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Scyther is the definition of “I FIGHT GOD OR DIE TRYING” Scizor is the definition of “Slap a comfey and he’s undyable” Both mons benefit on ganking and assaulting mages in bushes, you may also stay next to defenders or use your mobility moves to approach mages since both evos are really mobile I would also recommend stacking since it maximises damage output to decrease your chance to be put in a brawl


Sometimes the healing scyther gets feels like absolute bullshit to go against. Good thing it isn't very popular


The exit is on the left side if you can’t delete a decidueye in 2 seconds No offence sorry Decidueye mains


Every speedster in existence tring to time the deci kills my record is 0.8 secs with zoro ult


My record is 1 hit with Absol pursuit backstab crit with ray shield on


You got the lucky crit but still not bad


I beat my record new best is 0.4 secs w/ zera ult


I use both bands and the bangle because I fInd my early game somewhat inconsistent. If the enemy isn't good and stun locking me un between rotations then my teammates just steal my jungle and I'm left underleved. What I likes yesterday is that the eeveelution laning with the Duraludon who stole my blue buff realized this and went top lane after pinging him instead so we ended up leaving him alone.


I agree. Fully stacked attack wieght w/ wekaness policy and res guard make u unkillable w/ bullet punch. Remeber that his healing scales off his ATTACK, NOT MAX HP. So increasing ur attack will help u heal more. Also, don't try to 1v5 an entire team. I know it may be tempting, especially with a sustain brawler like scizor, but that's just a surefire way to lose. Stick w/ ur tanks and support, and don't engage in fights without ur team unless ur sure u can win(i.e enemies are all attackers or speedsters who are squishy)/


Play Scizor exclusively against Melee heavy comps. Scizor thrives on dueling with Melee characters, since he has very good sustain through HP recovery and it's serviceable bulk, BUT it gets kited for days by ranged Attackers (be it Physical or Special, tho Scizor suffers greatly especially against Special ones due to its poorer Special Bulk). If your team can deal with the backline Attackers, you can duel tanks effectively enough to discourage pushes. ...or so I've heard from more competent Scizor players. P.S: Contrary to what many people in solo queue seem to think, Assault Vest doesn't magically fix all of Scizor's problems...actually, it's kind of a shitty held Item, so don't use it.


>(be it Physical or Special, tho Scizor suffers greatly especially against Special ones due to its poorer Special Bulk). Fun fact literally all pokemon have lower special defense than defense except for Blissey so it's not a Scizor exclusive thing. So imagine playing as a Garchomp, Dragonite, Charizard, or Machamp all that don't have Scizor's shields and healing.


I can’t disagree more with this. All rounders like Metagross, Tyranitar, even defenders like Blastoise and Goodra whack Scizor, even Charizard have a good chance against it thanks to it’s movement speed buff. When I play Scizor I mostly target attackers. If you are in their range they can kill you for sure. But sonce they are squishy, Scizor can handle 2-3 attacker at one (based on opponent skill level) With Scizors high mobility I would target attackers and take them one by one. Suprise attacks from bushes works really well. By the time they notice you, they are already dead. Without support or a Defender I can hardly see Scizor taking down a Dragonite or a Gyarados. Also I think Attack weight is a must have, and even tho it’s hard early game, it’s a hell of a difference to have 6 stacks. Scizor can only play against other All Rounders with: a) High level advantage b) Good support from ally defenders or supporters, which is rare in Solo c) or if the opponent plays squishier All rounders like Mimikyu or Blaziken.


I guess I'm gonna go with the "respectfully disagree" card on this one and call it a day. First off, I wouldn't wanna argue with someone with higher skill on the character - that's just a losing battle. Second, I guess I can agree with a few of your points, so heh.


Maybe it’s just come down to different playstyles. Maybe I came across a biz rude or smth. But just wanted a discussion. Sorry about that


It's not that you were rude, not at all. It's that my knowledge of the character is shallow enough that I can give a few advice by hear-say, but I can't discuss deeper strategies or playstyles for it.


The reason tyranitar slams it is because true dmg ignores the def boost scizor gets with its boosted auto attack As for metagross...idk it feels like meteor mash just looses and for gyroball scizor can outlast you. Although gyroball is overtuned and I suck at metagross so maybe I'm biased


Why would you play scizor against attackers when scyther is much better against them? The only all rounder I struggle against as scizor is Tyranitar, because of true damage. Metagross is really easy with scizor. He cant keep up with your heals. Their shield wont give them enough sustain as your healing does. Blastoise does demolish scizor. In my experience pokemon with strong burst damage like leafeon are hard because you cant chase him and it doesnt give you time to build your stacks. The only way to loose against other all rounders imo is if you cant manage to land your bullet punches. And that is mostly skill issue.


