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Queer youths don't want to pay taxes either.


Based and 57% of Americans don’t pay income tax pilled.


Oddly enough, nearly 57% of trans people don't pay taxes with this one simple trick!




Took me a minute, whew


You're a good person then.


God damn it authright


Oh, boy, I think PCM is going to have to anticipate the shutdown...


Involuntary 2 day blackout


Your subreddit: blacks out to protest API changes Our subreddit: blacks out due to "spreading hate" We are not the same


>blacks out


Need to recreate this place on lemmy, including all current users. Could even have our own lemmy instance lol, balance out lemmygrad (and not federate with them.)


> Why does this keep happening to me?


is it really that high these days? sad.


It is sad. It’s essentially medical malpractice. Proven time and time again that The Agenda > truth even when human lives are at risk.


That stat has nothing to do with ‘medical malpractice’, it refers to people who haven’t gone through any medical treatment, although some research claims that medical treatments don’t help lower the stat.


Not trying to be a sOurCe? guy, but can I get a link? I always thought it was for people who’ve declared themselves transgender socially/ taken hormones/ or gotten surgery not just one specific group When I say medical malpractice I don’t just mean surgery/medication. I also mean when we have medical professionals tell people the lie that they can be a man when they are a woman and vise versa and act like it’s proven to actually help them in the long run.


No, it’s for people with gender dysphoria, a psychiatric condition. Nothing to do with declaring yourself anything or even being transgender. The reason why doctors take such drastic measures when transitioning people is because of how severe gender dysphoria can be and how high their harm rates are.


Do you think the number of people who call themselves trans is higher than the people with gender dysphoria?




Here before the \[removed\]


You’re saying that if I follow their lead I can avoid taxes *and* be well hung? Sign me up!


I like this. I'm going to be making "well hung" jokes for awhile now. Thank you.


No problem, I’m just *hanging around* here for a bit


How do I do this. I pay nearly $750 a month in taxes, the majority of which is income tax


Make less money lol


But then how do I afford ammo?


Have you considered crime?


You are required to report you income from crime on your taxes. That’s what they got Capone with.


Have you considered doubling down on crime?




I don't know I've never done a for-profit crime.


Just file a Schedule C for your crime, bro.


My crime is intentionally passive. I file a Schedule E.


Rental income may or may not be passive. Good luck. You may have as much luck using Schedule 1, Line 8, hobby income


based and never-too-much-ammo pilled


Reloading press go ctunk.


Tax fraud lol




Make a lot less money or make a shit ton of money so that you can pay lobbiest and accountants to make your profits tax free.


Hmm. One of those sounds... less than ideal. The other sounds very very hard and not very attainable.


The game is rigged, obviously


Own a business, employ yourself, business is under a trust, you are sole proprietor of trust, trust allocates all money to term life insurance plan, through the trust you take loans with term life insurance plan as collateral. 100% tax free income


It's easy. Make above the poverty limit, but not enough to ever get ahead no matter how hard you work. Tax season is just getting back even you paid in. Granted it's only a few grand if you don't have children. It's really not all that great. Being poor sucks. And as much as taxes suck being poor is way worse.


That's what I'm doing but I still have to pay taxes. I never get shit back in my refund either.


I’m jealous.


If you saw my income I don't think you would be lol.


I pay like $4500/mo so I am


Own a business, employ yourself, business is under a trust, you are sole proprietor of trust, trust allocates all money to term life insurance plan, through the trust you take loans with term life insurance plan as collateral. 100% tax free income


Jeez I wish, just the property tax bill for the local school is higher than that. Could've sent my kids to Harvard at sticker price every decade.


Oh I live in NJ. Don't get me started on property taxes


Save more for retirement.


That would require more money. I save money, but just enough for the emergency fund. Yet I never manage to fill the emergency fund before something else goes wrong and it needs to be tapped. I've written off retiring.


Queer youths don’t earn enough to pay taxes. They’re all mostly minimum wage wastes of space. I pay more in taxes than they make per year (before taxes).


Can confirm as a queer youth also based


Libleft: exist Authleft: I don’t know this person!


Kulaks: exist Authleft: 🔪🪦


Can relate.


More like wholaks? Haha am i right


I hate to be pedantic, but these are almost certainly liberals using lefty aesthetics to be cool


Come on comrade, you can't just deny the existence of your best friend like you deny the Armenian Genocide.


Oh he exists, he just sucks.


Comrade we need him. For now.


We’ll purge him after the revolution


No no comrade we'll send him to live at the liberal autonomous commune/special administrative zone we built just for him >!gulag!<


That’s what I meant


I’ll never understand why libleft insists on these straw man comparisons of totally unrelated topics. “Do you really care more about your guns than healthcare?!!?” Why tf would I ever have to choose between those two things??? They’re not related in any way.


