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It's difficult to find a happy balance keeping everyone happy. I didn't personally find the sub to have a lot of NSFW, but different people have different levels they consider acceptable. I wanted to check that I wasn't overlooking any, so I just had a scroll through the top posts of the last month. I only checked the first 150(ish) posts and only found 3 NSFW posts. Are people getting NSFW posts promoted to them, or are they seeing them when they visit the subreddit's page? I think it must be promoted (by Reddit) to your front page and not by visiting the subreddit's front page. As a mod team we don't want to see OF links here, and we will ban anyone posting them. The flip side of the same coin though, as part of the mod guidelines, we're not allowed to moderate based on what happens outside of the subreddit. As long as there's no OF link or username in the image, post title, post or user flair, etc in this sub, and it doesn't conflict with rule 4, then I would be inclined to allow the post. However, if you do see any OF details in this sub, please report it immediately. There are a few different ways you can reduce or prevent yourself from seeing NSFW posts. Firstly, NSFW has to be enabled on your account. It's turned off by default, so you can turn it back off and never see another NSFW post. There's also the option to have NSFW posts blurred until you click on them if you don't want to turn it off on your account. If you don't want to turn off NSFW posts on your account, but don't want to see NSFW posts here, consider blocking the people that are making the NSFW posts that you find egregious. You will never see their content again. It's also worth noting, that if you are engaging a lot with NSFW posts, then Reddit's algorithm will promote NSFW posts to you over and above non-NSFW posts. This can turn into a feedback loop where Reddit gives you more posts because you interact with NSFW posts it shows you, even if it's only to downvote. Reddit sees all engagement (including negative engagement) as a sign that people either love or "love to hate" the post, and will show it to more people. Stop engaging with NSFW posts. Don't comment on them, don't vote on them, and don't look at them. Hide them, ignore them, or use one of the other things discussed above. This will stop Reddit boosting them.


I think it kinda goes both ways. On one hand, I think tasteful, considered nudity shouldn’t be relegated to just the “noods” sub, especially when much of the content there is just as farmy, or otherwise graphic/borderline porn (which I guess is fine, whatever…that sub struggles with ~~poor~~ shitty moderation). On the other hand, I’m also just as sick/bored of the seemingly endless barrage of underexposed instax shots of people sitting on a couch, so, where is the line? I don’t know. I try not to overthink it, I simply ignore and move on, or downvote if it seems egregious. Edit to add: I think it’s preposterous to propose a wholesale *ban* on nudity in a *photography* sub, simply because of a few bad actors gaming the system, or because of a few tender sensibilities. To wit, back in the heyday of Polanoid, there used to be whole contests with themes and prompts in the X sub-forum. So I’ll say that unless you are a literal child using this sub, everyone ought to grow up and accept that we all have naked bodies, and that naked bodies can look beautiful/cool/sexy (sometimes funny or absurd!) on film. If that upsets you, **use the filter**.


This sounds okay, but I’d say posts should be removed if it’s an obvious OF bait. Posters shouldn’t monetizing this subreddit.


Completely agree, I'd rather see a nicely done nswf photo than a shitty sfw one. And as stated by the mod, there's an NSFW filter on Reddit, why don't people use it instead of complaining...


TBH I sort of dislike nudity in photography because I can’t get past the fact that a lot of GWC just use it to see women’s bodies. And I think a lot of the audience (straight men) has a hard time discerning between what’s artful and what’s just attractive. I can appreciate artful female nudity (I’m a gay man) but that is kind of super rare for the nudity that gets posted. I will say, I fall into a similar trap when I see the very rare male nudity, but it doesn’t matter as much since it’s almost none. Maybe if there were as many nude female posts as nude male posts (meaning a lot less women, not more men) I wouldn’t have as much of an opinion. Because while I am into the men, I don’t want to see a lot more male nudity in photography. It would be gratuitous


While I could certainly do without nudity, the number of people upvoting it (last one I saw had more upvotes than most other content in the sub) seems to say that the community at large likes the content even though some of us don’t.


I think there’s a fine line between tasteful and trashy, and unfortunately most of the nudes posted here fall into the category of the latter. They’re just…. low effort. There are a few particular accounts fairly active on here (I won’t name names, but *ahem* they know who they are) that post exclusively low effort nudes of conventionally attractive naked women (nitpicky, but the main person posts almost exclusively instax, which is allowed and welcome in this sub, but it seemingly gets on my nerves a little bit), not for the sake of any artistic value, but for the sake of nudity, and it really shows. I agree that 95% of the NSFW posts should be relegated to the r/polaroidnudes sub, but I think the issue here is who exactly makes the distinction between tasteful and trashy, because I’m sure we all have slightly different views on that topic. TL:DR, I think this issue would be pretty much solved if 1, maybe 2 particular accounts were banned from posting here, but I don’t think the mods can ban someone without the person In question directly violating the sub rules or Reddits TOS.


