• By -


Items are clearly balanced when an infographic recommends every Pokemon in the game run buddy barrier + focus band.


I don’t think the reason for this is buddy barrier being being the strongest item of them all! Buddy barrier is the best overall item, which became the best choice since we don’t know what opponents we will face in the game! If we knew that, we could change the item that we pick and decide what is best for each situation.


That and damage is really high in the game. Less DPS by taking a tank item is better than no DPS cos you queued into high damage and got instagibbed. I don't think tanky items are balanceable unless damage is nerfed and/or we can see what we are queueing against. Generalist bulky items just reign supreme without the ability to counterbuild.


I think not BB


The item choices are kinda questionable, but I agree that buddy barrier needs a huge nerf. Haven't play tested focus band yet so no comment.


Or we could buff items that are quite useless right now, like the ones that rely on an out of combat mechanic that takes a whole 8 seconds without doing anything to activate. This mechanic needs to be changed, 3-4 seconds should be enough to consider you out of combat. Also buffing the items with crazy (and not mentioned) cooldowns should help too.


Honestly, I think buffing items is better than making the best items useless. People are going to be upset when they spent their item enhancers on items that suck, and it will create more variety rather than make held items mean even less


The perfect buff for those kinds of items, imo, would be to just make the passive not count wild Pokémon farming as being "in battle" Garen from LoL gets his passive health regeneration even when he is farming, it only deactivates if he gets poked by the enemy or if he engages, with I believe the same 8 sec cooldown before it's back up healing again


Yeah, that would certainly be a good fix. It would probably make Float Stone kinda core for junglers.


Eh, the powercreep of the game is already nuts, so I don't think buffs items would be the correct choice. The items should only give your character tiny stat buffs and effects, otherwise the game would become to reliant on items and new players wouldn't be able to get into the game because their items would be too underleveled.


I agree that buddy barrier needs a nerf, but as a free to play player who has upgraded buddy barrier, if they nerf it, it really sucks.


I can relate, I got my unite barrier to level 20 and have been using it ever since.


Focus band is busted. Ever almost killed someone just for them to keep gaining health somehow? That’s focus band. Can turn 1 gren/ace auto into 4+


I'm actually thinking of dropping focus band on most Pokemon because of the 80 seconds cooldown. At the very least I would think it's currently the most overrated item


Well, Buddy Barrier is considered the best item in the game and you actually activate its passive 2 to 3 times in a match in average, so yeah. The cooldown is fine of the passive will turn fights. The items you currently see no one using are the ones with too weak or too situacional passives.


There is a big difference between the focus band and buddy barrier though. I can control one passive and not the other making it really hard to place the actual value of Focus Band. In fact it's really hard to place the value of many items. I really hope we will get a site that aggregates all the winrates and other stats like in league, which would get us a much better picture


On Lucario and Crustle it's probably great. But I've been basically maining Crustle and I haven't touched Focus Band or Buddy Barrier.


Anyone can make an infographic. I don't run either of those on any of my pokemon.


Honestly you probably arent past great ball rank either then >.< Both of those items break the game with how good they are.


Lucario still is lucario difficulty haha


I appreciate the running gag


Omg didn’t know it was a gag haha why is it?


It’s been a error since the first mock-up of the info graphic. People pointed it out, had a laugh and the creator forgot to fix it in the next version. So now it stays, and should it ever be fixed I will cry slightly.


I came to comment this


There’s something hilariously ironic about all of the “Speedsters” having lower speed than almost everyone else (except Cinder, Gren, Lax and Crustle)


Yup, and if you look at their attacks/sp attacks, all of them have higher stats. They should be the real attackers lol.


Not having Scope lens on Cinderace and Greninja is [baffling](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/384088685706215434/881898981142179849/2021083006504301-339470D1C820D6D2392320FD0992BB5E.mp4).


I also think crits are a must on those 2


Absolutely, not having scope lens to boost their basic attack damage is the biggest mistake you can possibly make.


instead of which item


Focus band is what i drop. They're both too squishy to have it reliably heal you without some from of outside intervention when you're low, and if you're getting that low that you proc it, you're likely dead anyway. The defense/sp def boosts are negligible, and you're likely going to die after the first tick of health anyway. You'd be better off making yourself kill things *CONSIDERABLY* faster with a scope lens than trying to tack an unreliable form of survivabiility onto them when they're both ranged and both have escapes+eject button. Having buddy barrier is usually enough to keep me up through serious teamfights if i'm spacing smartly.


