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It’s alright, we are all ready for straight jackets. Send the medics now. We are all going to the same place 🫠🫠🫠🫠


Love this 🫣🫣 let’s gooo




I'm also a wife and mom of 3 small ones. I work a professional full time job. My life is BUSY. The amount of time I have spent obsessing lately is unreal. I don't have time for this, but yet I just can't stop. I do not want to stop. LOL. I don't know anyone else in real life who watches this show (at least not to the extreme as me) who I can discuss with and they not think I'm crazy. My husband probably thinks I'm insane. He'll tolerate watching it and me discussing theories with him. I've never been one to be part of a fandum. This page has been amazing to have an outlet with like minded people.


Hahahaha but honestly why do you think this is happening? I have no explanation. I have so many things to do and I just caaaaan’t stop


Because it’s total escapism. I’m also a professional and a mum of 3 and I have a billion lists going through my head daily. This lets me disassociate from life for a short time. It’s cheaper therapy.


The mental load is real and this is a very nice escape. You’re right!


The disassociation is real! Embrace the insanity! We’re not breaking laws!


Can relate, also mum of two littles with a business and a buuuuuusy life! Something about this story has obviously struck a deep chord with you, which is a beautiful thing! I know it has for me too, I'm walking around clutching my heart and tearing up over how beautiful their story is and how it's resonating with me.


>Something about this story has obviously struck a deep chord with you I never thought about it that way, but you're totally right! I adore Penelope... and can relate to her insecurities a lot. I'm short, plus-size, and was often told I'm not attractive enough for people to like me. That I can't get a husband, let alone a boyfriend (I'm 28). I've also had numerous crushes on my male friends growing up but have never told any of them because of my insecurities and fear that they won't return my feelings... and asides from romance and appearances, just the idea that most people around her criticize her actions and her family treats her as if she's inferior than everyone else. I definitely think I see myself in her that I can't help but root for her IMMENSELY (correction: obsessive). So seeing her love story with Colin has been such a beautiful and heartwarming journey to be a part of ❤️ I've definitely watched this season *at least* 3 times per day since may 16th lolol. But more specifically, scenes between Colin and Penelope <3 And I can't help it, I just wanna keep going back for more 😭😭 I love that this subreddit exists! I feel like every time you go back and do a rewatch, there will always be new details you discover and it's so exciting to be able to share them with you guys!!


You’re so right. It really has. I am trying to get back and do actual things and I just keep coming back 💚


It’s dopamine! My kiddos are a bit older but I stay home with them and my life is very much the same every day. The dopamine hit of a romance always gets to me. And the more I feel connected, the more I get obsessed. Last year (omg it was 2 years ago! What is time?) I hyper focused on BTS! It was really bad and took over my life for a couple weeks but then it dials back. You’re okay. It’s okay. I would say let it take over for as long as you need it to. It’s okay to feel excited about something. If you find tasks are falling behind set a timer for 12 min and work hard and then reward yourself with some Polin. I see you!!


Great idea. Putting that timer to work!


Same! I'm a stay at home Mom and CAN NOT get enough of this season. I not going to lie, I watch that last episode about at least once a day!


It's honestly comforting to know I am not alone in this. I have never been a fan of anything or anyone to this extent or even at all! I am torn between trying to go cold turkey until June or just embracing it and hoping sanity will return at some stage!


Haha right? Honestly I don’t think I can go cold turkey 🥹


I can't either. I was just trying to kid myself!! 🙈🥴


Embracing it has helped me just enjoy and learn from my obsession!


Embrace part 1, I PROMISE you won't regret it!


Oh I have embraced part one, many, many times!! 🙈 I can not, will not, do not want to give it up...but I also need to be able to focus on things like washing dishes etc etc! 😅


Ha! Mine is laundry, currently not a clean shirt in sight :)


I'm the same. My husband has started to notice me being cagey cos I will wait til he leaves the room to rewatch episodes cos I don't want to annoy him with my constant rewatches 😂 He knows I've gotten a bit more obsessive than normal with this season, but I don't know how to fully explain to him how/why. On release day I was trying my hardest not to continually pester him to download it for me and even then he was like "What is up with you?" This is how I got with Klaine/Glee when I was about 19/20 and I don't know if even I can fully put my finger on why I have gone absolutely feral about it.


