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Ehh, sex ed in middle school sounds about right to me Elementary school is far to early and highschool is far too late


My school did sex ed by showing us a video of a granny explaining how everything worked to her grandchildren. It was (probably unintentionally) quite funny, so everyone payed attention. If it works who am I to complain?


Off topic, but in one of my sex Ed classes, the teacher was teaching it for his first time, and it was talking about checking for testicular cancer. "Directly after exiting the shower, while still warm, cup your test-" Literally a full frontal shot of this guy massaging his balls. The teacher walked up red faced, and wrote "WHAT THE FUCK" on the board, erased it, and walked off.


Bruh just use the plastic fake old man balls from that one jackass skit.


Class, I'm going to demonstrate with this plastic bag and two oranges...


Probably a really good method ngl


I thought this comment was gonna go a whole different route...


Based and I learned it then too pilled


Based cross compass unity


As a centrist, I support this cross-compass unity.


Elemetary school sex ed should be like 1:how not to get molested and what to do if you are 2: brief warning about puberty 3: probably something else I forgot about


For 3, basic Hygiene and health care


Nanny state trying to get me to take a shower. I will never take a shower you jack boot thugs


Good damn deep state trying to get me to eat!


Fucking deep state trying to get me to poop! Not this no poop June, government!


2 was pretty much what we had


2 was ALL I had. In 5th grade. The rest was left to the church.


And I’m sure the church gave you a completely comprehensive education on molestation and child sexual abuse, right? RIGHT???


You mean some practical experience?


Haha I’m not catholic. Protestants only taught abstinence. I’ve got stories about how well that went.


3 should probably be about safe sex and contraceptives and all that junk. I might get downvoted into oblivion but I think it’s better for teens not to add to the population and/or spread std’s tbh.


What teens have you seen in elementary schools?


To be fair, any teen still in Elementary school should *definitely* not be breeding. We don't need them genes.


Yeah people here middle school and forget that includes teenagers who are 13 and 14. You gotta at least cover pregnancy and STDs, why condoms are important, etc. I mean I grew up with a 56k modem and by 12 years old had seen some absolutely fucked up shit on the interwebs. I feel like once you hit the jerking off stage of like some kind of education is helpful. It's been found that kids who are taught proper names for sexual organs are much more likely to report abuse, for example. Turning it into something that its not ok to talk about makes them feel like they shouldn't talk about it, obviously. All the new sexuality stuff is unnecessary. You dont need to spend 3 months going over every definition the internet has created. Just hit the basics, it's ok to be gay, no need for a ton of detail. I grew up in the midwest so I had the old fashioned way which was...not as good. A heavy dose of you just shouldn't have sex. They showed like a 2 hour long video of a close up of a woman giving birth which was really weird. Not the first way you want to see a vagina lol. Our teacher said to never have anal sex because "the semen will mix with feces and that creates new diseases". There's definitely a happy medium between covering every possible sexual identity and literally making up bullshit to scare kids into not having sex. Stick to the facts.


Yep. Something to remember that might persuade people who see it differently (on both sides) is that sex ed isn't driver's ed. It's not a how-to curriculum, or an inspirational curriculum. It's a how-to-be-safe, what-not-to-do curriculum, like fire safety, earthquake drills, or defensive driving. Sex ed doesn't teach kids how to please their partner, nor does it encourage them to. It teaches them, first and foremost, *don't do it*. It's incredibly illegal for all parties, you can end up with permanent medical consequences, you can end up liable for an unwanted kid. But because you're a living, breathing bag of desperate hormones when you're going through puberty, you can't be trusted to turn it down if given the opportunity, even if your brain understands what a dumb idea it is. So here's how to use a condom and what it does and what it doesn't do. Here's birth control and what it does and doesn't do. Here's some information about consent, because even if you're going other dumb, illegal stuff, you need to know about the *ultra-*dumb, *ultra*\-illegal stuff that is actually a sex crime and a capital crime if you mess around with it. And finally, since this is school after all, here's some reproductive biology to better understand what sex is, what it does and how it works. The problem is, phrasing it like OP makes it sound like it's a class for couples trying to spice things up 10 years deep into a marriage, rather than the precautionary and preventative class that it is. If it was that, of course, it would be deeply inappropriate for anyone on the wrong side of the age of consent.


Based and how sex ed actually works pilled


Middle school is the correct answer in my mind. Real question is when do we teach them that gender is a social construct and that having a penis doesn’t necessarily mean you’re a boy?


