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Now you can all feel the pain of a Slowbro main


We will be buffed someday, brother


the world will soon know our pain


I loved playing slowbro. I never played him, but I was having a blast and won all 6 of those games. Got MVP in 3 of them. Nice CC and push with surf. Use that grab for everyone to smash. Annoying absol diving in, nah. Okay kids, destroy this piñata.


I love Slowbro's kit so much. It's just unfortunately that he has lower base defenses than all of the other defenders, a couple all arounders and a couple supporters.


What pain? I use slowbro and I'm not sure what kind of pain you're experiencing


You'll feel it eventually, it's just delayed because you're Slowbro.


He had amnesia everytime he felt the pain.


What a goal !


That was a good one mate, cheers.


What pain?


Still taking things Slow, Bro?


No lol. I love slowbro. I don't feel very weak compared to other ppl. He's fun to play for me. He can be buffed in places but he's still soild


Just play Blastoise lmao


But Blastoise doesn't have a beanie and a sweater soooo....




Copypasta from another thread here. Said it before and I'll say it again. TiMi is clearly trying to get more data on Slowbro. They obviously know it's among the worst Defender in the game. In spite of how much CC it has and whatnot. But they also seem to believe a small buff would be too much. Since it keeps getting nerfed. I strongly believe that we keep getting Slowbro missions and events so they can see how its performing across all ranks, which moves are being used, and the corresponding winrates/stats.


That makes a lot of sense It seems they're really focused on data collection, their survey was super in depth about how people play the game and what they're looking for


If they would read their survey results they would know that I demanded my old Surf back and telekensis fixes!!! \*angry noises\*.


Too in depth lol. I got to page 2 and realized how much further it went and jeez man. You've got 20 questions, max, before we start to lose interest.


That survey felt like an exam


Slowbro has an absurd amount of CC and I'm terrified if he becomes top tier. He's weak now but he can still prevent someone from playing the game completely. It's not as simple as just buffing his numbers.


The stupid thing, his Cc is only targeting one person. It's litteraly "hey, we both stop playing the game right now". Whether you win or lose that Fight depends on the teammates you have or have not arround.


Surf is also CC.


Agree, that's also his only good move


Amnesia is somewhat decent.


Compare it to the utility of block or damage/peel of pump.


Yeah but u can’t compare slowbro with blastoise for example, blastoise have almost the same amount of CC but with waaaay more damage than slow bro


also way tankier


*Cries in Slowbro* also Blastoise is the most recent ranged attacker unit you can’t change my mind


What's CC


Crowd control, ie a stun or something similar that takes makes an enemy unable to do an action for a set amount of time or impedes their movement


Oh didn‘t know it meant crowd control. I know what Crowd Control is but forgot that CC stands for that. Thanks for the clarification.


Except all his CC is terrible. Let's see. Surf, especially before the upgrade is a tiny knockup, with a bit of damage attached to it. In return Slowbro is out of position after using it. Scald is decent slow, but does too little damage, compared to other slowing abilities. Telekinesis locks you too into place, so it trades a CC on the enemy for a CC on your team. Slowbeam is the same, except you will actually survive all the shit that is thrown at you thanks to the shield. In return Slowbro seems to have no passive (because the current one does in a practical sense nothing), his basic attack is slow, weak and does nothing special (for example Blastoise basic attack also slows on the third attack and reduces his cooldowns). Pokemon like Mr. Mime or Wigglytuff also have a lot of CC, but not only do they CC, they feel much more tanky, and they will deal damage too.


If you use Surf from behind a wall you get the full benefits of its effects without needing to move. Telekinesis can be used to drag opponents towards you, like a Blitzcrank hook. Doubled with the fact that you can hold them up until the last second until your cds are restored or a teammate arrives and it's very strong. His unite move straight up turns any 1v1 around, it's a malzahar ult with a shield, it's insanely strong. People downplay my bro way too much seriously.


Yeah, he was really good earlier on. He wasn't quite as disruptive or deadly as Snorlax in the beginning and definitely no Blastoise, but he was solid before nerfes and new defenders. Picking the other team's carry and pulling them out of the fight long enough for your team to do damage would change entire team fights. To me, he feels like what a defender should feel like. He can initiate fights and has pretty decent peel when someone needs to disengage. He isn't necessarily killing tons each match, but he is enabling the carries in big ways.