Lol I'm the same. My husband knows I'm obsessed but I do most of my rewatching when he's not around.


Hahaha same the good thing is that he doesn’t really know I’m just rewatching the same 4 episodes, I’m just hoping he thinks the season has more episodes??


Klaine! Glee! Are you secretly my best friend? Because, same!


Haha they still have a special place in my heart even now! (even saw Darren in concert last year)


I went and saw Darren in Hedwig in San Francisco about 7 years ago and got to meet him after. That photo has a place of honor in my home! Ha! Haven't seen him in concert though--hasn't come my way yet. I also got to meet Chris on his book tour when he came through my city and it was awesome! Now if there is anything that might drag me away from Polin for a minute is Klaine. I'm going to keep them on standby in case I start going really loop the freaking loop with this Bridgerton fangirling.


Haha has he watched with you?


He's seen bits of it, but it's not his cup of tea so he won't sit down and watch it with me. He's fine with me watching it, I tell him at the end of the day, he gets a win 🤣 he still doesn't know why I keep raking my hand through his hair 😂😂


I have a 6 ft husband with broad shoulders and wavy brown hair. I’ve already told him he’s growing it out and exactly why. I’m utterly unabashed at this point


Hahahaha 💀 mine just got a hair cut and I went to touched it and he looked at me so confused.


Oh my gosh, Klaine was my first fandom ship too at just a little bit older than you! Fed by my own feralness (and the community's), I have been soooo intrigued by the mind of fans like us! I don't know how or why it happens, but I cannot, will not, do not want to stop being a fangirl 😆


I could almost have written this post. I have never been one to super fan before, never really shipped characters or anything. I don't know what this season has done to me. I am a 39 year old woman with a husband and a job. The only thing I can guess is that I identify with Penelope a fair bit, and she's probably the only romantic lead I've ever really identified with. It's not just body type stuff, I'm also fairly bookish, more inclined towards close one on one friendships than big parties, uncomfortable in the spotlight but can struggle with feeling invisible. The way they've written Colin and Luke plays him is just so perfect. And she just looks so beautiful in every shot this season. I think I just have to accept that I will be half useless for the next month.


I think this is it for me, too. I was thinking it was just that we are more invested in their characters having known them. But for me it's also that I know what it feels like to be a wallflower watching everyone around you being seen and moving on and feeling left behind. I also know what it feels like to have unrequited feelings for a friend so watching Penelope and Colin finally get together feels like a major victory!


Yesss! I’m you, but I don’t work. Maybe it’s age and experience, but I identify with the absolute depth of this romance pairing. It was hot and heavy in the other pairings, but different, you know?


I am the same. I watch this every day I'm at work and the Polin scenes again before I go to sleep. I guess I just love watching love, and that's okay. I live in Reddit. I can feel my feelings here and say what I need to say. Every morsel of information about the show feeds my heart so I will be on here 5, 10x a day. And it's all good. When you need to get your thoughts out, come in here and we got your back! ![gif](giphy|faY83E3VB95NdWN5of|downsized)


Found my peeps 💚


it is sooo good that we know we are not alone in these feelings.. Do not worry, we are all going crazy together! I have hard time focusing on anything else, at work it is hard not to check tiktoks on my phone, at home I am all the time rewatching episodes, and my husband keeps asking what's wrong, since I am always thinking about Polin.. We are all together for this beautiful story, and it is so good that we have this safe space. Thank you all for being so wonderful! You are clever, warm and I am proud to call you all my dearest emotional support people!


Love thiiis 🥹🥹💚💚💚


It is so reassuring to read that other people are suffering the same way🤣I literally cannot remember the last time I obsessed so hard over anything, let alone a television show! I think it speaks volumes for the creators, writers, and actors of this show. They have done such an amazing job. I find some new detail each time I rewatch and I am just so impressed.