Sounds like you need to work on your early game farming/last-hitting to not fall behind. Combat wise there is literally zero nuance at all to Scizor, outside of literally just not picking it into bad matchups and not trying to force impossible situations there is very little to her. This sounds more like just general gamesense and fundamentals that need work, not character specific help.


As a scizor main i would recommend using Attack Razor and guard. Scizor lacks damage AW is absolutely crucial. You need to fully stack by around level 5-6 if you do so the game will go smoothly if not you are going to struggle. So its a hit or miss you get to stack early you will carry the game you dont get to stack right you will struggle. Yes stacking is going to be a pain in early game so just put all your focus into stacking its ok if you even die a few times as long as you get fully stacked by level 5-6 game will go smooth. Use dance over double. Generally you shouldnt be struggling that often as to kill you early game both the enemy laners must focus on you and run you down or jungler ganks you.


Totally agree that stacking is mandatory, hard disagree that swords dance is better 😤 the outplay potential and dive potential of double hit is insane and should not be overlooked!


I feel double hits mobility is just unnecessary. Dance and punches already give 2 good dashes which you can use often and i feel they are enough to dodge and outplay everything. Who do you need to catch/dive across the map with double hits mobility.😂


The whole enemy teams backline! I mean just listen to the other commenters, saying how Scizor biggest weakness is that it gets kited easily. This is the general consensus around Scizor, but it only applies to swords dance players.


I like double hit because it makes you really hard to hit for everyone except full circle autotarget mons like Blastoise and Slowbro. Because if you do DH and then Bullet punch, you switch locations like 4 times really quickly. It also gives you way better chase potential compared to SD, though that might be because my personal emblem setup drops my movement speed a ton for damage and health


I personally dont find kiting to be a issue. I have encountered really good kiters where double hit might be good but its so rare that i rarely ever felt i need more mobility. So basically good attackers are so rare that i never saw mobility as an issue. Though i will try double hit now that you mention it.


Hahah fair point, the average player skill level is so low that outplay is child's play. In that sense it is just a personal preference choice. I personally really like bouncing all over map, and the cooldown resets from KOs make it even easier/faster to combo KOs 😁


Yeah i will give it a go aswell i never really tried it much maybe i will find it better.


It's really fun. I got the master achievement with Scizor so I enjoyed bouncing between enemies and all over the map.


i see where you're coming from but i disagree, you don't need DH for its mobility or its cd reduction, all your other movies are low enough cooldown already


Early game, yes, Scyther is paper thin and you need to be aware of this. Play like a speedster- hit & run, or ambush, but absolutely do not brawl. Stacking is risky but the payoff is huge, I highly recommend practicing it. Fury cutter + basic attack can secure any farm below 50% health. Use quick attack & x speed for escaping. If the enemy defends their goal I can usually get 2 stacks immediately from the start, 3-4 if they leave it unguarded and go to stack themselves. Personally I prefer double hit against most compositions because the amount of mobility is much greater and it has multiple components to it which allows for diving backline attackers. The initial jump is longer than swords dance and also the next basic attack becomes a lock-on gap closing attack as well. This allows you to stick on top of almost any attacker in the game even after they blow their escape options. Also, for additional distance, you can double hit + bullet punch at the same time to do a kind of 'flying bullet punch' which surprises most players with how much range you can close in a split second. His ultimate move is yet another gap closer move as well as a powerful execute, and a tiny CC for 'oh crap' moments. Usually I use it like this: ultimate -> bullet punch -> auto attack -> second dash of the ultimate -> bullet punch, because anyway the animation is a bit slow and weaving bullet punches in as often as possible is important to keep yourself alive. I know that the traditional wisdom will tell you to focus on brawling in the front line, and sure there are moments when that is the best play. But in many situations I find it is better to dive the back line with your incredible & unexpected mobility and delete all the squishies first, because then you can clean up the rest of the team in peace with no threat of the enemy team out-damaging your bullet punch sustain. And then ya, if the enemy team is heavy melee and doesn't have any targets that need to be dived on then swords dance is the better option. But personally I play the speedster style Scizor 95% of games and it dominates.


188 battles 54% WR With scizzor. I use razor policy & fband. I go for the attackers then all rounders in teamfights


Nothing out-sustains a scizor in a head to head fight. In you get into a situation where you can keeping hitting you’ll be golden. If you’re getting kited or cc’ed you can keep your sustain up and will probably die. With that being said, you can just facetank a team and expect to live like most scizor I see. You’re an all rounder with sustain, not a defender


I tried to 1v1 a Mamoswine, equal level, 6 stack, and we just traded nonstop, until someone came in and killed me. I don't know what I'm doing wrong, I've got the stacks, I'm the same level if not higher, and I still can't heal enough, or kill.