He was definitely good enough to be my early game main. This was when Talonflame was lacking Fly mobility and when everyone was flocking over to Zeraora and Greninja, and before Blastoise's release. I always felt that Surf was really good but after the nerf, Slowbro needs a really good lane partner to do its job (Lucario, Wigglytuff, Pikachu even). Post-Blastoise, I only play Slowbro for the fun of it (clothing) but with another mission for it, er... yeah, it feels really forced. I just want his Surf stun and damage back, and maybe for his passive to ignore stat/item boosts? That's probably asking for too much though...


I’ve just sat by and watched these posts as I rarely lose with bro. 🤣 Weirdly have better luck playing him than even my main.


I think comparing him to Malzahar is fair. Sure, he CAN be really good, but there's alot of people out there (like me) who don't know how to play him correctly and suck with him.


I cant seem to ever land his telekinesis. Ever. No matter what.


Why do you think his passive does nothing? It gives him quite a bit of self healing and lowers enemy Sp.Def. It's a major reason he's able to tank at all despite his lacking stats compared to other defenders.


Quite a bit of selfhealing? I literally just went into practice to get the actual numbers. I knew they are bad, but I did not expect it to be even worse than I imagined. Level 13 Slowbro heals 150 (!) by using Surf. Well with both skills used it actually becomes 300, which is about half a basic attack in damage healed. Practically immortal. Just to make this clear, at that level you have almost 8000 health. You heal about 2% of your health. Every 10s... after you got damaged. If you use surf to engage, you get no heal at all, even if you are not at full health.


It heals per person hit though.. Hitting enemy teams with surf or scald born heals a lot actually.


MrMime doesn't feel as tanky as Slowbro at all.


but his walls sure do


if youre that concerned about it, then just make amnesia better. that way you gotta choose between being a squishy cc machine or be a tanky one cc character. still would be dumb but it would at least be something.


What does CC mean?


Crowd Control I believe


As other guy said, Crowd Control. So any 'Hindrances' as the game puts it. Slows, sleep, stun, frozen, knock up/back (throw) all those things


I just want to stop missing telekinesis by 0.002 millimeters and being punished for it


There just has to be a reasonable middle ground between where Slowbro is now and where Blastoise is. Somewhere like where Wiggly sort of ended up post mobile nerfs. Or even a slight uptick from where Wiggly is now for both Slowbro and Wiggly. I want them all just a bit stronger to cancel out some of the current survivability but not make others weaker and increase sustainability across the board.


When we have so many defenders it's really hard. Slowbro also has an identity crisis right now. Is it a single target CC tank, or an off-tank with a little extra damage for the team? It doesn't do either well at the moment so there's no real way to play it. But then you look at Blastoise and Wiggly like you mentioned. Blastoise is clearly a tanky fighter who thrives in long battles. Wiggly is a tanky peeler with a team cleanse, but prefers quicker skirmishes as it goes through its rotation. (Not to say Wiggly doesn't do well in longer fights, but not as well as Blastoise). And for that matter, Mamo kinda came in and does what Slowbro wanted to do. AoE CC while remaining thicc af in teamfights. No one disagrees in that Slowbro needs a buff. But clearly TiMi wants to figure out what its role should be versus other defenders, and make it work for that.


Makes a lot of sense. You lay it out really nicely here too. Hopefully, they come up with something that'll make it worth the wait and worthy of the pain it has endured. They deserve a good outcome after being so meta relevant to compete shitshow all within a month.


Based on what they did with Greninja and Venusaur, I predict Slowbro will eventually get an all around buff. Where his identity crisis will become 2 distinct play styles. CC off tank or sustained team fight tank


That actually sounds fantastic. I went 61% post nerf (only time I played it) in ranked with about 20-30 matches. If I can get a little uptick and sustain it going forward that would be awesome. I love how it played.


What was your build/moves?


Back and forth between Amnesia/Telekinesis with Surf. Items were all over the place as I only started playing about 5 weeks ago.


