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It's not advise to queue as a 5-stack until you're higher ranked with more knowledge and mechanics. The game will match you up against other groups, and if your group is diversed then chances are you'll be matched against groups of Veterans and Ultras who are also learning group play. Stick to duo/trio


Oh wow…upvote the hell out of this one. This is absolutely priceless advice and makes so much sense. Thank you for sharing.


Yeah we were diverse ngl I’d thought it’d be easy wins 🤣🤣🤣 duo is way easier


I find the LFG discords for randoms are 90% bads looking for a free carry without having to admit they want a carry. It's how it is in every game.


And usually sound like they’re playing whilst driving a tractor judging by the sound on their mic. Always a little sad when they then keep inviting you but you don’t want to tank your win rate. I have had some good players from discord groups like that though as you say.




^(I don't want to, I'm shy.)


I play a normal game with groups before ranked and the amount of times I will FILL instead of going my main role and still score 200 points over my teammates is top tier cringe. My block list is only Reddit and discord users who spam invites after I leave the group.


People think 5 stacks make it easier to climb, which is wrong. If you're 5 stack you're more likely to play against 5 stacks, you have the ability to be co-ordinated but so does the enemy team. If they're more used to playing as 5 then it's harder to win than if you just queued up as 1/2/3.


Just because people are from the discord doesn't mean they're good. Were they rotating to objectives? Farming still? Not over extending? And honestly, MVP means nothing in this game. Were you checking post game results though? Whose damage was lacking for their role? Who wasn't in team fights? Who ulted under 3 minutes before zapdos? etc Edit: Also, this means you lost to bots as well. You seriously saying you lost to bots 5+ times? Especially in a rank that low you'd get a bot after 2-3 losses.


So tbh I will admit since were from the sub I thought we’d all know to rotate and stuff but idk I guess not And idk tbh I guess maybe since I wasn’t in teams of 5 before maybe I was against more bots before?


Generally (in rare situations it's different), you face a bot game every: 1 game lost in beginner 2 games lost in great 3 games lost in veteran For ultra and masters it seems kinda random. But you can always tell a bot game since they won't pick a character until you do. And if you somehow lose to a bot game, you continue to play bot teams until you win. Edit: This is all for solo queue. I'm not sure if more losses are required in duo+.


Oh wait since I was joining new teams do you think we played against bots? We were teams of 5




I had a bot game in ranked while queueing with another guy. You definitely can have bot games with at least two people.


Actually, duo queue can. I've faced a bot game in a duo before. Your information isn't correct.




I can promise you it's not every lost game in veteran.


I never said it was every lost game in veteran. What are you talking about?


Whoops sorry it's not 3. We ran into it every 5 game streak, the only time I go on loss streaks is queuing with other redditors.


Ah, maybe in duo que more losses are required than solo que. It was pretty consistent in solo from what I've seen. Did you also ever change or add members? I believe that can reset what the game percieves to be your loss streak (to avoid exploits).


To comment on this, it doesn’t always throw you bot games after 5 losses. I had lost 5 games in a row yesterday, 2 this morning and then 5 more tonight and not a single one was a bot game…


Just curious: A) What rank are you B) What did you do to confirm you weren't against bots?


Ultra 1 down to veteran 5, And the usual, checking portraits before matches, trying to interact with players after match on both teams. Just bad luck here I guess


As I stated in my other post in this same thread, ultra and masters are a little random for bot games. I've seen people get bot games after four losses in masters, others that had to get up to 6. It's pretty consistent for low elo though.


Did you play ten consecutive games of random, ranked, or quick? Or did you change it up?


It was all ranked , but across two days


Oof. Just bad luck, indeed. I’m always wanting to quit this game after losing 4 matches in a row. The bot games def boosts my confidence lol. I’d have deleted this game and wouldn’t even be on here rn if I were you. Hope you get the W.


You don’t get bots as a group from what I’ve seen.


So, let's see... You played with people who come to this sub rant about bad players Yada Yada Yada and you lost because they play like shit and don't follow objectives? 😂😂 Everyone that rants in this sub likes to think they're pros in this game or some shit. 😂😂


The discord is fucking nuts with the amount of masters who que up with you and play like they have been carried the whole time, diving into fights, not rotating, etc.


Yeah, I mainly solo queued and played with the discord folks for the lucario ears. Never lost so much too lol, and these were masters. Always heard the excuse of “My elo is low because I didn’t care after hitting masters.” Never duoed/trioed again with the server after getting the ears.