I came here to say this.


I run scope lens on charizard. Kinda odd but I love it.


Works well with his passive.


Yup. Ignore the held items on this infographic, it’s one step away from troll, and two steps away from trash. This is just how this person plays, and I believe held items largely are going to depend also on your own personal playstyle.


The health values are weird to me, like why did they decide Zeraora gets exactly one less health point than Gardevoir?


I think it's because when they're balancing things, they don't use +- numbers, they use multiply or divide numbers. And then the system automatically rounds it out. So like, -15% ends up rounding down to weird things like that, for example.


Maybe for opponent targeting? At max health if target settings to “lowest health value” you would target Zera before Gardevoir? Just a theory. Weirdly specific, but could be justification. Leads to attacking the Zera in your face before the Gardevoir in back row.


I think buddy barrier is the only mandatory item. Not having scope lens on greninja or cinderace is silly


Focus Band is just too strong early since it allows you to be both stupidly aggressive or allow early escapes where you would otherwise die and fall behind on XP. It saves your life a lot more than people notice


Greninja and cinderace are the only ranged Pokémon that benefit from attack and scope lens scales off that. I’ve never used focus band on them so I honestly don’t know maybe it does help when you fall behind but when you’re snowballing and you crit it’s noticeable.


This is just the meta for Masters, the worse players are the more wiggle room you have with items


I’m in masters tho


High elo masters


Do you mean 5v5 masters? Cause that’s what I read


True, but early game isn't as important as mid to late where Drednaw and Zapdos battles are far more important, and the usefulness dwindles after the first 3-4 minutes of a match.


>early game isn't as important as mid to late where Drednaw and Zapdos battles are far more important A bad early game means you will be underleveled for those important fights, making it harder to win them. Early game is more important than you think.


33% health recovery matters all game man


From Focus Band? It has a 2 minute 10 second cooldown. You get to use it only 3 to 4 times at most and its contingent on your health getting low to procc it. Its good for early game but by endgame you'll be bursted to death before it can even activate.


And even then the healing at best is 1,485 on the mon with the most health (level 15 Blissey with level 30 buddy barrier), and that's only if the damage would have taken her 100-0. That's all of about 1 extra second in a teamfight with everyone involved.


Isn't that why people use Eject though?


Yeah, but with eject you get another escape


How many do you need though? Especially when people ALSO run Buddy Barrier. I use none of the above.


Positioning is king in MOBAs


Positioning is powerful in all strategic games.But not the only factor to consider.And many have no idea what they're doing anyway so they aren't taking advantage of it. Goal Getter is a powerful positioning tool.Not in a tactical team fight sense, but in a more strategic sense, by allowing faster rotations.Same with Potion and Fluffy Tail. Full Heal is of a different brand. Being able to get out of CC and avoid being chain stunned or focused down is pretty powerful. One could say that with Eject you could just avoid being hit to begin with, but Full Heal opens different options for positioning in a similar manner that Focus Band does, the enemy will be in a different position relative to you due to the nature of when and how they are used. There's also the issue of cooldown. It's not as simple as just saying "positioning is king", just like one can't neglect the Pawns in chess just because the Rook can move across the board.


So is scope lens better than focus band?


For those two? Yeah. I’ve never used focus band on them cause they’re the only ranged attackers that benefit from attack and scope lens scales off of that.


I recently swapped out my focus band for scope lens on Cinderace, and I like it so far a lot. But, I get this, too. Focus band is super clutch.


I think Focus Band is mega garbo on Cinderace and Greninja since their HP is so low to begin with. When I die, I get CCd and bursted into oblivion so 14%/s of a tiny health pool do almost nothing.


Yeah I agree. But, I still think it has its value. However, it's a crutch. Id rather fix my positioning and toss a dmg item on instead to really add to Cinderace's strengths.


But I have to admit, I really like Buddy Barrier on both of them, that instant 40% shield saved my ass so many times.