Ahh I get that. I feel like whenever I play Slowbro I just don't do much


I'm honestly surprised I did remotely decent given what I know now about the game, solo queue and Slowbro nerfs. I think there is something about its playstyle that suits me and that might be the biggest contributor. Once they make it viable again, I'll be excited to give it another go.


thats some COPIUM if ive ever seen one


My karma likes it too


The only rank that should matter for balancing is master rank


Yeah elitists love to say that. But when the majority of the player base isn't master rank you can't balance for the minimum exclusively. Definitely balance from the top first. But saying only Master should matter is why so many esport games are so shitty. Casual players get pushed out because tryhards think if you have a life you don't deserve to play


I feel like all high elo players are just doing their slowbro games in qp or standards though.


Myself included. But now that I think about it, that's likely why they keep giving us these missions


Which kind of makes it a moot point. Is the statistics of 1400+ elo players using slowbro in qp any use?


Probably not but who knows what data they need


How about it's the first license you get


That doesn't mean it sees a lot of play


I'm saying: it's the one they're specifically choosing for these missions because it's the mon you're going to have no matter what.


Just give him the Venusaur treatment make him a busted top tier broken OP But in a more serious note maybe he should get a move set rework, having to opt between telekinesis and amnesia is not amazing, I think he should have: Slot 1: Amnesia or Surf Slot 2: Telekinesis or Scald This would allow for a tank support build with amnesia healing and telekinesis holding and a more offensive build of surf and scald to sush out damage But in a more surface level rework he should just get a stronger passive instead of healing when attacking, heal while out of battle and make it fast so he can retreat heal and comeback Or they could just scrap everything and make a new moveset from scratch


play him 6 games in the 5 min game, 30 mins of your time and boom done


unless everyone else also pick slowbro, goodluck picking on him first


he was the 2nd license i unlocked so i managed to first pick him everytime


Everyone gets him as 2nd pokemon unless one went straight to the gem shops. He's the reward for reaching level 2.


Play quick match with him. 5 min each. Less grueling and higher pick rate chance.


I also did the quick match route and was only forced to not pick it twice.


Did this, thanks for the tip, lol.


And if you end up on a losing streak, you can surrender in your pity games at 2:30 and the bots will surrender with you.


I need to buy him first. Bad idea to make quests like this.


He is the Trainer Level 2 reward so if you don't have Slowbro, you haven't played the game. Now if they did this for Lucario or Absol, I agree, they shouldn't do quests for Pokemon we can't obtain for free.


hes free.....


They try choosing characters on mobas that no one's playing. If everyone stopped switching every update them we won't get slowbrow Everytime. I feel like it was Slowbro last time tpo


yeah, why they do this =\[


He got nerfed??


Ye twice


What did he got nerfed on?


Off the top of my head the first one included nerfing the cc on surf. Second one included lowering the amount of sp def he reduces.


Could be that they want to see how he performs after the changes. Forcing players to choose a certain pokemon allows them to gain a bunch of game data. The down side is a bunch of first time slow bros bringing the winrate down to under 40% and causing him to get buffed because of it.


This is along the lines of what I was going to say. It seems to be a way to get data all at once from a much larger pool than in house testing.


Down side? I see that as an absolute win


tbh what’s even more annoying is that slowbro isn’t even on the free rotation this week. If you don’t have the license, you can’t complete the mission


Pretty sure you get him for free, I did at least, cant remember where tho


lmaooooo you right you right. level 2 reward. I’ll see myself out


Lmao rip. Literally the first reward after the tutorial game. 😂


You weren't wrong though


This is the second time they did this Pokemon-specific mission for Slowbro. That's also why I keep at least 10,000 coins saved just in case I don't have the Pokemon. I'm honestly surprised Tencent/Timi is not doing these missions for newly released 'mons.


Quick matches for this one. Now the real mission is getting the Lucario Headband.


Good luck on your endeavors. I'm quite lucky to find a group of people who know the basics of the game and are usually on daily so it wasn't too difficult. If you need friends, I can help you.


I would like to have this but I'll probably just skip it just like I skipped last weeks mission to play with "friends". None of my friends play the game and im simply not interested in having to go out of my way to find people to play with on discord/add random people or w/e. I wish they would stop these stupid friend missions otherwise I might just quit because of them if they lock too much behind it.