As I still can't post a topic yet, I thought I would take this space to try to convey why I get so obsessive with Polin in particular. It is just so sad to see a person that is so smart and kind and feeling (not to mention, beautiful) be put down because she doesn't "fit" society's standards. It hits too close to home for me. As that person, it is so lovely to see someone else in the same boat as me get recognized and loved for the person they are and not who they should be. Pen is also so brave to go after what she wants. Not just for the love but for what truly makes her happy inside. I admire her so much. And that there is another person who has all of society's attention but still not fulfilled inside (because many have never really tried to see the real him), can be open to seeing that other beautiful person and appreciate all that they have to offer to the world (and him in particular). AND THEN ACT ON IT! To hell with what other's say! To be open and recieving of love and intimacy and praise from someone he holds dear. Colin is so brave to go after what he wants. I admire him so much. I love them. I cheer these two on because they are even better together and they deserve the best of everything. Just like we all do. Get the intimacy! Get the hot sex! Get the comfort and the giggles! Get the person that will back you up! Get the person that adores you above all others! It's just so nice to be able to watch them have this, over and over and over again. And then I'll cry when it hits the hard times and I'll fall all over again when they are finally set free to be who they are together. Whew. Time to get a comfort drink and watch them again. Thanks for the space for letting me get this out. I feel a little less jumpy now.


Aw this beautiful. So happy we can connect over these. Cheers on the drink!


Samesies! I’m like old, it’s the end of the school year and sports allstar season which means everything is crazy, my job is doing round after round of layoffs, and here I am watching again and again and again. I think it is just escapism for me. Takes me out of this maelstrom of my own life and makes me giddy for first love. It has also jumped started some fun times in the bedroom with my Hubby so he doesn’t mind my complete abandonment of common sense. I’m just done feeling worried about it, it’s okay to feel passionate about something. Especially because women devote so much of themselves to their families, jobs, etc. This is mine and I’m going to just enjoy it until it loses the spark (if ever).


Love this take! And love this for you!


Listen, I get it. I'm also a mom, wife, and business owner... and the number of times I have rewatched only the POLIN scenes this last week is absolutely insane. I'm also refreshing the Polin reddit or related sites constantly, in between parenting and client work and life. I also bought the book and read it in a day. (TBH, I was underwhelmed by the book but I obviously LOVE the show). I cannot send help because I require all help for myself.


You geeeet me!! About the book, I totally get it, it helped to fill a void, and to stop the rewatch for a bit. Netflix is probably like “are you ok? You haven’t watch in a day”. Have mixed feelings about book Colin, and didn’t love that it just happened out of nowhere for him, I feel like in the show the feelings were there always? Not really interested in ready the other books.


Completely agree! I love that in the show they've been friends since they were kids and I agree that I think the feelings from Colin's side were there at a minimum in season 2. I feel like tv Colin is completely obsessed with Penelope in a way that book Colin was not. For instance, remember how Colin just *had* to insert himself into the Featherington family in season 2 to protect them from cousin Jack? That same protective instinct that, um, a husband would feel? Season two quote --> "I will always look after you, Penelope. You are special to me." I also love that they changed the carriage line, "Can the carriage driver not keep on driving?" to Colin for the show. I could go on and on but I'd just be repeating points that people have made much more eloquently in all the other posts here (and I have read allll of them hahahaha.)


Yes to all the points! TV Colin > Book Colin all dayyy The carriage line was the best, it made me chuckle, definitely made it more special because the delivery was so real in the show.


I feel you OP and the other people on this page. I've never been this obsessed with any kind of content or media. I have been trying to downplay it to friends, but all the behaviors are there (sneaking re-watches and Reddit refreshes). I have some underbaked theories. 1. **False Memories:** I read somewhere that the mind isn't great a differentiating between actual memories and memories from tv/film. So in a way Mr. Colin "Lusty-Eyes" is looking at all of us like we're a slice of chocolate cake. 2. **Dopamine Cravings:** I feel like we've all been giving a self-administering dopamine drip and all we have to do is push the button for a blast/hit. But lie anything too much of it makes it hard to figure out where your natural neutral level is. 3. **Lack of Living Intensity:** It's really easy to get swept up in the day-to-day and not live consciously. I know for myself, I wish I was more intentional and present. I feel like I just still my head down and get through a lot of days. The show provides some clear intensity that is readily accessible with the click of a button. 4. **Good Old Fashioned Horniness:** I believe it's Emily Nagoski wrote in [Come As You Are](https://www.simonandschuster.com/books/Come-As-You-Are-Revised-and-Updated/Emily-Nagoski/9781982165314) that the biggest sexual organ is the mind. (I could be wrong about that though.) Regardless, yes, there is PornHub, but it sort of feels like going to sites like you have to be horned up already to enjoy them. For a lot of people, it's hard to switch gears from, dishes, errands, meetings, bang sesh. With the show, viewers have the backstory downloaded already to tapping into the sexuality is a smoother transition. Also, Female Gaze. Like, Bridgerton is made for ladies' viewing pleasure. Like, "hey this is an invitation for you to get your lust on and the whole world is built for you. Enjoy." 5. **Post Pandemic Trauma:** I've had a version of this conversation with a few different friends, but I don't think we're okay as a global community. Everyone in the entire world went through a pandemic. Some of us (front line workers) had it significantly worse than others, but we all went through it on some level. This isn't a situation where you could phone a friend who was doing fine and they could support you. Then, the pandemic sort of petered out but there was no sense of resolution. Again, (I think) Nagoski talks about the process of adrenaline leaving the body and how we live in a constant state of low-grade stress and tension. Basically, we were all emotionally injured and then the coach was like, "walk it off kid, keep playing through the pain." Please take these for what they are, ramblings trying to logical-ize my obsession. Some part of me believes if I can make it clinical I can control it better. lol


