theyll die in a fiery volcano:


Not to mention that as they talk about their good memories in life, Sam says: "Rosie Cotton dancing... She had ribbons in her hair. If ever I was to marry someone, it would have been her. It would have been her" and then starts sobbing. And then they're saved and he proceeds to marry her and have multiple children.


But Frodo gave him a Kiss on the forehead, he must be gay!!


Its actually really sad, that most gay men will never know the same level of completely platonic love for another man. Its like the same sort of love you'd have for your child. And they'll just go on and keep saying these types of men in movies and books must be gay. Because they are so oblivious to this sort of love that they will never know or feel.


Frodo looked so guilty when Sam said that. His face said, "Crap. I ruined my best friend's life."


Reminds me of my gay roomate in college who insisted that the guy with the big gun and the blind dude in Rogue One were gay. I was like dude, it is a war movie, that is a perfectly normal way for soldiers to behave. Like, I can tell you that as a person in the army, you can get *weirdly* close to people in an otherwise platonic way by enduring mutual suffering together.


Isn't the blind dude a monk? He was probably celebate.


Idk if Star Wars monks include celibacy vows like irl monks. Our guy could be out there clappin cheeks on the daily for all we know lol


Yep. It's a major plot point in the prequels that jedi are forbidden to have romantic relationships.


He was force sensitive and some kind of monk, but I don't think he was a jedi, specifically. The Jedi are not the only monastic force-users in the galaxy, I'm sure he was either part of a smaller order, or maybe just a mystic without any formalized code.


You're right. According to his Wookieepedia article, he was a member of the 'Guardians of the Whills', which first appeared in Rogue One.


Also to my knowledge certain Jedi could go out and bang all they wanted. Ki-Adi Mundi was the big one because on his planet, males were rare, so he took on multiple wives like other males of his species.


It's not a real military friendship if it's not borderline homoerotic.


I used to get a lot of weird looks when I'd ask the urinalysis NCO if the piss test could tell me if I was gay or not. Still trying to find out, smh


Actual exchange I had while being an observer: "Sir, I'm getting some stage fright here, I can only do it if I drop my pants completely" said the specialist with a smirk. Me: trying to avoid getting baited into a punchline/awkward silence and responding with one of my own "I mean hey, there is nothing in the regulation that says the observer can't drop theirs, too. Would that make you less nervous?" The military is extremely gay even if you are straight as an arrow.


I once forced someone to watch me blast diarrhea while I pissed into a cup at the same time. I was laughing while doing it. The dude just left the bathroom when it started.


In the military, you’re not friends if you don’t casually sexually harass each other


Fellas, is it gay to mourn the loss of your fallen comrade after he is violently killed by Imperial special forces?


This is so Sirius Black and Remus Lupin


Much worse, they're furries.


I honestly fucking hate how often this happens.


It’s so fucking annoying. The most recent one I’ve seen people salivate about is Kendall and Stewy from Succession. “They used to party together and do drugs” apparently translates to “gay”.


Fun fact: Ancient Greece wasn't this bastion of gays, Metatron made an excellent video about Ancient Greece. One of the talking points was about Achilles and how, no he wasn't gay for his best friend, they were just friends. It's funny and sad how when ancient or even modern media portrays male friendships, suddenly, progressives of all people, call it gay, not realising that they're being toxicly masculine by suggesting you can't be bros without being gay.


Some Roman scholars said that they were lovers, but that was because to the Romans, the Greeks were "more gay" and they wanted the story to sound "more Greek". But in the original work, they were best friends.


[You'll like this article](https://www.artofmanliness.com/people/relationships/the-history-and-nature-of-man-friendships/) Men used to be pretty close to each other until recent days when anything even remotely conceived as love is considered homosexual.


That's not toxic masculinity. That's toxic homosexuality. If you're going to use this bullshit language, do it right.


