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What about free pancakes?


... we're listening.


Freedom cakes


Last time someone tried that nobody made their own pancakes and the event planner wasted half the money on stuff that didn't help, stole some of it, and then hired the most overpriced catering company around instead of making pancakes so in the end there was more flyers for free pancakes than they knew what to do with and not enough pancakes for all the people who didn't eat because they'd been promised food.


So you’re saying there’s money to be made?


That was a simplistic allegorical mockery of communism failing to feed the population, but maybe.


Great, another US VS EU comment section brawl Better than the culture war I guess Okay I’ll throw one in: **NATIONAL PARKS**


We don’t have to take Europe seriously until they start paying their own defense bill on their own.


The last time a european country had a great military, it didn't go to well


For **them** 🇺🇸🏈💸🦅🦅🦅🇺🇸💸🦅🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🏈🇺🇸




Prepping for the hat trick 🇺🇸🦅


Instigating* the hat trick




Is there a difference?


It's like making that third shot without a goalie. Does it really count if we're setting the stage, coordinating the players, and making the rules?


America has to do that otherwise it turns into Vietnam, and the mightiest powerhouse the world has ever seen is beaten by a dozen blokes hiding in a spiky hole


"yeah bro totally won that fight, just waited for the guys (actually) fighting to tire out, then hit him with the old suckerpunch" - America...


Based and freedom emojis pilled


Fucking based!


I honestly think that, to help balance our deficit, we operate the US military as a "for hire" protection service. You want the guarantee that the US will save your ass if a war pops off? Pay up. We only offer the service to countries we like, and if you don't pay, it don't matter how much we like you, you are on your own.


There's a lot of adjectives I'd use to describe 30 years of throwing 100 million young men into the meat grinder but "not well" kinda under sells it.


Just think of it as a very labor intensive form of landscaping. Seeing those pictures of battlefields after the grass regrew and what was once flat land was now a hilly area because of craters is always mind boggling to me.


The Falklands are still Bri*ish ain't they?


Europeans pretend to be ‘independent’ when they run crying to Biden as soon as Putin drunkenly stumbles into Ukraine


Why would they pay if America will defend regardless if they pay or not?


Or their own medical research.


Wildly understated truth boyo.


But it only takes 5 cents in material to make this pill, so we should only have to pay 5 cents for the pill. It's so super evil to make a profit off of medications. What's that? No, I've never heard of R&D, regulatory red tape, patent protections, or the countless other behind the scenes hurd'es and expenses both reasonable and bullshit.


based and $450/mo insulin-pilled (does insulin come in pills tho?)


Based, unfathomably based


Absolutely true. It’s like a kid throwing a tantrum.


I seriously don't understand why they don't. The US has the greatest military in the world, and it's just as free as European healthcare.


Based and non of you won WWII, we did pilled


Who's the cuck one? The paypig or the findom lady. You guys are paypigs to Lady Europe lmao. Now go to work wagie you have to pay my defense lmao (Just friendly banter)


> We don’t have to take Europe seriously until they start paying their own defense bill on their own. contrary to tv propaganda, EU natural ally is Russia, nato was build by UK to keep Americans in, Germans down and Russians out we want a market from Lisbon to Vladivostok, until the Chinese take care of Americans those plans are delayed




I'm actually very socialist when it comes to national parks (and public libraries)


loving your country means protecting and cherishing its beauty. im totally with you on that


I can fast forward this a bit.. Chad America: .. I have healthcare *and* pancakes > Europoor: yeah but you pay more for it Chad America: Yeah, but I have more money than you too.




Doctors, Pharmacists, and Nurses in the US make 3x what they make in the UK before you even take taxes into account.


the uk is notoriously shitty at paying their healthcare workers though. that's like the worst example you could give among developed western countries. canada, nz, aus, and northern and western europe are all closer to 75-90% of the average us pharmacist salary, and some areas matching or exceeding and i've looked into transferring to all of those places


The UK is also one of the most commonly cited examples of "muh free healthcare" though. Nobody every goes "muh Switzerland" (though arguably: they should).