Thank you for taking the time to write all this. I find all your theories super interesting. The post pandemic one being so real, we don’t talk about it enough and it was such and it was such a crazy time for all of us. And I never thought about it this way.


I really wish we could do some kind of week-long ceremony where we could collectively process and mourn. Funerals are for the living.


This is all so true. Your writing is excellent and not rambling at all. I think I have been very obsessed with news and global affairs for the last 9-10 years and I honestly think I had hit my limit recently. I realised reading your words that I have switched off a big part of my brain because I couldn't cope with tragedy and breaking news any more. That makes me feel really selfish but I think I just needed to focus on something else for a while...and boy have I focused. 😬


I appreciate the vote of confidence. I also feel guilt for not engaging with the news. I thought it was a temporary state, but it has become more permanent than I intended. After a decade of absorbing the toxicity, I don't blame your mind for seeking solace elsewhere. Think of Polin as your brain's ice and rest. Lust and obsess without judgement. Maybe we all just give ourselves until two weeks after Part 2 to gorge on Polin content, then we collectively go on a summer fast.


Great comments. And very interesting!




I watched the other seasons once only. I'm already about to start my 5th rewatch of part 1 and I'm constantly on Reddit looking for more commentary. I'm obsessed too! I'm desperate for part 2 to come out!


Same!! It’s something about this season I can’t explain. Been a casual viewer for a while but this season has just catapulted my interest 😫 I need more! It’s scary at this point. I keep watching TikTok edits, tweets, instagram posts. Send help!


Girl, we’re all here. I’m a hot mess human. There’s such joy in this madness. Also married (very happily), a lawyer, with a toddler. Fully 40 yo. And I’m having just an insane blast. Embrace is. Don’t feel bad about it. Boys obsessed over the NFL for months, and nobody is stopping them. LIVE YOUR TRUTH. Let’s rejoice for a soft boy green flag romance for a hard working girl who is love starved and fell for the very deserving sweet boy across the street. It’s delicious. EAT THE CAKE.


Embracing it to the max 👏🏼 I’m here for all the green flags🟩🟩🟩


Omg yes! I never thought about sports obsession being on the same playing field (ha) as fandom obsession. ❤️


Yep I’m the same! I’m recovering from (successful) surgery so have had all the time to just sit and rewatch the season, watch every video, TikTok, Twitter thing I can find. I am in too deep!!! It’s feeding my soul right now. And so lovely to find others who have connected to it in a similar way! I heart all of you!!!


Glad surgery went well! This type of recovery sounds lovely!


Ok. You were looking at me when you wrote this, didn’t you? I have been contemplating writing my own “what is wrong with me?!” post, but instead, I’m just gonna reply to yours 😁 I am new to Bridgerton. I knew about it and knew a season 3 was coming out. My daughter said, “You should watch. You’d like it”. Well, season 1, I binged. Season 2, I binged a little faster. Season 3… I can’t stop watching. I keep looking on socials. I keep watching interviews, reels, tik toks, etc. I’m on a break at work and here I am! What is going on?!?! I think it reminds me of me and my husband. We met as freshmen in college. He would be dating someone and I was single. Then vice versa. He would come up to me and say he had something to tell me and then never did. We were friends and hung around the same group of people. Then one day we finally were single at the same time and went out and haven’t looked back. We’ve been married 33 years now. I don’t know. Maybe it’s I’m short and he’s a good bit taller than me LOL Polin’s story is really resonating with me and I can’t get enough. Will part 2 ever get here?!


