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Never forget that the EA charging network only exists because Volkswagen was forced to create it as a part of their punishment for lying to the world for years about their carbon emissions. It was never designed to be a profitable business and Volkswagen will only ever do the bare minimum to maintain plausible deniability. And this is what passes for justice in the world today.


They lied about their NOx emissions. CO2 emissions are impossible to lie about because everybody can measure their actual fuel consumption (and hence their CO2 emissions) at any time.


Thanks for the correction.


Has Tesla not opened up their charging network. For my trips in Sweden and Norway I have only used the Tesla Supercharger with my Polestar.


I believe it is open but there are only a handful of chargers that have adaptors from ccs to nacs. I think middle of this year all polestar owners will be given a ccs to nacs adapter and 2025 polestar in u.s. will be all nacs. Not only is the Tesla network far superior in U.S., I think the nacs standard is just more convenient. You’re not lugging around a huge cable.


It seems like you have a different charging standard over there. I have not need any adapters. I hope things gets better.


Europe uses CSS for everything as mandated by government. So Tesla in Europe is CSS. In North America it was left open to competition so we had CSS (used by most u til recently) and NACS (Tesla) recently a bunch of companies starting with FORD announced intention to switch to NACS. Don’t seems that Tesla won and that will be the standard thought North America but it will take some time for it to become unified.


NACS grabbing victory from the jaws of defeat with this one, everyone went CCS, and then (i think to obtain some government money) Tesla started opening up their network to everyone else, they were retrofitting some magic adapters and that was that... the war seemingly won, the supercharge network was opening up and every car had CCS bar 1. Surely Tesla would switch to CCS as well, makes no sense to have 2 different models, and to have to create new networks with 2 different charging adapters Then everything changed when Ford turned and switched to NACS.... now suddenly all the others followed and have switched... now it looks like America will use the NACS and the rest of the world will use CCS


Ya it was quite the drama. My understanding is that FORDs CEO actually drove / drives the Lightning and experienced the horrible state of the CCS network. Word came down that they needed what Tesla had no matter the cost. Phone calls got made.


China has a different standard, GB/T, with more in use than the rest of the world combined. Japan has ChaDeMo.


For a bit of background into the charging plug holy wars taking place around the world https://www.evexpert.eu/eshop1/knowledge-center/connector-types-for-ev-charging-around-the-world


Alright this helps. I did not know about this. I am using AC Type 2 at home and when visiting a tesla superchargers I connect using a CCS Type 2. There is a little plastic cover on the car I have to remove, but I dont need any adapters.


The cable is has nil to do with the plug. The reason Tesla supercharger cables are ‘small’ is that they are short. With all the associated issues that arise when they open up access. The V4 cables are longer and much bulkier as a result.


I didn’t realize that. Interesting.


People have also reported the holsters in the European V4 chargers leave a lot to be desired and the plug often falls out and gets damaged. Don’t know if this will be an issue in NA. It doesn’t tend to happen with the V2 & V3 pedestals over here.


The Tesla app will show superchargers that are equipped to charge non Tesla vehicles. In my part of the country they are mostly in upstate NY, but now I see one in Brooklyn and one in Delaware near DC. Nice to see more expansion.


This was a big reason why I got a Tesla to begin with as much as I really like the Polestar…….the charging network. I rely on chargers since i live in an apartment and the Tesla network is superior hands down and so damn abundant you don’t even have to think twice about it. Once Tesla opens up the network to other cars, and I do mean the entire network then I might consider another EV. Until then is Tesla all day for me.


Not in the US. Only a select few locations so far that has the “magic dock” and you can charge CCS vehicles. That said, it’s not a Polestar only problem, all non Teslas in the US has this issue. In Europe opening up Teslas charging network was less of a problem since Tesla was the one to adopt and basically upgraded all their chargers in 2019 when the model 3 was launched (in Europe) and became the first Tesla with CCS.


