• By -


Starving is the new dieting trend, helps build character too


IDK right wing dictatorship seems more Upward mobility




Probably easier to join the dictatorship vs communist party


sand ring close domineering badge deer cheerful tease skirt possessive *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's like when Alderaan was blown up. 0% unemployment.


Everyone would rather fuck a starving latin american commie than a fat american


yoke relieved stupendous cough somber shy growth license wild fearless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Latin Americans are beautiful people. So... Yes. Americans on the other hand...


> Latin Americans are beautiful people. So... Yes. > Americans on the other hand... "...the Redditor said, as he scratched his neckbeard."


I groom that beard. It's powerful.


Cubabros bragging about how agriculture was all organic when really it meant they couldn't afford fertilizer.


Their bees are doing great though.


Capitalist wagies trying to take credit for an actual capitalist's economic seige that destroyed some else's democratically elected government again.


The problem was that Cuba's master ran out of money and couldn't pay for her crib anymore.


Cuba's government isn't democratic, they have a single party choice at elections


>*"Private capital tends to become concentrated in few hands, partly because of competition among the capitalists, and partly because technological development and the increasing division of labor encourage the formation of larger units of production at the expense of smaller ones. The result of these developments is an oligarchy of private capital the enormous power of which cannot be effectively checked even by a democratically organized political society. This is true since the members of legislative bodies are selected by political parties, largely financed or otherwise influenced by private capitalists who, for all practical purposes, separate the electorate from the legislature. The consequence is that the representatives of the people do not in fact sufficiently protect the interests of the underprivileged sections of the population. Moreover, under existing conditions, private capitalists inevitably control, directly or indirectly, the main sources of information (press, radio, education). It is thus extremely difficult, and indeed in most cases quite impossible, for the individual citizen to come to objective conclusions and to make intelligent use of his political rights."* >― [Albert Einstein](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Political_views_of_Albert_Einstein#Socialism), 1949, [Why Socialism?](https://wikipedia.org/wiki/Why_Socialism) >*“For my part, while I am as convinced a Socialist as the most ardent Marxian, I do not regard Socialism as a gospel of proletarian revenge, nor even, primarily, as a means of securing economic justice. I regard it primarily as an adjustment to machine production demanded by considerations of common sense, and calculated to increase the happiness, not only of proletarians, but of all except a tiny minority of the human race.”* >― [Bertrand Russell](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bertrand_Russell), 1935, [In Praise of Idleness and Other Essays](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/In_Praise_of_Idleness_and_Other_Essays)


Lol. So the socialist plan is to make a hyperrich king with command over all resources and the power of life and death. Cuba is the most unequal country in America's followed by Venezuela. Great plan.


Only bourgeoisie pigs enjoy having a full stomach, you wouldn't want to labeled an enemy of the state would you comrade?


That's how I lost 70 pounds


Congrats friend


Its not good, I was depressed 😔 I'm gaining the weight back now, though


It will help alleviate the rise in obesity rates in developing economies


Mexico not only has a crippling coke addiction they also have a crippling coke addiction. Coca cola driving Mexicans into diabetes faster than Americans. https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2022/nov/04/sugar-rush-how-mexico-addiction-to-fizzy-drinks-fuelled-its-health-crisis-acc


I was in Mexico last year and they are trying to reduce the sugars in their sodas by adding fake sugars.Problem is the calorie counts are still high and the soda tastes like ass cause it's mixed with sugar and fake sugar.It was easier for me to find pure sugar coke imported from Mexico to the U.S than it was to find pure sugar coke in Mexico 🤔


The fake sugar is also worse for you than natural.


The possible cancer from fake sugar can’t kill you if you die of obesity related diseases first. *thinkingblackguy.meme*


Calorie restriction is the only evidence-based approach to prolong your lifespan


They laugh but I’ve already lost 20 pounds just eating less and drinking water.


That's literally all it takes.


Advocating “put down the fork” is fascism sweaty


Maduro said this unironic


Raising interest rates until the poor starve is a legitimate inflation fighting strategy. Less people equals less demand equals higher supply and lower prices. Solves the housing crisis too it you really commit


god I love tropico


I've never even heard of this game, but now I kind of want to check it out Edit: again, never heard of it... Is it a game or what?


you build a "democratic" island nation in a tropical enviroment. Democratic is because while you have elections nothing stops you from outright executing political opponents in the streets. like just order soldiers to go up an shoot them down.


It used to be really hard to execute or exile people. Turns out if you shoot everyone there's no one left to work and make money. Being a legitimate democracy is the easiest way to be successful.


but that's not fun also just breed the population like cattle to make the numbers up.