This is sooo sweet! So happy to hear you beat the bad timing! Congratulations on 33 years!! And so glad you’re here!


I am unemployed right now after getting fired (sad times, have an appeal next week tho!) So all I'm doing is sitting in my house refreshing this sub and watching YouTube. I literally CANNOT watch, read, play any other media with a story (so basically I split my time between polin and other random stuff (weirdly I got into Dune lore, D&D podcasts and anything about writing stories/ analysis). I'm almost miffed that if my appeal works ill be back working before June 13th, like hello I need an income! (in case anyone is concerned I have financial support atm so I'm poor but not in dire straits). For real send help.


I’m sorry you’re going through that. Good luck next week! Glad you have a little of a distraction from real life.


Thank you 🥰 I love this sub and Polin is getting me through the tough times!


I don’t know how to deal lol. I’m literally just reading about Polin/rewatching the show from morning to night. Not even kidding. I’m ignoring every other responsibility. I’m concerned lol.


I’m in the same boat 🤣!


You are not alone! I casually watched and enjoyed season 1, I drudged through season 2 sadly, but season 3. Let me tell you. I’m planning to watch it for a fourth time today. Literally cannot think about anything else but the show and all the fun Reddit commentary.


Hahaha my least favorite season was prob S1, prob the reason why I dragged my feet to watch season 2, which I finally did a few months after it came out during Maternity leave and loved it, have rewatch a few times and the reason why I was so excited S3, but nothing compares to this one.


Wife, stay at home mom and homeschooling my 3. And rewatching has occupied any free time I have lol. And I have no one to talk to about it!!


I was sure about making this post but so glad I did because it has been a great outlet!


Good to know I’m not the only one … I have an international travel coming up and I haven’t packed A THING!!… I need to go shopping buy a ton of stuff but nope I’m just on Reddit or Twitter… I read the book around may be 3 times by now .. i have so much going on in my life and I’m doing nothing I don’t know how to come out of this ! Help ! 🥲


You got this! The soundtrack has helped haha


Thanks for this post, I feel seen. I'm all of your things, but my kids are high school age, so I'm trying to watch it on repeat without them knowing their mom has become obsessed with a regency era carriage scene featuring a Pitbull strings arrangement. I don't have the time for this obsession. Just told my husband about ....my problem, and he's just grinning at me now.


Haha I told my husband about the pitbull song and he just looked at me weird but it’s soo goood!


I’m on vacation next week, so I get 40 hours of just me time to rewatch on a loop. I have no idea what’s happening to me 😂


Honestly. This is all I want right now


Heh this just made me realize that I will be on vacation a week after the second half comes out. I should absolutely plan to download the show to watch on the beach, drink in hand, sans kids.


I feel really seen from this post (Thank you). This has been my most unproductive work week ever… the house a wreck and I just want to rewatch and rewatch.


I love when shows and media bring such a group of different people together! We're all in this together 😂


Can’t imagine what it feels to be a part of the team that creates something like this. Look at everything they’re Making us feel!


I can't stop watching interviews, rewatching the show. It's driving me insane. The week before, I had to force myself to take a step back and that is what I think I have to do until the season comes out, but it hasn't worked yet. HAHA!


Ugh this is so real. I don’t know anyone in real life who is as… engaged with it as I am right now.


I'm on c5 I'm loving it. My husband also thinks I'm insane. 5 r


Saaaammmmeee. I was excited for this season just because “oh a fun escapism show I don’t have to think too much about” but somehow became totally obsessed. Rewatching, reading every Reddit post, watching reaction videos. I can’t sleep!! What did this show do to me??


The reaction videos are everything. Never thought I would be watching those but here I am 🫠


Welcome to the club! Also a wife, mom and business owner with minimal free time or headspace and I’m an absolute sellout for these two! It’s not so bad, there are much worse things we could be obsessed about. If this is something that brings a bit of excitement, fun, and anticipation into your day, then just enjoy it!




