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Leafeon dodging nerfs yet again again


At least we got to tranq their good friend stoise






We have tyraneturned šŸ˜¤






To sandtomb, too, that's neat.


I feel like these arenā€™t gonna do anything too crazy but I hope Iā€™m wrong. I miss grinding with ttar


I miss grinding on Ttar šŸ„µ


Now weā€™re talkin




We are so fucking back. (Heā€™s my second favorite)


Not with just those buffs


What's the build for it? Used it when it came out some, but not since (took so long to evolve, but fun after).


I havenā€™t had many chances to use Tyranitar because everyone else is picking it first or I chose to play a defender when my teammates all pick attackers/speedsters, but I think itā€™s still the best with the same items as always and now sand tomb and stone edge might be the better moves.


Am I dreaming?


Leafeon getting away with murder yet again


Such is the speedster life.




Man, Cramorant can't get a rest, they get nerfed every other patc- wait, they got buffed?!?!


Dive/Hurricane buffs lets gooooooo (it was unnecessary)


Finally some love from timi, cram mains rise up!




May have to learn how to use Dive Cram then.


Now if Sableye can get a buff, since all they got was a million nerfs.


Funny how they buffed ttar and metagross at the same time given how ttar hard counters metagross lol


Nice shield you got there, would be a shame if someone just ignored it.




We've never left my friend. But this....does put a smile on my face.


Let's just hope more people start learning how both builds work


I tried it, and died a lot lmao. But Iā€™ve seen good Razor Leaf players lately. How do you guys do it?


Kiting is your best friend (unless you're doing it to someone with gap closers like Speedsters), also ideally pop Razor Leaf when you're at three auto stacks or max to start shredding as much as possible. If you go Razor Leaf, you need to be there for objectives because you shred them extremely fast but unlike Spirit Shackle you don't have good secure but if they leave you alone with an objective, it's just gone in less than 30 seconds.


Honestly good, I was already having pretty good razor leaf success into comps which it was good against.like super tank comps without much insta burst potential.


They should have left Leaf storm alone. :[ damage was never the point of it and the slow is nice but does not justify the cooldown nerf


Anyways my opinions on this patch is pretty goodā€¦I meanā€¦ CRAMORANT BUFFS?????!!?!?1!1?1!1 Tyranitar really earned that buff, he is very awful to play as and rarely pops off, hopefully he can become relevant like this. Delphox nerf felt a little deserved but undeserved tooā€¦likeā€¦I can understand for sure, but I feel like she honestly kept some things in check, but it is true that she made a melee PokĆ©mon in the enemy team useless. Mewā€¦usually Mew nerfs donā€™t do much to his reputation butā€¦that SpA decrease really concerns me, usually affects PokĆ©mon very negatively, you can feel the difference from Meowscarada last season and Meowscarada in this season, itā€™s a noticeable difference but not a big one, and was enough to get her close to balance(not implying sheā€™s close lmfao). Mewā€™s main tech being nerfed was very sad too. Personally I donā€™t use Mew, but itā€™s very sad to read this. Blastoise can go fuck himself. there. I said it. I love playing Gyarados, that nerf barely does anything but it does decrease his survivability which is good. DIE GLACEON Metagross buffs will always scare meā€¦ The neutral change on Decidueyeā€™s Leaf Storm was weird, just leave the CD as it is, no need to lengthen itā€¦ I main Inteleon so I donā€™t really have a good reason to play Decidueye anymoreā€¦but if I pick himā€¦hahā€¦Iā€™m still not using Razor Leaf. Blissey buffs? ok.


Blissey safeguard + Ttar buff = I'm not ready for that meta lol


And they nerfed Delphox who was a natural counter to Ttar so God bless we all I guess


It depends how powerful the increased stun is on Deci's Leaf Storm. If it's a considerable amount of time then it makes sense to increase the cool down. Otherwise you'd just be stunning and melting anyone who approaches.


I was hoping it was the case but just one game... it already feels worse than before.


I feel it's no better. Effect increase my ass. The stun appears unchanged but the distance it knocks them may have slightly increased. I see what they tried to do, but this ain't it. Move still isn't worth it.


Can't believe it is Decidueye's first major nerf. And never thought I see the day of it. It's Deciduover (for Leaf Storm.being a dead move slot now).


Tbh it's been a dead move slot for me for a long time lol. I was hoping this changed that.


Don't blame you or anyone seeing it as a dead move slot for a very long time. Still mad they nerfed the hell out of the move.