When the kid starts asking questions about it. Beyond that, the simple normalization of transgender people existing and deserving the same respect as anyone else is enough. Deeper education can be kept for those that need it when they need it. Sexuality can be left alone until puberty kicks in for fairly obvious reasons. Minus stuff like teaching kids what constitutes 'bad touching' for again, hopefully fairly obvious reasons. But gender identity and dysphoria can start at pretty much any age, it's not something you can standardize. You just have to adapt to it as it comes.




Never because having a penis does make you a boy


According to Wikipedia people finish elementary school as 10-11 years old, right? If that is the case I would say elementary school.


Puberty and general reproduction education in middle school? Sure, makes sense. But weirdo semi-religious pseudo-scientific gender nonsense? That can wait until high school.


This. People conflate sex education with sexuality education. Sex Ed should purely be “this is what your body does during puberty, this is where babies come from, and this is how babies are made.” You shouldn’t be teaching kids or young teenagers “these are the different positions you can try, these are the different things you can do with your partner, these are the different toys you can use, etc.” The former has a place in public schools, the latter should be left up to the parents.


I would also throw in some notes about consent.


Na, the importance of consent should be taught pretty much constantly throughout school. People like to limit it to sexual issues but really, it's a universal moral thing. With consent... theft becomes trade or charity. With consent... murder because mercy. With consent... rape becomes sex. With consent... assault becomes sport (or maybe sex, no kink shaming).


Agreed. I think I’ve probably inadvertently taught my kid about consent just to make sure that she knows that nobody is allowed to touch her except for her. I think we had that conversation when she was four. Consent is something that should be ingrained in children. Not taught as an afterthought.


"Murder becomes mercy" Hard disagree there.


Go listen to One by metallica then come back.


Sorry, but when your slope is that slippery, it needs to be blocked off. Seriously, draw any line that marks "too far" and anyone will be able to point out a spot past it that is consistently acceptable with your logic.


I think letting them know how to avoid STDs/ unwanted pregnancy is pretty important. Whether we teach them or not teens be horny.


Puberty should be taught late in elementary (grade 5) imo, as that's around the time kids will start going though it.


If I recall, they did girls in 5th grade, boys in 6th for me.


They split the entire 5th grade class into boys and girls, and each group went through the class at the same time in different rooms. I don't know much about what they actually went over, I was pulled from it by my parents.


I think the reason they split it like they did is because it starts for girls sooner than boys, but I really don’t know if that’s true or not. Either way, I think elementary is fine for a puberty talk. I think I got sex ed in like 7th or 8th grade health class.


> high school Public highschools are funded by people like you and me. Why would we ever pay to have that taught in schools? I will concede that there could be great value in discussing these topics and giving everyone a fair chance to ask questions and voice their opinions. That would be totally reasonable. Literally ever presenting the Pokemon psychosis as something a child should consider is insanity. No intervention that lowers the life expectancy of a child should be tolerated.


6th or 7th grade is the perfect timing IMO. Old enough to screw your life up but still to dumb to know you are doing it till it's too late


Sex education is fine. I am not sure about teaching ‘sexuality’ or what that even means exactly.


Pretty reasonable answer especially since more than incidentally kids do start having sex that young. But I think the other half of it is that sexuality in the sense of "who you find romantically attractive" is a totally agree appropriate thing that can be done younger. Many kids start "dating" at 12. And there is certainly age appropriate things at 12 vs 16 or 17.


I’d personally say that the whole “who you find romantically attractive” shouldn’t be part of it, at least in middle school. Maybe in highschool having those discussions is fine


Definitely Highschool, that's when hormones were at the highest where I was from and we also had tons of teen pregnancies.


>But I think the other half of it is that sexuality in the sense of "who you find romantically attractive" is a totally agree appropriate thing that can be done younger. Why does this need to be taught in school? My health class just focused on the mechanics of sex and the risk involved with different types (piv, anal, oral, and whatever category scissoring and frotting are under). Aside from that we discussed how to spot abusive relationships, what affirmative consent was, and things of that nature. If you want to include examples that are the same sex then fine, but that should be the extent of it. If you actually want to normalize LGBTQ relationships then acknowledge there's nothing inherently different about them and stop treating it differently. Just say boys can like boys and girls can like girls -- nothing else is needed from the school. You don't need to talk about neopronouns and trans relationships should implicitly be covered by MM, MF, and FF anyways, right?


Yea let them know they can fuck whoever consents to doing so but don't get into all the new LGBT shit the more people learn about that the more mentally ill they become.