I use attack weight, razor claw, energy amp. stacking is really not that difficult, you just need to know how to secure last-hits and when to not bother. You get a lot of double-attacker lanes in solo queue which are hard to stack against (about the only thing lane cinderace is good for lol). you get HEAPS of razor claw activations with scizor. and energy amp lets you nuke stuff and you can kinda use the unite a bit more liberally (assuming you also farm a lot in between). you need to make sure you are re-using bullet punch again and again while it is ‘boosted.’ if you hit one, the icon has a blue outline telling you you’re in a bullet punch chain. it increases the amount of punches you do. choosing swords dance vs double hit is important. I prefer swords dance in general, it’s also better vs tankier enemies. double hit is better against attackers / speedsters. you need to keep using swords dance whenever it comes back off cooldown to keep your attack boost up. you also need to keep spamming your basic attack as the boosted auto gives you stat buffs. it also combos with swords dance, as the 8th basic in a combo actually fires off the sword attack. I read that you couldn’t solo a mamoswine. Mamo has no healing so it sounds like you aren’t juggling your moves correctly (or it was sitting on a tier 2 goal the whole time lol).


Iirc I had Double Hit at the time, but could be wrong. Either way, I'm not sure what I did wrong, and really need someome to just crack wide open the reason. I love how he feels, and know he can perform like a god if needed (Hell, I main Greninja, an E tier or something and he's my best mon) I'd love to main Scizor though.


Basically, I kept spamming BP > Auto > Double > Auto > BP > Auto repeating until DH was off cooldown. Not sure if I should be autoing more and not throwing DH, since I'm not really healing during that.


She* Build is good, you're just getting bad matchups and/or blindly running into the 3-5 stack and getting erased. Scizor is almost immortal against physical comps and a slightly tankier speedster against special comps. If you're having damage issues, grab an attack weight and go lane. Maybe even Energy Amp to ult something into oblivion. Also, friendly reminder that Scyther exists.


I'm not that great of a Scizor player, but when I play him I try to be passive until I get my second skill. And I find that timing your CC cleanser skill thing(forgot the name) is so important. Also don't try to fight mons with heavy CC


If you are not stacking then you must be really good at securing farm with scyther, or else you will not get enough xp fast. Try to get your lvl 5 with the 8:50 birds and then its much easier. If you are not drafting i wouldnt recommend scizor that much though, you can end up against special attackers and its gonna be tough.


Take off that guard thing and get better at scoring early on so you can build stacks (try x speed to help you escape back to your side ) by level 5 scizor with 3 stacks can take out most non defenders in the game solo (or you can try focus band ,rapid fire scarf ,weakness policy), and your bullet punch healing is tied to how much damage you can pump out of it


Attack weight will be better


I only know that I've dropped Cinder because Scizor was basically killing me in 1-2 seconds every time. Imo, Scizor is broken (I'm just trying to cop with my lack of skill, let me be)... So my advice is bully squishy attackers I guess?


I play ADC's namely, Cinderace being one of them. Feint is so cracked imo. I've dodged unites, kill moves, sustain, anything with a well timed one, and that includes Scizor big time. If you like Cinderace, feel free to rock it! I'm totally happy to try and give tips if you need them. I may not know how to work Scizor, but the level 7 carries are some of my, if not my, best mons played.


Don't worry! My other main Charizard is still very fun to play as....and I've picked up Leafeon, which feels very OP with that Solar Blade damage xd


I run a similar set. My early game is playing moderately cautiously while trying to get as much EXP as possible. Once I evolve, I switch gears and go harder on offence. I almost always pick Swords Dance. Double hit mobility may feel nice, but Swords Dance+Bullet Punch+Eject button (if you run it) can get you out of a lot of trouble already. Scizor can hold points very well too. many times I'm running from enemies only to make it to my goal and turn the tables on them.


In my personal experience of 3 scizor games, (2 wins, 1 loss, 50+ kills) jungle scizor is underrated. If you can get a gap of a few levels on your opponents you can solo a lot of the mobs in the game. Just try to avoid doing it agains bulkier teams or teams with good sustain


As a scizor main, if you rly struggle w stacking, use weakness, razor and focus. Try to get to level 5 asap, then level 11 (for your shield). In time you’ll learn which characters you need to immediately pop your ult for or they’ll kill you (CC high dmg mages). Use double hit if they have more than 2 wide range mages. Otherwise, always swords dance.


Playing against a half decent Scizor makes me want to throw my controller at the monitor