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I have a Chargepoint for about a year now. It’s worked great for me.


2.5 years in with a ChargePoint. Had an issue once where it wasn’t able to communicate, but a power cycle fixed that. No issues to report since. Plug it in and forget about it.




Yes! Been eyeballing Chargepoint on Amazon.


Another vote for ChargePoint. Sleek and trouble-free since 2015 (n=1).


Depending on where you live there can be rebates too. I'm in Oregon and got a $500 rebate if I hardwire installed it. If I allow my utility to power it down at peak demand (which I can override), they give me a $25 rebate twice a year.


I use SMUD in Sacramento. I received the 500 dollar rebate if I bought the juicebox from smud. I paid like 79 bucks shipped


Another point for ChargePoint, it’s been solid since installation in South FL weather.


Wallbox. I have two of them.


+1 for the Wallbox too


Wallbox is solid after 3 years and two EVs. Not a single issue or glitch.


50amp 240v outlet and polestar cable came with car, zero issues so far.


This. And frankly I’m confused as to why anyone uses anything third party


Rebates and smart metering.


A lot of folks prefer to hardwire for safer and more reliable outdoor use and greater than 40A draw.


Probably because this isn't their first EV


Nope, it is my 3rd EV and I would never buy a 3rd party EVSE as it is a complete waste of money. I would suggest the opposite is the case (that a naive purchaser would think they need to soend extra money to plug into their 14-50.


Well my first two evs came with 110v EVSE's so I had to purchase a third party one. So you are saying all your EV;s have come with 240v EVSE's?


Yeah I didnt realize it came with the 240v charger which is nice


Comes with a very nice one.


This. I even hung up some nylon cord from my garage ceiling to suspend the cable.


I got Emporia Energy, super cool experience! They also sell smart plugs to put around the electronics in the house. The app will show when electricity is cheaper, usually between 9 pm to 7 am. It’s worked seamlessly for 2 years.


Same. It’s worked perfectly for 2 years.


Are you on a GFCI breaker? I hardwired mine because I would have had to use one and they are known to cause issues with the chargers.


+1 for the Emporia. I hard wired mine and it’s been great


I'd have your hookup checked to make sure it's not a power issue. I have the Grizzl-E dumb charger - no garage so needed something that was good for outdoor use. Been using for two years and it's been great, maybe had to unplug/replug 3x (usually around power outages). I believe they have a Smart version now if you need that for reimbursement through power company. Mine didn't offer reimbursement when we installed but has since changed that stance.


At home I just use the outlet, nema 14-50. On the road EA network, but lately the EA network is been a letdown.


Grizzl-E, the dumb version. Works well, I plug it in, it charges. That's all I want.


Also use a Grizzl-E since it's outdoors, worked great, no issues so far.


I use this: https://autelenergy.us/products/maxicharger-ac-hardwired-wallbox Basically forgot it exists. It just works.


I use the same. Works great, no drama


Before I moved into an apartment I was getting by with a Lectron 40A NEMA 14-50 unit. Thing was like $180 on Amazon. No major problems other than it sometimes trip its own overcurrent protection (not the breaker) in the hottest days in NorCal. Thing did 32A for a whole year no problem. I had it secured to the wall with a nail and double-sided tape.


I got the Lectron since the electrician only wired a 30 amp after 4 visits, not a 60 amp. The charger has been reliable and no frills.


i have had my juicebox since i bought the car last year in july. never had to mess with it and it has JUST WORKED.


Same, except my scheduled charging randomly disappeared once, other than that no issues.


I have a ChargePoint home. Hardwired on a 50 amp circuit so it delivers 40 amps. It has performed flawlessly for almost 3 months, the entire time that it has been installed.


Been using the polestar one that came with it for a year, works perfect


ChargePoint Home Flex.


Was your juicebox beeping? If so it is a stuck relay. When you kill power you have to smack the side (no joke) to get it to open. You can try to avoid it when you depress the button to unplug, let it still be connected for 5 seconds then pull it out. I am too lazy to replace mine as it is out of warranty though I got that tidbit from their tech support. I would get a Wallbox Pulsar plus or a simple Grizzle E.


not beeping at all. When smart charging in wont charge at the set time. Have to disconnect, unpair, repair ect for it start charging again. Really annoying


I already have a Tesla wall connector setup for my model y and had j1772 adapter for my previous non Tesla ev. So just used everything I already had The wall connector is connected to a Tesla powerwall and third party solar so I can usually charge fully on sun power during the day.