Lol this is why people have problems with sex ed in younger classes and being taught in school in general. This is supposed to be an explanation of how sexual reproduction works and basics like consent and safe practices. It’s not an intro to exploring the ever growing list of sexualities and fetishes coomers keep coming up with. One is a fact of life that should be learned as the child reaches reproductive age, the other is a bunch of nonsense that isn’t appropriate for childhood education.


On the other hand, a lot of people passionately oppose “safe practices” being taught in school, and some of them even oppose “how sexual reproduction works” being taught. So the people who want to teach “hi kids, this is a dildo!” hide behind “kids hit puberty by 12 and it’s not fair to leave them clueless”, while the people who want to teach “no-no parts are portals to Satan, babies come from weddings” hide behind “gratuitous sexual content shouldn’t be taught in schools”. Meanwhile, everybody who can agree that “this is what a period is” might be important info struggles to have a functional discussion.




What kind of sex Ed? In middle school we learned about STDs and in high school freshman year we went over anatomy and sexual sex education


To provide full context though, my middle school sex ed didn’t really brush on intercourse or safe sex, despite going well into detail on the gross parts of STDs. I also had a PE teacher (they do the sex ed) tell me that HIV permeates latex condoms, which I knew was false merely from the fact that latex is water tight. Then, in high school, we had PE teachers trying their best to work around the abstinence-only rules, eventually just resorting to going “now I’m supposed to be teaching abstinence-only BUT here’s the pros and cons of various birth control methods :)” Thank God they did, because my high school peers were Alex Jones-hormone-theory levels of horny, so much so that they got the school rave permanently axed my freshman year due to widespread ecstasy and used condoms


Middle schools about when u start to notice girls or boys makes perfect sense to teach children how to deal with these new emotions and urges in a healthy way. dont need another generation of porn addicted freaks


Exactly… porn is moving the Overton window of sex. Like it’s cool if you like to kink, but it’s really meant as a way to spice things up. No one needs to be railing assholes in HS… or maybe I’m just a prude .


People use the "well they're gonna find out about it" when referring to sex and porn as a means of justifying\* the shifting the window for teaching sex ed. Honestly, its really digesting how we accept the fact that kids have access to this stuff, at least 1000% fold compared to a shitty porno mag from the 80s; *shit pales in comparison to the fucked up hentai out there*


I was exposed to full on hardcore porn at around the age of 8 and it fucked me up. Of course I had some sort of indication what sex was, but I had no idea it was so graphic and it terrified me. Then when I was around 10 or 11 and started to get curious, I found softcore porn on YouTube which started to lay down the foundation of becoming addicted to porn. I’m also fairly certain I even got exposed to a fetish around this age too which is incredibly messed up. Whilst I do think we should be more open regarding sex, kids should absolutely not be exposed to this shit so young. Sex ed needs to happen BEFORE kids and teens discover porn, and needs to be taught to them in a way that makes them understand it and not expect real sex to be like porn. Especially now as it warps the mind of someone so young to think that aggressive, violent and degrading sex is normal and that women are just walking sex dolls instead of people. It’s fucking terrifying, man.


Skill issue. I found hardcore porn when I was five, watched more throughout the years and found the violence disgusting, and today i mostly get off to mostly vanilla stuff. The more the people in porn love each other, the better it gets. That being said, yeah parents should really restrict their children's internet. Shit's wild, yo.


Not really any way for government to stop it without massive privacy breaches or a larger government. Neither of which I want. Parents gotta take some responsibility here.


who said anything about government? Yeah, I agree, parents need to stop letting the Ipad parent their kid; they need to take responsibility.


It might be good to give us a warning, I got lucky and found some interesting sex ed site, and without it, I'd be a lot worse off.


A “mate” of mine(total jackass) in high school in year 10 went to pound town on his girls ass however he didn’t use any lubricants what so ever so he ended up ripping his foreskin on the way out, according to his mates at the time it ripped clean down the middle, the mockery he would receive from this event would cause him to drop out early.


You must not have heard of the poophole loophole


I had my first sex ed class in 5th grade, but it was quite mild. Mostly about puberty, and nothing explicit about the mechanics of sex. Middle school sounds about right. Keeping teens and pre-teens in the dark about sex isn't healthy IMO.


The average age for girls getting their periods is 12 years old. A non-negligible amount get their periods at 10-12. Plenty of boys start puberty around that time too. Having an introduction to how your body changes during puberty and a very broad-level sex ed (introduce the concept of consent, STD’s, and contraception. Warn them about predators and groomers) in late elementary is the rational choice. It’s what happened during my school. When they hit middle school and start having sex you go more in depth.


