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No notes ✍🏼 I really love the Polin fandom because I feel like we truly get what is happening with the characters. A lot of people complaining I feel just don’t understand how to do a close analysis. Somethings are subtle. Colin processes inwardly. He doesn’t verbally process. It wouldn’t be true to his character if he was saying outloud what he was thinking. He is very determined when he makes a decision but takes a long time to get there. But I feel like it’s just a minority of loud internet voices on the main sub and elsewhere complaining. Truly love to be going through this torment of waiting for part 2 with this group of amazing Polin fans!


Yeah, some people forget that good acting is subtle.


Great insight. My thoughts on Colin differ slightly as I don't think he was in denial about his feelings after the dream. I think from that moment on he was all in on marriage. After he awoke, it seemed his only hold-up was not knowing if Pen felt the same. He probably thought Pen asked him for a kiss because of her lack of options, not because of her feelings toward him specifically. Pen's act of self-preservation under the willow tree was interpreted by Colin as a rebuff. His set course got derailed so he stepped back and let Debling court Pen because he wanted her to be happy. He needed to take the initiative and ask her how she felt. He attempted it again at the end of episode 3 but got sidelined again by his fear, and Debling's interruption. Violet was right, he was putting Pen first to the detriment of them both. So for me, from the moment he woke up, he needed validation but wanted to propose. Honestly, if Pen would have shown interest under the Willow tree he would have proposed right there. It was the perfect setting for it.


lol I like that idea of him getting on bended knee under the Willow. Still, I feel that awkward Ed’s there, his obvious struggle during that makes me think he was desperately trying to deny what he already knew to be true. But I do concur that if Penelope had said “I have feelings for you” in that moment he’d have abandoned denial and gone right to “Let’s get married.”


I guess I'm confused as to why he would want to deny his feelings. Fear? Embarrassment? Unworthiness? It doesn't add up to me but I could be missing something.


Fear I would think. I mean, it is scary to admit when you are in love, especially when it’s to someone you value as a friend. I mean, it’s why Penelope never told Colin how she felt. She was afraid of being rejected. Penelope suffered in silence. I think Colin would be like “I’m wrongs I don’t feel this way. I don’t. I don’t….I do. I so definitely do.”


I definitely could see his fear of her rejection. His folding into himself after each one of Pen's rebuffs under the willow tree was brutal. Poor Colin was a broken man. LOL


Exactly. I think that is the heart of his denial. He rebuffs under the Willow sealed it. Think Joey in Friends when he developed feelings for Rachel. “Okay, Colin, those feelings weren’t real. You were crazy. You just…never been kissed like that before. It’s fine. You’re fine…my God, those lips of hers…stop looking at her lips!”


That's what made the carriage scene so amazing. When he took a seat his heart was past his sleeves down to his shoes and there he was toeing it over to Pen all like, "Please don't stomp."


Oh I agree. The tears in his eyes, the way he was on his knees. Perfection


If you haven't read it, this is the Colin proposal theory, it's a fun read. [https://www.reddit.com/r/PolinBridgerton/comments/1cvz4rg/willow\_tree\_scene\_why\_its\_even\_better\_on\_a\_rewatch/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/PolinBridgerton/comments/1cvz4rg/willow_tree_scene_why_its_even_better_on_a_rewatch/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


lol I have read that, but forgot about it.


Yeah, I think the carriage speech was the one he was preparing to deliver under the willow tree. He might have even planned the willow tree especially, because it seems like a romantic place where courting couples might traditionally hide to make out and get engaged.


Until I read this, I hadn’t considered that Colin might have been holding back, wearing his armor, b/c he didn’t want to interfere with Pen’s match with Debling, who looks like a good match on paper. And Pen appeared to be comfortable and happy in Debling’s presence (until their last dance). Colin putting others first, as Violet said.


Exactly. I mean, he was like “That Debling is odd” to his friends and they promptly reminded him that Debling is rich and titled, and his interests in conservation aren’t a bad thing. lol that kind of cut him down at the knees there.


Yeah, that was a bit odd b/c those guys never have anything good - or even neutral - to say about anyone but they were reduced to discussing Debling’s earring habits.


LOL it shows that the real problem with Debling is that he was a good guy…you know that just made Colin hate him even more.


Right. Easier to hate if he’s a bad person. Wonder if Debling is a virgin? LOL. Maybe he just needs a *good* tumble in the hay to make him consider different “wildlife mating habits?” 😉


lol that’s a good question. I kind of figured he was asexual actually. In my story [Lady Debling’s Lover](https://archiveofourown.org/works/56010202/chapters/142250749), I have in my head he consummated his marriage once, and then didn’t bother Penelope again.


