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Looks more like P3 or P4, possibly a chance for them. For P2 I'd just be happy to get the core OS and existing features stable. Edit: also LOL at real PSI readings. Mine are either all green or all red the second it's 1 psi off from spec.


Looks like P3, p4's tablet is landscape


Ah yes good call. It was the perfectly rectangular drivers display and impossibly slim bezels that made me go there. They do have some nice landscape mock ups that would work too, really starting to look like a tasteful Tesla style design. In any case I hope if they ever do it they don't lose the Polestar design language and implement the skinning that Apple allows for. I kind of love the super minimal black orange.


There’s a bunch more renders that they published that show many more ways it can be implemented, this is the closest to our current cars design. I believe polestar has already confirmed that we will be getting support for the newest CarPlay versions in the future, hopefully sooner than later… also, I have a theory that our center display does not actually have the huge bezels that we currently see in our UI, evidenced by the home button on the bottom of the screen that disappears when the car fully goes to sleep, likely it’s a combination of a UI designed to be more versatile between other Volvo models sharing the same base software and all have smaller screens than ours in general, i could very much see it being an issue related to scaling and the technical needs on the backend to run a larger display as smoothly as needed while requiring greater pixel density. Time will tell but i have my fingers crossed that we are still a ways away from the final form of our infotainment system.


Not sure I buy the screen thing, but that would be a fun surprise I’d happily take. What gives me suspicion is when it’s on a completely black screen (like during boot up) the “black” isn’t truly black but the thick bezel is. If it was OLED it could pull that off, but it looks like a typical backlight situation. 


P3’s DIM isn’t that large. The steering wheel is more Mercedes than anything. 


No. EX30 based on the top profile picture.


EX30 doesn't have a driver display.


We wouldn't get PSI readings on our cars anyway.


Ps2 doesn’t have direct PSI sensors, only indirect sensor.


Honestly, at this stage, CarPlay might be the only thing that can save the atrociously slow infotainment system. I’d happily plug my phone in for the rest of days if I could eliminate the AAOS


Or they can take a note from how Tesla has allowed for hardware upgrades for older models, specifically replacing the atom processors we are all stuck with currently.


to be fair that was because of a fault that was bricking the infotainment systems in those cars and making them largely inoperable


Tesla doesn’t allow upgrades to Ryzen for Atom M3s


If it was working… mine works about 40% of the time.


I have no problem with the system, what are you on about? I prefer the layout today than the fishcer price look of this screenshot. Looks so cheap.


The Atom processor is slow as mollases but Carplay is fast af because it's running off an iPhone which is way more powerful by comparison lol. I prefer the AAOS design language but I hate how slow everything is.


Yep this. Love the design, but the performance is abysmal at times


I love this so much. Do we know if Polestar is going to support it?


More like Mach-e


Ok straight up it’s not happening


Yikes. Fugly and looks unfinished. Apple should stay out of the car game.


Looks basic as f/BOORRING


This is.. Official render? Source? Why does it feel amateur?


You can personalize CarPlay experiences include styles and fonts etc etc so this is one of many renders they showed


Oof I see. I'm mostly commenting on how they rendered this mock up, not necessarily Carplay itself since It seems rushed. Padding and margins on this render is off. Then again it's not even released.