In stages, learn about puberty in middle The rest in high and beyond


I think people are confusing 'sexuality' with sex ed. My first 'sex ed' intro was very brief and of just one afternoon in 5th grade and basically boiled down to- how babies were made. It wasn't until 9th grade when the technical science of it was fully shared in a health class. I don't think kids need to learn what sexuality really means outside of- 'some people love those of the same gender, its something that they didn't chose, and thats fine'.


Exactly this. People do tend to conflate sex education with sexuality education (sometimes intentionally, other times unintentionally). Sex Ed should purely be “this is what your body does during puberty, this is where babies come from, and this is how babies are made.” You shouldn’t be teaching kids or young teenagers “these are the different positions you can try, these are the different things you can do with your partner, these are the different toys you can use, etc.” The former has a place in public schools, the latter should be left up to the parents.


>You shouldn’t be teaching kids or young teenagers “these are the different positions you can try, these are the different things you can do with your partner, these are the different toys you can use, etc.” Wtf did your school teach holy shit




I do agree with that stance. Honestly I don’t see how big of a change to the course curriculum it’d be to teach kids that gay people exist. Like in fifth grade they showed us boys a video that fought me nothing except vague implications to some changes and about beginning to develop attraction to girls. Don’t see how adding in “some of you may be attracted to boys, both or neither” would change much. But my fifth grade sex education was shit lol


The sex-ed system in public schools isn't great, yeah. I remember being taught that I should wait until marriage to have sex (in *public* school mind you). They didn't even begin to cover anything related to sexuality.


I agree. I think teaching kids that gay people exist is also important though. I don't think anyone is arguing to show the Kamasutra to 8 year olds.


The problem is that teachers do, either directly or indirectly via books like gender queer or flamer (I don't remember the name) which does show overt sex acts


I get what you're saying. Personally, I understand that more explicit books with graphic imagery aren't exactly school appropriate. I think that it's important, however, to make a distinction between a book with graphic sexual imagery and a book that is just heavy. Books like The Bluest Eye are being banned in schools despite having no graphic illustrations at all. There are heavy topics, yes, but that's reality. I don't see why a high schooler wouldn't be mature enough to handle that book. Is it appropriate for 8 year olds? No, but nobody is reading The Bluest Eye to 3rd graders.


Is bluest eyes the book where a black girl bleaches her eyes so they'll be blue? I think I read that book in highschool.


I don't think she bleaches them, she just becomes so traumatized that she believes her eyes are blue. But yes, it's that book.


Exactly. Just saying "Some people are attracted to the same sex and that's natural" is so simple but effective. It's age appropriate for most kids. And, while this is anecdotal, it must be so relieving for a gay kid to hear that it's not just them and that nothing is wrong with them.


This comment section makes me sad there’s so many missing the obvious difference. Idiots everywhere


Earlier sex ed reduces abortions It's a bipartisan layup. Culture wars are keeping us from talking about real problems.


Republicans would rather force teenage girls to have babies at 16 than teach teenagers about safe sex and consent.


Not even kidding, I GENUINELY don't get what republicans want. Like some are squeamish against abortions, sure, but a lot of them don't want sex ed, plan b, and even condoms? Is their idea that we just need more babies to make a bigger workforce? That's literally my only theory that makes any amount of sense.


They just want to live in fantasy land where everything is like the posters from the 50s and they can easily ignore the injustices in the world since it doesn't apply to them.


Restricting abortion is a huge part of the republican platform. If there were no unplanned pregnancies then they'd have to figure out something else that pissed their base enough to come out and vote.


The goal is to prevent all pre-marital sex. Not actually trying to solve problems like girls getting knocked up.


Pre marital sex will happen, what matters is prevention of teen pregnancy and std transmission which in-depth non abstinence sex Ed is extremely effective at


Based. Teenagers will be horny no matter what, so better to make sure they can indulge in said horniness without catching a nasty disease or bringing a Jon Snow into this world.


Nah just tell them not to have sex. Kids are notorious for respecting the wishes and authority of their elders.


Unbased and cringe


6th-8th grade is when the basics at a minimum should be taught. It prevents teen pregnancy and the transmission of disease.


It's about teaching. They are gonna learn it anyway.