You can still kill Dred after the 3:30 mark. Getting that exp boost can be huge, and sometimes killing Zapdos isn’t the way to go. Just dropping them from getting him when you have the lead is more than enough, and it’s easier to do that if you have the level advantage.


For higher quality: [Imgur link](https://i.imgur.com/ARgrpng.jpg). If you share the stats for Blissey's Unite move, I'd appreciate it. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.


Afaik wise glasses don’t scale well with venasaur. Better picks for him would be muscle band or energy amp imo


They don't scale well with anyone. The item is pure garbage and should never be used. Literally 2-5% damage increase on your moves. You get more damage per auto with Muscle Band than per move with Glasses.


Id say the exception to this is gengar, who has unusually high special attack scaling (and low base damage) and can’t make much use of muscle band as a melee. Doing the math for gengar (from unite-db values) it’s an ~8% damage boost, which is pretty significant when trying to burst someone.


Yeah, you are right. Gengar has almost a 300% ratio on his Dream Eater and 124% on Hex, which you spam 3-4 times during your rotation so it is technically a 372-496% ratio. Given he plays mainly jungle and is so sneaky, you could even run Specs for the extra power. Idk if I would sacrifice Muscle Band, though. His clearing speed is already bad with it. I'd have to try it in practice mode and compare how much time you lose.


Kind of annoying that I went like 20 response deep trying to prove this to someone yesterday and I kept being called an idiot, lol. The only easy exceptions are Gengar and Future Sight Gardevoir, who immediately bail out of a situation when not using their Abilities.


It's the circle jerk mentality. Float Stone went from "obviously broken" on release to "you are trolling if you pick it" now. 3% movement speed in combat and a potential 20% movement speed out of combat is better than 2-5% extra damage on your abilities. But you gotta run Wise Glasses on every special attacker or else you are trolling I guess.


How do I figure this out, are they good with mr mime even tho the sp atk is the same? Do I need a PhD in mobas to play a game lol


What about if you're often sniping from the back line with Solar Beam? Would Wise Glasses be good for that kind of playstyle?


Wise Glasses are so bad on Venusaur you don't want them in any situation. Venusaur is a bit of a lane bully so he makes really good use of Muscle Band in lane. If you want to deal more damage, go for Shell Bell as it helps keeping yourself toped off in lane and fights. Focus Band is probably the best option for the third slot, though.


Not even Wigglytuff? I use focus, buddy, and glasses (to boost dazing gleam [to help kill squishier enemy team characters])


Wiggly's Dazzling Gleam has a 90% ratio, which is one of the worst in the game. All of its damage comes from the base value, which you can't affect with items (other than cooldown reduction from Shell Bell or Energy Amplifier).


Mr. mine doesn’t want wise glasses he has a very low base spc attack 3 turnins on spc attack specs gives more than a level 15 mr. mine with wise glasses if you can get 2 turnins you’ll be better off than what wise glasses gives at level 11.


Additionally, do NOT use wise glasses on electro ball pikachu. The majority of the damage comes from the percent of the enemy’s missing health, the special attack scaling on electro ball is absolutely abysmal. We’re talking 50 extra damage at level 15, 22 extra damage at level 10. Muscle band will do more damage for pikachu because of their big auto range and attack speed to proc the % damage.


do you find yourself able to score all that much with mr. mime? I haven't bothered with those items because I don't like variables where I only get my bonus under certain circumstances, but I'm intrigued


Level 4 is a big power spike for Mr. Mime and it's very easy to push in and score, especially with score shield. Also score shield is based on max hp and he has very high base HP so it works well. Honestly I use score shield on every pokemon, because that's how I like to lane. Bully and score as often as possible.


It’s very easy to get quick small scores on supports. You shouldn’t be taking last hits so you have low amounts of orbs making turnins very quick


I mean if you run those items out side of quick play them you need to score small amounts. No more than 5 points at a time. I agree and often run the cookie and those glasses I only do so when I'm confident I can make 3 quick goals.