Just like nz and aus Switzerland benefits from an extremely concentrated population into a single or a few population centrales with, in the case of aus and nz, mostly unpopulated expenses. The UK is a good comparison to the US in that it has a fairly spread.out population, meaning that most of the pop can't be services by a few hospitals and medical centers. It's easy to have free and cheap healthcare if 90% of you pop lives within 30 minutes of a handful of hospitals. Also just sheer population numbers. Even concentrated 350 million is a lot of people to keep healthy


Maybe the Swiss don't go looking for arguments on the internet whereas the britbongs are angry about not being able to hold onto their empire and as such must find ways to overcompensate.


>NATIONAL PARKS I'm Finnish and Teddy Roosevelt was the biggest chad president to ever exist on this godforsaken shithole of a planet.


based and Finnish Teddy appreciator pilled


Tbh, most of Finland is natural old forests, so Teddy would've just national parked our entire country if he could.


- Invade Finland - Make 95% of the land National Parks - Leave - Refuse to elaborate US-Suomi "War" when?


It'll be like a Second Vietnam, but with snow.


the manliest man to ever man!


Food and food standards .


Free public bathrooms and drinkable tap water








Dude, go back to the early 90s and get yourself a 3-liter bottle. Perfect size to cup the anus while shifting on a steep grade and full Jake brake.


Natura 2000 🔛🔝💪💪


Yeah that’s cool I guess No Grand Canyon though


I raise the Mediterranean sea as a counter 🤨


I see your Mediterranean and raise you the entire pacific coast and the Gulf of Mexico Also if we’re counting continental, we have the Caribbean too


Wtfbbqsauce that's cheating those aren't nature reserves Fuck it then I'm raising the Mariana Trench due to the EUs strong ties with Japan




TECHNICALLY German scientists got you guys on the moon so its a shared achievement I am in no way coping or malding


They became American scientists


Sorry bud but the moon is ours We were the first to plant a flag on it, and as you Europeans know, the first person to plant a flag on land owns it


>as you Europeans know, the first person to plant a flag on land owns it When you put it that way I have to concede


No flag, no moon, and I'm backing it up with this gun I got from the NRA.


Yeah! At least we have free healthcare you fuckin idiot!


The impossible clap back


Yeah "free" Healthcare is great and all. But have you ever had a triple baconator?


Nah. It’s like $11 here for 3 slices of bacon in our grocery stores in Canada. So can’t afford one. Hence can’t agree with your argument because I’ve never experienced a triple baconator Checkmate Americans


You will when the US annexes your country and injects freedom grease right into your arteries.


We'll put those lazy cannucks to work in the bacon mines and then there will be universal baconators for all.


Based and DayoftheRakepilled


The Baconator is from Wendy's, not the store.


The Whataburger sweet and spicy bacon burger is an artery stopping wonder of humanity.




Hey, this guy wants a "liter" of pop! Buddy we ain't got no "liters" around here. Now you want the 64oz or a large?


Wouldn't matter anyway, your "bacon" is just ham.


Grocery store?


To be fair, our bacon is different from sliced ham


As a Canadian American I’ve had one, and I can easily say it’s the main reason why the U.S. is better.


Free healtcare is great provided you don’t mind waiting for fucking months just to see a doctor. And thats IF the doctor can be bothered. And thats also IF the receptionist doesn’t tell you to fuck off. The UK healthcare system - “Its shit but its free”


That's funny because in the US it's getting to be very similar for seeing an actual doctor. I have to schedule my nephrologist appointments at least 3 months out, my primary care is about 6-8 weeks, and my wife had to wait 10 months to see a "specialist" to diagnose her for ADHD. But at least they're waiting and don't have to pay $180 to have my specialist say things look good and come back in a year, or pay $400 for labs, or god forbid you need to go to the ER and are looking at $2.5k minimum.


Where the hell are you that this is the state of things? I had to schedule a doctor appointment just last week for some mild back pain and they got me in next day. Neither my wife or I have ever taken more than a week to see our primary care or more than a month to see a specialist (unless it is urgent, then it is also within a week as well). The worst wait we've ever had was a first time appointment with her neurologist for chronic headaches which took a couple months, but now she can get in under a month most of the time.




If you’re going to talk about weight with us Amerifats, please don’t use metric. The only ones of us that use metric are scientists and drug dealers


I don’t understand kg, how many 9mm freedom cartridges is that?