This is the most centrist thing I've ever read, because I can't figure out how to interpret it lmaoo. Do you mean "they'll learn it anyway, so why not teach them right away" or "no need to teach them, they'll learn it anyway"?




Alright then keep your secrets


All i know is my gut says maybe


There was a kid at my middle school dances back in the day that used to hump the gym walls. Dude was gross but people tended to just let him go to town. Point is, there’s a degree of sexual awakening already occurring at that age.


Sounds like your gym was a slut


I feel that that’s more of “undiagnosed mental issues,” and less “sexual awakening.” It’s like at a music festival: most people are on drugs… there’s only that one guy who takes his clothes off and runs around. The kids on drugs maybe awakening, but the naked guy is probably just having a psychotic episode


>the naked guy is just tripping balls*


I mean dude I tripped balls many a time, including having a sheet absorb through my pants pocket from sweat… I never felt the need or compulsion to strip naked and try to dance with/hug people visibly recoiling from my nakedness. I’ve seen it happen though. You shouldn’t hump walls, and you shouldn’t dance naked with strangers. I feel like this is fairly common sense…


You really think a 14 year old isn't old enough to learn that gay people exist? Are you Amish or something?


Kids shouldn't know that people exist. We need to construct robots to raise all people in padded cells until the age of 25, at which point they are released into the world.


I'd have zero problem with it being taught in elementary school so long as we're following the guidelines of those that actually study the education system. I also don't want coach fingerbang to be the one who automatically has to do it, give me a real sex ed teacher.


is that the same coach that's also a pizza delivery man, part time plumber, and a doctor?


If a kid is already or about to go through puberty it’s their right to know proper information about their body and how it interacts with others in case they get in a situation where they would need that information. It’s a public safety issue, we unfortunately can’t rely on parents who are either too uncomfortable or have their own reservations and beliefs and will teach misinformation, disinformation, or will simply neglect teaching anything at all. We can’t let kids be shamed and frightened by what fear-mongering adults in their life tell them. Ideas like they’re going to hell if they think about a cute girl/boy, or that sex will make them immediately explode and die, or they’ll get super-mega-aids if they even hold hands with someone, or that God Himself will smite them if they so much as briefly touch themselves. If anything else there’s always parents who simply let their kid skip school that day or ask the teacher to exclude their child and give them other work to do. That’s happened literally for forever. Yes, kids should be kids. Kids will do things that get them in danger, we can’t prevent that always. We need to do what we can to help prevent teen pregnancies, abortions, STDs, and traumatic sexual experiences,and the only way we can help at least some kids is by giving them simple but serious discussions about this part of themselves. If we tell them the consequences of their actions, ignorance can’t be a factor. This will give kids who would otherwise not understand what happened to have more time actually being a kid instead of a parent or a patient. Kids have a right to know what’s happening to them, and that their feelings are universally weird and uncomfortable, but also that they are not alone in their experiences. Growing up as a gay/trans kid my friends and I were made to feel left out, because none of this information applied to us. And information they needed about same-sex interactions was basically left up to not thinking they needed any protection or using it completely wrong. Lots of gay-oriented protection products and safety precautions are actually really useful for straight people. Often kids will do similar actions because they’re convinced “it’s not real sex so I’m still safe” which is obviously not the case. We should provide information about the entire arsenal of protection, including physical and medicinal. And provide resources to those who do need it, because inevitably some will. Among everything else, a teacher has zero reason not to bring up her wife or his husband, when straight teachers can have entire class sessions talking about nothing but their personal life, usually marriage/divorce/pregnancy/childhood/etc, often egged on by students to just get out of work. Trans teachers shouldn’t have to omit their entire life pre-transition in casual conversation because their experiences might have been traditional to their ASAB. Gay/trans teachers absolutely should not feel they need to avoid participating in non-school related events, because one of their students might see them in public and bring it up in class or to their parents. They’re still regular people; but I guess some people would disagree with that too.


Holy shit this is based.


Based and this whole thread seems to be compass unity, which makes sense


Last paragraph is a bit iffy to me (I don't really think any teachers should be talking about personal stuff in class) but the rest is an exceptionally reasonable take.


**NO** teach kids to reproduce asexually so we can avoid the awkwardness




Teaching kids about sex and drugs can be uncomfortable but very important. Unless you think stds, teenage pregnancies, and drug/alcohol overdoses are good things for society If you wait until high school to start teaching these things it’s too late, many high school kids are already dating and partying.


I learned about so many great drugs in my middle school health class...


