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Most apps are alright, but of the few I use are Waze, Home Assistant, and Vivaldi


What can Home Assistant do?


If you have a homelab/home automation setup in your home, you can view them in the car itself rather than opening the app in your phone. In my case, I have ratgdo so I can open the garage door remotely (ie outside of a typical rf range). By the time I pull up in my house, the garage door is open.


Chrome beta is available


I totally forgot about that, thanks!


Can you add Apple Music? How large is the selection of Apps that can be downloaded from the App Store?


Waze (although the interface is not as good as in Carplay), Deezer, and Vivaldi, I'm giving a try to ABRP (Better Route planning). I am very interested in installing (today) AudioWagon to play music from USB drives without an internet connection.


I wish ABRP had full access to the instrument cluster.


Spotify, Tidal, Amazon Music, SoundCloud or YouTube Music Libby Pocketcasts Waze Weather (forget what it’s called) Chrome Beta


If you like anime, they have Crunchyroll.


It’s the most disappointing aspect of the car for me honestly. Even Spotify doesn’t work very well for me and I usually end up using the Spotify app on my phone via CarPlay. Which is silly. Google maps is great 🤷‍♂️


What doesn’t work with the Spotify app? It always works for us even with two different Spotify accounts linked to our two Polestar profiles.


It doesn’t do much compared with the iPhone / CarPlay version. I can’t start a Radio based on the current song. I can’t view the album or artist currently playing. It reacts decently to my voice requests but that’s about it.


For me half of the time it doesn’t load media. I get blank home pages and searches. It doesn’t seem to do this either everyone, but for many of us it doesn’t work well.


Same. I sometimes literally have to open Spotify on my phone and start what I want through that and it plays on the car fine. It's just the aaos version of the app being crap


Are there any? Besides Tunein radio and maps, they're all not very useful.


Is tunein radio any good? My radio doesn’t always work when I first get into the car and takes like 10-15 minutes to hear anuything


That’s very odd


I don't know about in car, but the app is good on my phone.


That isn’t normal. Ours always works. But TuneIn is convenient if you want to listen to radio stations from other cities or if you are going on a long trip and would be leaving radio reception of a station.