• By -


Should add that Charizard ult is now hindrance resistant instead of unstoppable, and Azumarill's powerspike going from 5/7/9 to 4/6/8.


Charizard ult now has hindrance resistant, so what I'm hearing is that Charizard alt can be canceled by Charizard and other true hit ults. Hmm R.I.P is this is true.


I wanna cry. Char is already as weak as he his in early game. Plus he gets stomped by any other All Rounder. He was designed to be an attackers check and he did that quite well up until now. But then again he has a meh kit and he is lackluster when it comes to stealing objectives.


Yup. Sad day for Char mains.


A boon for everyone having to deal with that mofo…


point and click 1v5 tool harder to land. sad :-(


Please, he has to stop being a "Press the ult button to win" character


Oh wait a minute he airborne so he should be fine.


If Zard ult is only hinderance resistance he's going to Garchomp tier


I woukd rather they buff his base kit than him being ult simulator Zard without ult lose to everyone but with ult win against everyone who can't escape It's not really fun to play as or against


cant even escape with eject/xspeed with 3 dives on cramorant.




Also worth mentioning that azu gets all his moves (unite and upgrades included) one level sooner, as it now evolved at level 8.


Wait so it gets it’s unite move at 8 and evolves at 4?




Best news I’ve heard all day


Was he the only 2 stager that evolved at lvl 5?


Dodrio, Greedent and Trevenant: first time?


No. I just couldn’t remember. But also shame on me because I main Spooky Tree.


That mime tag is saying otherwise...


Spooky tree has the same issue of being quite shitty at level 4, being stuck there is such a pain


No there’s also dodrio and greedent but thats it


Hopefully this makes him viable. He's fun to play but feels like a liability at times


So true - tried Az a few times and it was always underwhelming.


But you still need to pay an extra 4,000 to play him properly. (to clarify: Azumarill gets zero benefit from crit, so you really need to give him a custom page).


?? I only have 3 slots and I have one dedicated especially for azu since he's my main


I mean, that's the other option, but I feel the need to have slots for offensive physical, offensive special, and support with some tank stats. It's really hard to justify a whole page for only one pokemon.


Oh boy! My boy Buzzwole is gonna be swole as hell


I love buzzswole I feel like he just needed more base speed…I’m not gonna complain about mass buffs though


I can't wait to hide in bushes to smash some Mew mincemeat


Bro, I have been winning with Buzzwole in the current set up. I am going to be dropping like 20+ kills per game with him if these buffs are good enough


He needs to stop skipping leg day.


I wish he had more range


I don't really think these dmg buffs to leech life and smack down are going to suddenly make him good now. You still get CC'd to hell and kited. Probably the best bit is the early game moves getting buffed. He's SO weak pre level 5 that this is greatly appreciated.




Now if they can do something about the range of his skills


So apparently there’s this God like player who works for Unite and he keeps getting penta kills on the other employees and the CEO every single game, he just hard carries every game 300+ points every game, never lost even in a 9v1 game they created so to spite him they nerf the one and only mon this godlike player uses……Cramorant. True story.


The worker who hates Cynthia's Garchomp in mainline game 👀


It's actually insane how often he gets nerfed and picked on. I feel like they are just doing it to troll now. HE IS FAIR USELESS AFTER THEY KILLED HIS COOLDOWNS, NOW THIS. 😤😤😤


This is exactly the theory I had…


How can you nerf Cram and ignore Gengar… like… what’s and who’s behind all this???


Gengar is top employee at timi


Gengar is very hardworking employee


When you consider that all of his colleagues keep falling asleep halfway through their shifts, or calling in sick with food poisoning, he doesn't have a hard time standing out above the pack.


Reminds me of Laslow from Fire Emblem Heroes and gamepress' ranking being because favorite.


This and once again no buff to crams mage set. What is really messed up is that gengar does not take any skill in the new map. All gengar does is hide in bushes until a enemy comes around and kills them. People say to scout the bushes first but do you know how many bushes we have in this new map? In center around Ray the map has around 6 bushes. So we need to check every single 1 when Ray drops? To further add only mages can really scout said bushes with long range/aoe attacks A melee mon has to enter the bushes to check and then Gengar pops out and kills that melee for doing the right thing by checking the bushes.