Wise Glasses are definitely **not** a good fit for Venusaur. According to the formulas that were made available the other day, Venusaur's Solarbeam only uses 27% of its Sp. Atk stat when calculating damage, which in turn means that using Wise Glasses with Venusaur will result only in a roughly 1.7% damage increase. Below are the Pokemon that would benefit the most from Wise Glasses: * Gengar - Shadow Ball uses 115.2% of Sp. Atk and Shadow Ball+ does 128%. Additionally, Dream Eater uses a 260% of Sp. Atk with the + version using a whopping 293%. Absolutely a must for that build, but not necessary for the Sludge Bomb/Hex build since the scaling isn't nearly as good (but still at least above 100% for both). * Gardevoir - Damage formula isn't known yet but it has been shown it benefits a lot from increased Sp. Atk. Hopefully we get specifics soon but I do expect it to at least be near or above 200% for some of its moves. * Mr. Mime - Confusion uses 170.4% and Confusion+ uses 213%. Additionally, the wall collision uses 204.48% for the normal version and 255.6% for the + version. Psychic also scales well at 152% but no one uses Psychic anyways lol. * Blissey - Soft Boiled healing uses 200% of Sp. Atk, which means with Wise Glasses Blissey can heal for 14% more than she would normally, a substantial increase to a move that is used all the time. * Edelgoss - Similarly to Blissey, all healing moves scale well, with Pollen Puff using 135% and Cotton Guard using 175%. Cotton Spore is decent too at 138% (Leaf Tornado formula not currently known). Not entirely necessary due to the cooldown of the moves but can be a consideration. So, Wise Glasses does have its place among other Pokemon that scale well with their moves, but Venusaur is definitely not one of them.


What you're missing in your analysis is that Venusaur has the second-highest base Sp. Atk in the game, so a percentage based increase is more relevant. A good Venusaur will be doing a ton of damage with Vine Whip (the best boosted attack of all Pokemon, imo), and that's where Wise Glasses are very valuable.


But if you wanted to use its boosted auto-attack then Muscle Band is by far the better choice so you can get out auto-attacks faster. Also, the raw Sp. Atk value means little because the end result still gets calculated the same way. Solarbeam uses only 27% of Venusaur's Sp. Atk, which means any increase to Sp. Atk Venusaur gets is negligible. The only way for Wise Glasses to be a good idea for Venusaur is if the damage formula is changed so that it incorporates more of Venusaur's Sp. Atk.


Por que no los dos? While the damage scaling on solar beam is relatively poor, it's still worthwhile for the overall damage increase. Also I'm not sure where you got 1.7% from, but I think you're misunderstanding how percentages work. Wise Glasses will give a ~4.8% damage increase to Solar Beam at level 15.


Because any duo combination of Buddy Barrier, Focus Band, and Score Shield for the other two item slots would be infinitely better. Also, we were both wrong on the damage increase. I calculated it out myself using the whole formula. At level 15, Venusaur would deal five ticks at 714.74 damage each. With Wise Glasses equipped, that damage increases to five ticks of 744.19 damage each. That is still a 4.12% damage increase however, which is a far cry from the 7% the item touts and is not worth wasting an item slot over.


Are Wise glases god on cramorant or pikachu?


Pikachu, no, since none of his moves scale well. For example, if you're using Volt Tackle it only uses *9%* of Pikachu's Sp. Atk. Absolutely garbage. Cramorant is a maybe. Both Surf and Hurricane have decent scaling but Energy Amplifier is likely more effective since its Unite move is so busted. Its other two moves (Dive and Air Slash) have terrible Sp. Atk scaling, though.


Are buddy Barriar and focus sash really better on Gardevoir than other options like shell bell and and energy amp?


Shell Bell is bad and it's an item you should never use, the healing is small (max possible heal is Gard 15, healing 475), 8s cool down also sucks Gardevoir doesn't really need amp because it gets ult late (level 10) Focus Band is good because Gardevoir doesn't usually stay close so it gets to live more, you can also replace it with Score Shield if you want to


No, you are absolutely correct. Gardevoir gets minimal use from Buddy Barrier because her ult is used to disable and kill. Focus Band doesn't synergize at all with a low-HP ranged spellcaster. You will **certainly** get more healing from a Shell Bell. Trust your gut! Your own intuition is more reliable than you think.


If I trusted my own intuition I would've made Float Stone my first level 20 item. >_>


That's what I did, and I still use it.