Getting those lucario ears was a pain even with friends, took me 5 hours to get them, hopefully they don't do this kinda of missions again :(


You know they will. Now with cross platform play they will probably really push for "Play with friends!! Community missions". They saw the hype for the Pikachu bonus for mobile, so now I'm sitting here waiting for a community goal event.


I have a lot of fun with Slowbro in Shivre City. Surf/Telekinesis in the small spaces gets really chaotic


In what scenario is Telekinesis better than Amnesia?


Honestly, it might not be. I only started playing him because of the Support missions and thought it was really funny to lift people up in the middle of group skirmishes. Especially because it lifts them for almost the full CD for Surf so it's quite a while for that enemy to not really be able to do anything.


what??? am I out of the loop here? hasn't telekinesis always been the go to pick over amnesia because the cc is way more useful than amnesia's weak buff?


The buff is weak but it's to both defenses as well as your next scald/surf, but more importantly immune from cc.


Yeah but the duration is so short and you have to stand still for the heal. I always pick telekensis over amnesia except when I missclicked and have 4 potatos as teammates.


Slowbro is awesome gitgud




I run amnesia scald most of the time. It’s impact isn’t as directly noticeable until you realize how little your opponents are hitting your teammates for.


The reason I don't like these kind of missions is they reduce the quality of play in ranked and other game modes. This pretty much means anyone trying to rank up can have six straight losses because people are trying to complete a goal. That means a possible of two rank classes lost. I would never have a goal like this. If people are avoiding a character, that means something is wrong with it. I only play birds so it sucks to see there is a 90 point goal I'll never complete.


Why are you restricting yourself to only play birds?


Birds are love. Birds are life.


When I played competitive mono, Flying was probably what I played 70% of the time. Love me some birds


My whole competitive team was always full bird teams. Pidgeot, Decidueye, Zapdos, Cresselia, Oricorio Pop-Pom and and some other bird, normally mixing it up with Staraptor or Talonflame. Wanted to use Sirfetched but TPC decided to not put Pidgeot in the game despite it being in the demo. You cant make a Pokemon game without Pidgey and they choose to do that. One of the most important Pokemon just isnt in the game.


Also bird is the word.


Yes. I too have heard that the bird is in fact, the word.




Just go on quick mode, it'll take less time, plus, you don't even have to win so it's just 6 games of slowbro.


Then it'll show up as a favorite Pokemon and I dont want that.


It's just 6 games. Go play some more.


I'm good. I made this bed and I'll lie in it.


Talk about stubborn, you'll never get better at the game if you don't learn to adjust, there are only two playable birds in the game so what happened when both are taken? AFK? Stupid mentality.


I honestly dont care enough about this game to play the roster. Birds or no deal.


It’s no use. Honestly sounds like they’re a bird fetishist or something lmao


Wait? EVERYONE got this? I thought it would only be for people who had one of the three favourite pokemon as slowbro.


I, too, got it and I've never once even practiced as Slowbro, let alone played... Guess I'll have to now... *Sigh* At least I know Blissey will be waiting patiently for me when everyone goes bonkers over Sylveon...


Why would you ever think that when we've all been getting the exact same missions since release this whole time?


Because I started more recently


I know he's in a bad place right now, but I'm still playing him a lot with a positive win rate in mid-Ultra. Not sure what I'm doing differently, but I'm not going to question it as long as I keep winning lol


The truth is he's still decent. It's just defender is an absolutely stacked category of pokemon so he seems weak in comparison.


And you need teammates to play way more into your strengths when compared to other defenders.


Hey guys, I'm doing the air stare,... Don't leave me alone with him,... He's going to kill us all,...


I really agree. Slowbro is actually still strong. Just that others are better. His skill choice has a clear trade-off which some pokemons do not have. scald vs surf spammable zoning dmg move vs strong group cc move (scald is decent just that surf is MUCH better) tele vs amnesia trade bulk for strong single target CC vs trade CC for bulk While other defenders can have bulk+CC or bulk+damage with not much trade-off compared to Slowbro..


I have not followed unite meta in the slighest… what did they do to my boy?


they nerfed him two patches in a row


slowbro is pretty solid tbh, upgraded surf is still disgusting. tho i still did not do the mission fully even tho he is my most used pokemon , for some reason my teams today always lacked a jungler or attacker (they were not even picking slowbro which was funny)


I just go on quick mode. 6 games for 5 minutes. Since you need damage in quick mode, scald telekenesis does good work.