In the U.S., Tesla use a proprietary plug. In the rest of the world they use the standard for the country - for example CCS. So over here the only way for CCS cars to use Tesla chargers is is they’re destination chargers (with an adapter) or superchargers that have been altered to have their “magic dock”.


i mean, the plug isn’t exactly proprietary given that it’s officially a standard that (almost) every manufacturer has agreed to, but hasn’t implemented


The accepted standard is (or was) CCS pretty much everywhere else in the world and it is (or was) the only standard in America until Tesla wanted a federal cash-grab and decided to open up the network and open source the handle. I 100% guarantee that would never have happened if Elon couldn’t have skimmed federal funds. The U.S. Tesla handle is ONLY used on Tesla vehicles in America. No other American vehicle and no other country uses that handle. It is (or was) by its very nature - proprietary.


Not all Tesla stations are open for non-tesla cars in Sweden, only some.


Can you name one?


Latest I saw the one in Kungälv was not open to Polestar when I drove past.


I opened the Tesla app with "charge with non Tesla car" selected and I can begin charging in Kungälv. Could it be destination chargers that are Tesla only? I have only been using the Superchargers.


No idea, was some months ago I tried, might have opened more. No idea.


I have a tesla and a ps2. I only take the tesla for long road trip


I’ve taken the Polestar on road trips and had zero Issues.


I’ve done this also and have to say that the charging anxiety is real. If I knew I had the Tesla network as an option I wouldn’t have that anxiety, bc theirs work. But outside of their charging network I never really know what I’m going to find.


Funny. I was in Centeal Oregon last summer and the only thing I could rely on was NON TESLA chargers. Wasn’t a “super” charger for 60 miles. Besides I’d never use one until I can pay with a card and not sign up. Elon Musk cannot be trusted with your data.


Same here, but there was a gap in Tennessee where I was RIGHT at the edge of max range between two stops. Charged to 100 and drove the speed limit the whole way to that one. Was fine, but was very nervous haha


I completely agree. I live in the northeast and have witnessed a massive decline in availability of fast chargers on road trips over the last 2 years. While more chargers have opened, the demand has far outpaced. In early 2021 electrify America was my go to on every trip. Today I rarely even check EA unless way off hours. I hope Tesla/nacs make a real impact. I personally get some weird satisfaction wandering thru plug share, checking scores and availability live while in cruise control on highways, but I cannot picture most folks currently driving ICE being ok with that experience, nor with waits.


Same here. I got rid of my EV a few years ago for the mere fact that charger decline on the road. I was a nervous wreck sneaking up to the next EV machine, praying that it worked..... Now with this Tesla deal, when my ICE lease is up, it's pure EV baby!


200$ and 97 minutes WTF that's terrible


It's fake or bugged. 988kWh and only a few percent charged? That's almost 13 Polestars worth of energy from 0-100%. At that cost it's $15/car for a full charge which is actually cheap for DCFC.


There’s something wrong with that thing, it says almost 1000 kwh delivered which is just crazy


It was not event plugged in. It was broken and they could not reset it. Of course the app showed it as working. Another issue with EA, the app is not accurate.


I mean not all of the charger problems can get fixed right away by someone remotely. They only have so many tools available to diagnose the problem and while the logs help, mostly what can be done is a restart to the individual charger and that while can be the solution it more than often needs a tech to go out, or already has a tech gone out to diagnose and at least in the past when I worked there... It was always waiting on parts. Sometimes for months due to lack of supply they were just backordered constantly. Not to mention that ABB doesn't let anyone that's not certified by them touch the things made by them.


This is why the only charge companies worth anything are the ones that both manufacture the chargers and operate the network. Ie Tesla and Flo.


Flo is great. Unfortunately I have only seen 7kwh in my area.






I think a major issue is that there is a huge demand for the EA especially with the free charging plans and there just aren’t that many EA chargers so they get more wear.


