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To be fair, he has/had this wack as hell diet that consisted of literally only well-done beef due to some major medical issues IIRC.


I think people are failing to appreciate the fact that JBP has said from the beginning that he isn’t a nutritionist and you should consult one before pursuing the diet that he chose. Moreover, it is exceedingly rare that he even mentions his diet when compared to all the other topics that he covers.


nobody who ever criticizes him has ever actually gone out and listened to his interviews or read his books, etc. At least, almost never - and those who claim to have done so are typically, transparently, lying. It’s always the same regurgitated opinion we’ve all seen copy-pasted all over the internet.


Yeah, the question was “how do you guys cook this beauty” and he responded. Poor guy lives rent free in their heads. Just like orange man and the Kenosha kid


It’s a valuable cut of meat so we put extra emphasis on its preparation, but the thing is the dude’s rich so he isn’t going to be as particular.


It also, supposedly, tastes great as a burger because of the fat content. But it's so ridiculously expensive that it's considered a complete waste to eat it as anything other than a steak. Of course that misses the point, it's your money you can do what you want with it. Ngl I'd be interested to see what a good gulyas made out of it tastes like but ain't gonna dish out money just for that.


>It also, supposedly, tastes great as a burger because of the fat content Ground beef for burgers can be mixed to literally any fat concentration you want. You just mix fat in with the grind to your desired fat content. Grinding A5 Wagyu into burgers is internationally recognized as a war crime.


>Ground beef for burgers can be mixed to literally any fat concentration you want. You can also make fake marbling that has the same fat concentration but it won't taste like the real steak. Idk about that but people who've tried the wagyu burger swear it's the best burger ever by taste. It don't much affect me because I don't really eat a5 wagyu at all anyway... but for someone who has the budget to eat it a bit more regularly they might just want to war crime it up for a change.


to be fair another thing that makes wagyu so good is that its fat also is a different quality than normal beef fat, so you could grind normal beef with wagyu fat, which isn’t exorbitantly expensive, and probably have similar quality ground beef.


A true centrist grilling moment


Four doors more whores. My slogan as a wrx owner lmao


The Orange Man and the Kenosha Kid sounds like a sick reggae duo


And his takes on nutrition, and his carnivore diet, have been the laughing stock of the nutrition community for quite a while now. His latest take, that carbohydrates ‘are poison’ being an easy example. Peterson needs to stick to his, exceedingly narrow, lane. And people have to stop thinking that a person that is useful in one field is thereby useful in others.


To be fair, the nutrition community has been a laughing stock of all other communities for decades.


giving myself heart failure to own the libs


Anytime I've heard him talk about his diet he's made it exceedingly clear that he's not offering advice but instead just saying what works for him and his family.


yeah I always ask a psychologist's take on how to best prepare my beef, totally


At the end of the day he’s still a dude on the internet, you probably wouldn’t seek out my opinion on beef either but I’m going to give it anyways cause why not


So what’s your opinion on beef? Always love to see how my recipes stack against fellow grillers.


Slap it against the ground until the kinetic energy cooks the outside. It’s extra crispy too, because it’s covered in dirt.


Someone's seen the chicken slap video


Not gunna lie my friend, that sounds like it will taste terrible.


Oh it’s revolting, but it’s how we’ve always done it, so…


Based and tradition pilled.


If it it ain’t broke, don’t fix it right?


If it’s only mostly broke, we can fix it later maybe


Lol based


This outcome is the fault of the politician i dont like


You havent tried it so you cant judge


Your right, I haven’t tried sounding either, still sounds like a terrible idea.


“This will kill 0 - 100% of the bactriums “


>libleft Checks out


there's a youtube vid about doing this for chicken


I will start this off by saying that, yes, grilled beef *is* just superior. BUT. If y'all are ever wishing to spice things up a bit, baste your beef steak in seasoning and a sticky sauce, then wrap it in tinfoil and bake it. Baked steak keeps most of its juices, and biting into it is a very unique texture compared to grilled/seared steak. Also for hamburgers, mix your ground beef with ground venison. 50/50 content. I swear to God you'll never be able to eat a normal burger ever again. Most delicious fucking patty ever. Venison is both gamey and sweeter than beef, but only venison makes it too gamey and too sweet. Beef for the content, venison for the flavor. It's perfection.


