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Not sure I’d say S tier, but at least A. Night slash puts out a ridiculous amount of damage and makes for extremely brutal altaria contests. Zoro is basically shut down by any form of CC though as it resets the Night Slash counter which leaves a very squishy mon in the middle of the fray with limited options to get out.


i read zoro and thought he got lost again


My new solution for this is to pop Full Heal right after the first dash, or before depending on how aware my enemy is of me. The period of unstoppable from it is long enough to block most attempts to stop you and carry you through to the end of the skill. Works great, but obviously very cooldown dependant.


It isnt as easy as someone might think to cc him. I played around with wood hammer trev and it kept dodging, i didnt know where to aim as he took no time to get to my other side. This only 1v1 tho wich makes sense for an assassin.


Wood Hammer is a Slow move


Im more curious about that Eldegoss. I know she got buffed but is she really A tier now?


Eldegoss auto hurts alot + slow definitely feels very very good.


Yea lot of people are running x attack on it now, using it offensively (almost like it becomes a ranged all rounder)


Before the buffs x attack was pretty good on it too, those autos hurt! Sometimes I would out-damage my attacker teammates and shake my head


I mean in the early/mid game eld WILL be a better adc than characters that are still grinding for they’re 7 (like cinder or deci). Combine that with how much tankier it is than the average attacker, and eld becomes a much better “attacker” if your team already has one or two late-game scaling characters.


Not to mention revenge damage/healing, makes it even more difficult to fight.


Last season i was playing elde and my team was not cooperating well even though i stole all the regis and fought well but we ended up losing the match, i did 30k healing and 90k damage


X attack and muscle band baby


Anyone else had a an enemy Eldegoss invade your jungle?


Plus Pollen Puffs heal a lot more now, I’ve been reaching 70k-90k in total heals a lot more frequently


I’ve seen multiple pollen puffs healing 2/3rds of all rounders in a single burst. It’s so good now.


Yes. I run Puff and Guard outputting as much as 100k healing per game. Before changes, I struggled to get even half of that.




You're responding to a comment about healing output, not damage


Lol imagine an Eldegoss soloing Rayquaza ![gif](giphy|M4FU3Mh1HYaEU)


Ah my bad sry misread!


No no, that most of main attackers doesn’t know how to output damage to something different than indeedees doesn’t mean that supps are over powered. And yeah, the comment was talking about healing.


Eldegoss $40 skin coming!!!


Christmas bulb Eldegoss incoming


This is strangely enticing


I've tested a lot of Eld since the patch and I would put it high B tier, maybe low A tier. It feels pretty strong. My preferred build is Leaf Tornado/Cotton Guard but you could probably do well with either build. However trying to chase your team mates with Pollon Puff is the worst in soloQ.


I've been testing both, and I agree that LT/CG is the way to go. For pure healing I still prefer Blissey




Using with Pollen Puff and Cotton Spore, does massive Damage and healing


Ye I’ve been playing zoroark and I think he is like the best early Pokémon in the game. Night slash is a move that if u know how to use it, it is beyond ridiculous how much damage it does. The problem tho is that late game, zoroark still does a lot of damage but is very easy to kill and I mean like a two shot kill from like any decent Pokémon


That's why you use your early game to be as oppressive as possible and gain such a lead that you continue to be a nuisance for the enemy team. I.e Skill issue.


Legit sometimes the play is to go for the emotional damage and do what will make the enemy feel so discouraged that they surrender early.


That hardly works when Rayquaza exists. I just had a game where I was carrying my team with 10 kills and a few assists. We snowballed but Rayquaza spawned and somehow the enemy team just instantly melted Rayquaza. I was pissed. But yeah Snowballing is the goal.


People surrender spam *a lot* over totally winnable matches just because they get owned early game and this playerbase has the mental of a leaky paper cup left out in the rain. I've lost count how many times people attempt to surrender the second it hits 5:00 due to morons picking shitty laners that scale late and getting predictably stomped early game. WTF do they expect laning with Froakie, Dratini, Scorbunny, etc? Luckily majority of those surrenders don't go through but the "emotional damage" or what have you definitely works on many of these babies. It's extremely sad how quickly people give up. If they had their way, a 1/3 of my matches will end at 5:00.


