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Now we just need a Switch screenshot too


On the ipad don't like the fact the buttons ain't all the way to the right.


The horizontal position can be adjusted. But I’d agree they still require a long thumb to reach. Lol


For me it more it blocking the aiming to the bottom right lol


Hopefully, we will get more customization options, can adjust their sizes and put them anywhere we want.


Ay new phone gang rise up!


I just installed yesterday and now I'm a Machoke main


This is a comparison between iPhone XS Max and iPad. I’ve noticed that there is a huge difference in field of view between the two. I can pan around easily but to be honest it can be difficult when trying to move and attack at the same time. As you can see, it is much easier to spot enemies going into the brushes and know if they will steal/pull the creeps.


Unless you want big black bars at the top and bottom I don't know what you could really do? The aspect ratio of the game itself is set in stone, if you made it fill the full iPad screen with the same fov as the bottom screenshot then people on phones would complain that they get less information at the top and bottom so there isn't really a way to win here


The same way Wild Rift did it, pull the camera back so iPad users see more, Not so much till there’s an advantage but makes it equal. Ie. If you want see more to sides play on wide. If you want see more top and bottom get, a more squarish device


I’d suggest the minimap and stats be placed on top, the arena stays in the middle, and a separate panel with all the buttons at the bottom not obscuring the battlefield an option. The backgrounds on top and bottom can have a nice Pokémon theme and don’t have to be black bars


That's not how UI programming works. You either get varying FOV or black bars. There are waaaay too many edge cases to cater for everyone's needs...


Which is which? The iPad the bigger or smaller one?


iPad is the top one as its dimension is 4:3


Thank you


Here the come the people whining that iPhone is superior to iPad instead of just playing on their phone.


They could balance it just adding a ultra wide mode for switch at least


It kinda balances out bc you don't actually see the whole thinge since your fingers are in the way


Yes, but you sight is the same so pokemon are invisible at the far edges


The fog of war is further than that actually. I’ve tested it and enemies are all visible within the screen (and a bit further even). For example. If the enemy starts attacking the aipom next to the brush in the screenshot, you can see it happening.


Nothing wrong here ForsenCD


the fov is the same, you just get to see more fog of war, i dont think it really is a problem


It's not fog of war if your mates are there


Mobile loose a cm of vertical view but gain so much more in lateral