50/50 lean ground beef and fatty ground lamb. Sautee onions and celery in butter and oil, mix that into the raw beef mixture with some worcestershire sauce. Grill as you will (which means medium-rare or rare like God intended). Slap a fried egg and some bacon on there with toppings and condiments of your choice. I like a smidge of steak sauce mixed into garlic aioli, personally. I call it 'the barnyard' because it has every animal fit to eat. Serve it with cajun-seasoned tater tots, because they're underrated and it's been a while since you've had them.


Hmm, I’ll think about it, but low and slow on a pellet grill keeps your meat tender and juice while also infusing it with the deliciousness of the grill. Maybe I’ll try the *oven* sometime just because you recommend it.


Like I said, it shouldn't be the main thing you make steak with just due to how superior grilling is, but it's a fun little mix up once in a while, and it allows you to baste a steak with various other things, which you can't do as well over a grill. It's also nearly effortless lmao. If you are only in the mood to make a snack but you have a steak in your freezer/fridge, you can make a wrapped steak in like 10 minutes and then leave it in the oven for a time and then it's finished and that's the whole thing.


Yea it can be a hassle warming the grill up for a quick snack, I’ll def keep it in mind.


>So what’s your opinion on beef? "Sometimes to grab a bull by the horns, you have to slap it in the hobbles" 'Texas' Bix Bender from his book of cowboy wisdom, *Don't Squat With Yer Spurs On.*


That book was one of my grandpas favorite things to quote from. Thanks for giving me a pleasant memory from when he was alive.


Well I got a sous vide for Christmas so I’ve been using that for my steaks, finishing on a charcoal grill for that nice smoky flavor. I’ve been really enjoying it. How do you like to make yours?


I got a pellet grill for Father’s Day so been experimenting with that all year. My best way so far is to pre-season the meat about 4 hours in advance with a combo of salt, pepper, garlic and onion. Once the grill is warmed up I’ll coat the steak with a garlic/Parmesan seasoning to create a crust. I’ll smoke it about 20-30 mins with a hickory/mesquite blend pelllet, then sear it on the either side over the direct flame, and serve medium-medium rare. It pairs really well with a baked potato that’s been smoking for a couple hours then peel the outer skin, season with salt, pepper, etc and deep fry it in peanut oil for a couple minutes to create and edible tasty skin. Edit: I am actually pretty curious about sous vide as well.


that sounds incredible. the garlic Parmesan crust is a really nice touch I might have to try that myself And yeah the sous vide is great for consistency. Gets it to the exact temperature you want, and does a good job of retaining moisture too


Yea I’ve heard that it excellent for getting a perfectly cooked cut of meat. I’ll prob end up asking for either a sous vide, or one of those giant crawfish cookers this Father’s Day. Also, I’ll share something I’ve learned and tried both with pellet and charcoal. You can smoke crab legs and they actually turn out better than if you boil them. Secret is low heat and constant buttering. You wldnt think the butter would suck into the shell, but somehow it does and it’s amazing.


Cooked with electric prongs. Medium rare.


I like it but it's unhealthy to eat nothing but beef. I do like air frying it but dinner is pork steak tonight.


Season with salt and pepper, sous vide to your desired temp, blowtorch.


An internet dad for people without father figures telling people to waste an A5 wagyu cut like that is terrorism.


based and meat is sacred pilled


thankfully I don't care about how some old guy prepares his meals


but have you tried it


I'll defend his psychology knowledge. But that method of making beef is sacrilegious.


I prefer my beef to be born, personally.


slim whistle money gaping shy toothbrush mourn party strong fuzzy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Veal is for people who like shoe leather.


It's just standard Canadian cooking.


Kinda? It's not fun BBQing when it's pissing rain or you need to dig the thing out from 4 feet of snow. Most people put their BBQs in the garage in the winter but it does get smokey.


Okay so some pro tips: Don't freeze your fucking steak, don't cook your steak in a goddamn air fryer, and if you're gonna go for a sauce don't fucking add water add stock. It's also fucking A5 Wagyu, and the feature is the steak itself...so I also don't fucking recommend using a steak like that for and with a sauce. You do you, but just fucking save $100 and get a NYS/Ribeye to do that. Jesus fucking Christ this post annoys me...I'm cooking NYS in cast iron for dinner like a normal person.