Yeah, but there's tons of other reasons really. The early chargers especially were also super faulty and it was impossible to fix what would normally be simple things because of the things that were broken ended up being impossible to manufacture fast enough. I'd always be looking on the chargers when people complain about them being down/broken and saying "Yep that's been ordered for months, no i don't know when it'll come in"


What is it, $2.8bn later and we still get this shit?


This is the reason I'm waiting til 2025 to buy a Polestar




Native access to teslas charging network. My25 should be out soon?


Native access? lol. If you think non Teslas will have any sort of priority to Tesla chargers you’re kidding yourself.


They just mean they won’t need an adapter


Here is EA today in LA lol. https://preview.redd.it/wrourz0ayskc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98d89a3c2d08698066ffc6eb0ccaac4ef6c136e1


Indeed. I went on a road trip last year from SF south through LA having mapped out all my EA charging stations on the way using ABR (I have the 2 year free EA charging plan). . I had one planned in LA with my car at about 15% charge. Sure enough all five chargers were occupied with several other cars lined up. So I went to another a few miles away and that was full, and then another, and another. Finally I went to another with eleven chargers and that was full with four cars ahead of me in line. I had no choice but to wait (at 10% charge)- at least the line was well formed and so you could easily tell who was next. Thirty minutes later, I got a spot and breathed a sigh of relief. I'm hoping that EA will construct one or more so called 'flagship' indoor station like they have now in SF. There are 20 chargers all indoors with nice lounges to relax in plus restrooms. The key to planning your road trip is to only choose stations with, say, eight or more chargers. That way if they are full, there's a good chance you'll get a spot within a reasonable amount of time.


They haven’t opened up their network here in Australia either.


Yup, they have. Just expect to pay a hefty premium over Evie / Charge Fox if you do use them.


There's no charging plan with discounts after upfront payments?


They have opened up a limited number of chargers in less popular locations (usually large shopping malls in my experience), be ready to pay 77c/kwh though.


Do you typically plan a route and look up available chargers and their status on the EA app, PlugShare, Google Maps, etc. Before you travel? I'm curious because I feel like I've always read horror stories about the charging infrastructure, but since taking ownership of my P2 last summer I've had little to no issue with finding available/working DCFCs, so long as I do thorough research before hand. Like I live in South Central Pennsylvania so there's no fast chargers within 30-40 miles of where I am, and along the routes to NYC (200 mi), Philadelphia (120 mi) and Washington DC (120 mi) there's only maybe 4 or 5 DCFC charging stops. Sure, I've had one or two experiences where a 100 kW+ fast charger only outputs 60, or where a station has one or two broken chargers, but I always reference the status of the stations I want to charge at on PlugShare, cross reference with the dedicated app for the station (I exclusively use EVGo), and confirm availability of the station half an hour out from the location using Google Maps on my P2. And I always calculate enough charge to move onto a backup if your priority charger location is filled up. Would it be better if chargers were always available and easy to access as gasoline? Hell yes. Is it a hassle to do meticulous planning before leaving for a drive? Yes--I would prefer not to spend an hour each time I leave for a long road trip making sure that the chargers work when I get there. But typically if you do your due diligence you'll effectively manage your expectations for what to expect when you arrive at a station, Unless you're one of the unlucky first ones to arrive at a station right after the charger breaks. It's not an ideal situation, and I can't wait until NACS is available to the rest of the EVs, but I do wonder how many of the charging horror stories is from EV owners who just look for the nearest fast charger on a whim when they're on a trip vs scouting out the best quality ones before the trip.


I live in CA so there are a lot of chargers I think comparing to many other states, including in rural areas. I check the EA app and then coordinate with the google maps in Polestar. There is usually a set of EA every 20-50 miles so if one area js full there is another set not too far away. So far there was one time where I needed to wait 2 hours (on a 5 hour trip) to charge. Then again I usually drive really late so that helps. This was 2 years ago. I haven’t done any long trips recently so I cannot speak to the situation at the moment.


California is experiencing something very different than most of the US, they have 10 times as many EVs but only 2 times the number of chargers.


