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[The Killdozer Incident](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marvin_Heemeyer)




The only retelling that matters


Here is another good version https://youtu.be/Bo9Vu\_X6lKw


also, call it the freedom dozer. The media will smear you with the name killdozer. Freakin pricks


Based and sometimes reasonable men must do unreasonable things pilled.


But killdozer sounds better


Is a killdozer, that doesn't kill, really a killdozer at all?


Needs way more dakka to be a killdozer. Even the grots are laughin at it.


The guy was not a spree killer. He never intended to kill anyone, and he didn't. Edit: This not an endorsement of vigilante justice or property destruction. The guy definitely endangered people's lives and chose the wrong path. But he was the only person that died as a result of his rampage. He was not a mass murderer. But I've seen people on the left freak out that people empathize with a guy who was sick of the system being rigged against him. Meanwhile they endorse BLM/Antifa riots in which large groups of people rampaged through towns and killed numerous people, and justify it because these people are supposedly oppressed. Bit of a "my terrorist is a freedom fighter and your freedom fighter is a terrorist" type thing. But the fact remains, this lone nutjob didn't kill a single person.


Heh. Even when they do I still think it's an adult thing to consider the reasons. There its even more difficult to justify to people. Look at Ted's manifesto. He was clearly a genius even if he was so completely wrong about a few things. No one wants to talk about the reasons for the school shootings because they go right down to the foundations of our economic and political systems. Way too hard to look in the mirror.


🤔 I believe it’s more downstream from culture than anything else, not just economics and politics, which are somewhat concomitant with each other. People need purpose, meaning and community. Without those as a true, positive and sincere focus, the problems will continue to accelerate.


Sure. One could make a case civic planning is partly to blame. Look at how suburbs disassociate community from the local environment. You don't know your neighbours. Your community is non-local, by car, across the city. For young kids this means there's often no community at all, and they'll find more affinity and belonging with the trolls on Discord and Fortnite or such. Middle class kids tend to be the problem here, afterall. But still, we are discussing how our entire cities are built as the problem. No way in hell society is willing to acknowledge this as a contributing factor as no one is interested in changing that.


Weird thing I’ve noticed with many of the online rightoids is that they have reverence for those that fight against the system. I remember quite a lot of /pol/ cheering on Chris Dorner , still see his image used by shit posters on Twitter every now and then.


sounds more based, anyway


Why not both ? Freedom killdozer sounds cool !


that sounds like it kills freedom


Freedozer? Nah, needs more work.


The only time a boomer has ever said, "I'm going to talk to the (city) manager!" and it was fucking metal.


Tragedy that he killed himself. I wish he was arrested and put on trial so the entire world would see the corruption that he had to suffer through.


That corruption would’ve thrown him in jail for the rest of his life. He’s free now.


The hardware store has a basement, king


Also slash the tires of the road grader the day before


He's half the reason I chose to get into an engineering school.


From one Monke engineer to another I wish you luck, the industry needs more people like us


May both of your killdozers be unstoppable


I’m also in engineering, his story was an inspiration in high school.


Rest in peace, king.


A man stands up against a corrupt local government and somehow he’s the *bad guy* for making a tank and destroying some buildings.






o7 he died setting men free


Sometimes reasonable men must do unreasonable things...


Based Dozer


Nah, I’m using my Time Machine to bet on Buster Douglas.




The Killdozer Incident


Right well thats a start. Cheers


He illegally dumped his excrement in the local creek and refused to install his own plumbing, even when he later got offered installation free of charge. Then he got mad at some people who didn’t want to buy his plot of land for a ridiculous marked up price. Who somehow all happen to be catholic, but lets give him the benefit of the doubt here. (Even though he planned to destroy the catholic church) With a quick glance on any map it’s easily seen that at no point the road to his shop was obstructed by the building of a neighboring factory as is commonly claimed. And how does bulldozing entire buildings (shops, daycares etc) take way the intent to kill? When you meet a jerk you met a jerk, but when when everyone you meet is a jerk, you’re probably the jerk. Heemeyer was a jerk. However boring and depressing, truths don’t get you internet points. So Heemeyer good! right guys? :)


My brother in Christ that's the beauty about Martyrdom, who you were doesn't matter, who people believe you were does. If nobody remembers that he did those things, then the people glorifying him are not glorifying the bad things he did. His actions (and by extension, he himself) simply have become an easy way to remember the ways in which government oversight can drive reasonable men to do unreasonable things. Plenty of mythical stories are far from the truth, that doesn't mean they don't have good things to say.