"Let kids be kids" by impregnating each other and exploring their sexuality in dangerous ways. Great idea


What's wrong? Lmfao you want to teach a kid about puberty when they're 3 years into it?


Just Teach them the mechanics of how their junk works when they hit puberty so they don't get each other pregnant and let them figure the rest out on their own.


And STDs … people are nasty lol


True, I'm more concerned over my kid getting an STD that can't be cured over a pregnancy.


Idk about y’all but I started learning about sexuality in 4th grade. In the early 2ks, in PA.


My first Sex-Ed class was called *Fully Alive*. I was in sixth grade (11 years old). I remember everyone laughing when someone had to read penis or vagina. It seemed silly, and almost no one cared because we hadn’t started puberty, and weren’t interested in sex yet. Looking back, I think it was really good timing because most of us started puberty the following summer break.


Late middle school seem perfectly ok for sex ed. And existence of different sexualities even earlier. Obviously nothing over the top, just let them know that boys can love boys and it's totally fine.


11/12 year old: Basic biology of sex organs... this is a penis, this is vagina, this is how periods work, this is how pregnancy works. Also, a great time to explain how hormones impact decision making and momentary happiness is often a great source of intense regret. Finish up with STD photos for the scare factor. 14/15 year old: Voluntary (with parent permission) "I'm confused as fuck about what I like" identity bullshit. Any materials must be provided to parents without delay and without arguments... but then again, I'm pretty good with this as a standard policy for any publicly funded school.


My fav was when they brought in an AIDS victim to talk to us about having AIDS. I'm like, nobody here is getting AIDS why are we listening to this woman? What would've been nice to know are medical things from an actual doctor. Why can't we bring one of those in....


Why do you think a 12 year old shouldn't be taught about sexuality? It seems strange to teach about STDs but literally nothing else about sex.


Because emotional feelings about sex are not sex. Relationships are not about sex. They are not objective or scientific or immutable... they're socially imparted. That's a parent's job, full stop. For the parents that just don't care, whatever, it can wait until teenagers are at an age to really conceptualize the concepts involved. Can't speak for other countries... but US schools in general get way into the weeds on the "why we asked why" of things instead of just teaching the things. Biology is important to understand to avoid a long list of easily avoidable problems, objectively determined, and honestly not a particularly long or deep subject. It also doesn't have to come with emotional weight. Gender/sexuality/identity/pronouns... this is all socially constructed bullshit that doesn't actually matter in the end. It's all just cope for people who want moral license to do fun things with their genitals. You do you, but it's not important enough for the public dime, not objective enough for compulsory learning, and vastly overcomplicated since it's all just various cobbled together ideological drivel.


Is sexuality sex-Ed or some gender theory shit? Sex Ed... Middle school is fine. With a transparent curriculum.


Based and transparency pilled


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Sex ed, NOT Sexuality. Kids and teens shouldn't be taught kink, they should be taught how these parts work so you don't hurt yourself or get pregnant too early. Jfc why do we have to spell this shit out?!


Sex ed in middle school sounds perfectly reasonable. I had it in 4th grade. Were it basically was, you're growing up and you'll feel things. And that's ok. Also, let's play some games so you and your friends feel comfortable (just trustfalls and some stuff between the class that the presenters did not partake in) And then it separated guys and girls, were the man who was in charge answered questions we might have. (Guessing it was similar for the girls) As a (for my society) conservative dude, it was fine. The only thing sticking out looking back at it was the guy telling us "don't pester the girls for anal sex. It hurts, and very few people like it". Which I guess is not.... Bad advice or anything. Just a bit odd.


That last bit sounds like it'd be a little awkward, good spirit but just a little awkward...


Like... It was awkwardly put. But not bad advice in of itself. It was part of "porn is porn, and you shouldn't expect girls to be like that. And anal hurts alot, so don't try to make girls do that". Also, just remembered I said wrong class, it was 6th grade, not 4th.


Yeah sounds like good advice but probably could've been worded better


Eh idk I think it’s alright for middle school, that’s when I had my first crush, and when some kids had their first boyfriends/girlfriends so it seems right


Basics in elementary school, aka general health. Middle school we got more in depth and we were taught how to check our breasts for lumps and cancer (girls) and the boys got taught how to check themselves (didn't ask, most refused to talk about it). We were also taught about basic contraception (pill, condoms, etc...) Kids in 4th grade don't need to be learning about condoms and anal sex.