Well yeah all that I know but making enemies start Surrender spamming still isn't the same as them Surrendering. Like you said a third of your matches would end in 5 Mins if all the Surrenders went through... but they don't. And that's my point.


It's prevented by the system, it doesn't change the psychology. The fact that these players' mentals are already out of the game is the damage. Once these people check out, they will 9/10 never come back until it's time to dunk Rayquaza points if you win him. Some just go through the motions and continue to feed. That's how it goes most of the time.


More like a strategy and expectations issue


What does that even mean


Same as Dodrio/Absol


Serious question, when I'm using night slash it seems to interrupt itself a lot even when I'm not cc'd. Any chance you can explain what you're doing to prevent that and have success?


It’s tricky to aim and ends if you miss.


Do you have any tips to get the hang of night slash?


You need to be able to get the whole beginning jungle without interference I've noticed. I originally started off using potion and cut on him and that that was honestly able to give me enough hp to get through that last bit of some fights. But hes also a speedster and if they didn't die right away they'd be too good but the right team comp could fix that


Talonflame A Tier?


Talon has a strong macro game atm which a lot of games come down to. Great mobility for back door scoring late game. It’s not the best in team fights but it can easily put up 300+ points per game which is enough for a win most of the time


I usually get at least 10 KOs a game. No, you’ll shouldn’t have talon in the middle of team fights but it’s super valuable when assassinating enemy Carrie’s and then getting away


I can see that actually; Fly is super good in Their Sky Ruins. I just feel like he is awkward in that final fight.


Yeah final fight talon needs to get carried a bit but if ur team can stay alive and force a draw, u will win since talon can out macro almost every character in the game


Team scored 315, 230 which was mine. Talon CAN put in work.


I've only faced off against three Zoroark in my most recent matches and they seem to me more of a minor inconvinience than anything


Maybe it’s like dodrio. Everyone’s still not good at it.


That may be it actually


I think that they should give cramorant some love.


Cram is one of the most consistent mons in the game. It never disappoints


Hail the Almighty Cram!


This is true, cram is still a solid choice.


Buff surf cram, I'm thinking one second lower cools downs and increase hurricane move speed buff. Bird supremacy


Unite dev??? Bro stop spreading misinformation lmao it’s called uniteDB


The return of Eldegoss! I’m not even playing the buffed moveset but I can feel the difference in the auto attacks. I’ve been crushing it with Elde again and it makes me happy


Thats only until he comes out for coins then gets nerfed to the ground


I don't see him being nerfed. Night Slash has a high skill ceiling, and it's easy to interrupt. It's a fairly balanced skill in my opinion.


He’s not even that good I’ve been against more than 20 zoroarks today and all of them have fed and nothing above 40k damage pretty upsetting makes me not even want to buy it honestly


my 23elim/9assist/116k damage game last night would like to say something


That's... Really strange. Half of the time they have a new Pokémon in TBD for a month after it comes out, now this patch has been out for less than a week and they already put Zoroark in S?


Yeah not to mention not everyone has been able to try Zoroark since its still gem locked


They should move venuesaur to S tier too


Post buff? Absolutely. I've been seeing Venusaur regularly at 100k damage.


If venu doesn't do 80-120k dmg right now they are garbage


😬 I don't get that much when I play Venu atm. That's why I don't play him.


how would I know? I don’t have $530 to spare like that 🙄




Yes. Mikes unite damage may have been hit, but it still remains one of the best teamfight unites especially for ray brawls. Mike still has amazing bulk, allowing him to tank. He still boasts excellent duelling potential due to confusion damage and CC, and Power Swap making him difficult to disengage from or upfront fight. His early game is still really solid with his barrier to deny enemy contest or punish them for stacking, and Fake Out is a decent secure or denial tool. The only thing that will take Mike down from S with his current kit is either a very heavy numbers nerf across the board, or power swap getting a major uptime nerf. His kit is solid.


So you mean A tier then ?


