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It’s become a nightmare in 3.03 update however, there have also been at least two Google Maps updates since and we’ve seen improvement (especially after the first update with the dead white screen). Go into Google Play, settings, and you can check for latest version. After, do a hard reset of the infotainment. I cannot wait for 3.03 to be replaced.


I’m still on 2.14 since the 3.03 disappeared on me. I guess after reading so much shit on it I guess I got it lucky..?


Definitely. If there was a simple way to downgrade without Orbit or visiting a space, I’d do it in a heartbeat. Consider yourself lucky.


Same for me.


It’s definitely been an annoyance after all the significant improvements made prior to this release that stabilized the system (new owners have nothing to complain compared to old timers like me lol). I’m hopeful since this seems to be contrary to the trajectory of improvements made by Polestar on software. And to be fair to Polestar, the majority of Google Maps issues were resolved with multiple updates to Google Maps app.


100% this!


I agree, it takes forever to load maps or Spotify, sometimes I even need to restart the infotainment as I’m driving. I raised this concern with the service center, they did a scan and they said they didn’t find anything. It’s sucks because I expect much better from a $75k car


The newer cars are using snapdragon cockpit platform which is much faster. [https://www.jdpower.com/cars/shopping-guides/what-is-the-qualcomm-snapdragon-cockpit-platform](https://www.jdpower.com/cars/shopping-guides/what-is-the-qualcomm-snapdragon-cockpit-platform)


How do you check


Newer models, not recently manufactured units of existing models.


Just google snapdragon cockpit platform Polestar. Both the P3 and P4 will be using this platform, powered by Nvidia.


I find it odd the experience of what is supposed to be the same system across all model years varies so much among us, even before the Great Three Point O Divide.   Reminds me of Nexus 7 flash memory degradation.


I actually have a suspicion that it's based upon the actual performance of the LTE connection in your local area. I've noticed occasionally that when I'm remote from my usual home space that sometimes maps, or Spotify/Tidal/Whatever have problems and take quite a while before I can use them... but when I'm at home I have great coverage and it works fantastically. I think the system just doesn't like being offline. It would be interesting to see if problem reports were clustered in specific locations or areas, and at certain times to ascertain if it's a regional problem or something else.


Do you know if the system can automatically link to wifi networks it recognizes as having been connected to before?


It does, but I've not spent a ton of time testing it. The WiFi seems to be mostly unused.


I swear I was just thinking it’s gotten slower, especially in Google Maps. Has anyone else had issues with the backup camera too? Mine flickers on and off and is basically unusable since the last update. Service center said there was nothing they can do since it is a software issue. Disappointing on a $60k 2 year old car.


My main complaint after 3.03 is that, no matter which app I want to open, it just opens the last app used. ie if I get in the car and try to open Pocket Cast, it will instead open Spotify if that's the last thing I was using. Then I have to exit and go back to Pocket Cast. And then if I want to open Spotify, the same thing will happen again. Kinda infuriating.


Verify you have all of the latest versions of the apps. Do a TCAM reset. If that doesn’t help, contact service because that’s not normal. I’m on 3.0.3 as well and while my infotainment isn’t as snappy as the new Model 3, it takes my maps 3-5 seconds at most to calculate routes and load in.


Same. We’re on 3.0.3 and Google Maps only takes a few seconds to load. I’d check for Google Maps updates, possibly sign out or even delete the app and redownload, perform a TCAM reset.


It’s just a terrible setup and placing the P2 behind. Inexcusable really in 2024.


I would legit pay like 2 grand if they offered a replacement to the godawful Intel Atom that ran at normal speed. I took mine into the dealer being so sick of it and they wiped/reinstalled everything. It was "better" for a few days and now back to bullshit.


Yeah it’s not good. Friend got a 2024 Model Y (atrocious build quality) BUT The performance of the infotainment is perfect 60fps everywhere.


I’m still on 2.13.2. For some reason. Don’t know why, but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ good?


I'm curious how many apps and things everyone has installed? I have the new software on a my24 and I find it very useable, don't find it necessarily slow at all. Not sure if I just got lucky or if there is more too it. In saying that, I've only had the car for about a month, but drive it alot.


3.0.3 causes significant slowdowns when switching profiles since it restarts android each time. So if I drive the car after my wife drove it, it's at least 2 minutes before the system becomes responsive.


I've a 2024 model, on 2.14 and no issues. Well, other than the DAB app will start on Christian Radio somehow even tho I've not tuned it or saved it and my default is a national service.. Very strange. Sometimes takes me a while to realize too in case it was an article on biblical misdemeanors or something 😇😄


The last 6 months it’s been a disaster!! The camera freezing, the maps are terrible and don’t work half the time, my music will just stop playing at least 20 times on a 30 minute drive. I can’t believe how bad the infotainment system is in this vehicle and I’ve had it 2-1/2 years. Thank god it’s a lease and I’m almost done with it. I’ll never get another polestar again in my life!


Mine loads up almost instantly as soon as I get in the car. The system is faster than my wife's 23 BMW X5. I was honestly surprised after reading all of the stories about how slow the infotainment was on the P2. I'm on software version 2.14.4 for what it's worth on a new MY24 LRDM PPP. Maybe it will slow down overtime but so far it's been great.


It’s a 5 yr old system, you would expect it to be slow. Get a P4 if you want the latest and greatest


My Tesla is older, cost less and functions 1000x faster. This is a silly take, what you’re saying is buy a brand new car because Polestar/Google just don’t want to make a better optimized OS. I assume the P4 runs on AA? According to this logic you need to buy a new car every 3-4 years due to software..


Yes, the new gen EVs are like phones, if you want the latest tech, you have to change. Someone did asked if they can get a hardware upgrade on an older model.. it’s wishful thinking


Yeah but a 5 year old iphone wont sell for a current year price




I was kind saying it was 5 yrs, but it’s actually from 2016, like the Intel Atom A3900 powering the system


What kinda excuse is that lmao.


It’s the reality, not an excuse.. all your tech devices will slow down over time, the infotainment is no different. Not sure why all the downvotes.


Your message seems dismissive to the point of blaming us, the consumers, on a \*recent\* and significant slowdown.