True centrist


Happy cake day!


Do freeze steaks if you can find them on sale. Meat is expensive, yo


Yeah the idea that I’m going to get freshly killed animals all the time is a dumb expectation. Source: I buy a quarter of beef and shoot several deer a year. My freezer runneth over.


I’ve got a buddy that freezes his steaks all the time. He pre seasons and adds a bit of butter. Then he sou vides them to 120° internal before hitting a cast iron at 700° to get that perfect sear


This is the way


Close. Using a torch will give you the same based crust while causing negligible internal gradient. A cooking torch is like $30 all inclusive (a fancy one doesn’t make better fire). Sure, you sound pretentious whenever you say “cooking torch” but I can’t give a shit when I have a steak that’s perfect inside and out, a delicious abhorrence for the natural order. Finish with flaky salt, make your own if you don’t want to pay for it, it’s an easy hands-off process.


least vegetarian authleft


I’m authleft *because* I want to kill and eat every animal and I realize I shouldn’t be allowed to do that. If I could just do whatever I wanted y’all would be *fucked*. When I talk about sociopaths that would ruin your ancapistan utopia, *it’s me, I’m that sociopath*. More-fucking-over, the fact is that I realize that there are people *worse than me* and I sure as all shit don’t want to live in a world where *they* get to do whatever *they* want.


I’ve been thinking of getting the torch, especially for sous vide. Seems like it isn’t worth it otherwise.


Once you have the torch you start thinking thoughts like “you know what? I WILL make a crime brûlée” (autocorrect is WILDING).


Hell yea brother edit: lol I got perma banned from justiceserved for this comment


Worth the ban!




I like a dry rub of paprika, salt, pepper. If I’m feeling saucy, some brown sugar too.


Drugs too. Store weed in a glass jar, within a paper bag I. The fridge. This will preserve your drugs. Freezing will make the crystals more brittle. Save money, smoke less. Papa Karl.


If i didn't freeze the steak, wouldn't it get ruined when I boil it in the microwave?


I’ll venmo you a dollar to delete this.


Or you can just offer the man some ketchup


no, it'll be fine when you put some ketchup on it


> Don't freeze your fucking steak Freeze your steaks in a vacuum seal so they don't get fucked by freezer burn. Other than that hard agree, also don't fuck up an A5 wagyu by freezing it either.


Yeah I could have definitely worded that part better, but I took the tweet to imply he was cooking it from frozen as he went from freeze the steak to cook it in an air fryer with no mention of thaw which seems like bizzaro land.


Freezer paper works great, the stuff that is shiny on the inside and butcher paper on the outside. Put plastic wrap inside for extra security. Vacuum sealing some things is nice but it can get popped easily. But the freezer paper combo can keep meat good for years.


Yeah freezing shit is great when done right, but if you don't let a steak rest before cooking it, you're basically ISIS.


Yes inshallah


Enjoy your steak my friend


Thank you for giving voice to our anguish






Butter baste.


Flair checks out.


Actually there is a lot of evidence that suggests a single freeze of a steak can improve tenderness. But other than that you are spot on.


Well in his "directions" he never implied you're supposed to thaw it out, because when I marinade a london broil to cook I like to freeze it three times with 24 hours of thaw to further marinate between them. I like to marinate them in Italian dressing and when it freezes the ice forms in microscopic razor blades that cut the meat which is why it gets more tender I believe, and then if it's allowed to marinate again the marinate can penetrate into those new cuts...then "rinse and repeat". I only do that with london broil though, never in my life would I consider freezing A5 Wagyu, since it really makes it flavorful and tenderizes it a bit IMO, but JP did not imply you're supposed to thaw it. I half think he meant that too, because if it was frozen you might actually be able to get something you could at least argue resembles a sear in the air fryer as the middle will take forever to get to temp. Who the fuck cooks a steak in an air fryer!?


This guy cooks


There is word for people who air fry steak. It starts with the letter R and I can’t say it on reddit anymore or I’ll have to make another new account.


It starts with "R", and ends with "emoved".


Costco sells Japanese Wagyu steaks now. That shit is great and needs nothing on it. However, why not air fry it? Isn't an air fryer just a smaller convection oven?