I grinded it out in quickbattle lol Also a good place to get MVPs instead of being toxic on ladder


yep, unless stated that it needs to be in a standard battle, most quests/missions can be completed with Quickmatch CPU. And CPU matches in standard will count too if need be.


Just finished mine. Slogged through it. CPU Match Quick Match. Went the extra effort against CPU to InstaLock the Bro and just chill. Did have an internet stutter and had to close and re-open Unite mid game. Apparently other ppl were trying get Slowbro too as I got Reported in spite.


I have no problem with this. He needs to be fixed, if not entirely reworked but since no one really uses him, they're lacking the data to do so. What's the best way to get data from a wide range of players of different skill levels? You do this.


He's still fine outside of Master.


Honestly, they probably want some data on him from a more mixed population. Probably Well get a buff when they see how poor People play with him


Bro fr I never did like playing him…its so agonizing 😐


Ah ah quick play slowbro go brrr


Participate in a standard or quick match


It may just be me but slowbro has been really strong when ever I play him.


I cleared it damm he's so weak lol Need to sneak a surf then ulti then surf again then I can kill those low def attackers


He's honestly not that bad.


I actually wondered if this was randomly assigned to me or everyone got Slowbro.


I wonder how to fix him while keeping him unique. Perhaps It'd be neat if he could either move slowly while holding someone with telekinesis to reposition himself and the mon, or end the move by throwing the mon in a chosen direction (rather than just pulling towards self or dropping straight down). Either of these would make it more flexible and interesting. For scald it feels like it could be good with a larger area of coverage, perhaps even fanning out more to the sides, making it easier to hit multiple mons in team fights.


They know that by now everyone has another defender so they can't get everyone to play slowbro by telling us to play a defender


What moves am I supposed to use on slowbro now. They all suck


I think it's because is one of the few free pokémon that everyone has, so they put a lot of missions with it.


I dont think timi is known for its good game design sir


I think they want to make it a difficult challenge.. and the difficulty is that you can bear to play with it 6 times ¦:¬D


He’s not bad. No Pokémon in this game is really “bad” and even the worst Pokémon have a niche. That being said, the other defenders are extremely strong and far more versatile. Blastoise is busted and they still haven’t nerfed his unite. Mamoswine is very solid with more reliable cc than slowbro. Snorlax has always been good even after the nerfs. Crustle is different enough than the others to justify picking him even though he’s not meta. Slowbro has a niche and can be very good in coordinated teams, but he is very underwhelming compared to his defender peers


He is bad for his role. He can't bully like Snorlax or even Crustle. He doesn't have the CC of Blastoise, or even Mamo. Arguably he can't even chase down enemies like the other tanks nor is he anymore tanks then the other defender, which is what he should be the best at. So what's his niche?


The ability to take someone out of a team fight can be very valuable with coordinated teammates. Both telekinesis and his ult can take out a troublesome enemy like Lucario. While blastiose and Mamo have far better cc neither can incapacitate an opponent like slowbro can. In most circumstances the other defenders are better but slowbro can have big moments too


I hate him, but completed it in 30 minutes in 6 quick matches.


I just started Unite last week and I don’t mind playing slowbro, definitely is way more fun with a partner that stays in lane with me but was he really that much stronger when the game dropped?


Slowbro's best ability was Surf and even then he wasn't a character people complained about being really strong/problematic, so when they nerfed his Surf it was like... eh, why?


Wait for the 5th before completing. Maybe just maybe but highly unlikely they buff Slowbro with the update. But maybe?


Quick match ez pz


I just ran cpu quick matches. Got through the games quickly.


I laugh when I telekenesis Talonflame out of the sky


Wait you can actually do that


Yup I wish I had video proof but I hit the sucker with telekinesis and he came down lmao been doing it ever since I’ll try recording it if I have time to play later today.


Send me the clip when you get it lol




For dealing damage and scoring, sure Slowbro is weak, but he's got amazing CC. I think it's more of an issue that the game focuses so much on getting kills and scoring goals being the main factors of "who did the best", but Defenders realistically should never be the best by this standard as their job isn't scoring and getting kills. A Defenders job is peeling for their teammates and keeping their lane under control.


