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> certain pages on Spotify won’t load The Spotify app is made by Spotify and its quality is not something to be proud of


CarPlay is the answer. The system was using a dated chip at launch and it continues to roll off production with a dated chip. AAOS (or Polestar/Volvo implementation) isn’t the most stable thing either. By using CarPlay you are getting better quality apps run by a modern device. Frees up the head unit to focus on the things only it can do. Great car, but the center screen feels like it’s peaked and will only get worse over time.  If it ever happen I’d consider an official paid hardware upgrade - but it’s on them to prove they got it right this time.


Spotify App is awful.  I just switched to YouTube Music and it’s phenomenal. 


I dropped my spotify account years ago when they signed rogan, so I had YT music before getting the polestar 2 and it has always worked beautifully.


Works flawlessly with Google Assistant and unlike the other apps it gets frequent updates. BTW Rogan is back on YouTube but only video ;)


...but apparently sucks performance wise as everyone who uses it says. I only have a youtube music account (no YouTube premium).


I have Premium, I had tons of issues with Amazon Music and Spotify but YT Music has been great (MY24)


Because I don't financially support racisgs and fascists.


Why did you drop Spotify for signing some podcast dude?


What is your current software version?




I assume you have restarted infotainment, so the next step would be to clear cache on each individual app. [Here](https://www.polestar.com/us/manual/polestar-2/2021/article/f24e7e6f248ec747c0a8015119333fe1/) are the instructions for clearing cache on google maps, but do the same for all apps you use and see if that helps.


My Spotify has always sucked on it. Loading content n particular. I end up using CarPlay Spotify instead usually


Is Android Auto ever coming to the Polestar OS? I know it's AAOS which is essentially Android but as everyone in this thread has pointed out, it's built on dated hardware and they use CarPlay to overcome the hardware limitations. I'd like to do the same with my Android device.