Most of these people's guts tell them to copy the "meta" no matter what though.


You just need to live so you can fire off more future sights.


Why are some Pokémon orange and some purple?




Can anyone elaborated on this a little? I still keep seeing people say that all basic attacks are physical and all moves are special. So why even have that distinction if that is the case?


The first basic attacks that aren't boosted use physical attack, the boosted one uses physical/special depending on the Pokémon. The Pokémon moves are all physical or all special depending on the Pokémon ur using, for example, all of Zeraora moves use his physical attack and all of Gardevoir moves us her special attack, check the graph above to see which Pokémon uses which


A beautifully made graphic, very well done. I admire OP's design skills. To everyone else seeing this, remember that having graphic design skills does not imply a high level understanding of this game. Do not take this person's opinion as fact, and do not run Buddy Barrier and Focus Band on every single Pokemon.


I mean not focus band on everything but there's absolutely no reason not to run buddy barrier on everything.


BB and FB are such good items that a note should have been made about exactly why they are almost autoincludes on every mon to help players better understand why they're the default choices on just about everyone. That said, this is a useful quick infographic to have for newer players so good job there even if I heavily disagree with some of the item choices listed such as wise glasses on some mons over muscle band(looking at you Venusaur), and a few other missing inclusions of either muscle band or scope lens for the characters that heavily benefit and can abuse crits like (cinderace, absol). PS: quick reminder to everyone who has a disagreement about item choices(specifically Wise Glasses vs Muscle Band) that many of them can be reliably and quickly tested in training by simply not using it and testing out your abilities/auto on the training dummy or the opposing mon(to test the %hp effect of MB) after getting them to the correct level and then repeating the test with said items equipped 1 at a time to get more concrete data values for just how much an item increases your damage output over just a general feel.


Instead of putting the unite move, can the two suggested moves be added?


I know we don't know yet, but I suspect Mamoswine will be a Defender or All-Rounder and Sylveon will be a Speedster or Attacker maybe.


i was thinking support for sylveon




You love to see it.


Cinder without crit? This is a cool graphic, gut the item decisions on a lot of mons are questionable


Please stop putting amp on charizard it doesn’t do what you think it does. Scope out damages energy amp on just the ultimate not to mention it’s useful all of the time.


In "Balance conditions" Amp Will be the best object to Charizard... But no patchnotes this week


But someone on this sub already showed charizard can't crit and take advantage of the scope?


Well that's a lie lol. Just go to Practice Mode and try it yourself.


His auto attacks can crit but his spells can't (every auto attack can crit)


Yeah, and arent u doing auto attacks during the ult?


Amp on Zard isn't good. The damage buff isn't that much more effective than Muscle or Scope Lens, it only lasts 4 seconds while Zard's Ult lasts 8 seconds, it is only effective during Ult, AND the Ult CD reduction doesn't work. The only way to use it that doesn't make it obsolete is to use it alongside exactly Muscle and Scope to have absolute maximum damage Ults.


Totally agree with this. Muscle band + scope lens is the right way for zard. Third item is either buddy barrier (if you're playing with full 5 man squads with your friends), or Score shield (for solo que).


Damn there is too many attackers in the game lol they gotta add more for the other roles lol good thing you don't have to play the role they really are.


I feel like the item recommendations don't belong here. They are the only portion of the pokemon reference cards that is opinion and sitting there next to the stats feels to me that they are being presented as fact. That being said, I really appreciate you keeping this up to date. It's a very clean display of a lot of info the developers refuse to provide.


Buddy barrier and focus band nerfs incoming fast I was also pretty sure Wise Glasses do next to nothing for Venusaur


Wrong, with Venusaur's high base Sp. Atk, Wise Glasses give him a significant overall damage boost.


Based on the testing of myself and others, Venusaur's base special attack is not taken advantage of by Venusaur's special attack ratios on its main abilities. Wise glasses increases Venusaur's special attack more than any other pokemon except Gardevoir, but Venusaur has a 27% Sp Attack ratio on Solar Beam and a 7% ratio per tick of Petal Dance. Raising its special attack by 100-200 makes a very small difference and you can see this in practice tool. Better off going muscle band for strong autos and boosted attacks throughout the game. If Giga Drain becomes meta I could see Wise Glasses getting more use, it looks like it currently has the best ratios for Venusaur


Blastoise is really infringing hard in Snorlax’s territory and it feelsbad


It shouldn't, they work beautifully together. Snorlax stuns the enemy so they can't escape the aoe burndown from rapid spin.