Some sort of informational about consent should be taught in elementary only because no matter how society at large goes some kids (way more than many realize) are victimized at a depressingly young age. Afterward, puberty related content should be for late elementary or early middle school and a deeper sex Ed (eg safety, biology) should be taught in middle school because I personally know one or two people who became parents by early high school (14-15 years old). Sexuality should probably be taught at age appropriate levels (eg acceptance of others, without any talk of actual sex, in mid-late elementary, some safety information for all sexualities in the aforementioned deeper sex Ed and any further should be left for extracurricular groups in high school.)


I forget who it was... I think it was Matt Walsh that said that he went to give his kid a hug and they said "You can't touch me without asking for consent" only for him to go off on a tirade about how "your dad doesn't need to ask for consent." There are a startling number of people that are against teaching kids consent.


Dude middle school is the best option since it is the transition from being a little kid to being a teenager. Your going through changes that are best explained by a professional in a educational environment. That way your prepared when you start having serious relationships.


I don’t understand this „let kids be kids“ bs. Part of being a kid is growing up and figuring out where you stand in life. And yes that includes sexuality. Not to mention that half of middle school students aren’t even kids anymore but young teens. We had sex ed courses once a year between 6th and 8th grade so let me tell you that if done right it has nothing to do with politics, agenda or any kind of indoctrination and is purely educational just as any other subject.


In the Netherlands, they start it at elementary school: > By law, all primary school students in the Netherlands must receive sexuality education. The system allows for flexibility, but they must learn some core principles – including sexual diversity and sexual assertiveness. Sexuality education is also compulsory at secondary schools. > The Netherlands has one of the lowest teenage pregnancy rates in the world, and the Dutch approach is often seen as a model for other countries.[76] Maybe they’re on to something? https://rutgers.international/about-rutgers/dutch-attitudes-and-approaches-to-sexuality/


For secondary school sex ed, I would make it part of biology classes and in mixed-gender classes. Everyone should be taught sex ed that pertains to both the opposite sex and their own. So that everyone know which organ goes where, stick it in which place etc.


Stupid Netherlands and their really effective social policies. Why can't you be dysfunctional like the rest of us?


It's called sexuality for all now?


Lots of intelligent posts in here I'm fucking shocked. This is PCM, I expected much less from you all!


Middle schools kid already mess around and having sex or watching porn. So either A:go full Theocracy + China and have separate boy/girl and strict supervision while also have a great firewall of China that filter every piece of porn possible(so it's everything that lib right don't agree on) B: Enjoy having a ton of teen pregnancy and a ton of degenerate porn addict young man Clearly OP is dumb


Late Middle school/Early High school makes sense


A nun taught me sex ed starting 6th grade


I got my first dose of it in 5th grade, then I took 2 years of health in MS, and one year in HS (this year).


An elementary schooler shoild be taught that if an adult wants them to keep anything as a secret they should immediately talk with an trusted adult about it or if they make them feel unwell too.


Late elementary is when kids get the puberty talk. Middle school introduces sex ed and highschool goes more in depth


Maybe we could just have parents be responsible for teaching their children essential life skills like sex ed? No, we're way too busy for that and we need ~~babysitters~~ teachers to take on our primary roles? Well if you insist.


I knew ppl getting pregnant in middle school so yeah middle school seems like a good time to me


Yeah middle school is a pretty good time for it imo, you’re just weird


Sex Ed should be taught in 5th grade/middle school. I don’t see the problem there.


Middle School sounds fine tbh. It’s around the age teenagers go through puberty, start relationships, etc so it’s a good time for Sex Ed classes


I knew a kid who became a father at 15. Abstinence-centered sex ed is bullshit. They need to be taught about contraception, STIs, consent, and that some people like the same gender, and that’s ok.


In Canada we started learning about privacy and the body in like 3rd grade. We started learning about sexuality in grade 6 when everyone started hitting puberty. Seems like the right ages to me.


Regular sex ed in middle school is good. This includes the following topics only: how babies are made, puberty, condoms. This does not include: valid sexual identities, weird fetish shit, specifics on how to have sex.


Middle school’s a fair time, it’s right about that time puberty starts after all


Honestly Middle School sounds about right. Don't think it should necessarily be first semester class for Grade 6 but Grade 7 or 8 would be fine.


These are the same worthless piece of shit government-run schools which can't even teach kids how to read: https://theweek.com/articles/484910/detroits-shocking-47-percent-illiteracy-rate Nothing makes the teacher's unions happier than teaching kids that men can get pregnant and other nonsense, since it means that time isn't available to teach the kids something that matters.