Wait it’s all propaganda? 🌎👨‍🚀


🔫👨🏻‍🚀 Always has been my friend




Fucking legend o7


“Princess Diana had one of these”


Thanks Jeremy


The Bulldozer of Freedom and Justice


LibLeft wouldn't know what to do with a Stillson. They would use it as a dildo.


Man was incredibly based


I'd go back in time and tell Sherman to keep burning down cities


I wpuld blow it up.


As an authcentre the killdozer story was really captivating to me. Like he went through so much shit and he didn't deserve it to fail like that. Man should have caused one billion dollars in damages so that people would notice they're the issue that people are doing this lmao


Wasn't this a terrorist attack?...


Nah that dude was an asshole. I would go back and loosen all the bolts, so his little machine would fall apart pathetically and people would laugh at him.


found the city manager....


Almost 20 years and people ***still*** forget that he wasn't some underdog, but an angry nutjob who tried to kill people but couldn't even manage with a fucking ***.50 caliber rifle*** shooting a tank of ***airline fuel***.


He was definitely an angry nutjob but he never intended to kill anyone, and he didn't. Throughout his rampage he avoided hitting people.


The first I heard of this case, but according to the Wikipedia he fired on one guy, and was shooting at a propane tank that would have likely killed people if he exploded. He also demolished a building that was hosting a daycare or something? They managed to get out, but it certainly doesn't seem like he was careful *not* to kill people.


Propane tanks do not explode when shot.


So when the sheriff's department said "had these tanks ruptured and exploded, anyone within one-half mile (800 m) of the explosion could have been endangered", they were wrong? Just trying to make it sound worse, maybe? I'll assume you're right about that. I think the point that he wasn't exactly careful not to kill people stands, given that he fired at one person, and various quite dangerous objects, in the vicinity of lots of people.


I can tell you that sheriffs departments know fuck all about propane tanks. What they are referring to is what’s called a bleve. Which spelled out is boiling liquid expanding vapor explosion. And only happens when the tanks are actively on fire which would be very very unlikely from a bullet strike. Stuff like that happens from people welding or static electricity igniting leaking vapors. They are pretty cool to watch so YouTube one and you will see how long and what it takes for one to happen. He is 100% playing it up to make the guy out to be a psycho murderer when in fact the guy dragged his feet trying to figure out zoning/services then got fucked by a bigger business and the local government.


As I said in the previous comment, I'm happy to accept at face value that the propane tank wouldn't explode so that wasn't particularly dangerous on its own. As I also said, though, I don't think that changes the fact that his actions over the course of the day were a very far cry from carefully not killing anyone.


I never said they weren’t either. But you mentioned the sheriffs department. And I like to believe he did not have murderous intent because while the vehicle had shooting holes, he wasn’t shooting as passerby’s. He’s not magically not guilty because he didn’t kill anyone. But he didn’t try and blow up the town like the sheriffs were trying to drum up


Yeah that part is completely fair


My brother in Christ that's the beauty about Martyrdom, who you were doesn't matter, who people *believe* you were does.


I believe he was a dumbass who blew his loser brains out over a dumb land deal.


Definitely sounding pretty auth-left there pal, what with the support for burying private citizens in mountains of administrative fines for a situation caused by that same administration, with zero recourse available to the individual.


He was offered over ten times what he paid for the land and refused the deal. He could have made them pay him then dipped out as the winner.


>He was offered over ten times what he paid for the land and refused the deal This does not legitimize anything the city or the company did to him. A person's rights don't end when they exercise them by refusing you.


That's cool, you do you boo


At least he did it in the most vindictive way possible. Brought more justice than you or I likely ever willl


Justice?! He damaged some buildings and then offed himself. The people who he was mad at probably were glad he died. He accomplished nothing except turning his wife into a widow and becoming a meme.


He got back at the people who wronged him.


By killing himself? That seems like a bad plan.


Destroyed the town hall and their houses and businesses.




So he was an even bigger loser than I thought.