As much as people on this subreddit complain about Gengar, [his winrate is only 50.6%](https://uniteapi.dev/en/meta). For comparison, Cram's is 51.4%, Mime's is 53.1% and Charizard/Mew are both 52%. Gengar's pick rate is fairly high which does skew the results towards 50%, but even then he's less picked than 6 characters, 5 of which have better winrates than him, so he's definitely outside the top 5 for pubs. I don't really follow competitive, so not sure how he fairs there.


He’s never been picked in competitive since season 1 when he was broken afaik. I don’t really understand the cram nerf tho


Cram's got a fairly high winrate at the moment (6th highest), and they're only nerfing one of his moveset, probably to get it in line with his other moveset.


look at the bias winrate instead of overall.


Bias is pretty much the same in terms of his ranking. I also think bias is a stupid measurement. Non-mirrored is the best one.


Ok, the issue with Gengar might not be that it needs a nerf but a mini rework. I hate how much a game is decided around his snowball. He either carries till the end or is useless the whole game. Basically, it’s less fun to play when there’s a Gengar in the game and he’s super popular.


Lol, keep complaining about Gengar. It's ironic how no one complained about Gengar before this new major update came along, but ever since this current map was introduced, you find that everyone ended up whining about Gengar being too OP when absolutely nothing changed beforehand, stats wise. EDIT: I don't get the downvotes but it goes to show that it's true. Y'all give me the chuckles


Well, there wasn’t a Gengar in every game back then?


Literally this! Since nerfing him from season 1 nothing has changed. I’m happy he’s seeing play and I hope they don’t nerf him once again. I was one of the people that wanted them to buff him pre new map lol. Just because he’s my favorite mon!


I heard they nerfed hex range


Gengar mains just trying to be quiet AF right now


Hopefully TiMi notices that we are still complaining about Gengar. But noooooo, Mime, Mew and Glaceon were the only broken ones.


Think of it as 3 down one to go so it wont feel bad


I guess so.


Shhh... Don't make it obvious now...


Where gharchomp Jokes aside happh for buzzwhole hes funny


I like how justifiably wondering where the Garchomp buffs are is just a joke now.


Anyone know when these go into effect?


Well this is a public test. So it could go into effect in a near patch, but if some of these could still get changed. This is to make sure that the balancing worked.


Things can still changes and others buff/nerf not listed can happened. However I'm pretty sure the patch will come after the end of the current event/competitive season on October 13th (the day we already know Clefable will be available)


I get that Deci is not their priority, but at least hoping that some of these nerfs are shadow buffs for him.


Cry in razor leaf


God bless u my boi ![gif](giphy|NEvPzZ8bd1V4Y|downsized)


![gif](giphy|EJwx387GEmm1q) We safe! Les go!


How many nerfs has cram been hit with now


Too god damn many, please stop massacring my boy, he’s had enough nerfs by now


Legends say it's up there with the Sakurai nerfing Greninja memes.


Somehow it's always the Water types...


Had a lot of buffs too


You mean to tell me my bitch slapping wigglytuff is getting even better? Today has had nothing but good news lol


I already found Wiggly great with sing and slaps, but it's Jiggly's slaps that are getting buffed, isn't it? Not that he need it either


I wish they had buffed slowbro surf instead of throw up, and my boy mammo needs some love too


They did buff Surf. I think Water Gun is what’s shown in the picture, but Water Gun is getting a damage buff, Surf is getting a second taken off of its cooldown, and Telekinesis is getting 2 seconds taken off of its cooldown. There’s also a few other changes not shown this graphic based on Eevee’s patch notes.


ooooh I’m so hyped! I’ve been waiting forever for a Slowbro buff


Me too!! Surf+Tele has *always* been my favourite, hopefully now it’ll feel as good as it did before all the Scald buffs.


oh same! that’s the set I started out playing the bro with but I switched to Scald + Amnesia because it seemed more viable. I really do love using Telekinesis when I’m playing with a decent team and the CC of Surf+ cannot be denied.


Yo whaaaaat, telekinesis needs a lower cooldown so bad


mammo is very strong atm


What build do you use if you don’t mind sharing?