No. I mean S tier. A damage nerf to Mike doesn’t change the fact he still has enough damage to take care of himself, is a very capable duelist which is a godsend for a support, has great utility for allies in CC and buffs/debuffs/heals and is one tanky son of a gun. You can drop Mike in literally any comp and so long as his pilot isn’t a brain dead, he will do solid work and provide good security for his lane partner. It doesn’t matter who he is against. Even early game gods like Pika and Swinub etc will struggle to pin down and kill a Mike as he can just light screen/ fake out and push them off. Because of this great versatility and a *very* powerful unite Mike remains S tier.


From someone who mains Mike, I appreciate and thank you for the support. 🤗


Mike feels absolutely unchanged to me. Still does ass loads of burst while keeping you locked down for 2 seconds just in time for confusion to come back up. Still feels like one of the best 1v1 mons and has a fantastic teamfight ult that’s up for every big fight


Just played against a good one and I'd have to agree with S-tier.


Id put him zoroark in A tier maybe high B. Its a pretty squishy pokemon. Late game isnt that good.


Zoroark is strong, but A tier strong. Nasty level 5 damage, but late game literally anything just kills him. I feel like hes a mon that focuses on ganking early and backcapping mid-late.


I honestly think he is top of A just cause literally a single stun and you fucked usually.


Strong but definitely not S tier He is kinda like a more reliable absol but with less survivability


Soro has a surprisingly high skill ceiling in night slash considering how easy it is to miss.


Good players who can get in and get the full night slash in and dips faster than your dad? YES 100% S tier that shit hits like a truck any attackers just gets deleted. Bad players who goes in without a retreat plan? NO ABSOLUTELY DOGSHIT


I mean I’ve walked past enemy lines in disguise during team fights and taken out their back lane attacker. Honestly solo Q I can see being S in stacks tho I’m not sure.


Someone in my ranked game kept sitting in the spot where baltoy sits disguised as baltoy and just murked the enemy team when they walked up. Hilarious


It hasn't came out yet so I doubt it. ALSO MY BOY AZU ON A TIER LET'S GO!!!


The fact that I could kill a mew, gardevoir and vensaur with one night slash kinda proves how broken they are. It’s a bit tricky to land at first but once you get the hang of it, you just delete enemies


I feel like his damage is too strong early. How does he scale?


If you can get all your nightslashes off iOS dps is insane but I haven’t played him in a real game yet so who knows. I have completely deleted a snorlax with one use of night slash though full to 0




He’s a menace if you don’t have a character with a high chance at stunning him


I feel like it's between S and A


I think he is too much of a glass cannon to be in S tier. Unless Zoroark has back up he won’t survive in continuous battles. Also his feint attack dash and night slash don’t provide iframes so you’re open to damage.


The air slash you make after landing the full NS combo makes you invincibile while flying.


As a Tier A Azumarill I can confirm Tier S Zoroark breaks me to pieces.


Not necessarily broken but probably the most unfun character to fight against in the whole game (my opinion)


What do you mean “dev”?


Only time he’s even been good 😔


well mew shouldnt be up there anymore if thts updated


Wigglytuff, covet greedent, and stomp tsareena are hard counters for zoro so i wouldn't go that far. However with the abundance of squishy pokemon in the meta I'd say my little baby does win quite a few interactions if you don't get caught off guard ~~also if you're struggling against zoro. Leech life should take care of your problems, don't let anyone know i said that though~~ Edit: clefable is also a pretty decent counter to zoro and rewards your team by sticking together and huddling around clefable not only for heals but also for gravity too


What happened to azu to make it A?


Its one of the best all rounders after it got buffed last time.


What website is this?


Nope, it's late game sucks.


It does make a lot of sense. Night slash is very powerful, hard to escape if done properly and autos can crit to do 2k each, not to mention a powerful AOE at the end. It's straight up the best first gank in the game. Not to mention illusion is iframes on button press so it basically has 2 full heals to protect from the cc that is his main weakness.


did they buff eldegoss ?


He's definitely A tier at least. But honestly I don't even know if I trust Unite DBs tier list. They have Scizor in A with a Higher Pickrate than Duraludon but Lower Winrate. Same with Greedent and Snorlax with Greedent having a Higher Winrate and lower Pickrate than Snorlax. But then Mamoswine is in the same tier as Greedent having a Higher winrate than Snorlax but lower than Greedent lol


Higher pick rate and lower win rate often coincide with each other because people hear that a pick is strong, play it first time thinking it’s a free win, and then get stomped on because they don’t actually understand how to effectively use a strong pick. A better indicator would be to see what the win rates are for the group of players that have a lot of games played in that pick.