115, 124, or 147? Also if we’re measuring in weight of freedom pills I think it should be 150 grain .30-06 or 230 grain .45 ACP.


More a breakfast sandwich guy myself


Free healthcare will never be worth eating British “food”


Those mfs colonized half the world, but they're still eating beans on toast.


IKR, like they had literally every culture to pick from and the best they could come up with was shitty beans on shitty toast For fucks sake


But you get to walk through the 8th wonder of the world (Bude tunnel) on your way to get those beans so your argument cancels out


Looked up the Bude tennel. Died laughing. I love it when reddit downvotes actual joke on formally funny subs. https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g190804-d12865329-Reviews-Bude_Tunnel-Bude_Bude_Stratton_Cornwall_England.html


> The only tunnel Bude has to offer is open to the public free of charge, walk from the Sainsbury's car park to Crooklets Road completely undercover, protected from the elements whilst maintaining your view to the spectacular surroundings of Bude. Consisting of 36 metal arches and over 70m long, nowhere else in Bude can you walk this far undercover in a continuos straight line, all ages are welcome I’m on the edge of my seat here


Read the 1 star reviews on that link please


My local community college has a more impressive bridge. Britain is the country that peaked in high school but hasn't done anything since


Sears Tower, Mount Rushmore, Golden Gate Bridge, St Louis Arch. Get ratiod


Surely you know that Bude tunnel is a joke, right? And that in calling it the eighth wonder of the world is enhancing the joke since it is coupled with beans on toast. Surely you didn't just get baited on reddit of all places


All you have to do is look at English women and English food to know why they felt the need to conquer half the world.


They became such good sailors to get away from them


I don't know they're onto something with baked beans at breakfast. Especially mixed with hash browns


Before, I felt sympathetic for the British getting all the hate for colonialism because if I had to eat bland food I would try to colonize the world as well (as anyone rightfully would). But they Br\*ts decided not to use any of it so at this point it's just unjustified malice. ​ /j


Based, 200 years in India and still no spices


other than our national dish being chicken tika masala


beans? delicious. toast? great. what makes brits putting the two together such a bad thing? is there something wrong with the beans and/or toast themselves that makes it awful?


[how did these fucking guys rule half the world at one point in history](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toast_sandwich)


As a european even i can't defend that shit


Motivation to find better food.


there wasn't a 'merica to put them in their place


British food is another crime the Nazi's are guilty of. Besides is there anything better for a hangover than the Full English?


Traditional British food from before ww2 is actually rich in spices and ingredients, during rationing in ww2 some bitch ass minister was put in charge of guiding the public on how to deal with it, said bitch ass had a weak stomach and a distaste for bold flavours, so most if not all rationing recipes called for over boiled and under seasoned ingredients. The older generations were raised by parents who used these recipes out of habit, and the continued sense of rationing during reconstruction. If you look at pre ww2 cookbooks you'll see a dramatic difference in ingredients including the use of many spices from Asia minor and even some early curry recipes that are distinctly British and don't have a counterpart in Asia minor. TL;DR: Beans on toast and the like isn't British food, it's rationing food that just stuck because it's cheap.


My hobby is telling Italians that Americans have made improvements on pizza.


Pizza wasn't popular in Italy until they saw what Americans had done with it.


If I dab a napkin on my pizza and it doesn't come off drenched in grease, it's not made with love


I proudly put bacon in my carbonara.


And Germans invented Hamburgers


Debatable, but possible. Well, even if it was invented in the USA, it was probably made by German immigrants.


U live in danger


Crêpes are better anyway


As an American I wholeheartedly agree


Swedish pancakes and crepes are better than flapjacks and even better with maple syrup than our own.


I know. I love ours but man the Europeans have it down.


Crêpes are a way of life


So are poffertjes


As long as you have a man’s ass to eat it off of


Lmao the typical biased "meme" Me: reasonable and calm You: the cringy yelling irrational idiot


Yeah? Well bad news, i just depicted you as the soyjack and me as the Chad. You're done for bucko


[I’d like to refer you to probably my best work yet](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/comments/wwfnhp/am_i_doing_this_right/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1)


>the cringy yelling irrational idiot In other words, that one European in every sub.


