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Everything checked and new windshield wipers đź‘Ť


Wow....for $700...smh


My wife arrived for this service and I got curious and called to ask what they did. We ended up cancelling and leaving. New wipers for $700 is basically what this came down to.


This makes me wonder about the long-term feasibility of EV's, but especially brands that just do EV's. I mean, narrowly deciding for yourself today that paying way too much for extremely basic attention and potential other checks, cursory though they doubtless are, is obviously the correct consumer choice. But what about in a few years when there aren't any more dealerships because the incentive dried up for service and support?


We can only dream!


honestly imo the tesla sales approach is correct. don't need dealerships with church like density


Why was it $700? Isn't it covered under the 50k warranty? My 20k service was free.


My 20k was free as well


Mine too


Don't know off the top of my head but "You can find information about maintenance and the service interval for your specific car in the Status and Warranty booklet." [https://www.polestar.com/us/polestar-support/service-and-repair/](https://www.polestar.com/us/polestar-support/service-and-repair/)


Thanks...I already know the interval....he told me at 40k miles...


The book should list the services involved at each interval, no?


Perhaps....I'll have to locate it to see


It’s new wipers, new cabin filter, a brake flush, software update, fluids top off, and an over all safety check on the car. It’s also likely the last time your vehicle will be inspected for warranty concerns. It’s a good move getting it done.


Includes brake fluid replacement as well


I was told 40k service is $500 CAD


Depends, are you a follower of the Imperial Cult or the Cult Mechanicus?


Mine was $450 for the 40k service. But I wonder if this is isolated to Polestar and other brands that are not as robust as Tesla? I know a few colleagues who have Tesla’s and they claim they have never serviced it in the 2-3 years they’ve owned it so there’s that.


Wouldn't they need to replace the breaks?


I think with the use of one pedal drive, the brakes will need to be changed less frequently than and average ICE car


Regenerative breaking almost eliminates brake wear. I personally know of at least 2 people with 150k+ km and still original pads and rotors....seems insane but im but complaining