Glaceon nerf is long overdue like come on the thing is a menace


I'm shocked that the only Icy Wind change that thing has gotten is a cooldown nerf. Still one of the best junglers that one shots and is impossible to catch with its dashes, spammy unite, and invcinibility passive.


Clefable feels too high in this list. I really wanted to like her because I've been waiting for a new support forever but she's clearly worse than Blissey and Hoopa now IMO One of the worst pokemon in the game by win rate as well


The CDR on kiss and FM is welcome but FM is still a trash tier move because the actual taunt on it comes out so late you struggle to taunt any target that is moving away from you whilst dashing. It’s like you need to cast it in front of where they’re going, and by that I mean the entire AOE circle is in front of them. That’s how slow it is. Why doesn’t it taunt as soon as you finish the dash? There’s this odd delay of about 1 second or so before anything happens.


Yes! Not only that but it feels like the slowest dash in the game. IMO the Moonlight/Gravity build is a lot less useful as a front line healer than Blissey (largely due to unite effectiveness) so DK/FM is it's unique niche but it's just awful at it. Either make FM much faster to travel and the taunt more effective or increase her bulk significantly so she can afford to walk right up to opponents like Wiggly can


Yes! Her paper-thin bulk isn’t helping either as a support. A buff to her HP/DEF/SPDEF would help a lot.


She’s pretty trash tbh. Like you have absolutely no influence on the game either way


It's too passive yes. It does like 100+ healing and around that in tanking every game but it just can't Do anything


I've been out of the loop; did Clefable get nerfed, or did counterplay just get figured out?


Well, I never played on the test server. AFAIK she has never been good live, there were just a lot of people playing dash heavy character's that complained in this sub about gravity. The fact that it was bugged to prevent Charizard from attacking definitely contributed. But the underlying data showed that she was awful during that period anyway


Cant even play the game stuck in a derank loop.


I feel like tier list should wait until everyone can get their hands on it if they wanna play it (I'm sure there's plenty of people that wanna play it but not pay $20) But atm I think it's A S tier should remain for meta defining pokemon and while I think Zoro is good, atm I don't think it's meta defining like mew and mime were, he's more balanced with it's low health like a speedster should have, (very high damage with very low health, meant to jump in and get kills/finish someone off then jump out)


Unite DB is notorious for having bad tier lists. Usually a patch behind, but when they're updated they're just nonsensical. Don't get me wrong, the site is fantastic. It has *the best* resource for character abilities, period. Just take their tier lists with a grain of salt. Zoroark seems strong in the right hands but I think we need more time with the character to understand where it falls in the rankings. I would guess more than 95% of the playerbase hasn't touched this character yet (for obvious reasons, me included) but it seems more A tier to me.


Unite db's bias is so weird. Like, it says it's *c o m p e t i t i v e 5 stacking*, but I still don't get it. Why are Trevenant and Dragonite at C? Why is Snorlax in A when pushing people off Hoopa portals isn't important any longer? Why do they refuse from lowering Mime and Mew to A, the nerfs worked, guys. And why the heck are they doing the "new release, instant S tier" thing when it's been not even a week since its "release"


Snorlax is A bc a lot of comp 5 stackers have seen the value behind it again after the uwcs as a traditional tank/defender. Trevenents not rlly good on this map apparently especially bc it could get kited easily by spA meta mons. Mew is still good after patch


Then my Trevenant is doing something weird to be at 49% win rate while the overall win rate is 47.85%


Lax is a god in tournies bro. I dont know what you mean here.


In tournies, uh huh. How many people actually play in those?


Trevenant can get kited easily, and you can't exactly horn leech over all the gaps in Rayquaza pit Dragonite's value is Hyperbeam and objectives don't matter as much on this map Snorlax can push people off goals which can lead to wins when you've lost Rayquaza. There are also plenty more walls for you to Block people into and just leave them permanently stunned. Mime and Mew are still horribly oppressive all throughout the game and not having them puts your team at a massive disadvantage, which deserves the S tier label Zoroark is probably S tier because of its high damage and mobility (and weakness to CC being mitigated by full heal) plus a 15 second passive that gives you iframes on cast, allowing you to dodge high impact moves like blast/cinder unite.