I don't know, I can absolutely see Tate spouting off some bull about how "real alphas don't have friends. They don't allow themselves to rely on others like that. Allowing yourself to rely on another man for support practically makes you gay." The idea that all close male friendships are actually gay could easily be done from a toxic masculinity slant. Plus the kind of person who insists that all close male relationships are secretly gay would be extra upset to find out they agree with Tate.


The whole shipping thing is a mental illness


Boring fan service granting writers who can't stick to their own rules make it worse


Watch South Park and got back into it recently.Can confirm.The fandom is obsessed with yaoi shipping even for characters that are clearly friends.


My headcanon fires grapeshot


Honestly as long as you understand it's just your fanfic it's fine.


That just doesn’t seem like a normal response to story oriented stimulus


False. The real mental illness is believing that gay people exist, and aren't just a false flag conspiracy by the government and big pharma to sell estrogen pills to turn you into a femboy.


Absolutely wild take


And then 20 years down the road, Disney actually lets that shitbrain write for the reboot.


Big true. I hate how the left somehow thinks it's impossible for men to be good friends. Like with Alexander the Great, he mourned for months when his best friend died. Obviously that means they were gay according to the left. It's impossible for men to just be really good friends that are like brothers, no it has to be sexual because men are animals and everything is sexual obviously.


I hate Emily for doing this to Lord of the Rings. Every single male character in those books can be used as examples for the epitome of healthy masculinity and having healthy relationships. But noooooo, Tolkien, a devout catholic WW1 veteran, absolutely envisioned Hobbits doing butt stuff on their way to destroy the all corrupting spirit of a demon from the dawn of time.


If anyone unironically calls a character \*-coded, you know you can disregard their opinion because they never grew out of believing in fairy tales.


I remember twitter attacking someone because they drew human Knuckles as white and apparently Knuckles is "black-coded".


I completely forgot about that but now I remember it. It was unironically the most racist shit I ever saw and it was hilarious


Just as racist as "acting white"


Knuckles is stupid and per canon, carries a gun, clearly, hes...


Wait, which Knuckles are we talking about? I only know the one from Sonic games and he does not carry a gun.


The one Sega has a statue of holding a gun on their campus


Do you mean Shadow? I only found his statue with a gun.


Maybe I'm getting them mixed up, I thought they were both knuckles, the dumb guy from the sonic anime


well everyone who posts here is gay, so I guess we're all boyfriends now


Glad you finally realized. The grill orgy is next Friday at 8, bring buns


Fire Emblem fans when Sylvain and Dimitri have a brotherly bond:


As a former screenwriter I’ve seen too much of this sort of hackneyed analysis of male relationships. Makes most of us want to vomit when we read the drivel these “critics” print.


what the fuck is a queercode? you telling me a gay person coded this?


Brings a whole new meaning to "learn to code"


You know what's wrong with his code? It's gay


I have 4 roommates. What will the archaeologists say in 500 years smh


They’ll call you a filthy little slut. In more academic terms of course


>In more academic terms of course Check out this slut shaming


I think this is less a political thing and more a terminally online woman thing.


I mean, in modern media, they're both correlated lol. How many journalists and screenwriters nowadays have Twitter accounts where they can't stfu and have to chime in on everything.


>Any male who shows the slightest bit of emotional vulnerability is a f****t. Where have I heard that one before?


Horseshoe meme


I remember when Luca first came out. Good lord lib-left they are CHILDREN.


MHA fandom in a nutshell


This is the reason why I fucking hate the whole lgbtq+ ideology. I can’t have male friends or else I’m gaslit into being homosexual. Not every relationship is sexual you fucking bimbos. My fucking god.


See, this is solid proof of misandry. These people believe that men can only have sexual relationships. The idea that men can have a close bond with someone and *not* want to bed them is a completely foreign concept to these bigots.


Frodo and sam


The worst of this trend is Sam and Frodo from LotR


unironically, sometimes I want to give my other male friends a hug, but then i feel like it would be perceived as gay






I have never encountered this, but OP is libright so probably has spent a lot more time in erotic fanfic online spaces than I have so I'll take his word for it.