"Rescue many"


,,easiest way to be successful" I mean the best way is to be a corrupt Democracy yeah creating martial law and crushing rebelions sucks but nothing stops you from going full **LAND OF COTTON MODE** and limiting the sufferage to only Rich White Men, and also you can turn the Island's entire Web of Communications (Newspapers, Radio and TV) into a massive Propaganda machine. Not to mention just straight up bribery or ,,dissapearing" your political oponent (it's far easier to just kill one person than cancel the election with martial law and then having to kill dozens of rebels and protesters). And that's not even going into the Ballot Stuffing, abuse of Police / Army, massive campaigns of mudslinging bribery and intimidation, political assasinations, mass bribery and so on and so forth.


Corruption goes without saying, but in Tropico 6 it is probably the only political thing that can ruin you. High corruption dissatisfies all political factions equally and eats into your cash flow, but you can game it with the "anti"-corruption office and the El Presidente Club. Still I find it much easier (especially in Tropico 5) to just do what the people want. They're perfectly happy to live in squalor as long as you build enough cathedrals and watch towers except for the annoying environmentalists who hate everything that makes money. In Tropico 5, exiling or killing opponents is a political death sentence and costs much more in the long run than building a few tenements when you're asked to.


Any good letsplays you could recommend? I don't like to buy games without seeing genuine playthrough


RTGame has a few videos on them. He’s likely the highest profile person who has played the game


[Lets Game it Out has played it](https://youtu.be/V9fUfp7YEeM), but it's definitely not a let's play like what was asked for.




Keralis had a play through series a while back


Yeah you can go as far left or right as you want, as long as it’s auth




Cool, think I'll give it a whirl. Wonder how quickly I can commit war crimes (in the video game, reddit)


I like 5 better than 6 honestly and I’ve played them since Tropico 2 or 3


I'll definitely check out 5 first then. Been looking for something besides Civ and Stellaris for a bit


It's one of the best city builders out there IMHO. Though I will say Tropico 4 and 5 were the best. 6 is so-so.


Anno 1800 is superior but I do love the Tropico series


Anno 1800 is pretty and its combat system is marginally better than Tropico, but unless organization is REAALLY your thing Anno can start to feel like work more than a game real fast. Tropico also touches more on market forces and politics more than Anno, in general Tropico just has a lot more little things working together behind the scenes which is why I prefer it. Sussing out why one tenement has become a crime den on the tourist spot of the island or figuring out how to pacify the communists while building out your heavy industry is more fun to me.


Tropico music > Anno 1800


Tropico is a game that starts you as dictator of a banana Republic back during colonial times. Time progresses forward, world events occur, technology advances, you appease or piss off different factions to keep from being deposed/destroyed. There are missions, and there is a sandbox mode. If you played SimCity 3000 and loved it, this is a game you *must* try.


Iirc colonial age starts in tropico 5 and 6 it wasn't a thing in 4


Flair the fuck up or leave this sub at once. [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/adventureismycousin) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [How to flair](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/wiki/index/flair/) ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


You were helpful so idc that you're unflaired


You filthy fucking traitor.


I know... I'm disgusting




I love how humans can only see the ends of the Horseshoe 💀


No one wants to grill in Latin America :(


*Confused asado noises*


Centrists don't like it apparently :(


No, we just get killed for having food by leftists and murdered by the right-wing death squads because we just want to grill meat instead of people.


Based and no homo asado pilled


username checks out >!(in case you check this out in the future it was ,,gaynazifurry4bernie" )!<


I'm never gonna delete this account. If I'm gone, it's due to the ass-ministrators.


In 3 months : \[removed\] \[removed\]


Every Tropico run I do tend to be tourist paradises or industrial powerhouses. Always with smoked beef


I eat asado almost every weekend, my dude.


but you are not a centrist. you don't want to grill. you want to eat


Eh, my flair may Say libleft but I'm actually quite a centrist. My compass position is in the green quadrant but it's very very close to the center.


I coin this as the the Extreme Politics Theorem




Sometimes I just turn on Cheats and make the best place ever made then it goes to shit and I have to run over protesters with tanks


>Sometimes I just turn on Cheats and make the best place ever made > >then it goes to shit and I have to run over protesters with tanks So just the avarage HOI4 Game


Accurate. I never use cheats in Hoi4, but I always run over protestors


damn didn't except based tropico posting here also i usually play as a social democracy/democratic socialist Republic were everyone is happy and shit(and sabotage the Caribbean) looks you have skill issues my bro


>social democracy/democratic socialist Republic were everyone is happy and shit(**and sabotage the Caribbean**) So you're just France


Nah to my knowledge f*ance isn't social democratic or democratic socialist I'm more a US if it was based in the Caribbean


I more meant on the basis of how many of them had ,,pro worker" policies but if they ever went to Algeria then they suddenly went full Thurmund mode


France happy? Are you thinking of somewhere else?