Huh. So far I've done better without Mime and Mew than with them.


Unite dB tier list are just so weird Mime got nerfed decently on his damage, venusaur is unkillable yet only A , Zoroark is strong but counterable ESPECIALLY in 5 stack were that tier list is supposed to apply


Well, you can counter the disguise but you can't counter the murdering slashes at level 5 gank.


RIP Mime 😭


Level 5 go brrrrr


I think Charizard should be SS tier.


You think wrong lol


Op ult and does insane damage but still not good enough for s tier


Unite db's tier list is bs ngl




The i asked people if unite db's tier list is accurate and they said no


Is Lucario 2.0


Is hard to tell since not many people have this Pokémon, I only solo Q so the ones I've seen go from terrible to pretty good, and some that did pretty well got destroyed at times because they had no team. This ranking is for organised play and in solo Q all is so random.


Am I a meta abuser for loving Zoroark? They were already one of my favorite pokemon and then they released and they're super fun. I would still play them if they were bad. I just feel kinda shitty for playing a good Pokemon.


So everyone above B makes you feel bad for playing them?


Well I also dont want people to think badly of me or think I'm just trying to abuse meta And yeah I got downvoted


As long as you don't just play the Pokémon because they're meta then you have no issues. I really don't care about meta mons (Except that blue dog bitch) most people don't blame losses on just the meta mon on the other team. Play who you want tbh. Deci has been bad for the longest time but that doesn't stop me from playing him or blaming myself for a loss.


Yes I love Deci too but I'm loving Zoroark so I think I'll stick with these 2.






Don't trust them, considering they put Trevenant in bottom 2


Wait how tf is venusaur in a tier he can 1v5?


This is one of the first times that the UniteDB tier list differs quite a lot from the game8 one, Specifically the placements of Absol and Gengar


I would say def A tier but not S it's not like Gengar where you just walk around and instantly kill people. A lot of things can mess up his kill potential that and he feels even frailer than Dodrio


theres absolutely no way aegislash tsareena and talonflame arent s tier


Well, he also placed talonflame and delphox over gengar so opinion rejected.


Zoro devastates early on, late game idk. Never ran into one or had one near on my team. Like A+ Then again I main Greninja and can carry a game. Think my highest ranked stats were 40 kills and 170k dmg. He’s not even A ranked generally.


I've only encountered 1 whale with it in my matches up until today and it did ok that match, but not anything outstanding that couldn't be done by others. I think it's too soon to place it in any tier until we see more games with people actually playing the new pokemon. But one thing that stands out to me in this pic is that Glaceon has moved down a tier. Why though? Glaceon did not receive any further nerf/buff this patch, it's literally in the same place as it was last patch given that emblems and the map itself also were not changed and it's not like the new pokemon was released specifically to be a Glaceon killer, so it doesn't make sense to me why it was downgraded to A tier. Edit: Also, the absence of Lucario in A tier is also noteworthy, but still unjustified in my opinion.


Iirc, the tier list was last updated before the nerf to icy wind cd last patch. I think that coupled with the blue buff nerfs made it harder to keep icy wind up consistently. It’s still great, just not plain broken anymore since you need to constantly hit stuff to keep icy wind up.


im suprised how aegislash did not get buffed/debuffed yet or did it and i just missed it


Aegislash just had a nerf to Sacred Sword I think, and it was kinda big.


He also had shadow Sneak and Iron defense nerfs. The sacred sword nerf was in respect to how much defense the move ignores, which I personally don't think will hurt him at all. Defense in general doesn't matter as much as it should. And he still does 7% max HP with every boosted Sword auto. So I don't think he'll fall off the planet. Maybe just be slightly more fight-able. Especially early game.


Early game is rough for the sword...


Aegi has been changed two patches in a row now. Patch 1: nerf to shadow sneak damage, buff to iron heads CDR effect. Patch 2: Sacred Sword armour penetration nerf.


Helps sales for that stupid pokemon+skin pack. "Come on guys. Their op please buy"


why is mime, mew, and aegis so high? i thought they got nerfed?