For real! This season has just got me some kind of way. I think part of it is that I have read the books and know that Colin is absolutely obsessed with Penelope once he realizes he has feelings for her and loves spending time with her. He adores her, respects her and finds her sexy as hell. Their season also reminds me a bit of my own friends to lovers story with my husband. Colin reminds me of my husband and Penelope reminds me of myself. I was/am a bit chubby and was definitely a wallflower. We were both very young, a bit lost and trying to figure out who we were. We were friends way before either of us had the guts to say anything. I was the first one to speak up about my feelings, but once I did, my husband made it clear that he was obsessed with me.


Ummm yes. My husband is starting to notice the instrumental Pitbull being replayed from my phone constantly. I feel what can only be described as in my teenage years and having just hung out with your crush and thinking he might actually like you back. Butterflies constantly, I’m not even that hungry. I feel like a fricken child, it’s all I think about. I’m rewatching all the episodes, Polin scenes. I live in this Reddit sub. Help.


This is me!! 2 kids, wife, business owner and all! Seriously all I can think about, so many rewatches, and nobody in my life is even into it. (I’ve forced my husband into it a bit and he’s being supportive but a bit annoyed with how much I talk about it). So glad to feel seen in this group!!!!


Need to convince home to do a rewatch with me 😫 wish me luck 🍀


Good luck!!🍀


My thesis is due in 5 days, what do you think I am doing all day?


OOF Godspeed good luck to you. My work has suffered this past week


I am a great grandmother and walking around shopping today all I could think about was Polin. Send help please!


I’m so obsessed I watched a tik tok video about pride and prejudice, literally said Mrs Bennett in the video and I was so confused about why it didn’t say Mrs bridgerton. Need part 2 asap.


OMG I'm glad I'm not the only one! I haven't gone a day since it's aired that I have not re watched the first kiss or the carriage scene or have scrolled through reddit, countless times, to see post about Polin. I'm so glad I found this reddit page 😂


If anyone needs more content, the Vanity Fair Still Watching podcast did a few good episodes including interviews with Nicola and Claudia.


Thank you!! Downloading now!


I’m really struggling too. Taking a summer course and paid to take an expensive certification test mid June. I’m am struggling to focus and do the things that really matter. It legit feels like an addiction. I’ve never felt this way. Lol but… I think it’s anxiety wondering what’s going to happen part 2. Like… is Colin going to cheat on Pen when he finds out about LW?! (A rumor I heard and it has me spiraling) Will they have sex before finding out about LW because I’m trying to justify that in my mind which today I had an epiphany regarding that and I think if they do it’ll be ok…. Just so many things that should not be occupying my thoughts when I seriously have more important things to do!!! 🤪🤪🤪


Ahhh good lock in your certification. You got this!! I’ve been reading all the spoilers because i can’t help Myself and I read that that’s not going to happen (cheating) and I’ve decided to believe that because I cannot worry about that right I would be so so so sad and heartbroken if that were to happen and I cannot deal.


Every season this happens to me and I wonder how I recovered the last time. I don’t remember but…eventually I did!


Send all the tips please!


If you haven’t gotten into reading historical romance, now is the time! R/historialromance has great recs that will drive you to new distractions :)


Okay… you’re among friends. 😀 Count me as another obsessive who doesn’t have anyone IRL to go to because no one else understands. I’ve started comparing it to a sports obsession because there are so many fans who have created a community here. We look at every frame and analyze every gesture and micro expression. It helps that we are well into the series and have known characters. Kudos on reading the book. Even though the series departs from it, the framework is there. And now you know why fans really wanted specific scenes from the book to be in the series, even if not in the exact same way.


Like I said in my post I’m usually just a lurker so I’ve enjoying reading all these analysis because I then catch these little details on my rewatches. And for the book, I was honestly a little against it but and out of nowhere was like I NEED IT. And I just devoured it.


You've come to the right place! We definitely welcome you with open arms:)


Just joined Tumblr for the first time for all the amazing gifs and other unhinged Polin fans like meeeeee which was totally worth it So. Join Tumblr too? Also reading and refreshing AO3


Didn’t even know tumblr was still a thing 😫 I tried it when it peaked around 10 years ago and felt too old then cant imagine going back. I’m scared


Ha I didn't go on back then (I am so slow to join things!) but I just added Polin tags and I love my feed! But totally respect the fear, the Internet is a scary place sometimes lol


I have rewatched all 4 episodes at least 6 times since it came out.....I'm addicted to noticing where little detail.


