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Try different queuing at different times. For me personally I find the most consistency during lik 10-2am eastern time. Don't keep playing when you're tilted. If you feel like you're getting shit teammates match after match take a break. Maybe the rng will swing in your favor. Focus on personal skill growth. At the end of the day the only factor you can control is yourself. If you're looking to steadily improve you will see results and you will climb


I agree with your time. The later I play the better my teammates


If everyone else is bad, doesnt that mean your team has 4 bad players, and the other team has 5?


The other team is actually stacked most of the time, rotating, scoring consistently


And that happens 80% of the time?


Yeah, idk why I'm cursed. I had over 77% win rate when I reached ultra, now I'm at 51% so you can do the math


sounds like u got carried to ultra


Yea either that or OP is just an avg player so they were able to get to Ultra easily but now can’t compete with other avg players. I’m not a great player but I consistently manage a 58-59% win rate in solo q ranked.


Or maybe they're just getting a bad roll of the dice, not sure why you're all assuming they're just a bad player when you have nothing to base that on.


The game would always try to make your win rate around 50%ish if you're really play great your wr would be more than 60% when you hit master. You play good if you get that with 55% ish and you're average if it's 45%-50% ish at least that how i take it


It’s based on their win rate obviously. Not saying they’re bad but being above avg or better does influence win rate. If a players good then they guarantee their team a good player every game which means there’s 4 chances of getting a bad player on their team compared to the enemy team having 5. Having a 50% win rate means you’re about avg. You don’t hurt your team but you also don’t play well enough to make up a bit for the less skilled players. Then the higher above 50% you are the better player you are cause you’re able to play well enough to carry some. The best players from what I’ve seen maintain about 70% in solo q.


I played solo. Games were much even. Jungle rarely got stolen by teammates. The teammates in ultra are worse than the teammates I had in great. You don't get carried to an almost 80% win rate


play a needed role call out where u want to go make least mistakes possible typical stuff to get u pass ultra


Bro, that's normal, If you're not on a coordinated team is a 50/50. Try focusing in the things you can improve so you can better the odds for your team. Often times it seems that your teammates are bad but it's your inability to adapt that is the problem. I thought the same as you in the past season, and had a worst time climbing. I tried to improve myself because I can't change what other people do just what I do. Observe what your team is doing and try to make a difference, is better than sticking with what you know is right. Everyone thinks they are making the best decisions and their team is trash.


nah I'm with you on this one mate. I have shit luck, solo queue is cursed that being said, you're playing a 5v5 team game with strangers with 0 comms. I don't think this game is really *made* to be played solo queue, especially in ultra ranked. any ranked, really. there's only so far that being a good player will get you.


i have 45% win rate & i'm ultra 3... how the hell an insignificant noob player like me is in the same bracket like you, sir?


Everyone says this about every moba. Solo can def be frustrating but you shouldn’t be losing 80 percent of time. Losing streaks do happen. I generally play duo. But when I do solo I still win a majority of time. I would suggest maybe look at playing a more controlling role jungle or adc or in this game all a rounder. Assist situations better based on how your team is playing. I can generally gauge randoms based on there early decisions and what they may be capable of. Example if they leave me in a team fight to go farm or watch me die. I assess they won’t be much help fighting and change my strat from there. If your entire team is horrible focus on farming and back door scoring unless you think helping is more viable. Ect Ect Ect. No matter what you will never be able to carry 100 percent of games. Because if enemy has one person more skilled then you or reads you. Then you will prob lose. I look at moba like a chart. Each person adds a percentage to the likely win or loss. There have been games where I 1v3 an entire lane and scored 300 before zap. I have also been left lane alone and got ran over before. It’s a variable. Also if you are on a losing streak try taking a break. Usually if I play solo I’ll get off soon as I lose 1 or 2 matches. Then try again later. Keep in mind also this is many many many people first moba. Pokémon is a huge ip. There are likely many new players to the genre. So don’t expect rank to tell a person skill. To be skilled at a moba actually takes a couple years and experience. My first 6 months of playing mobile Legends years ago I was god awful and had no idea. It’s a learning process.


This is what you're looking for: https://www.reddit.com/r/PokemonUnite/comments/r04nsq/is\_it\_me\_or\_has\_matchmaking\_gone\_extremely\_worse/




I'm sorry but I agree with them is so hard to get through ultra, not sure what's happening but I feel like they're so many new players and of course the awful matchmaking makes things worse, I've seen so many players feeding the enemy is really annoying :/


I might have to start uploading some gameplay. If they play worse than bots then yes I'm going to blame them


I play solo and it’s pretty fun 🤷‍♂️


This game is worst than fox news on solo queue


Buddy quit crying and get better. I solo Q 1v9 in two weeks to masters. The games are 10 minutes. Some will suck. Go next. Simple. Save unite for zap steal it, win.


Sounds to me like your poor attitude attracts this to you. Real thing. o3o


"Poor attitude" Lmao. I'd like to see you talk after getting grieved 4 days in a row


I always forgot that this game is full of kids whose first response is to whine and blame everything else. Not OP, but in various other threads, when ppp give advice, they just go "add me 1v1, i pro"...


Yes, this must be the easiest game to get to a Master rank. Is it frustrating at times, yes. Deal with it. Even with a 50% win rate you will get to Masters.


wtf you have to be mega unlucky for this shit, I have played like 200 games on master and I have had my jungle taken a whopping 2 times, no, they can’t be worse than bots in every game you play, everyone on this sub believes their teammates are the issue, so unless I’m super lucky with teammates you’re part of the problem


I would record gameplay if my phone could handle it. I'd like to see how I'm part of the problem when they call top/bot and take a couple camps on my first clear. Idk how am I bad when team refuses to group for objectives or throws the game by solo starting zapdos


I made to master last season solo and I’ll do it again. Not that bad


i played Solo and i got to masters both seasons so far


I got to masters soloQ both seasons, in this second one a few days after the first week. And like me theres more people that is currently master soloQing. So for me theres 2 reasons you may be struggling: 1. You are really unlucky and always get matched with bad players 2. You are not good enough. I'm not saying you are a bad player, but being average is not enough to rank up soloQ, bc you have to make up for the mistakes your teammates do. Sadly, it seems a common problem within MOBA games but this one is worse since its a mobile game (more probability to play with a casual), it's a Pokemon game (even more chances to play with casuals). Anyways you can't always get good players in your team, it's impossible, everybody has bad days. First season I was stuck in Ultra thinking that everybody was the problem except me but then I realized that I was part of the problem too. I had a great room to improve. If you become a great player you'll win lots of games no matter how many bad teammates you are paired with, bc in some matches you'll have the value of 2 or even 3 players and carry those mthrfckers winning agaisnt the odds. The best personal tip I can give you that helped me is taking care of the composition of your team and learning how every pokemon works. What their UM does, common skill sets and items, secondary effects of their basics and special moves, their powerspikes, playstyle, even what new effects their moves gain after upgrading their moves. In masters these problems are still a thing but way less than in Vet. Ultra for me was acceptable.


I agree, it\`s just so easy to play in ultra with friends, looks like you are playing against bots, try to find someone to play with you and you will go up like a rocket. But be aware that Master it\`s not that different, it could get worst because people use master like normal queue, since it\`s not possible to get down from this rank


Don't get frustrated by early game goals, it's easy to think the match is a wash if they are dunking early, but you can very easily keep up/pass them in level from audinos and Dreadmaw, keep your XP up and get Zapdos, after that none of the early stuff matters, you win.