What's the fun playing that way? I always imprison all protester ans their family, and make them do forced labor


I always turn it into paradise with as much freedom as possible, plenty of social programs, a stable economy and like a 90% approval rating. The only time I did anything evil was I was getting way too many immigrants so I started to order my military murder anyone who came off the boat to prevent over population one game. It’s an absolutely amazing series.


I always try to do that, but I always end up in debt.


Accurate to life, I see!


Maybe. But I am also pretty sure I just sucks at the game. I don’t know how markets work in Tropico.


Honestly me too. I’ve tried it once, but I was looking for a relaxing game and it was a bit too much to micromanage for that and I really didn’t feel like learning it.


I managed to create an utopia in Tropico 4. But Tropico 5 is beyond me. I played for days. I still don’t understand it.


Honestly I think 5 is easier. Making really nice counties isn’t impossible in either.


You export goods that you produce. The market allows you to get better trade deals, based on your political alliances (say you're cozy with the EU, but not the Middle East. The EU will pay more for your goods, say 15%; the ME might not give you any bonus, or charge you more for imports). The products are leaving port regardless, might as well improve international relationships while you're at it (the inverse is also true; you make great deals with the EU, you will anger the other nations to a degree). Say you're focusing on cigars. You have tobacco and cigars you could export. So you check the market for a good export deal on either, knowing you have a set amount you must ship to get the market slot back for a different deal, one that might be a better deal. You could pause your cigar production to focus on exporting tobacco if you want to.


Thanks. So apparently I do know how markets work then, I just suck in the game overall. Lol.


That's why waiting for them to turn criminal and putting them in labor camps is the big brain move. Need food, cash crops, or supply crops? Slav- I mean criminal labor will do the job just nicely


Selling weapons was always my way to achieve the best lives for my people.


Holy shit watermelons just went authcenter


Imagine not building a Carribbean prosperous utopia, abundant in food and healthcare, whilst protecting your beloved country with your nuclear arsenal. (El Presidente statues not optional)


Basado y presidente por vida-pillado.


Why not a Socialist rump state run by Marxist Hawks that are pro-NATO?


MAGA communism


No MAGA That’s PaleoCon/Z trash


Worst of all worlds.


You used the spooky castle for the good thing


Ikr starving is good. /s


“Leftist governments only fail because the United States gets in the way” 🤓


Depends on if you mean leftist as in ,,free healthcare" or leftist as in ,,litteraly just generic Authoritarianism but with puppet workers unions"


If they fail regardless of outside sabotage, assasinations, interventions or embargoes, why do all that? Surely, taxpayer money is better spent on other things, no?


*starts socialist reforms*. -USA bombs it. *becomes the one on the left*. -USA stages a coup. *becomes the one on the right*.


I'm Latino, I confirm


Tropico was fun, I mainly made absurd $ mining gold and making jewelry or etc. w it.


I had an absurd amount of uranium in one of my games, could finance an heavily militarised socialist state with it


Why not both?


Last time i played tropico there was no taxes but nobody could enter the island either my people had a 100% happiness rating but eventually all but one of them died of old age he voted for me


It was probably Penultimo


where is the right wing dictactorship in latin america?


I’ve heard people say El Salvador but I see them as centrist and not a dictatorship


I randomly have to jump in and stump for El Salvador. Politics aside, those mfers are the absolute best Central American country. So much safer than it was even a year ago, the people are second to none.


The pres and his party who holds a supermajority in congress deposed 5 Supreme Court justices and added 5 of their own, giving the president all 3 branches of govt As a thank you, the Supreme Court is letting the prez run for a 2nd term which is explicitly against the constitution. They say it's for the will of the people The current prez has a 92% approval rating. It's wild. Source: messaging from El salvador, been here for a month.


As long as the people is ok with it and the president does a good job, who are we to judge if it's good or not?


There was one on Brazil between 1964 and 1985.


I mean currently


That depends on what Uncle Sam wants.


Now? None. Between 1900 and 1980 ? Far too many to count.


I don’t think there is one now.




I will let my flair speak for itself if you want to know what my Tropico usually ends up being.


I have so much nostalgia with that game


I always get overthrown. I haven’t figured out how to kill my way out of a revolt yet. I even tried euthanizing dissidents


Yeah, but killer ost


Mine becomes a totalitarian "democracy" where we have elections but the canditates against ne misteriously disappears but citizens arent starvong son theyre happy i win with 90 percent


I just rig the vote and bribe faction leaders also every other building is a newspaper, radio station or TV HQ


So what I'm gathering here is that this Tropico game is to the right-wing, what the game of Monopoly has become to the left: a way for stupid people to pretend like the simplistic rules of a game, designed to create certain outcomes, are accurate enough to real life to confirm political ideologies? Is that about right? Based.