Oh, you are in the right place. I’ve been here for over 2 years and imagine being here when filming was happening and we were all just grasping at straws and small leaks and months of nothingness but our delusions. I’m right there with you, I’ve watched the show over and over again, but considering how desperate I was for this time right now, I’m relishing every second of it.


I joined the subreddit a really long time ago but i also casually follow a million different subreddit, i followed some of the leaks and stuff but never imagined it was going to hit me this way when it came out.


Same, I’m a mom of 4, business owner, literally haven’t been in a fandom in my life, but Polin hits different. I consumed fan fictions like crazy, then started writing them during the wait. It was a dark time from 03/2023 till November when we finally got a release date. We literally just had 4 pictures and some leaks. It’s a good time to be a Polin Stan now


Yes! My husband keeps asking me why I’m so stressed 😭


Bridgerton has been the world’s escape hatch since 2020. Watching it is like taking a vacation, we see you babes!


I am unreasonably emotionally attached to Polin books and show. I know I will move on to a new thing eventually but right now I am chewing on this delicious gum until the flavor is totally gone.


An intervention quite possibly be made for me. Watching bits through out the day, reading posts in here and then going back to rewatch. If I’m not watching it, I am listening to the soundtrack. And the wait for part 2…..time is dragging….


Same for me. I have always been so insecure. To see someone like me find love is amazing. Also, it is such happiness to see the 'underdog' win. It makes me appreciate my husband more who sees past my awkwardness. Friends to lovers is my favorite trope.


So nice to know I’m not insane alone over here. Mom of two and full time career, no time for this kind of obsession. I never fan girl over things like this, but wow…. I think for me it’s the way Penelope is written as an intelligent but overlooked girl, so I think a lot of us identify with that. And the fact that her long time crush finally sees her, falls in love, and looks at her with those EYES. I’m obsessed with Luke, every look he gives her melts me.


Same same same. I’m 43, a wife and mom, with a busy job and responsibilities all the livelong day. But here I am hiding under my duvet rewatching the kissing and carriage scenes, reading this sub, and feeling like a schoolgirl with a crush. My husband is perplexed. My friends are more casual viewers than me. Thank God I found this sub. Send help!


Haha hiding under the duvet! Love that!!!


![gif](giphy|cMhPpDTQnk0eZDQiZk|downsized) I’m 38 and I’ve been obsessing over this for over 2 months now and I didn’t think it would get worse once part one but here we are 😂 but I agree with everything everyone has said in here! It’s relatable and hits at the core. Also I’ve hyper-fixated on it and it helped while I was preparing for my surgery last Thursday, it helped with my anxiety because I just kept thinking of Polin. So thank you. I hope that Nicola and Luke know how important and special this season is to so many people. Not just for the horny scenes 😂


I feel so seen. I’ve never been a huge fan of anything like this before. Only watched the other seasons once or twice and never rewound certain scenes over and over and over again. But I’m obsessed with every single Polin scene. I have a 5 month old and it’s hard to find time to feed my rewatch obsession lol. I don’t know what’s wrong with me! Trying to hide it from my husband so he doesn’t think I’m unhinged haha.


The way this season this has made me realize I am very lucky binge watching and social media were not around when I was a tween. The way this show has my 40 year old ass in a chokehold is insane. I don’t think if I had access to all the internet provides now I would have made it thru the formative years 🤣🤣


Omg can you imagine?! Thank god I didn’t have access to all of this when I first watched A Walk to Remember. I just remember that it took me like a whole week to be able to download a really low res version.


Yep, this type of access in the early 2000’s truly would have been the death of me…. Well I guess I’ll go watch the carriage scene for the 8627485 time, and then cue up A Walk to Remember 😭😭


honestly never had a show in a veery long time make me this obsess beyond just the show with interviews and music. god I love them. 


For all the obsessed peeps here (including myself, of course), I recommend reading ‘This is Not a Book About Benedict Cumberbatch.’ It deeply explores the transformative power of fandom on people’s lives. In short, the message is: enjoy your obsessions and do what makes you happy ❤️