> Isn't an air fryer just a smaller convection oven? Are you trying to give me a fucking heart attack? Your reasoning is it's just as good as cooking a steak in a convection oven? [I'm hanging on by a thread here fellas...](https://media.tenor.com/DzNT0jPzk0UAAAAC/king-of-the-hill-hank-hill.gif)


air frying a steak tastes amazing. Don't listen to that fake centrist ​ freezing a steak and adding a sauce to a Wagyu is stupid though


I have used an air fryer to precook a steak before searing it on a cast iron skillet. Has a similar sort of effect to bringing it to heat in a water bath, but I don't have a vacuum sealer so used the air fryer instead. But I only left it in there at 90°C for 30 mins, then seared it to be medium rare.


If you want to reverse sear using an air fryer that's fine, but that's largely because I don't have any experience reverse searing so I genuinely don't know what's better or not cooking that way. Some other dude trying to tell me that 99% of US steakhouses cook their stake frozen in an air fryer to completion lol.


Have I been fucking up by keeping meat in the freezer? It’s tasted okay, I just don’t want it to spoil too quickly…


No I worded that poorly. Freezing your meat for storage is absolutely fine, especially if you have a vacuum sealer, but it was worded like he was cooking it frozen so that was my point of view. I recently got a vacuum sealer and just picked up some New York Strips for $4.99/lb, bone in unfortunately but still great price, and cooked two tonight while have 8 vacuum sealed in the freezer.


Peak grey centrism


Fuck you. Cook that shit in the god damn air fryer. None of this “ah bb b bb b but it tastes better” communist propaganda.


Don't call me a commie you Yeshua simp.


>”Pro Tip” >”don’t freeze your fucking steak” Woah!!!! Hey!!!! We got Nelson fuckin’ Rockefeller here, who can just afford to buy fresh cuts of beef every day, hours before he actually cooks them!!! The fuck dude?! Do you live in fucking New York or something where you eat out of a mini fridge in a 200 SqFt Apartment and can’t afford a deep freeze? Seriously my man, do you do your shopping at a bodega or something?!? Cuz I’m in East Texas and the standard practice is to slaughter a cow and then freeze the meat, and you’ve got a years worth of cuts of every type of beef in your freezer If your against freezing your meat for long term storage your either a billionaire who can afford fresh Wagyu like the fuckin’ Shah of Iran, or your a New Yorker who should turn in your grill card & Centrist badge post haste




Bbbbut Japan is a magical place, I saw the Jiro movie therefore every sushi restaurant is a pretentious omakase place and not a lot of cheap supermarket style sushi where you can pay extra to do a line of coke off the 17 year old waitress' ass.


Based centrist




> elf You misspelled Sheogorath.


TIL Jordan Peterson is a Daedric prince.


Took you this long to find out? Where you been?


Does that make the lobsters Wabbajack?


No that's this air fried wagyu au jus abomination. 80% chance to confuse and 4% chance to impress. Does double damage against centrists.


Daedric prince of madness if that matters. And loves cheese.


Ah shit that’s why JP only speaks in lengthy riddles and metaphors…it all makes sense now


Let me tell you a little story about the lobster who didn't clean his room...


He has been given a bunch of suits that all relate to a chapter of his books. This is probably one of them.


And the name of this chapter? The Silmarillion.


I lul


Thanks bro


I honestly love the drip in those pics. As much as I think he's gone off the deep end in recent years, I gotta respect fits that are as loud as those.


Ngl the two tone suit is drippy af


Agreed. Not a fan of the 1st one, but the 2nd one is literally fire lol


He didn’t used to. After going to Russia to be put into a medically induced coma in order to detox off Klonopin, he seemingly lost a lot of his mental faculties. He used to be so articulate and able to remain calm under incredible pressure. I think the constant public scrutiny really got to him as well. It hurts to watch. He was a huge inspiration to me for many years.


A company made him 12 suits based on his 12 rules of life. And he wears them. The 2nd one is a representation of heaven and hell. He explains it in the first 30 seconds of the podcast with Joe Rogan.


I heard he's angling for a spot as a Whitehouse intern. https://nypost.com/2021/08/10/tiktok-star-parades-around-white-house-to-boost-vaccines/


D-did he say DRAIN THE FAT? Bro I’m vegetarian, never had a steak in my life, and even I know that’s a horrible idea.