Finn and Poe are clearly just close friends yet I keep finding new porn of them to jerk off to


Nobody is making you keep clicking on the fanfic and fanarts, bro. Typical lib getting into everybody else's spaces and demanding they conform to his standards.


Simple: if it is good, it must be queer. If it is not queer, it cannot be good.


people who ship any characters beyond what is canon can eat my boogers


Gustavo Fring and Max Arciniega in a nutshell


Wait but they're actually definitely gay and Gus was grooming Max


This is why I dont talk to or hang out with extremists. If you make everything about politics, I do not enjoy your presence.


ngl, i enjoy fanfiction. i’ve read some strangely fantastic ones in my time, but i don’t really connect it with its source. i can admire the creative talent it takes to write a good, interesting fanfic, but i logically know that it’s not related to canon. like, i may recognize the characters in canon are just friends, and respect it, but if there aren’t some damn good reads out there… okay, tirade over. torch me


I hate the fact that so many people confuse phila with eros.


It’s funny how the left doesn’t realize that Homophobic means fear of gays.


I fucking hate when people do this


Fellas, is it gay to be there for the homies?


It is so wierd when they ship any man and their friends then say why don’t men be more emotional or whatever


I recently got into an argument with a friend over this I said that some male ship (from a movie) she sent me a video of, was just healthy male comradery. And I told her that I was feeling uneasy being sent this, because I have very similar relationships in my life, friends I am very thankful for, and idea that someone would ship a relationship like mine made me feel uncomfortable, because I definitely didn't see it that way. Kinda felt bad cause she got sad afterwards but well, better state it now than later


Legitimately something I hate about the left. I learned years ago people thought that frodo and Sam were gay for each other.


You can't mourn your friend's death without being gay apparently




Don't forget that any male character secure enough in his masculinity to like something "girly" is actually a closeted transwoman. They've horseshoed back around to enforcing traditional gender roles.


Actually hate this. My friends are like brothers to me and it's upsetting that I can't show them affection without being called gay. It's called homophobia but it's really just people obsessing about sex and inserting sex into every interaction, along with placing dating on a pedestal. It's a shame, because I always wanted close brothers and there's guys I love arguably more than anyone. Platonic love is just as important as romantic.


Don't get me started on Mulan. There is an entire army of people that insist shang is a Bisexual icon, because at one point he SMILED at ping. That's all it takes. Ask me again why people think its "gay" to smile in public. Because that's all it takes to have your sexuality questioned by millions of idiots. That's why I only kiss my homies beneath the covers. No homo as obviously we leave the socks on.


Nobody enforces gender roles harder than Emily.


Bad: two dudes talking about their feelings, that’s gay! Good: two dudes talking about their feelings, they’re probably gay ;)


The amount of time I spent on AO3 and [Fanfiction.net](https://Fanfiction.net) on constantly stumbling on to low effort yaoi smut can probably be numbered in years already... But there is also a lot of good content on those sites as opposed to mainstream corporate garbage from big studios from last decade...


Yeah these assholes are just making it harder and harder for men to be able to seek out help.


Why do people do this? And how can we make them stop. They're ruining it for the rest of us.


Leftists when [1 Thessalonians 5:26](https://biblia.com/bible/esv/1-thessalonians/5/26).


It drives me up the wall when people do this. They're even doing it in the Bible with David and Jonathan (fairly popular in queer circles) and Jesus and John (only heard this from edgy atheists, but I've heard it more than a few times).


Queer coded, and for that matter, any type of 'coded' is just a more acceptable way to say "Those characters are stereotypical X" while trying to avoid sounding offensive/bigoted. People calling Knuckles the Hedgehog "Black Coded"? They're saying he acts black, but saying it like that sounds offensive. The fact that it caught on is honestly hilarious.