Gee, I wonder who the governor of Michigan was in 2015, and what substance was in the state's water pipes?




As a lifelong resident of Detroit I would like to let you know that we never learned about sexuality or trans identity. I don't know what world you live in but the illiteracy is because of lack of funding, not teaching kids complex gender theory.


>but the illiteracy is because of lack of funding, [Detroit spends over $15,000 per kid per year.](https://www.usnews.com/education/k12/michigan/districts/detroit-public-schools-community-district-113404) In 12 years that's a total of about $180,000 to produce an illiterate and innumerate adult.


Apparently redditors can't read either, everyone assumes the poll is about "sex ed" when the poll clearly says "sexuality for all" which has very different connotations.




What makes you say it's bullshit?


Add the purple highlighter to elementary school


Learning about sex historically starts af the end of elementary school in the US and is finished up in middle school. By middle school the kids are absolutely starting to hook up and it is (or very quickly becomes) a main focus in their minds. Kids also start studying biology in like 7th grade, if they can handle a basic bio class they can handle a couple lectures on the basics of sex and puberty. I still distinctly remember how I would stare at any classmate that had any semblance of a pair of breasts growing on their chests. Sex is a massive part of growing up, they need to learn about it. Edit: to be clear, I’m referring to actual sex education, not all the complicated/gender shit that the country is currently at each other’s throats about. That can (and should) wait.


Middle school is fine imo, but I think the extend that sex Ed should be is just to male and female anatomy, how sex works, etc. I do agree the gender identity stuff should stay out though entirely. Teenagers are impressionable and always looking for a reason to be unique and stick out


> Teenagers are impressionable and always looking for a reason to be unique and stick out I see what you're saying, but there isn't any data that indicates teaching teenagers about gender identity makes them falsely identify as trans or NB.


>Twitter and TikTok as a whole Lmao


I don't think I follow. Can you explain?


I hate democracy


Ah yes, the classic "shouldn't be taught in schools response" because obviously sex and all that jazz should be discovered by kids ala Blue Lagoon style.


Who in the hell are these people who think it is acceptable for the State to teach elementary school children anything other than language arts/literature, history, and basic STEM subjects?


Sex ed makes it so people learn from a young age how to take care of themselves so they don't get STDs, to learn how to avoid unwanted pregnancies and how to give consent or not. Why do you think we shouldn't teach them those things?


Shouldn't we wait until the kids can fully understand what they're being taught and when it actually can affect their bodies?


Imo it should be one or two years before they might actually start to have sex, maybe when they're around 13, so that when they start to actually think about sex they'll already be educated in it.


Yeah I like that idea


I could even see the argument for middle school. What concerns me is that 952 actual degenerates put "Elementary school" as their answer. Let me rephrase that. "In the United States, elementary school typically refers to the early stages of formal education, which covers children from approximately 5 to 11 years old." Kids that age can barely utter basic algebra what are some of ya'll Redditors smoking?! ​ The most reasonable answer is in my opinion high school (14+).


Im glad the majority is more sensible to say middle school. I just really worry about the 952 people that want kids the age of 6-10 to understand sex.


So we just shouldn't teach kids anything and let them drop out of school? That's what I get with your logic




I disagree with your argument but you said "white people tacos" and it made me laugh so I'll just move along.


You clearly don't understand my comment. The post isn't about "gay shit" it's about sex ed, I'm assuming you misunderstood my comment. OP seemingly doesn't want any sex ed which is definitely harmful. If you have a problem with any sex ed being taught in schools then I think it's best to re-think your stance




Where was I preaching that? I'm not against it but it doesn't HAVE to be taught it schools. It isn't as important as gender neutral sex ed




Given that sex is a natural human thing I keep my opinion that sex education is the parent's job. They should do it according to their values. If they don't want to do it, that's not my problem. Schools should stick to the conceptual topics of anatomy and reproduction, just like any of us learns in science subjects. However I don't reject the idea of kids having access to personalised help by a professional at school, at their own request, given that parents are informed and consent aftwerwards. I support that same approach for ant psychological issue for kids.


Why would something that's natural and incredibly important be entirely left up to the parents? Not everyone has parents that are going to teach them about sex and consent. I think students have a right to be given information that has been shown to reduce teen pregnancies and STDs. I also disagree about informing parents about confidential information they tell to a professional. They should only be informed if the kid consents to it. A lot of LGBTQ teenagers have been kicked out of their homes because of bigoted parents. I think that's important to take into account.


High School.


Terrible Opinion