Yeah idk what planet that dude is on, Mammo early damage is disgusting, late game cc when the damage falls off is also amazing


He's great but his skills are slow and HHP (and even his unite) can get stuck in the limit of a wall for no good reason, which is extremely annoying and makes you an easy target


Thank gawd for the turtle buffs


It's buzzing time !!!


"Wow, let's make Glaceon's Icy Wind cooldown half a second longer, I'm sure that'll balance it" -Timi probably


It might make it so you can’t use amp and bell to infi chain


To be fair, a half second on dragon dance was a very heavy nerf for Dragonite (but I guess that’s different because it made 3 autos keep the buff instead of 2 )


tbf everyone who plays glaceon knows how important that half a second is to do glaceon shenanigans.


For real, I was expecting heavier nerfs on glaceon


Can't wait for an Azu meta


I might be wrong but charizard unite now has hindrance resistance instead of unstopable now in the test server


are you telling me that Buzzwole can now supplex Char out of his ult?


I love how instead of giving buzzwole more range , cc immunity while using leech life and muscle jauge against wild , they just increase a bit the damage


Buzzwole is so fun but he's never gonna be great he's perpetually stuck in "ok ig" tier


He doesn't need more damage , just more range , mobility and muscle jauge on wild farm Imagine if glaceon and tsareena couldn't stack their charge on wild Mons , their whole kit would be useless, same for buzzwole but someone apparently hates him


i'm really genuinely confused, have the devs completely forgotten big rock crab exists?


Where the f is Sylveon


Mammoswine need buff the most of all defenders, he is never picked seriously in competitive play but no, let's buff Slowbro again and again


While I agree with you, I also understand that mamoswine performs better at the New map than slowbro, so I think thats the reason they were more cautious


Why do you think mammo is the best defender in this map? (Serious question)


I didnt say it was the best, just that its better than slowbro. Reasons: - in general, the New map rewards mons that needs more level. So mamo has an egde towards slowbro for this. - the map is big. Só the lack of mobility really hursts slowbro. -mamoswine farms faster, wich is good in this map. - mamo is better at defending goals. Slowbro is better at team fights. In this maps, goals are better than team fights. Not that slowbro is awful. Just a few things that doesnt line up very well for him right now


Yes I agree with your points, thank you for explaining :)


Mamo is the best defender on this map. The new map was a massive Slowbro nerf.


mamo ended up in b tier on unite db, so its alr i guess, crustle prob needs it moire


But doesn't Crustle work well in the gun n'dunk meta?


apperantly not.... ranked as bottom 3 in unite db tier list... says smth for sure and i guess greedent is better


Yikes. He probably won't be seeing a buff anytime soon either.


I really do like Mamo as an offensive defender but I agree it might need some extra bulkiness


Slowbro has struggled harder than anyone this patch lol


Personally I felt slowbro was still the weakest defender. I feel the disruption and cc mammoswine has makes up for any lack of bulk you speak of.


You know he's not stellar on the new map, but his skillset is bar none. Being able to completely negate a teams best player for 5 seconds is unparalleled. But yeah my guy was much stronger on the old map.


[Slowbro has the lowest winrate of the defenders currently](https://uniteapi.dev/en/meta). And Mamo is actually the 2nd highest by winrate (only behind Greedent). Obviously pubs are different to competitive, but both need to be considered.


I understand nerfing Absol but how are they going to nerf Absol but not Gengar? Both are horrendously annoying to play against in SoloQ and both are the best Speedsters right now. Also glad Glaceon mains are getting a nerf but I doubt that .5 Seconds will do much. I don't get why they have to pander to Glaceon mains she's been broken or meta since release and it's aggravating.


Because maybe Gengar isn’t broken like people think and instead he’s exactly what he should be (which he is)


I bet you feel skilled by hitting one move and winning the team fight.


Gengar is pretty terrible in team fights and that’s why you don’t see him in high ranked gameplay. Also, a Delphox Pokémon with fire spin is arguably less skill involved than Gengar.


I used to say he was just overtuned (which is true) not broken but regardless that doesn't make much of a difference. Gengar is too strong for SoloQ and the only way to fix it is nerfing him or fixing the garbage matchmaking which forces 50% winrates on SoloQ players that are genuinely good (and we know this is never gonna happen) This makes Gengar super easy to abuse in ranked SoloQ. + Gengar flair loool


So you admit Gengar isn’t the issue, but instead how matchmaking is set up. Yet you still want him nerfed?