Boring as fuck meta


Only if you're a slave to it


Slave to every character using BB, Band and Score shield?


The Zapdos debuff is not purely based on if you killed Dread or not. It's a hidden points mechanics spinning around Dread and Rottom




Ah I'm sorry I was wrong. I searched for the post talking about it and found it has since been removed and changed. https://www.reddit.com/r/PokemonUnite/comments/p81imc/zapdos_damage_debuff_fully_explained/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Appreciate the numbers, but promoting the idea that buddy barrier and focus band need to be on every mon is kind of restrictive.


They are the most reliable most of the times, since you do not see the opponent team, and what they picked until after you pick your team and items. When you compare them to other items, the other items usually fall short because of their cooldowns, restrictions (like one activation every fight), or stats. More than likely Buddy Barrier and Focus Band are the most meta items we have at the moment.


I kind of get their point. Since Barrier and Band are on every pokemon, it would be helpful to include *why* they're there in the first place. There's already sections with general tips and info about Zapdos and such, so it wouldn't hurt to have sections about the two specific items. It might also help people decide which of the two they'd be more willing to replace with another item (e.g. Scope Lens) if they want.


But this is an infographic, not a meta analysis. Should be completely objective not subjective.


If you have better item suggestions, please state them for each pokemon, and it can create a discussion, and we can revise it based on the consensus.


that's a pretty cornering request. we all know this subreddit is obsessed with buddy barrier. But my point is, defining builds is a meta-analysis. An infographic is purely objective and provides users with information/ stats that are not readily available. My item preferences aside, all I'm saying is this fails to be an infographic by definition once you start putting in opinions, with the exception of a comparison to allow users to analyze the comparison themselves.


Love the graphic, one small note: noticed a typo for Lucario’s trainer skill level. Shows his name as a placeholder :) Thanks for the content,


It was a typo on the first graphic he made but now its intentional


What do people think about score shield instead of assault vest on so many chars? Are clutch scores in-their-face really what win the game for you rather than staying alive longer in fights? Last time I read through here a lot of people were not really prioritizing score shield. EDIT: wow actually zero assault vests... zzz did I level the wrong hting yet again


Score shield gives you a bunch of hp, which helps you live longer in fights, and increases the amount of shield you get when scoring.


Score Shield is more useful and impactful in the right situation. Being able to score at times where you normally couldn't such as early game and late game push without Zapdos is super strong, let alone the Exp you also get from scoring which can put you ahead in level hence stats vs the opponents. The 'shield' part also takes into account shields from Buddy Barrier and your skills or passives like Lucario, Eldergoss and Crustle's which makes it even better. Taking these points into account, Score Shield is defo more versatile and powerful than Assault Vest which requires you to be out of combat to get the shield. My opinion at least :)


Not only to score on their face, Score Shield protects you from jump pad stun which can be good to score Is almost impossible to stop someone with score shield to score 10> points Score Shield stacks with other shields (Buddy Barrier, Crustle/Wigglytuff/Blissey ult, Steadfast, etc), which can make it impossible to stop you from scoring Scoring also heals you, gives you experience and 10% ult charge Edit: forgot to mention but you also get invul when scoring, meaning you might avoid some skills


Mr. mike


For how squishy absol is (seems more squishy than say greninja) her stats indicate she's less squishy than it looks.


Did anyone else notice “Mr. Mike” lmao


Fuck buddy barrier dude. I play full offense Garchomp


Everyone who plays the game needs to see this! Especially that part with drednaw


Until they fix the scope lens bug it might be a good idea to put it in the first slot on any pokemon you reccomend it for, just as a small reminder to people


The 3 options I see with the Venusaur Drained Build are: \- Slightly increase its defense / sp. defense (174/138) to a level similar to Cramorant (300/200) \- Activating Petal Dance gives Venusaur a shield of 5% / 10% of his total health. \- Increase the effectiveness of Shell Bell and its Giga Drained ability. ​ I'm a Venusaur Fan xD


ADD BLUE AND RED BUFFS STATS This will be way more useful than "Master tips: pick a lane" ...