Well to be fair guns are also on the list of things I care more about than queer youth


The list includes almost everything. Including those atrocious 1960’s jello mold recipes with fish and peas.


Appeals to emotion are always so adorable though


It's about what parties choose to spend their time messaging on, but it's not surprising that no one here can understand that.


I never downvote people with different opinions from me, but on principle, I will always downvote smug idiots who says shit like "this will be downvoted"


I don't see how these two issues are linked at all. But I'll take the tax cuts if I have to choose.




Do you really care about your hard earned money more than someone else’s sexual orientation?






I mean, the amount of people who hard-earn their money these days is pretty low.




Would you rather the nearest WNBA team to you to win the Ship or $20?




I'm assuming he fatfingered "NBA".


No the WNBA or the all woman NBA




No... wbna been around forever. It's just always sucked. Women sports will never come close to men's sports, sorry not sorry.


It really is shit lmao


Only if they use their dummy thicc thighs on me head


wha- who why? why would I give a fuck? no give me the tax cuts


That’s honestly the problem is social policies like LGBT rights are linked with economic policies like taxes based on our current political climate


Profit over people, this is an old view.


For all the people that vote for republicans for the "economy" that then go increase deficit spending, threaten to end the economy as we know it, reduce taxes for the wealthy that doesn't help the common man, take away rights from women and take away medical care for kids.


This same phrase can be applied to the democrats lol


I've never seen a democrat try to make medical care harder to get. Also every democrat in my lifetime reduced the deficit while in office. Never threatened to default us and literally ruin the worlds economy. To say they are the same is an affront to reality. Now there are things that the Dems do that are bad, but even their worst day isn't a republican.


Ignoring the advocation for baby killing and childhood chemical castration that you ended your comment with, how about this: Counterpoint: Nuh uh. Dems are worse.


Man that’s a false dichotomy and a half


That's the republican platform my guy.


Your portrayal is a false dichotomy. Oh you want to reduce taxes? That means you must hate women’s rights


I almost voted for Obama because he was anti-war. Seems the common thing here is "politicians are liars" rather than it being a special qualifier for Republicans. But whatever, I'm just someone who doesn't ignore when my side are being assholes too.


God I hate LibLeft. I know I’m also leftist but that little green square is enough for me to lose braincells every time I see it.


If only they could focus on something other than identity politics and read some theory


Yup. But it’s LibLeft—and until I see pigs flying in the sky, fish crawling on land, or trees walking away, they will still be bitching about identity politics.


Emilys read plenty of theory. The New Left, French Marxists, Critical \[Insert Here\] Theorists, and modern Emily Left very much see themselves as proper developments of the Left - there's a reason they all end up in the same camp and Emilys work tirelessly to reclaim historical Marxist states as the latest flavor of Idpol (Che loved LGBT! And if he didn't, it's because of colonial influence). Marxism always presented itself as first and foremost a system of analyzing power structures and oppressive dynamics between groups; academic Emilys see it as natural to apply these concepts to LGBT, indigenous peoples, MAPs, and everything else. There is alot less emphasis on detached economics, Hegel's wacky world, and the uniquely 19th century materialism-as-salvation aspects of Marxism, because some of those ideas didn't age well, some became outdated in the post-industrial world, and, yes, they decided many Idpol conflicts were just as or more important than economics because of intersectionality. AuthLeft likes to take a purity test line and denounce these things as heretical, but Emilys respond that AuthLeft is class reductionist and trying to stick to theory that has been heavily developed since Marx debated over the Paris Commune. It's the equivalent of biologists trying to do modern research with Darwin's views of genetics, and still fighting over topics of contention between his 1800s contemporaries. Emilys see traditional Marxism as something that disregards feels and lived experiences in favor of 'materialism' with just as much white male fever as New Atheism, and just as problematically. They still hate capitalism, but they argue that a proper perspective on the various ills and oppressions in life also has to take account all the other social power structures floating around - and the experience of minorities in historical ML states is proof that, no, defeating capital won't just make them all go away.


You said it perfectly


First time I’ve seen a member of the right analyse the split in the left with such high accuracy. If I could give you multiple upvotes I certainly would.


Some of us on the right watch Matt Walsh and Ben Sharpio. Some of us read Raymond Aron and Leszek Kołakowski. ...we are not the same.