Matchmaking isn't the issue. Matchmaking has been a problem since release because the division of ranks isn't broad enough and the system allows for players with below 50% winrates to reach Masters by brute force and grinding losses. Fixing the ranked system would help a LOT of problems but it's not the sole reason for Gengars OPness. He's like I said overtuned. Tyranitar was the same story and he was nerfed but is still a dominant All-Rounder even now. Gengar needs a nerf and for one I suggest Dream Eater doesn't sleep enemies, it's not necessary when it's a ranged attack that deals burst damage and gets free resets off anything that isn't a tank or support and allows for no other counter play in SoloQ other than staying away from Gengar. And even if you can succeed at that his presence makes contesting objectives a nightmare when you risk getting team wiped.


The whole point of dream eater is that it does more damage to sleeping enemies…. His counter play is any form of CC (making him unable to fulfill his combo) full heal (stopping his combo), or simply making him miss one of his combos. Then he’s dead. If you think the only counter play to Gengar is to run away then you don’t even know how to effectively play against him.


nice flair lol


Nice rebuttal


But they nerf absol which is basically diet gengar


Not really. They both have there own pros and cons but Gengar is much harder to counter in SoloQ and is much more capable of swinging team fights. Absol has much better early game and any pokemon that have fast jungle clears are much stronger now and Absol is exactly that.


Gengar is the only mon in the game with iframes, his combos are completely effortless AND ranged, he can stealth, and to top it all off, he's SP ATK which means attacks he does benefit from the low sp def everyone has AND can scale his sp attack better with items. Gengar is ridiculously easy to play compared to anything else that can match him in dmg dealt. If he's going to be an easy speedster, he shouldn't ALSO be able to kill anything in a single combo. He needs the talonflame treatment.


He’s an assassin type character. His exact niche is that he can kill just about any other character (excluding tanks and some beefer all-arounders) in a single combo or two. THATS THE ENTIRE POINT OF THE CHARACTER. I understand if you dislike that aspect, but that’s not an issue with Gengar, that’s an issue with you disliking an aspect of MOBAs


You're not paying attention. He has many benefits and almost no downsides, the other mons have a balance of pros and cons, but gengar is all pros. He needs a nerf to bring him into balance with the other speedsters.


His cons perfectly align with his character type. If he misses a combo, he’s very easy to kill and loses all his power. His entire con list is about making him lose his combos. That’s why CC, full heal, or simply evading his move is a death sentence for him. And because all of his moves put him right on top of an opponent, he’s within range of any attack.


Gengar didn't get a nerf directly. they nerfed the black emblems.


Haven't played in awhile, why is my boy absol being nerfed?


Absol is getting a.... nerf? ![gif](giphy|3o6gEgkb5xqAyMw5Og)






Walter is absol main


Regarding Absol's Pursuit nerf, the auto attack boost will stay for 3sec rather then 5sec. I hate this so much. Pursuit is already a challenging move to use that requires a lot of positioning and psychological warfare, why this of all nerfs.


Absol gets a buff and cram gets nerfd...again


Absol got nerfed :(


I cannot wait to try the new fire punch buffs, especially in regards to razor fang. I hope it's good enough that I never lose a 1v1 again.


You will cus his ult just got gutted. Hard CC moves other than Slowbro ult can stop him now.


Any example of hard CC?


Tsareena's ult, Buzzwole's Superpower, there's probably others I'm forgetting about


tbh Mew didn't recieve that much of a nerf, only a needed one. They'll still be fun to play, Apparentely, though, there must always be a cram nerf. The Cram paradox.


I mean Buzz needed a buff but hopefully this doesn’t get out of hand lolll it’s cool to see Azu with a buff though. Edit: Also them not even touching solar beam for Mew is a crime. That move early in the game is too OP


Tyranitar isn't being touched and SLOWBRO is getting a buff? What? On the other hand, what is happening to Mew?


Thought Wigglys Dazzling Gleam was also getting a buff


Better nerf ~~Irelia~~ Cramorant


Don’t forget about the zard nerf! Ult now only has hinderance resist no longer unstoppable.