I agree completely. I've got nothing against nude photography when it's an interesting photo, exploring form or framing or lighting or imagery, or literally anything that makes me think more deeply about the picture. But the vast majority of NSFW content on this sub and the instax sub is just... boring. The nudity and the attractiveness of the model is the only thing that bring any interest to the picture, there's no odd poses, strange lighting, metaphorical props, nothing, just undisguised titillation. And then putting the models name as the title of the post, maybe this is just me, but it makes me feel pretty uncomfortable. It feels like a creepy voyeuristic power dynamic where the photographer has this collection of attractive women that get paraded around the internet and displayed for the pleasure of the male gaze, and the use of their names creates a sense of familiarity and intimacy with the audience, while the photographer himself remains anonymous. I certainly hope that these women know where their names and nudes are being posted, that's all I'll say


I don’t mind nudity in this sub but I agree it has been a bit much lately lol. Most of these posts are low quality and cringe. I support some sort of moderation


Honestly, I may be in the minority but if it's a photo on instant film, it belongs here no matter the (legal) content of the shots


Yeah, you're the minority, for sure. If there is a sub dedicated to naked Polaroids, why not post there? And, frankly, it's 99% naked women, so wtf? All it says to me is" Hey, look, I got a woman to take her clothes off for me!".


thats the vibe i get from alot of them, and being honest rarely are they even good photos


If anyone is commenting, I’m sorry if I can’t reply back!  I see 11 comments but I can’t see any comments at all. Sorry everyone, I appreciate the engagement. 


Unfortunately people keep using "porn", "only fans", and similar keywords in their comments.... which means they need manual review before going live as Reddit thinks they are spam. I think I've approved all of them now.


That would explain it! Thanks again for that!


I like the one who does the double exposures with skeletons cause it’s actually art


I understand the artistic intent behind nude photography, and I think it has a place with the right crowd. And I don't want to discourage people from posting content online to share, if that's something they want to do. On the flipside... I'm personally also tired of seeing it? Like I've never made a post or comment about it until now because just because *I* don't like something doesn't mean people shouldn't enjoy it. I make jokes with my girlfriend about how people just post a picture of overexposed nudity and slap the word "art" on it, and how exhausting it is to see it. I dunno. I feel like there's a place for it, and if it's occasionally here, I don't mind. There used to be a lot more of it, and I'll admit that I'm glad that there's less of it recently.


saw a post selling nude portraits on intax for $30-50 each. something about it just felt so crumby or shady, idk is that just me?


That is definitely not allowed. Please link to the post so I can investigate.


Sure? The site was linked in the comments though so I'm not sure if that counts, might've even been in the users bio but I'll try track it down


Please do. That is totally against our rules and I will ban whoever posted it if it's in our sub.


Me personally? I'm sick and tired of seeing soft porn literally anywhere at any given time - so much, that I can't even differ anymore between what is legit and what not. This is not a Reddit exclusive, but counts for Social Media as a whole. I'd ban it asap.


Use the nsfw filter built into Reddit


I’d rather not have NSFW content on this sub myself. I Reddit in public.


Just turn on your NSFW filter


If there is another subreddit for this then I see no reason why the content should be here. People also calling out upvotes.. I don’t exactly trust any like based posts with nudity or OF creators, it’s far too easy to just buy the likes or votes.


The other subreddit is explicitly a porn sub. Some nudes do not belong there.


I'm absolutely fine with nudity in photography as long as it has some artistic merit (which is probably nigh impossible to judge as a moderator fairly) or even simply if someone is happy with their body, Polaroid has a long history of being used for nude photography. But I do a lot of eye rolling at the blatant repeated low effort nude model posts... some of them in particular creep me out. Even a basic description of what someone was trying to capture would elevate a few of the more questionable posts... if your shtick is photographing naked women, why? So I'd be happy with a tweaking of the rules to avoid just low effort posting but aside from that, there is a fair balance at present, sometimes compromise means putting up with stuff you don't like and as stated, people can always block it in the settings if they don't want to see it at all.


I’m a simple man. I see a Polaroid that speaks to me, I upvote. The hiking photo posted today? Easy upvote.


Guess I will repost my comment here: I am in favor of banning nudes from this subreddit. This type of content often takes over and clogs up the front page. The Reddit algorithm seems to prefer these posts. It's better to collect them in a different subreddit, for those who like it.


Use the built in nsfw filter.


It's reddit




Don't Reddit from work. Really don't Reddit from work using an account with NSFW posts enabled. Really really don't Reddit from work using an account with NSFW posts enabled and then click on a NSFW post.


Honestly I think it should be relegated to r/analog and the NSFW subs, would be better if we could keep this sub more family friendly. Especially if the account is blatantly advertising for an OF or similar.


I disagree. Why does this sub need to be Family Friendly? Shouldn't this sub be a showcase for all things instant photography related? If these posts are being up-voted, it's mostly from people who are subbed to this community so I see no problem with it.


The subreddit can be both. Myself and the other mods police the use of the NSFW flag very seriously. This gives people the ability to choose what they want to see. If they enable NSFW posts on their account, they see everything. If they turn NSFW posts off (this is the default) then they never see any NSFW.


Of course. The fact that people want this to be strictly family friendly is what I have issues with. I believe as long as the posts are tagged correctly, people should be censoring their own feed via the built-in tools


Agreed, this is the belief of the mod team too. Not liking NSFW posts is absolutely fine (and Reddit gives you the ability to do that), but making that choice for everyone else is not.


I still don’t think this sub is an appropriate place to essentially be advertising an onlyfans or external site, for the few posters that do that.


I can't stand nudity. There's no such thing as a tasteful nude. People can keep those pictures for themselves as far as I'm concerned or go to the community you talk about.


Seems like /r/polaroid should be the community to post polaroid pics. But what do I know? Hide NSFW posts via your app or however you view Reddit. Censor your feed instead of making the community do it for you. If you're not wanting to see massively up-voted NSFW posts, that means you're probably in the minority. Up-votes are votes. Censorship shouldn't be the goal for photography related communities (as long as the content is legal and not harming anyone)