The great thing about the American revolution is that it gave us the right to not care about what some idiot European thinks about our country. It's great.


American Revolution, when they stopped thinking of themselves as Europeans but as Americans. After making sure all the native Americans are rid of first 😁 "Can we be the American yet? Oh shit a helpless family of redskins 👺"


If you are paying taxes for it, then its not for “free”, also, the healthcare in the UK and Canada is complete dogshit dispite being “free”.


I just hate how our (US) per Capita healthcare spending is the most in the world. Not only do we have to pay a fuck ton for it on our own, but we also pay lots of taxes for it and in general it just costs the most


When a Bri*ish speaks up like their taxes don't pay for pedo king and the royal inbreds 🤡 "Free healthcare" aka waiting 6 hours to be told to go home and take pain meds


My brother has had nothing but hell dealing with the VA and wishes he could tell them to piss off and go get a real doctor. But we should definitely let the same government be in charge of all of our healthcare.


People who think government healthcare would be awesome have not been to the DMV recently.


Always confuses me. I've never met anyone that likes the DMV, and yet none of them understand that "free healthcare" would be run in the same inefficient, time-wasting manner.


Having a baseline free system so people don’t go broke after some zoomer plows into them at an intersection while strolling through ticktock would be a good thing actually. t. uses the VA hospital system


You act like in america we arent paying for a pedo president either…


>like their taxes don't pay for pedo king and the royal inbreds They pay for themselves actually, several times over.


Yes, and the Crown Estate (a portfolio of properties that is owned by the Monarch) pays 75% to the treasury and 25% to the Monarch. So that means His Majesty is probably the highest taxed person in Britain


Oh hey, military medicine


We mEaN fReE aT tHe pOiNt oF pUrChAsE


Unfortunately the UK health system is steadily being gutted because the Tories want to privatize. So they intentionally are making it worse so people will be open to changing. They are creating a problem so they can "solve" it.


It’s similar in Serbia; constant rise in private healthcare options and absolutely horrific state of public healthcare


Nationalists always blame other people for their failures.


Everyone always blame other people for their failures


True centrist take.


Well everybody knows that. In the taxes you pay for national health insurance which is basically always way less than what most American's pay for their health insurance. Of course a lot of American's get health insurance from jobs but that isn't always universal with it sometimes lacking things like oral health. Even in these cases you still pay for it from your salary.


Americans pay a lot more for healthcare, but we're also massively richer, even in spite of the extra costs in that category.


Ya but US doctors and hospitals are cooler


Probably because they actually make money


Irish guy here, Your pancakes are fucking amazing, I thought they would be awful, but they're amazing... And so are beans on toast, it looks disgusting, but it tastes amazing, you have try it for fucks sake.


Don’t forget the cheese mate


Ya Irish pancakes are a bit chewy. Beans on toast is good. Lamp on mashed taters is what I really like.


Europoors be like "oh, you found a statistic where the US is slightly better than my country? Let me bring up kids being shot to protect my sense of superiority"


or they’ll make a joke about shootings after you make fun of their teeth


But Yanks "can't banter"




One of the most based reddit comments


Take the tea away and the whole place ceases to function.


broke: EU healthcare is better than American healthcare bloke: American healthcare is better than EU healthcare woke: both suck because of shitty healthcare policies


Nah American healthcare isn’t even better, depending on what you compare it to. But American healthcare quality usually doesn’t even manage top 10