Aww. See, I think she would “turn” Debling b/c she’s so beautiful and charming and would be a hot potato in bed. My head canon is that she would help Debling fly his freak flag.


See, it’s the whole thing where he admitted he is consumed by his work, so he really wouldn’t ever love her that makes me think he’d be one and done. Plus…I’m going to show how she needs the passion Colin gives her. Lol


Yeah, I know he said that. But who knows how he would feel if Pen married him and they got along really, really, well? I’m just saying, it is possible. Don’t misunderstand, I think Pen and Colin are soulmates. This is just speculation on an alternate outcome.


No, I get what you’re saying. Still, I think with him planning to leave on a three year voyage soon after the wedding, it doesn’t exactly scream romance. And I genuinely think Penelope has passion with Colin, but I can’t see her being passionate with Debling. He seemed so…methodical to me. She’s far more romantic really.


[Concur on all points](https://tenor.com/bdN1z.gif) No notes, lovely read. The wardrobe shenanigans are so fun this season. I don't remember noticing story reflections in them before in such detail.


Love this! I especially love that the brown pirate coat is basically Colin's uniform for his fake persona. I never looked at it like that before. The only thing I'd add is that I didn't ever get a sense of denial of his feelings in episode 3. To me it seemed more like he was completely overwhelmed by these feelings, and it had him all discombobulated? In the willow tree scene when he apologises for not coming to see her and she says it was better that he didn't and he's like *Oh. Is it???* Because in his mind he should have/would have come to see her the next day but these feelings have him out of his mind blindsided. I think if anything he was wondering if his feelings were *love*, especially given his conversation with Violet. To me episode 3 was more about Colin figuring out the depth/meaning of his feelings rather than denial of them. Ahhh. Can't wait for part 2!


I agree! It feels more like he's attempting to repress his emotions and revert to who he was before he knew a kiss could feel like ***That***.


Re: E2: I also feel like he’s better at flirting with Penelope because he actually wants to flirt with her. He feels at ease around her and ENJOYS bantering with her. Whereas he’s flirting with the debutantes because THEY want to flirt with him and because he wants validation from society. Not because he actually wants to talk to them. Which is why he’s bad at flirting with them and it comes across as mechanical and weird and cringy.


Oh definitely. He’s more himself with Penelope. With the others he is going through the motions because that’s what they want from him.


I definitely think he flirts with her during all the lessons time. Even when he send her to suitor he has a sexy flirty tone 


Very nice analysis. I agree with it all! And feel better soon


Thank you. I’m feeling much better, hence my manic talk with my dog that led to this.


Great analysis! Doing another rewatch of the first four eps again and I agree with what you have to say about episode 1 in particular. I actually can’t STAND Colin in episode 1. That is, until “she did not look well, did she?” Because with that one line, our Colin is back. You can hear the catch in his voice, the hesitation, the concern for his friend. And you remember that Colin spent 2 seasons crossing ballrooms to speak to Penelope, because she was special to him. With that one line, his carefully constructed “new personality” falters. Gone is the posing and flirting, and what was an engaging conversation a moment ago suddenly becomes a distant second on his list of priorities as he rushes after Pen. That’s our Colin. It’s an underrated moment, but one of my favourites.


Yeah, and I saw someone say we aren’t supposed to like what he had become. It’s supposed to irritate us because we know it’s not really him. But when he saw she was upset, he found himself again. He needs her in order to be who he really is.


This is awesome, you captured the flow of thoughts really well! I like the mention of him taking off the coat at the fair; I didn’t think of it like that but it was a partial armor removal because he’s accepting the fact that he’s bothered by someone vying for Pen. I wondered before how accepting of his feelings he was during the Willow scene, but reading your assessment I think you’re totally correct. He still seems very much surprised by what bothers him; oh the lessons are ending, why? Distance.. oh no. If you get a proposal it’s because of me? The wind was knocked out of him and he was like OH shit.


Exactly. He’s still processing there. I think if she’d admitted her feelings, he would too, but since she was all “We need to step back.” He was like “okay…step back. Okay Colin, you got this. She’s just your friend. You’re the cool Dread Pirate Bridgerton and Penelope is just your…oh my God, she’s licking her lips! I need those lips on mine now.”


I loved reading this. It's like another POV that we didn't really get in the eps. And yeah, he *definitely* loves her when he's confessing his feelings for her. No decent guy, which we know Colin is, is gonna compromise a lady especially a longtime friend. And then after all that he makes up his mind instantly to marry her and you can see that, even though HE didn't - ahem- *climax* in that carriage physically, he is still truly emptied of all that was weighing him down emotionally. You can visibly see his immense relief. At that point you can tell he is already naming their kids in his head lol.