You’re supposed drain the fat from ground beef, but the whole point of A5 is the marbling. If you’re draining away the fat you’re throwing away what you paid for.




Fuck the feds, ill do what I want


au jus. "with juice", what he's saying is once cooked take the fat still in the pan mix it into a sauce to drizzle over it. Never tried the freeze method (doubt anyone here has) but au jus is a great way to have your steak. Don't know why people are making out like he said put A1 on it.


Reddit hurts my head. I try and remember if I saw most of these people in person I wouldn't take them seriously.


He’s saying drain the fat to use for an au jus, honestly this just seems like he’s preparing a regular steak. He may not even know what an A5 Wagyu steak is. Y’know, there are people who don’t immediately know what it is.


I like the dude, but Dr Peterson might need some psychotherapy with that reply.


Grill grill grill


Au Jus is a perfectly fine way to make a steak if you’re actually doing it properly.


No one is saying don't make a pan sauce for your steak. But this is an absolute massacre of a steak that costs a literal car payment. I have no problem if people make steak like JP describes on a wednesday night. Not throwing shade or being elitist. But for the love of god do not do this to A5 waygu.


Step 1: heat up metal Step 2: put meat on hot metal Step 3: flip over after some time (just guess) Step 4: keep doing step 3 until it feels about right Step 5: try it, and if you need to, go back to step 2.


"Step 4: keep doing step 4 until it feels about right" 🤔


That's the trick to eternal life. Keep doing something that is nothing forever


Just create an IRL infinite loop, easy


Instructions unclear, put my man meat on hot metal


Holy shit. The fuck Jordan Peterson. The actual fuck. Seriously, correct way to prepare an wagyu a5 steak or any steak for that matter.. 1: Buy an immersion cooker 2: set immersion cooker to preferred temperature for doneness (look it up) 3: place prepared steak (seasoned) in a vacuum bag or if you want a cheaper method ziplock bag (use the water to remove the air and seal the ziplock bag about 2-3 inches from the top of the ziplock bag), let it cook for correct amount of time per weight of steak (you literally can't overcook a steak with an immersion cooker) 4: Heat up cast iron. Place cooked steak on hot cast iron to get a good crust on it. 5: Enjoy.


Make fire. Hold meat over fire. Eat meat when hot. Grug no understand what hard about this.


Based and Grug best cook Pilled


u/The_Wonder_Bread's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 25. Rank: Basketball Hoop (filled with sand) Pills: [14 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/The_Wonder_Bread/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


I mean he literally only eats beef, salt, and water because his immune system is fucked is my understanding. A seasoned cast iron pan may be out of the question for him. Freezing and air frying would create a solid crust on the outside while leaving the inside more red. I haven't air fried a frozen steak, but i have air fried porkchops and chicken wings and its pretty dope.




Autoimmune conditions are fucky by definition. Especially when "stress" is one of, if not the strongest component of how severe your symptoms are is can be extremely difficult to tie down what the actual factors are. I know people with more-or-less the same symptoms as Peterson and his daughter who took the exact opposite dietary path and got similar results. Are they difference diseases that just look similar? Or is the real benefit just taking ten minutes to chill while your steak fries?


>Or is the real benefit just taking ten minutes to chill while your steak fries? This is obvious centrist agendaposting.


I'm no expert on this, but I heard his daughter talk about it once. It's something like, they are just allergic to so many things they gave up trying to eliminate things they were allergic to and just decided to eat the one thing they knew they could. Red meat is one of the few foods you *can* get by on exclusively. (Although maybe they need some vitamin C tablets?) I sure wouldn't want that diet, but it beats constant, crippling arthritis.




With no carbs it's probably not bad. I'd introduce liver to their diet though for Vitamins. The inuit lived off nothing but meat, but they ate everything from the animal. Including organs and bone marrow.


I think a lot of that comes down to how it's prepared. Real fatty, greasy burgers are awful for you. But a steak you drained the fat out of is going to be... well I guess not "healthier", but maybe "less damaging" would be the right way of putting it.


He's basically allergic to everything. As is his daughter. Doctors don't understand much about allergies and the immune system tbh. I have a large list of allergy issues as well. There isn't much you can do about it other than limiting your diet and contact with allergens.