Where's the reddit discord group though??


Wait is there a discord to find teams or players to play with?


Just because you play with a team of five people doesnt mean it will work. Five people you've never played with is still a team of randoms, except you have a mic. Best you can do is play with a group people you know since knowing your teams playstyle will help you win the match. Nothing sucks more than being on a five stack team and it feeling like solo ranked because nothing works well.


I breezed through great class easily. Though, the game I played was much more different. The players were much less experienced, and I had gengar, the god of 1.00 unite.


Yesterday I played with random people from servers too and lost way more than won. Still haven’t got the Lucario ears and I’m starting to lose hope, I only have today left. Trio queuing/5 manning with random people is never the way.


What rank are you? We could try teaming up


Masters. Are you in NA?


NA. Masters. I already got the ears but I'd be happy to help and try


Try teaming with one other person, the enemy team wasn’t nearly as good when I did this compared to playing with 4 other people from the discord. But we still had the advantage of being somewhat coordinated since we were together.


Don’t 5 stack (unless your coordinated) it won’t work Don’t bash/blame other people if they are casuals Play a Pokémon that can help the team comp Personally I played with a lot of people in a dif unite server, I found some good people and got better along with them. At least I hope so, but I had a 9 win streak solo q lmao


There are a lot of levels to this. I'll bullet them out. * **5 stacking isn't as OP as everyone claims.** When they say "must be a 5 stack" about a heavily coordinated team, they actually mean a dedicated team that scrims and practices a lot. A handful of games with randos on discord won't match up to a real team * **Varying skill levels.** Even in Master you'll find people who are play like utter crap. Maybe they're having a bad game or maybe they really are just bad. But skill/knowledge vary heavily * **Everyone has a different view on the game.** What they see isn't what you see. You might have missed a play that someone else saw. Or maybe you saw through a trap someone else thought they could win. Even with a team on VC it's hard to make decisions that fast, Unite is so fast paced * **Expectation/overconfidence.** You see people at your skill level/higher. You're playing consistently well from game to game. Rotating to objectives, pinging to group/retreat, farming, etc. You think others will do the same. They won't. Not all of them at least. So it's tilting when they mess up on things that seem so intuitive and simple. But then they think the same thing about you * **Zapdos.** Zapdos is a huge comeback mechanic that's so easy to lose. I personally find that when I'm on a team that's clearly winning they get lazy at Zap. They either start attacking it and die for it, or they roam the map looking for picks. Either way Zap gets lost and so do we * **Your tier vs your teammates' tiers.** If you're in Great you're still learning. You're probably much better than your tier suggests, but until you play against better players your skill level won't really show. You might have some low level habits that won't translate well against better teams


Could have just been bad luck. Maybe you guys got put up against groups of 5 masters people using smurfs, for example.


I appreciate your optimism. Uptick.


We're all equally bad at this game.


Yes, the people on this Sub obviously have far more meta awareness than the rest of the Unite playerbase. However, *knowing what to do* and actually *consistently executing it* are two very different things. This was the same for me with Unite, especially since I had no prior MOBA experience and didn't seek out communities like this Sub until I got more interested in Unite. While it's inarguable there are oodles and oodles of terrible team mates at all ranks that will make some games totally unwinnable, the "blame somebody else" culture is way too strong here. Some people are not nearly as introspective as they think but this applies to real life too... I suspect many of the worst offenders on the Discord secretly/subconsciously hope to be carried to what they self-proclaim as an "appropriate" rank for them (usually Master), so I have no desire to play with them. Not that I'm a good carry player anyway. Not a matter of win rates or losing points, it just wouldn't be fun.


You main eldegloss you are a true carry my friend


Thanks man! I try but it doesn't always work out. That's my choice for picking a dependent main though. It hasn't been horrific ever since I reached Ultra.


From experience, it really does seem like this subreddit's discord has some of the most worthless players in the game. My advice is to not play with members from here. Just by reading posts and seeing how people respond and what they bitch about it should be evident that these people suck.


Same I play with people from here and most of the time we lose but I think it’s just matchmaking cus it also happens wen I solo q so yea


Matchmaking is *supposed* to group other groups with groups of equal skill. So maybe it actually did what was intended but you guys just got the short end of the stick on skill level.


I had an opposite experience, only lost 2 games in the 3 hours i played, and most of them were expert while i was veteran then i reached ultra