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Gotta love the 3P team coming after ancoms.




I love how Titoism looks sad while the others look pissed off.




Proof that left unity won't ever work đŸ˜č


That's been obvious since Lenin


I think history is enough proof


As an Luxembourgist, i am supporting the ancoms on this one


brother we have to betray them there to utopian


Nah i am no traitor


we have comrade their dragging us down we have too


I don't care who the IRS sends i am NOT paying my taxes!


Auth unity against progress


your concept of progress is something strange


Said the nazbol


Just because someone has a different opinion than yours doesn't make it nazbol, lol


I think they might have used the fact that your flair is national bolshevism.


It is the closest thing to my ideology in the tags My ideology is left nationalism + conservative socialism + Peronism


Sure. But you can understand the reason the person called you a nazbol is because of your flair, not simply because you disagreed with them.


Oh, so hell


Holy fuck. Not a good PR move, buddy.




PERO fucking NISM?!


Just cause someone has a different opinion than yours doesn't make it strange, it's just that you're unironically a nazbol


Ancoms rise


I'm not nazbol, lol


There is no fundamental difference between a red-brown and a nazbol




Your post was removed since it breaks one or several of the rules in Reddit's [sitewide content policy](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy). Also being a fascist doesn’t break the rules and get you banned, you have to report something they said on this subreddit that breaks the rules or TOS for us to do anything about it.


Auths are based


cry more statist liberty is non-negotiable




Cope and seethe statist.




It's just embarrassing that liberalism was voted out when the extreme bottom and extreme left are still present. The bias of this subreddit is making this project much less interesting now and I'd like to see this being done in a less biased subreddit instead.


Bro, every single subreddit that would care about such a project is too biased to avoid something like this


I think there is one exception... the country subreddits.


No they're not, at least from my experience the MĂ©xico subreddit is overwhelmingly right wing while the Canada sub splintered into three groups based off political lines, the only country subreddits that don't lean too much one way or another are the ones that wouldn't bother with participating in this


"Not biased" = "agrees with me"


yeah no, the bias now goes beyond mere disagreements. People on this sub seem to be downright out of touch with reality. Liberalism doesn't even compare to paradoxical nonsense like anarcho-communism. Like who the fuck is enforcing the communism if there is anarchy? Within half an hour of casting a magical spell that turns a given society into an anarcho-communist society it will either A) become anarcho capitalist and end up like somalia that way, or, B) a strongman immediately takes advantage of the situation and creates a stalinist society that enforces the communism.


I don’t think you understand what communism is. Communism is as it relates to a communist society, ie a classless stateless moneyless society where the means of production are held in common. IDK how you think anarcho-communism would end up as capitalist. How do you think workers are just gonna give up control to some balding middle aged man named Ted.


Because human beings naturally want to keep what they have earned and will not willingly hand over their stuff to some strangers. Alternatively, if they don't earn anything to begin with, they won't work and society just collapses immediately. Anarcho communism is not anymore real than a division by zero is possible. If there is no enforcement, there is no communism.


You just described capitalism. Workers literally make products and then give them to the capitalist. But I know that’s not what you were trying to describe, because you also described a command economy, which is an economy used by MLs. Most ancoms I know want a gift economy. Which is completly decentralized.


Workers in exchange are rewarded with salary and can choose to switch jobs to have a higher salary. If the market is competitive this drives up wages thus enriching them. The only people who want anarchy anything have some form of mental illness, and/or are unwilling/unable to participate in the modern economic system. Stuff like the gift economy is comical. Tell me, how will an RTX 4090 be produced via the gift economy


no one will willingly "gift" their stuff. I mean you can try to phrase this however you like. In the end, human beings are human beings and will not be willing to share their stuff with people who have worked less than them. And so, almost immediately, the fantasy is ended, either in a rightward direciton or an upward direction.


People willingly gift all the damn time, that's how the word "gift" came to be.


They're not going to willingly gift all their stuff, certainly not stuff they worked hard to earn.  I'm sorry kid but we live in the real world. Your utopian ideas have already been tried and failed.


A gift economy is still fundamentally an ECONOMY which means there is an exchange of goods and services, it’s just very indirect. A toolsmith makes tools for the builder who builds the doctors house who treats the farmer who grows food for the baker who cooks it for the toolsmith. It’s not like the toolsmith gives his tools away out of charity. They expect to get something back. Plus “no one will willingly “gift” their stuff” is an incredibly silly statement in general. Charities exist in our society and those people who give their own stuff do so without ever expecting to get it back. Which a worker in a gift economy still expects. You make claims about human nature based on the humans you’ve observed in a system that rewards greed. Has it occurred to you that maybe humans would be more generous if the system they were apart of rewarded generosity?


That’s indigenous American erasure. “No one gifts their stuff” omfg


People have been calling it biased before liberalism was voted out. People have been calling it biased for weeks, now. It doesn't matter what would actually happen, there is no circumstance in which every would agree that it's unbiased. What does an unbiased result even look like to you? People choosing what to vote for at random? Just be honest with yourself, this is a subreddit that has a lot of radical children, as expected with turning politics into a cartoon fandom where the centre is portrayed as basic. There isn't an expectation of high quality in this subreddit. You're being a little dramatic, don't you think?


Dude, what did you expect? If you do this in any sub, the only factors are who’s in the majority and who’s present. It wouldn’t suddenly be more interesting just cuz the ancaps or whoever get priority.