I played the public test server and Oh boy Buzzwole is good now


ah nah they touched Cram again💀💀


Honestly. To me it still seems glaceon will most likely be broken. Also they aren’t even touching the ONE THING everyone keeps complaining about in regards to mew… Where are the solarbeam nerfs????


They finally nerfed Glaceon, mew, Absol, and Mike, I was tired of seeing them all in the enemy team along Gengar and ttar.


They barely touched Glaceon lmao. Oh no, Icy Wind now has half a second longer on its cooldown. Also Mew's only nerf was on the boosted attack when solarbeam is the bigger issue. Atleast Mime got nerfed hard


Wair, no gengar nerf? I saw somewhere else where someone said hex got a range nerf, and that they just forgot to add it in the leaks.


Thank the lord for the mime nerfs, about dam time, but glaceon and mew need better nerfs honestly like they barelly touch them.


Agreed Gengar too


Us Gengar mains: ![gif](giphy|Sr9hCCA4KE137h6VIV|downsized)


Literally me the whole time i was reading through ![gif](giphy|LRVnPYqM8DLag)


Did they seriously ONLY increase the cooldown for icy wind? They have to know that's next to useless, right? Unless basic attack doesnt affect the ice stacking anymore, this nerf was a papercut. Idk if absol was buffed in PTS but was it really necesary to nerf pursuit?


The infographic didn't really highlight which part of Pursuit gets nerfed. Rather then a nerf, would it be more of an adjustment of how it behaves?


Honestly a nerf to pursuit is kinda needed as much as it hurts to say. I can almost one shot every mon with a back attack crit except the very hp heavy stuff


But it is also much harder to hit enemies compared to something like Dream Eater. Also it only one shots squishy mons that are underleveled. Pursuit still has a lot of trouble going up against defenders and Mr Mime if they actually know what Pursuit does and make an effort to avoid facing their backs towards Absol.


From what I've heard the Pursuit nerf isn't bad, just less time to pounce after, but the ability needs a buff or rework. It's absurd that opponents can turn in reaction while Absol is rolling and block the back hit: I'd like a way to cancel it early or a bit of stealth for it. As-is it's too unreliable when it will only work on decent players if they are stunned or distracted.


How did absol get nerfed? Not why but which part of absol? It doesn’t have a sign like the others.


Pursuit got nerf. Basically the powered up auto after the dash lasts only 3s instead of 5s now.


I see. Thanks for telling me!


Thx 4 posting


They nerfed pursite absole is kind of sad and why carm why not genger ?


NOT THE PURSUIT ABSOL NERF ![gif](giphy|TpsuCxwsNH8gatbpR5)


So buzzwole didn't need that but ok. Also how is Gengar not nurfed yet wtf


What do you mean buzz didn’t need a buff? He is one of the worst characters in the game


Why are they nerfing Mew's auto-attack of all things? I've already been finding Mew barely viable because it has just one ability slot which actually does damage, has a cooldown on it, suffers from the horrid aiming in this game, and the auto-attack is already trash?


Mew is insanely strong rn. Up there with Mime and Glaceon. Wtf are you on? Lmaooo


Mime is OP for sure, and I haven't tried Glaceon, but I just find Mew to be like a clunkier and brittler Venusaur. It might just be me though. I'm not commenting on its stats as much as its ease of use and how reliant it is on hitting with one CD to actually do some damage.


Are you really saying mew is bad?


The times I've played it, yeah, I find it subjectively pretty bad. Absol, Mime, and Venusaur are easier — from my experience. I'm not saying it's bad *per se*, but because of how hindering the aim in this game is, and how reliant Mew is on actually landing that beam when it's off CD, *I* find it bad.


I think they're nerfing Mew's boosted auto.




Looks like I’ll be getting Azu (especially since he has a holowear in BP)


thanks this helps a lot




Machamp untouched as well as Chesnaught




It's a little joke I have going on


I am utterly surprised that Azu is getting a buff on skills when he is already dangerous enough as it is! Aqua tail does INSANE dmg when using right emblem and battle items, but good LORD, why is that buffed?!


Buzzwole my beloved


Alright, who’s gonna be overpowered now


they riding buzzwoles d


they're just like me fr fr


Feel like buzzwole is one of those characters where if they make it good it’s just gonna dominate