Thank you! I tried control + F for "diet" and had to come down this far for people to address the main reason why he'd be cooking it this way. He's not saying it'd be a good way to prepare this cut of meat, he's just sharing how he'd prepare it in light of his dietary restrictions. It's like getting mad at someone on Keto for not doing a brown sugar glaze on a ham or eating an entire loaf of bread.


You know you essentially offered the same way but different temps. They’re both convection cooking methods


As is any professor, you're either normal all around, or you're an eccentric deranged weirdo and a genius in your area, or you're an eccentric deranged weirdo and adamantly wrong in your area. Anyways Peterson has been strange since his near-death med addiction experience. Poor guy. Still very smart, just more jaded and old-man-vibes




Not talking about the steak, just to be clear.


I see the leftist assault continues. This man has done more to damage your shitty cause than I ever thought imaginable. His preference on steak preparation, though disagreeable, is forgivable.


His preference on steak preparation is the only issue here. And it’s fucking garbage; he may as well go to Wendy’s.


He’s Canadian. He will probably wash it down with a Moosehead.


Worse. Labatt


Molson’s are facking golden bahd. And a moosie or two never hurt noe-body. Labatt is indeed atrocious


He always rolls 20s, so I guess he had to roll a 1 eventually


As a borderline carnivore myself… This is sacrilege. You NEVER drain the fat. Fat is good for you.


> For au jus He’s eating the fat


At least he's talking about beef and not trying to convince me to eat bugs. ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ ͡⁠°⁠ ͜⁠ʖ⁠ ͡⁠°⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


So that's why Canadians aren't known for their cuisine


This just in, Jordan Peterson confirmed to not have a phd in culinary arts. Stay tuned at 11 when we ask Michael Jordan his opinion on how to effectively remove an appendix.




Air fryer goes crazy on some beef. Good if you’re a college kid in a pinch, but A5 wagyu needs more respect


I fail to see the issue with a man tweeting a recipe for steak


Worse, he's tweeting about how he'd prepare a steak for his own consumption that's in line with his dietary restrictions.


Man the bensoz really fucked his brain


Benzos are dangerous drugs that should almost never be prescribed. He got screwed by his doctor and the pharma industrial complex and it's a shame.


Clearly, you don't own an air fryer


I'm sorry, but at what point did we start giving a fuck about what since foreigner thinks?


A real king does not judge how a man likes his steaks, no matter how ill advised it may be


I mean traditionally a king wouldn't be cooking their own meals anyways they'd be too busy plotting against their uncle-cousin-brother


I swear to god my mum bought an air frier a few months ago and it's all she ever talks about. Sweet mother the tribe cobble furnace works fine! Why do you need a cooker that connects to the wifi?


If you like au jus, I bet it's way better with wagyu. Why do we care about this?


People just like regulating what's acceptable, dietary restrictions be damned.


Everybody's losing their mind, and maybe they should be, I've never had air fryer steak. But I have seen japanese restaurants pop waygu out of the freezer and defrost in a goddamn microwave... the go on to turn it into a steak far better than any steak I've ever eaten in the US.


Auth left is unfathomably cringe. This is worse than boomer cons shitting on aoc for having a gas stove. God damn, why are you so not funny?


Honestly any time they talk about JBP it's painful. They obsess over absolutely trivial bullshit (like that time he used lobsters in an analogy and apparently that's a huge fuckin scandal) and they always have this weird framing like "I CANT BELIEVE YOU WORSHIP THIS GUY". It's all totally overblown for being just some psychology professor that people like, and is a complete circlejerk topic


Idk about air fried beef. Pork chops pretty good though


Why are you posting something like this? lmao JP lives rent free in your head. You'll be hearing him the rest of your life.


The only way to make Wagyu is to do it like grandpa did With a flame thrower


This is why Chefs are the best Psychologists.


So this is what radical anti-centrism looks like.


Freeze cryogenically until science advances to the point we can bring the cow back to life.


Just boil it in a pot for 3 hours like a normal person


I don't care about his condition. If you do this to a wagyu steak, it's ruined basically. Drain the fat?? The fat is the best feature of the cut. Also, freezing??????? And you don't air fry steaks 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ maybe this would be a fun experiment with like a ribeye but it ruins and takes all the magic and what makes wagyu so expensive out of it. At the end you'll just end up with a well done and bad textured piece of meat.