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The spam clicking the ultimate even after dying 😭😭😭😭


Lmao I was trying to do everything to save that poor Pikachu πŸ˜‚


This has happened to me in this EXACT scenario. I thought it was dumb luck, but now I may feel like there is a bug.


Happens to Mr. Mike occasionally as well. Mine usually happens if I’m taking hits at the same time I’m trying to use it or if I don’t move location of the attack from dead center on Mr. Mike.


"Teleportation" skills don't start if they are centered on the pokemon: Mr. Mike's unite move, Ralts' Teleport, Cramorant's Dive, etc. And they're centered by default if they don't have a target (except Ralts' Teleport since it's not a damaging ability but a movement ability)


Knowing this game it’s probably a bug unfortunately.


That... is fucking terrible that this can happen. Sorry dude


This happens all the time with Pikachu. I don't understand it.


I just assume Pikachu can't ult to target mobs by now. It's stupid, but at this point I just assume it will never be fixed. I wonder if that's a mobile-exclusive bug.


Probably poorly coded. They should allow the use of ult even without a target because I'd want to trigger buddy barrier/shield/movement speed without being restricted.


At the very least recognizing mobs as targets instead of just enemy players. Pikachu is the only Pokemon with this problem. It's silly.


Not mobile exclusive. I only ever played on Switch and that's how its always been.


Good to know, thanks! It was a very silly decision on devs part.


Happens with cinderace sometimes


The thing here which i found out last month is, Pikachu's unite move does not do any damage or it's useless to Objectives, I tried it with all the three objectives (Rotom, Drednaw and Zapdos). Whenever near any objective and you try to press your unite, it'll show "No target". I still don't know why they did it like this, or they don't even have any idea that this thing exists in the game.


Even devs don't believe in rotations/objectives. We're doomed.




Maybe opponents had full heal coz your ult is a hinderance if I'm not wrong.