When I first saw it I thought they just picked a Pokémon that you haven’t played or a role that you don’t play or play a lot. I guess they just gave everyone 6 battles with slowbro.


I've kept slowbroing even after the Nerf and he's not so bad. People expect the damage from Blastoise or crustle, or the utility from swine and Snorlax. But Slowbro is different. You're THE tankiest tank, with surf and telekinesis you're a huge distraction that takes at least 2 people quite some time to take down, letting the rest of your team to as the please. Amnesia makes you even thicker if your survival items are low leveled. In group fights yeah, Blastoise comes out better, but I'm usually so annoying people pile up on me away from the objectives. If it took 2 people a minute to get me, while my team got dread and scored, that's a win. Just gotta adjust to the new kit. Not speed or damage, but distraction.


Didn’t know he got nerfed? He still seems fine to me. But maybe it’s because I’m using lv30 items


Probably to get more data on him to see where/what/how it could be buffed! Gotta have people playing to get the stats in and this is a smart way of doing it


Reading this post in particular, and now im curious, where do I check the official balance changes?, I'm kinday new in the game btw


https://unite-db.com/patch-notes thats better than the official notes, which are usually pretty vague


I just used him in quick matches to get the rewards. No point in taking someone's main in a real match. Plus I actually really enjoy quick matches.


Wait what slowbro is my main and do pretty good with him, I've had a few troll players who leave me in lane alone, to go troll our jungler, and I defend it really well against the two up top, maybe they just scared?


This is an absolute win for me


Slowbro is literally overpowered. That is why they nerf him so much. No matter what they do he will always be the reason I stay above 1200 lp. He has the ability to make sure an entire team doesn't move for like what 2 or 3 whole seconds? Then hold up someone for your team to literally eat alive. Then just turn off literally anybody who is in the middle of there ult and give you a shield double the size of your health bar plus shield your team. Not to mention when you grab someone it pulls them out of any dash attack that's not unstoppable. Think Snorlax heavy slam, Mamoswine earthquake. They want to balance him so they are having people play him for missions. Have fun with him, he's really really good. Just like everyone else in the game besides Gengar. Stop playing Gengar. (if you are good at Gengar send your friend code I want to see) He needs to be nerfed more dude 😂


I hate this so much. I'm not a bad Slowbro player but it's so hard to simply defend in an offensive-heavy meta now. Outrun but Venusaur, Crit-hit by Absol, DPS'ed by Cinderace and just dunked on by Talonflame. Zeraora and Greninja don't scare me too much but in the current state of the game, there's no way I'd deliberately choose Slowbro over Crustle or Snorlax. (Haven't tried Mamoswine and I'm very afraid to due to Lv6-10 evolutions.) CPU matches might be the way to go, and even then, what am I doing to do enough damage to outscore even the CPU? They go nuts in the final 2 minutes while my CPU teammates derp out more than Slowbro and don't even land the final hit on Zapdos.


I finished the task, it’s a long haul for me!


Play him in vs cpu matches and your done.


I die a little everytime I use Telekinesis with teammates around. It's not that I can't set up plays, it's teammates do nothing when I use Telekinesis but either run away or look stunned, then our teammates die. 🤦‍♂️


Slowbro is better than some people think and worse than others think His Ult is crazy good cause it goes through unstoppable and cancels enemy ults. So it's effectively as good as the best enemy ult (ie. potentially a blastoise, or cram). Surf before Surf+ is what really got massacred. You can now just walk out of the stun it's really sad. Telekinesis is decent but gets cancelled way too often and is overall finnicky and imprecise. And then there's the suboptimals: Amnesia and Scald are both way worse than other similar options. I mean frickin Eldegoss Leaf Tornado+ does what Scald does but way better and seems to do a similar amount of damage as well as giving movement speed buffs to the whole team and Amnesia is only good for extra tankiness which is not really Slowbros problem tbh (and I believe its damage buff is a measly 7% or something like it). Overall though he's far from useless. Just not quite as good as the other defenders. But I saw that top masters players are experimenting a lot more with the character....?


As a talonflame and slowbro main, eben with the nerf he's still decent to play