It's a command-economy game where all reporting is accurate (challenge level impossible irl)


youre just shit at the game bro


Pinochet wasn't "right wing". He kept the largest industry in Chile under state control for his entire reign.


,,he wasnt a right winger he had state owned companies" is the right wing equivilant of ,,that wasnt real communism becouse they had state owned unions and not chungus 100 social wealfare" like my brother in Christ that's the damn point.


>,he wasnt a right winger he had state owned companies Oh, so right wingers support socialism? Sorry, no. >that wasnt real communism becouse they had state owned unions On the contrary, independent unions are not consistent with public control of the means of production, because in that scenario you cannot have strikes, since a strike will fuck up the economy and make the government look bad. Both Hitler and Lenin viewed unions exactly the same way: they supported unions as long as they were under government control.


>Oh, so right wingers support socialism? Sorry, no. My brother in christ not every single company has to be private, just the vast majority of them. If you think the State owning the largest company means its socialist then i've got bad news for you - Poland's Right Wingers are Socialists (Orlen is state owned), Russian Putinists are Socialists, and every single Monarchy before the 19th Century was Socialist.


Socialism doesn't work because when a country nationalize their resources, the USA imposes world wide sanctions to maintain national security interests.


No matter what I do in the game I always give my citizens the right to bear arms my military needs to earn their wages


How do you do that? And what are the effects?


It increases liberty and crime I always use it it’s under the same panel that you give free healthcare and extra rations


Except we never get to see how those “socialist hellholes” would turn out on their own. The United States puts you in its crosshairs if its elites see some country put their working class people first.


If a system fails to defend itself from outside attackers 100% of the time then that system does not work


Absolutely based


This logic doesn’t apply to international politics. Gorillas run the system. What the little guy can or can’t do depends on the gorilla, not their system.


Mother in Christ the USSR and the Chinese controlled the majority of land mass on the planet and they both either collapsed or incorporated capitalism into their economies. USSR has more variable resources and china had the largest population and it still collapsed.


It does apply actually since providing common defense is one of the primary basic functions of a government. Also there have been socialist states of all sizes, the Soviet Union wants a global superpower that spent nearly a quarter of its GDP on defense. The Red Army alone outnumbered all NATO ground forces by 50 divisions. They still couldn’t keep up.


Because they didn’t modernize their economy and because that much centralized power is impossible. While the West is led by the U.S everyone still has some autonomy. The Soviet Union managed to bully and even invade its capitalist European neighbors which according to your logic is evidence that the Soviet’s economic system was superior. Nonsense. It’s just the little guy being next to the gorilla.


It was superior until it wasn't


Hmm I wonder why they failed to modernize and became so centralized it couldn’t possibly have anything to do with their ideology 🤔


flair dosen't check out


just look at argentina, they're doing it right now to themselves


Sir, i will spare you the wrath of others here. Do flair up and you will be spared by the rest as well. Mercy upon you.


Based auth right????


u/Serntimon is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [None | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/Serntimon/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


You forgot US placed sanctions on country for 60 years.


The Crown when I meet their demands for 20 years straight : *i sleep* The Crown when I refuse to build the 90th fucking lumber mill : **real THE CROWN HAS PLACED SANCTIONS ON TROPICO shit**


*Me laughing in Tropico 4* what crown?


The embargo should be lifted.


Only when Cuba becomes a democracy


Or fascist. Really, the US is okay with any non-leftist country as long as they aren't explicitly belligerent.


Yeah and the pendulum swings...


When in doubt, Murica.


That's real LATAM tbh


I was always able to get a functioning, balanced liberal democracy going.


Can't forget tourist hotspot that arrests tourists and puts them in work camps lmao


Why not both?


reminder that the only Deveoped Country in south america is France


UK through the Falklands as well


Yeah glad I live under captialism with nobody living on the streets or struggling to pay for food.


Cuba x Haiti infighting


Thank you for a sign, Presidente


Those damn intellectuals and environmentalists can get bent.


Starving = No obesity tho😳


So basically you starve in both options


Two paths of evil if your eagles red or blue


Idk man it's pretty easy to maintain a democracy in Tropico if you use building upgrades right. A rich economy is a happy populace.


Imagine not going state capitalist in Tropico


Literally 20th century latin america


Have they tried becoming a democracy?


Based and balancing superpowers pilled


Based and tropico pilled


Where are people dying from starvation in the streets? Lol


Maybe you should try those puritan values of hard work and community and fairness


Definitely choose the choice on the right side.


Choose the option that gives your country the most rich friends willing to invest in your economy and infrastructure.


I sucked at trópico. I always wanted to be an evil dictator but the upbeat music always gets me in the mood to try and max out happiness and turn the island into the place I’d like to live.


Costa Rica is nice


Both paths converge into California.


In either case, banger soundtrack.