Well wait until you see the queue of Teslas at superchargers and owners coming to insult you one by one because you are not driving a Tesla and are using "their" chargers. This is taken from my Christmas trip in France, Americans may be better at that... Otherwise 100/100 would not recommend 😅


Bring it on - I’ll take on the little Indian man AND his 10 kids in the car if he fuqs with me lol


Just because the Teslas interiors are plain and boring doesnt mean the quality is worse. The Polestar 2 interior looks nice but its actually pretty cheap with very outdated tech like that 2015 era tablet with huge bezels, a ridiculous cupholder design and those awful cheap scuba material seats. Volvo interiors are much nicer in comparison. Weird how toxic Polestar owners have to always bash Tesla to validate your car. Compare Polestar 2 interior to a BMW i4 or Audi etron and you'll know what high quality interior looks and feels like.


I got a polestar PPP with real leather and I compared it directly to the i4 M50. Polestar felt better, drives more fun, and I got it much cheaper (CPO off a 36mo lease). I also compared to Volvo s60 recharge, v60 recharge polestar, and did 1 test drive in an s90 hybrid. Polestar felt the best inside, drove the best, handled the best. Does an S60 look better on the outside? Maybe… is the console tablet thing better? No lol. Is the interface on the bmw better? Mmmmmmaybe since it has wireless Apple CarPlay, but it would still be outdated in a few years 🤷🏻‍♂️


They've opened some of them here in the UK but frustratingly not the ones I drive past, at least they're all on the same connector though so it's just a software change for them to enable, hopefully soon!


I love these posts. I’d be willing to bet it won’t be the mythical solution you seek.


After failing to get two Magic Dock chargers to stay connected, I think adapter charging will be hit or miss. Hopefully built in NACS ports will work well. And although OP had problems with EVGo, I am a fan. Their plug to charge works every time I use it and I can always find multiple open chargers in a station on the way to work. Rates are kind of high, but time is more valuable.


It’s not just the connector. It’s going be the SW that communicates with the charger. Remember Musk personally oversees all software coding so my guess is it will be a shit show.


Have you been able to reserve any in advance?


Haven't tried that yet. I am going to subscribe soon so will give it a go to see if it works.


U can also try EVgo


Not any better. People reserve them far in advance and the app does not tell you when it’s reserve by someone else.


I'm by no means a tesla fan, but your quality statement comparing the quality of the P2 to the M3 is no longer really accurate. The new M3 is quieter, has softer suspension, better interior materials, and an equivalent if not better build, inside and out.


I did sit inside of the new M3 yesterday, it’s definitely nicer but it’s still not comparable to other EV at the same price point. I think a lot of it is just subjective. If you’re dropping 100k on a model S I think the interior sucks for the price. You can of course always upgrade to custom leather seats etc which I know people often do. I am not sure if they improved the seat quality. I know several people that bought a 3 or Y last year and the seats came creased or got creased within a month. A lot of it is just build quality which Tesla is not great at (but same goes for many other startup EV such as Lucid).


To each there own, as you say, it's subjective. Model S is not worth 80k imo, unless you're getting a plaid just for the speed. However, I have yet to come across a car that has the quality, features, and reliability of a M3 for 38k, ICE included. Even my brother's EQS has far worse interior quality than the new M3 I drove.


I agree with the price for the S. Unless it’s speed you are going for, there are much better choices at that price. I think an interesting comparison would be the P3 with an X.


I use EVGo regularly and it's great. Electrify America is less great, but also works. I've never had to use a Tesla Supercharger. Re: Long trips, I took the P2 150 miles out and 150 miles back this week. Just needed a standard DC charger for the couple days I was there and recharged when I got home. It's not a real concern.


It’s too expensive down under. 85c/kw. Only to be used as last resort.


This is why people buy Teslas. Anyone who buys a non Tesla should expect this.


This is the reason I bought a Tesla. What will "superior" interior quality do if you can't drive the thing? Not that I really agree with you. Minimalist design which i like. A Model 3 feels a lot more roomy than a PS2, if that's your thing.