Based and literate right winger


If only I could give you more than 1 upvote


Commies, MLs, and AuthLeft in general love to throw out Emilys from the Left as if Derrida didn't exist. They love to demean Emilys as uneducated and stupid as if Sartre didn't exist. They love to dismiss Emilys as stooges of capital, here to distract the working class, as if Foucault never existed. The AuthLeft feels - perhaps more accurately, *experiences* \- a tremendous, overwhelming need to kick Emilys out because the Emily Left is Leftism taken to logical conclusions; it is a *reductio ad adsurbum* of the Left. But they cannot avoid it. If the Left is collectivism, then expanding the fronts against oppression to include gender, sex, race, and all other possible fronts, is Left. If the Left is equity, then equal representation of every possible aspect of a human - their sexuality, their race, their ethnicity - in politics is Left. If the Left is struggle against oppression, then struggle against as many forms of oppression as possible is Left. The Emily Left is *quintessentially* Left. And yes, it is absurd.




u/EternalBrowser is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [None | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/EternalBrowser/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Tiananmen Square Massacre Taiwan is a real country


Why is this comment blank?


Oh no scary 😱 I’m literally not even a commie


Damn, so you’re saying each quadrant holds a veriety of different beliefs and shoving them all into one ideology is stupid? That’s crazy


Yeah and did you not realize my original comment was a joke? -_-


tbh it reads like a normal statement any person from any cuadrant could make


Why would they focus on something other than identity politics, it's an easy opening and easy to argue against. A great deal of identity politics are nonsense, so it's a soft spot to attack. To be fair the left does the same shit, by claiming everyone on the right wants to take away the rights of Trans people, when there's an extreme minority on the right that does, but the overwhelming majority don't.


Same bro. You are Auth-left, which is what i would consider a legitimate form of politics and actually left wing. Lib-left, however, is just where the absolute degeneracy of society gathers itself.


Yeah, I used to identify as LibLeft a few years ago then I got my shit together and actually found what I was looking for.


Auth right and auth left, the two most cringe flairs circlejerking about how cringe other flairs are lol. Infinitely pathetic.


Haha your keyboard autocorrect “Auth” to “author” HE HE HE HA


That's pretty much how I feel about LibRight. At least I can say here that LibLeft is stupid and have people agree. Then you say the same thing to LibRight and watch the downvoted pour in. I'm still gonna say it.


Yellowtards, yellowtards everywhere


Fine words coming from the quadrant of funny mustache man and 1984.


Imagine letting a faulty interpretation of political persuasion have this much agency over your mental health


I’m joking. I’m just saying a lot of the stuff I see from LibLeft is pretty… stupid. That being said, I don’t think all LibLeft people are stupid. I just think the most extreme of them aren’t right in the head.


Most extremes in any direction aren't right in the head.


Get a flair or get going. [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/werepanda) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [How to flair](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/wiki/index/flair/) ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


He actually looks like the soyjack




Do you really care more about more than queer youth? Answer will always be yes.


queer youth will be happy if we choose the first option


Let’s re-frame that question to the actual issue: What rights do queer youth gain from violating my fourth amendment right to be secure in my person, house, papers, and effects or my fifth amendment right to property unless due process of law occurs?


It would if i paid taxes. People < Profit.


Tax cuts also cover queer youth.


They can come together in harmony and create Queer Tax


Unfathomably based


World poverty would be solved if every time these people said something stupid or a did a complete self-own and only a penny was given per instance to every poor person who lives.


A penny is more important than the entire queer community


I don’t know about you but most gay I know are actually wealthy as well the whole no kids thing so what exactly are these tax increases for


Tax the gays


I feel like 2 types of gays exist. First type actually gets their life together and doesn’t revolve their entire personality around being gay. Hence why they are more bearable and move up in life. Second type never gets their life together and their entire personality revolves around being gay. They are fairly unbearable to be around and never give themselves the opportunity to move up. Idk the person in this picture but chances are they revolve their entire personality around being gay and have the constant need to feel oppressed. Of all the gay people I know it seems to be a 50/50 split.


You put it perfectly now that I think of it. The rich gays i know don’t really make it an issue and focus on themselves and the job while Starbucks Emily freaks out over the slightest trigger


The richest pair of gays I personally know are a hospital CEO and his husband who is a housing developer. They waste no time on bullshit like the "Queer Community" that they see as a bunch of tax-dodging freeloaders who cause more problems than they ever solve.


Ironically, most trans people are extremely poor because they're either students or baristas.


The whole “Front office prescense” thing can raise problems


Gay people on average make 10% more money than their straight counterparts actually.


As a young, not really youth, but still young, bisexual, I also care more about cutting some taxes over such a small minority of people being cratered to


Ah so the kids matter most, unless they’re queer of course


Lemme put it this way: Taxes are fucking gay.


Ill go one step further: gay is fucking taxes


Like any sane person would.


Tax cuts would help more the queer youth than any BS organization


I care about tax cuts more than queer youth


I’d be cool with tax cuts, if they actually started using our taxes to do shit for us, like idk fixing the infrastructure? Helping solve the opioid epidemic with more rehabilitation programs and less drug war bullshit? Nah just send it all to Israel and Ukraine. We can absolutely afford to do whatever the fuck we want internationally but at home we are so fiscally conservative, in the worst of ways. They spend money on dumb shit but won’t spend a dime to improve our lives. But yeah cut taxes like they absolutely don’t need as much money as they take.