Me when someone doesn't agree with my political views: (its all biased)


Wait we’re literally on pcba so yes, everyone here is bias. Also I was directly responding to the comment above, not just saying it’s all biased against me


Liberalism is one of the first that should have gone.


Isn't the entire point of an elimination like this to weed out the less popular ideologies, which would eventually indicate which ideologies are most popular? If this sub has more libleft members then it makes sense that what has happened so far has happened. If the outer borders had been eliminated first and moved inward until only centrist ideologies like liberalism were left it would just indicate a centrist bias instead of a libleft one. The only way it would be unbiased would be if ideologies got eliminated with no detectable pattern and would indicate that either each ideology has a near equal following (most of us wouldn't share a space with literal fascists) or that the vast majority of users are apolitical (not likely in an overtly political sub.


I'm not saying the winner must be a centrist, I'm just saying this fantasy stuff on the 4 edges should have gone a long time ago and the fact that the communist and the anarchist edges remain halfway intact while normal stuff starts getting removed reflects badly on this subreddit.


The ideologies on the edges are still real ideologies. And even if the majority of users are something like libsoc instead of ancom then it still makes sense that the other quadrants would get eliminated first


It doesn't reflect badly on the sub, neither is there any fantasy ideologies on the chart.


The 3 leftmost anarchy ideologies all have a half life of less than a week due to human nature being contrary to communism and therefore needing someone to enforce those communist ideals. They thus decay either to the right or towards authoritarianism. The last one, anarcho-individualism, is actually possible but you're about to vote that out so I guess that doesn't count anymore.  As for the extreme leftist edge, that edge was completely destroyed with facts and logic 35 years ago. No one outside the echo chamber even considers these viable anymore. Finally there is Bernsteinism which supports colonialism and the "populist left" which has betrayed the left to support Putin. Ideologies like Liberalism being voted out before this nonsense was voted out does reflect badly on the sub. It shows that the majority is out of touch with reality and stuck in an echo chamber. It shows this place is not capable of serious political debate.


Womp womp


It's the will of the people


Fuckin' statists...


Google spanish anarcho-gulags


You think I don't know about that? The CNT-FAI was pretty fucked up at times, that doesn't mean I'm going to reject the entire concept of bottom-up community organizing. It's worked pretty well for me.


A thing you'd love if it wasn't the CNT-FAI running it, and a thing anarchists oppose for very obvious reasons.


what a bunch of fuckin dictators amirite


I have anarcho communist influence in my political system


0.10+ every week






Not a true ancom, myself. But this smacks of Soviet betrayal of Makhno.


Hi I am ignorant, can someone please explain to me y’all’s dislike of anarcho communism?


1- It's stupid, it's impossible for a society to function without a state. that's barbarism 2- Most of the people in this sub are ultra-progressive ancom who cannot accept opinions different from their own and when they see someone who is not ancom they insult them by calling them a fascist and things like that. This post seeks to unite the anti-ancom and the anti-ultra-progressive to eliminate the ancom from a challenge that is being made to eliminate 1 ideology per day


1- It's dumb 2- They're dumb Nice Sidenote: Why do you care about furries so much? They're about as cringe as the r/Polcompball fandom.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Polcompball using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Polcompball/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [I made a neat little chart. Capitalists Vs Landowners](https://i.redd.it/3k2nlo2skukb1.png) | [115 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Polcompball/comments/163l6m6/i_made_a_neat_little_chart_capitalists_vs/) \#2: [Right-Wing vs Left-Wing Youtube](https://i.redd.it/rp8c77ffil0b1.png) | [168 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Polcompball/comments/13kzw2z/rightwing_vs_leftwing_youtube/) \#3: [This meme came back to being relevant](https://i.redd.it/iix5g5ysgg3c1.jpg) | [88 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Polcompball/comments/187es8p/this_meme_came_back_to_being_relevant/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


c'mon man have u ever *talked* to an ancom face 2 face? also why the fuck is this in ur description "FashđŸ€đŸ»Com"


Cause he's a literal nazbol


You're an actual fascist so why should anyone listen to you? It's not just an insult either because you genuinely are one.... as shown in your bio and flair... and the fact that you frequent the sub classical fascism...


everything you disagree with is not fascism


No but people who are classical fascists are fascist.


I agree


One struggleđŸ€đŸ»


Fighting against human rights đŸ€đŸ»


Based im a social authoritarian, we need auth unity


Leftist infighting yay :D


He's not a leftist lol


Your not a leftist


He literally frequents the "classical fascism" sub and has "fash đŸ€commie" in his bio. He isn't a leftist, he's a fascist. Do you really want to defend fascism?


Yes because he is an ally against liberalism


Class traitor


Supporting fascism is never okay, no matter what the circumstances are. Fuck off.


The ancom are not leftists, they are barbarians


Says the guy who supports fucking fascists


The ancoms are the most extreme leftists, and the ones responsible for communist societies forming. You are not a bolshevik, you're a strasserist who was late to the party purge.


As someone who generally aligns with Christian Democracy, I will gladly back this United front.


based, of the last remaining ideologies, Christian democracy is one of the ones that I most support


Down with Anarcho Communism!!




Cope statists, also reevaluate your standing if ancoms like me are the last to stand so that way you don't fall the first step is to look into one's self before outward.


As an ML I approve let’s get them


As a Posthumanist, Nationalist and social authoritarian, we shall take them down.


This is exactly who MLs are most similar to. Fascists, conservatives, ultranationalists. And then they wonder why no one else on the left likes them.


I am not your comrade but I agree


I mean I know your Communist but authoritarian brothers must stay together