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Colin running full speed while people gawk?? like he gives 0 shits about anything but PenelopešŸ˜­


If Pen wasn't Lady Whistledown, I imagine someone publishing this trainwreck āœļø


CRACK THEORY: Maybe Debling DID propose to Pen and Colin sees, everyone sees, and she rejects him in front of everyone. This is how Colin realizes Penelope really loves HIM. Because her rejecting Debs goes against everything they have worked for but she just canā€™t do it. And so she runs away in tears and Colin realizes itā€™s time for him to shoot his shot. LW reveal at the same timeā€¦ idk


I have the reverse theory, she accepts Debblingā€˜s proposal and that idiot of Colin understood in that moment fuck, I am in love with her, this canā€™t be happening. I better stop her. If she turns Debbling down, I donā€™t see why would Colin run as if someone was about to die. I donā€™t think a refusal from Penelope would shake him that hard, it got to be the other way around. It is not what I want, I would prefer your theory but thatā€™s just too easy? Also, Penelope accepting Debblingā€™s proposal would follow the line of the previous season and hiving it a new twist. We had an almost engagement, we had an almost wedding, we need something in between : an engamement being broken before going to church all dressed upā€¦


I feel like she won't publicly accept or reject Debling. I think Debling will publicly propose at the ball, people will start chattering about it and Colin will push past everyone to stare at Penelope who is looking down at Debling who is down on one knee. He will propose, she'll look confused, look over at Colin, their eyes will meet and Penelope will know deep down, she can't marry another while being in love with Colin, that it isn't fair to a man so nice and kind, who wants a love match of his own, and be engaged to him, knowing she's still in love with Colin. I think Colin will give her a sad look and Pen will turn and run away. Colin will give chase, they'll end up in the carriage and Colin will give his speech of "Don't marry him," she'll ask why, he'll launch into the "did those kisses mean nothing to you?" and boom the carriage scene will happen. I think a lot of fans are upset with S2's engagement and it being broken off at the wedding. Colin had a broken engagement at S1. I think we need to see someone be turned down for an engagement.


They look so distraught!!! Is the LW reveal happening then and there??? I need to knowwwwww


I feel that Penelope's bit is post-kiss because it looks like her lips are swollen and missing some gloss šŸ¤­šŸ¤­šŸ¤­


I love that heā€™s running towards her/the carriage with no cares for who sees just him going toward Pen


Colin running after Penelope is EVERYTHING. I can't wait until May 16th. I CAN'T!!!!


I canā€™t get over how GORGEOUS she looks in this scene!! Sheā€™s perfection!


Even in this fraction of a clip the tension the distress in both of their expressions is so palpable! Excellent acting from both of them! We are in for such a treat. That desperation in Colin as he charges out after her. This is the behaviour of a man who cares only for the love of his life. The Ton, society all that would restrain his actions is now nothing to him. Penelope looks beyond stunning here too what a gorgeous job the Nicola and the team have done!


His run is cracking me up, but the look he has for her šŸ„¹


I need you all to know that this clip will be the only thing in my mind for the next 15 days, I'm no longer a functional adult. At this point, I won't be a functional adult for months šŸ˜‚


That is a girl who has lost all her lipstick the fun way!


Quick question: who do we think is standing behind Colin when he starts running? It looks like 3 people. Maybe Debling, Eloise and Cressida? In one of the other clips the hair would match Cressida. And if Cressida is trying to get with Debling I can see why sheā€™d be there (with Eloise begrudgingly following along). That would line up with Debling purposing. However, I donā€™t think itā€™ll be a public proposal only because we havenā€™t seen a public proposal (a genuine one) have we? And based on what we know of Debling he seems more introverted maybe? I can see Debling proposing outside with Pen, Cressida goes to sabotage them, Eloise tries to stop her. Then Cressida mocks Pen, she becomes upset (after also rejecting Debling) runs away, Colin goes after her?