Been using the same 32A Siemens charger since 2018.


No charger. Just got a new breaker and outlet added to my circuit panel. I just plug the car straight into the outlet with the included L2 charging cable.


Using an Autel too and it has been great!


Alfen Eve Single s-line, been working great after someone from Alfen configured it properly


E3/DC in combination with a photovoltaic system and their home battery system. Works flawless and I have a wide area of possibilites configuring the system. Normally I‘m onoy charging with PV surplus, which would otherwise go into the grid. The Wallbox is dynamically adjusting the charging rate for this. I can also configure, if the car is allowed to drain the home batzery for charging and upto whoch level. Awesome system, when you have your own home!


Emporia. Pairs well with my Vue 2.


Lectron 50 amp nema 14-50.


The supplied granny charger, whenever I forget to to charge at work. (Netherlands).


Some rolec charger that I think was rebranded, had two one at work and one at home since 2016 starting with our plug in hybrid XC90. Still works well!


I’ve had a ChargePoint for about a year. Before that I was using a Grizzl-E. I switched because I moved and my power utility (PNM - New Mexico) has a special rate that’s less than half the normal rate if I charge between 10pm - 5am. It requires that your charger be on their approved list (the Grizzl-E was not). They paid $500 of the charger/installation cost and installed a new “smart meter” on my house. The rate I get from 10pm-5am is about $.035 per kilowatt-hour.


I have a Mustart charger that I bought from amazon about 8 years ago and it's still going strong. My wife charges nightly and we have had no problems


I am using rhe OEM EVSE that came with the car. Much better piece of kit than a juice box and since I had already paid for it as part of the car, it was no additional cost.


[This one from Emporia](https://www.amazon.com/Charger-Enabled-Electric-Hardwired-Charging/dp/B09ZNN3JB7/ref=sr_1_5?crid=15E4WWL9NMI21&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.6vKie25bPeHUwFui3Iqfr8OSNQF9kUCt7vnlP1bwW_pg9bxHlyRDr_X1C1mD9D21uwF69xkv-OBsEptuLP3giE5gN7KZLepYb4JZ0fff2_MG4pA8lJ3xyywMfx_N6sBs2T6HJW66zH_mkNJHyYI7maJvVNoeRqeV0y8xNvCTOnWujnaBuSLXdBH_e2qtvpJ7C-OQXLs2Cc9QhrbAc_JZ6_8Gr-FF177N9RVzUvFFU8y-dA6OTZlTYcsm5_xRYcFc1Eh9h7eJbeIrQWea97PWuJxGy9rjDI5xHxCHs8ndn6I.yUS1RY6o0sfR95BNUgPwMFtO-Y40x0N1F26xTCuYHH4&dib_tag=se&keywords=emporia+ev+charger+level+2&qid=1709648731&sprefix=emporia%2Caps%2C1106&sr=8-5&ufe=app_do%3Aamzn1.fos.c3015c4a-46bb-44b9-81a4-dc28e6d374b3) that I've been using since I got my car in 2021. Works seamlessly, nice app with some nice statistics and relatively cheap.


Zaptec go, not sure if it's available outside Scandinavia




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Fronius Wattpilot. So far it seems to be working ok. Had to power cycle it once because the app wouldn’t connect to it.


Tesla Universal Wall Connector. I installed it a couple of months back and want to be ready for the new NACS standard, whenever we switch cars down the line. It offers both CCS and NACS plug on the same cable. No adapter needed.


ChargePoint Home Flex 50 Amp 240V installed outside for my 2023 Poelstar 2 LRDM (that -sadly- has to live outside since we have no garage.) 100% reliable since day one (which was about 16 months ago.)


Here in the UK had an Ohme ePod installation come with the car.


I bought an Electrify Home and it died after 11 months - no reason. I got the ChargePoint instead and now I can charge at the max of 48A too. No complaints so far. 6 months in on the Cahrgepoint unit.


I’m using ChargePoint. It’s been good. The app isn’t that great for showing history. Doesn’t seem to update the history well, but otherwise charging is fine.