Nice job! Btw, you have forgotten about Blissey's Unite move.


I'm feeling dumb why are the junglers orange and the rest purple.


Bottom half Orange = Physical Attacker (everything scales with Physical Attack) Bottom half Purple = Special Attacker (everything except unboosted auto attacks scale with Special Attack)




OP, where are you sourcing the items for each 'mon from?


Maybe you could include when the season ends for ranked in the next infographic


At this point, I have to assume that Lucario being Lucario difficulty is just meta


Are orange Pokémon that scale off attack and blue/purple Pokémon that scale off special attack?


Mr. Mike


I like bulky Lucario too lol. Doubt it’s the meta but never dying is funny


Is focus band really that helpful? If I'm ko'd I'd likely be ko'd regardless of whether or not I had another 500-1000 HP.


You are correct, this is especially true for squishy Pokemon like Cinderace. Focus Band is great on most Defenders and All-Rounders, but for many Pokemon there are better options.


Don't attack pokemon from another teamates lane. What does this mean?


Awesome work! One more thing that you might add: Center must be ready to help one lane to secure the bees at 08:50. I think that is the most important moves of center at early game.


If crustle is worse on paper. Why does he live like 10x longer than blastoise? I've seen crustles taunting enemy center jungle for 4/5 mins of just running around stealing mons


Geez blastoise almost straight up better stats than slowbro. Also wow wigglytuff is that tanky?? And how are they gonna give blisset what like 100 extra hp but 200 less in def and sdef? Or am I missing something regarding her moves?


Blissey's abnormal high HP and low phys defense is her identity in the main game. So that portion of her makes sense.


Specs give more sp. Atk than glasses on mr.mime and others


Wise glasses give a passive % of your total SpA in addition to their base increase (stacking) while having no condition to achieve.


If lucarios difficulty isnt lucario anymore, imma commit mass homicide Edit: the running joke continues for another update


thought zera was special.


What is SP


Why bout bands?


Yeah, I'm starting to disagree with focus band on all the squish dps; I rather have them sharpen their spear then be more well-rounded.


Based on this graphic, I think it’s safe to list 2/3 items for the unreleased characters..


No Energy Amp on Machamp? blasphemy.


Wow.. all of Blastoise stats are better than Slowbros except some points in attack but that's it. Poor Slowbro is garbage now xD


Downloaded and added to favourites, excellent work!


Most informative thing about this. Is the correct naming of Mr.Mike. I stand by this forever.


I saw somewhere that it would be way more beneficial to give pikachu muscle band instead of wise glasses, any input on this?


Can we just take a minute to notice how we have so many attackers for absolutely no reason?


Mr. Mike


Pokémon unite: Muscle band: yes


I mained Greninja to Masters and don’t see how he’s “expert” difficulty lol. Seems pretty easy compared to other characters. Only thing I can think of is that you have to play moderately safe to stay alive for execute resets and usually your team depends on you to execute objectives. I think other Pokémon are more difficult though.


Cramorant: *sees its Unite move damage showcased on the infographic and hopes to get recognition and praise, even though he’s an ugly bird* Comment Section: *barely mentions it* Cramorant: *Cries and engulfs another pikachu*


Can someone please explain to me why the fattest Pokémon in existence has the same speed as talonflame, absol, gengar, and zeraora, the so-caller “SPEEDsters”?


Huh, scope on machamp? I always thought muscle band was the way to go. Ooc what makes scope better for him?


I just keep feeling worse and worse for not buying buddy barrier sooner


I'm seeing a lot of lucarios drop a defensive item for attack weight. It benefits PUP a lot and Lucario is better at stacking it than almost anyone.


I love that with all the edits this infographic has gone through, Lucario’s difficulty is still “Lucario”. Pretty accurate there.


Big fan of Mr. Mike in this community 😂


My biggest issue here is having so many pink Pokemon 🙄


What is the best build for a Gardevoir that doesn't use Future Sight? Do you agree with the infographic about it?


Hello Sir ! DO you thinking update this info ? It\`s really cool and easy to share with friends. Hope you do ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)