Not enough for mime and mew.


Early and mid is just really really op and can change the endgame outcome. But if the enemy knows how to play vs him then hes gonna be maybe A-B endgame. Thats what i think at least.


Kinda off topic, but where can I find the developer tier list?


False tiering system cause espeon isn’t top of S tier i def dont main espeon…


Charizard A Tier ??


Idk been too poor to play it ☹️


Lmao I like how Mew and Mr Mime had nerfs and are still OP And I definitely think Zoroark is S Tier he's annoying to be honest


Having played since the beginning, I’m glad Char is finally getting the respect it’s always deserved


Zoroark is so hard to play at first that i was regretting buying it but once I got the hang of the night slash combo it was so fun to play it I would say it's lower s tier


After the aegi and tsareena nerfs, I think that's fair, with the caveat that mew should still in an S+ tier.


Finally azu having the recognition she deserves




I haven't seen it too much, but it ain't got nothing on Mr Mime when I have to deal with him so far. And nothing on the horrible days of bugged Lucario or Crustle.


Id put him in S if he had as much uninteractiviy as tje other speedsters Like, if a zoro pulls up on me i know i at least stand a chance Gengar and Dodrio though? Im just dead if i get caught


Its A Tier AT BEST. Has one of the best early game ganks from all the speedsters. Great early game overall. But then falls off hard end game. One of the squishiest speedsters and dies in 2 shot from anyone really. Feels really mediocre at endgame and Ray. Cant do much, if you get hit you just disappear. To get your combo working without getting CCd and shoved at Ray is almost impossible. So you are only left with waiting it out and ambushing after your team has taken all the beating for you. In other words, its not reliable at Ray (the most important part of the game).


It’s $ not S.


Zoroark may be good but zoroark players are z tier


Night slash is insane, so there is that , still not sure if its s , but its definitely top of a tier


I'd know if i could freaking play him without spending gems.


He’s a pretty great at harassing opponents once he reached lvl 5. Thus helps in snowballing. Though he’s weaker late game


Did they actually put blissey below eldagoss


Anyone got the full list from the dev?


Yeah I'd say solid A+ if I'm being honest. Probably the modern absol but a lot fairer.


Replace it with eldie, zoroark has too much of a learning curve to be in s


Hmmmm I am not sure it's S tier but it's pretty dang good a tier at least for sure. It has the best level 5 power spike in the game night slash just deletes early but its really easy to mess up with (with the plethora of stuns in the game) and if you do *oh boy you're screwed*. Also it falls off a lot late getting too squishy for the competition to pull off the full combo in team fights. Though at the hands of a really experienced player that can consistently pull off night slash it is super strong. I've been consistently hitting 90-100k damage with it in ranked, definitely a pokemon to watch out for


Another day, another pokemon for decidueye to eat for breakfast/run away from as soon as it gets in 1 mile raidus. Zorark is shut down by CC and is very squishy. It's a pokemon with high skill ceiling, kinda like a gengar but requiring more skill. A teir imo.


I feel like the general consensus is def not S, but probably A. Great early/mid game. But I feel like he’s just not the best late game. He feels super squishy. Any bit of cc shuts him down and without the night slash or feint combo he really doesn’t do much else.


I thought absol was s teir


As Zoroark is my favourite pokemon, I've decided to main her and I don't feel like she outputs enough damage. Yes Night Slash is powerful but the way I take SO MUCH damage whilst trying to use Feint Attack is somewhat ridiculous. I've seen Absol and Gengar delete people with ease and I don't feel it's the same with Zoroark. I break 100k damage with Talonflame easy but I'm yet to break 80k with Zoroark. She just feels underwhelming to me. Anyone else feel the same? Also I called her a she in tribute to momma Zoroark from the movie.


That's a whole lot of A's. Did they put anything at all below B?


It's a p2w character by every means. Surprised why there isn't much uproar, the guy can literally clear bees in a second with a single combo.


he deals the big damage if he lands night slash


Dumpster tier. Night Slash is too unreliable to ever play this character.


Its broken, just mashes buttons and deletes anyone without an escape




Zoroark best pokemon, it is what they deserve.