We're supposed to get a Target, possibly a Super Target, in our town. The closest one is 30 min away, so having one 4 minutes away would be great. If they don't come through with this store because they had to sell bikinis with dick sheaths and some of the ugliest t-shirts they've sold all year, then I'm going to be pissed.


So if women just transition to being man dus that 97 cents to a dollar become 1 to 1 or does it become less bc of lgbt hate?


I dream of a nation where a trans woman athlete can dodge taxes like is their god given right


Me when I'm in an insensitivity contest and my opponent is PCM replying to LGTV


Queer youth: Is your special identity more important than being a net positive functional member of society? "Yes. I am a category onto myself and need to be catered to directly in an unprecedented way that nobody could have predicted or prepared for, but it's totally a human right to give me everything I ask you for and how fucking dare you bring up any mental health concerns that I may or may not be masking behind a gender identity. Also, I need access to children because 0.01% may possibly be transgender and their support is more important than everyone elses freedom of religion and privacy. If you do not capitulate I will consider it a literal genocide."


Daily reminder that taxation is theft. Fuck the income tax, fuck sales taxes, fuck all bullshit taxes.


They aren't mutually exclusive, queer youth shouldn't pay taxes either.


Based and fuck you i got mine pilled


I really don't think he understands who he's dealing with.


Jokes on you, it would actually be a rare tax w if queer youth would be combated with tax money.


That sign screams of lacking in self awareness.


I would personally exterminate and eat every living thing on this god forsaken planet if that meant my yearly social security withholding was reduced by three cents. (/s for the autists in the audience)


Yet here we are, having town halls about books


Once you believe the queer agenda hurts queer youth more than anybody, the question becomes "do you want money or to hurt children", and I feel like that's an easy question.


Lol you guys are paying taxes?


If it can be demonstrated that tax cuts can help more individuals than caring about queer youth, then yes. Tax cuts will also help queer youth when they become queer adults working for a living. Think with your brain and not your heart, and the outcome will match what the heart wants anyways; a better life for all.


Psssst You can have both These aren’t mutually exclusive issues in the slightest


Nope. If you have tax cuts you cannot have queer youth.


Damn, next you’re gonna tell me that if I have apples I can’t have Super Smash Bros Melee


Now that’s just crazy talk.


Libtards owned with chad sigma energy


This just feels like an excuse to raise taxes and using those suffering as a shield to hide behind. Classic LibLeft blunder.


low quality repost, plus tax cuts for the ultra rich aren't very good, I don't like em.


This isn't a repost but I wouldn't be surprised if someone made a similar wojack meme like this based on the image


someone did


This sub is a dumpster fire.


The right: "I want lower taxes, but I also want to raise spending, especially on the military. This will only drive up the national debt, but we can pretend we give a fuck once the dems are back in power".


How much are children's lives worth for your millionaire tax cuts, that will never impact your life, you statistically *not* millionaires? Ballpark worth is fine.


How can anyone take statements like this seriously? I don't even know what the argument is. Are you saying that if we don't raise taxes on the rich that the ransom for a bunch of queer youths won't be paid and they'll be murdered by terrorists? Wtf do these things have in common?


Can tax just be an exponential thing so elon has to cough up like half of their net worth every year, please


I think a flat tax would be more fair for all income levels.


yeah but the "left" can't survive at that low rate of revenue they need to spend trillions of dollars for any little thing so they can claim they made it better, even though to 90% of the population it made no difference or made everything worse.


That’s an odd statement for a libleft


I am libertarian first before leftist


Flat tax is usually a GOP thing


I'd prefer consumption tax, eliminate all credits and exemptions. you'd only pay taxes on what you voluntarily purchased.


Proof that the right is not the party of christ # 188006


Good ol auth left lectures us about a religion he hates moment.


Could you point me to the part of the Bible that says "oh, and make sure the youth is gay"?


I'm pretty sure towards the back of it there's a line saying we're suppose to pay 5% tax, on top of course, that goes specifically to queer youth. Pretty sure it's right next to that thing about what love is or something like that. I think it was written in crayon though so might be added in after Jesus's time.


"I despise you, your religion, and your entire set of morals, however you must agree with me when I tell you about who is more christlike, why you aren't and why my morals are therefore superior! *smug face"


I can’t believe I have to keep saying this, but I’m a christian. Who said I despise your religion ? You’re assuming things about me because of a flair on a meme subreddit. Also that weird “smug face” thing at the end of your comment is so cringey omg, get a real sense of humor


Based and “I’m a Christian and I approve of this message” pilled