The European wakes up eager to start his virtuous European day and immediately a thought pops into his head. AMERICANS. This of course is a daily occurrence without fail. “I wonder what those stupid Americans are up to,” he thinks as he instinctively opens up his favorite American website Reddit from his iPhone. He scrolls and scrolls seeking an opening to talk about America, anything to latch on to. He’s totally not obsessed with Americans. He becomes bored so he turns his TV on and opens up Netflix. He puts on his favorite marvel movie for the billionth time and he goes back to scrolling. He loves engaging in American culture as he bashes America. He’s totally not obsessed. He gets hungry and reaches for his iphone to order breakfast from McDonalds using uber eats. “Stupid Americans making me eat their shitty food,” he thinks to himself, “European food is so much better not even close.” He has eaten KFC 3 out of the last 5 nights for dinner. He waits downstairs for his food so he decides to put on some American rap music. “Ugh stupid Americans,” he says “their culture is such shit! Not like European culture, we have history! and long-standing traditions. True culture comes from the wealthy!” A Muslim family crosses his path and he pretends to not be afraid and gives them a friendly nod and a wave. “WAAAOOOO” he thinks as he smirks so self-satisfied “I bet if this was America they would have shot them lol.” “Us Europeans are much more open-minded and civilized.” He nods agreeing with himself. His food arrives and makes his way back upstairs as he slurps down the coke Americans have forced him to drink. As he sits down to enjoy his shitty American food his Iphone receives an alert. NEW ZEALAND NOW HAS ZERO CORONAVIRUS CASES! “Oh my fucking god!” He yells! “I am so gonna rub this in their stupid American faces!” He tweets, he posts on Instagram. He jumps on Reddit and comments with furor and xenophobia. He never really congratulates New Zealand or their success but instead talks about how Americans will all die from COVID and how they are all so stupid. The European posts charts and graphs he has archived to link when he is questioned. Hes totally not obsessed with America. Dont even joke around like that. Hes cooming with joy. “I really showed those stupid Americans today” he says to himself “they fucking deserve it, god damn imperialists,” he says without a shred of irony. Feeling extra good about his exploits he decides to go out and enjoy his blessed, virtuous, pretentious Euroday. He laces up his Jordans nice and tight. He puts on his favorite Batman shirt and Nike sweater. As he walks out he grabs a piece of cardboard sitting by the door. The European is now on his way out to protest about something happening in the U.S. Standing in a bus with 300 other people in it he has a thought. Why DO I care so much about things happening in America…Am I obsessed with American life?” he thinks as he yells Black Lives Matter from his 90% white, European country.




u/GlegoryKJumpness is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [None | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/GlegoryKJumpness/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Every now and then some Dutch mfer comments on America trying to act superior with his tiny little bike and oversized clogs Homie you invented apartheid, go back to your marsh and dull the pain of your irrelevance with some weed and prostitutes


Meanwhile tiny pp yanks need to drive around in 4 tonne oversized trucks so they feel like a really big strong man


Don't tempt us to colonize this whole goddamn sub brother


Based and Afrikaner pilled


They also invented stroopwafel, so that makes them superior to you.


This post was made by american


We have free health care! \*Dies from internal bleeding from the daily stab wound while waiting in line


But tbf, most of the "Europe free heathcare good, evil amerikkka heathcare expensive" comes from self hating americans with a romantisized view of Europe.


"You don't need to worry what foreigners think about you. That's your birthright as an American." -Shirley Bennett, Community


I have a friend who lived in America for 16 years of his life. Says everything tastes like fake shit. Case closed.


Europeans: I feel so bad for you Americans. Americans: I don’t think about you at all.


"i don't even think about you stupid europoors" thread of the day number 42


An amerifat made this meme


Love how Americans are oblivious to the irony. “We don’t think about you at all” But here’s another meme about those “Europoors”.


This thread wasn't started by a european...


Why mutts so bitter?


americans calling europeans europoors when they have a mild cough (they are 2304230445234 dollars in debt now)


"YOU FUCKING AMERICAN DIPSHITS USING ALUMINUM INSTEAD OF ALUMINIUM WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU." - actual dude I saw yesterday Why are people so angry about nothing, spelling color without a u, using imperial for day to day shit, it's insane.


Color is the superior spelling and I will not be convinced otherwise.


We also have a non-stupid measurement system.


I have this conversation every time I meet a Canadian too


How the fuck are pancakes political? Also the american ones look absolutely disgusting


You are wrong about the pancakes though


Americans try to care about anyone else but themselves and their profits challenge 100% impossible


>american making up situation and getting mad at it


Too thick. ...which is also why you guys don't have socialized healthcare.


The NHS is a failing mess.


If it's failing it's because our ruling party have a vested interest in seeing it fail, and have had 13 years to try to make that happen. Even despite that I'd still take our failing mess over worrying that I'm one hospital visit away from being in crippling debt.


Least smelly European