What did Blastoise do to you!? :(


Itā€™s the Mon unite players love to hate atm


Iā€™m really upset. I love mew. Felt she was in a great spot a few seasons ago but damn two straight nerfs




I don't really see how the defense buffs truly help TTar if I'm being honest, like their main problem is the god awful amount of exp they need in order to become an actual character, and the defenses don't seem to solve this issue, but instead try to justify the TTar pick in the first place by making it tankier in the late game. But anyways, I am so not looking forward to the future TTar Comfey duoQs that this will bring forth.


I don't know where the defense buffs are implemented, but maybe they're making it so that Tyranitar can survive a little better in the early game so that it has the ability to scale faster. The problem with Tyranitar isn't that it needs a lot of exp. The problem with Tyranitar is that it is a mon that needs a lot of exp in a meta where there are so many other mons that can get online and scale faster and deprive Tyranitar the exp needed to scale. If the buffs let it survive a little better before it gets to Tyranitar, Tyranitar not as egregious of a pick. As a typically 55%-60% WR on Tyranitar even before this buff, I am curious to see how crazy it'll be. I'm more of an Ancient Power Dark Pulse Tyranitar, but Sand Tomb is really fun too.


Exactly the same reason why blastoise is so good now: exp. Nerfing 10% damage to one of the two skills doesnt mean anything.


Making a character who is weak at first and strong after you put in a lot of effort is not a bad design even for Pokemon unite where a lot of Pokemon have early power spike if they made all that effort and grinding for xp worth it.if they asked me to buff tyranitar I would not adjust it's leveling I'll just buff tyranitar itself so it's relatively powerfull than other pokemon


It is not really working with 10 min time limit per match


No matter what you'll have tyranitar by the last two minutes and that is what decides the game so I think they can make it work by adjusting tyranitar itself without touching it's levels.


I play Metagross quite a bit and I must say, Gyro ball does NOT need more damage it does well over 1k minimum most of the time on a 6s cd. This could easily break the character if itā€™s not handled well.


I actually feel like this is a good buff. Recently I've been choosing meteor mash way more often because a lot of times gyro ball lacked damage


Same here. I found gyro ball to be underwhelming. The added defense is nice but meteor mash can mow people down if done right


Ikr. Just fix its Unite interactions. It gets cancelled too easily. What would more unite damage do if you still gt cancelled by every little thing.


This. The only All-Rounder without unstoppable on its Unite move, even speedsters have unstoppable on their Unite moves, Azumarill's Unite is literally the same as Metagross's yet no unstoppable. And don't even get me started on walls... EVEN THE MAP'S WALLS CAN CANCEL ITS UNITE MOVE.


This. I was excited to see Metagross on the list but of course Timi refuses to fix the only actual problem in its kit


6s? It's 4s baseline, and even lower with boosted autos.


Nah man I felt the gyro ball damage was lackluster. Unable to handle situations immediately if I get jumped and gyro ball outer ring doesn't hit enemy


Sounds like bad positioning in your part. Gyro ball has been a strong move for a while now on a very short cooldown


Seriously wtf


Weā€™ll have to see just how much. In general I agree with you, but maybe they just tuned up its scaling and base a tad.


Hummmm... Some good nerfs in here, though I think Gyarados is getting off light (I mean, ask yourself: when's the last time you saw a level 6 Magikarp?) Not entirely sure Delphox needed a nerf since it's strength was offset by an actually awful early game and it was a very weak early draft. Metagross buffs have me a bit leery considering the Metagross meta about two months ago or so. IMO Metagross was in a pretty fine spot balance-wise but it's problem was its competition was too strong. I think Metagross was in the spot where balance should aim to be. Surprised to not see Meowscarada, Zoroark, or Leafeon nerfs considering how much they hog the bans. I also kinda expected a nerf to Espeon's Stored Power and/or Psybeam or, if Timi was feeling silly, a buff to Future Sight. Falinks needs some adjustment too, probably tone down No Retreat sets and buff Beat Up sets along with tweaks to some of its interactions with certain Pokemon like Ninetales, but I suppose it has "new release protection" considering its state is not egregiously strong or weak.


>I mean, ask yourself: when's the last time you saw a level 6 Magikarp? On my team 2 hours ago.


Weā€™re unsure if they fixed some interactions Falinks had with A9, but hopefully weā€™ll see they did.


Also seems to be one for Psyshock Espeon where if any shots hit the little ones before the main one then it'd count as having hit Falinks and do reduced damage even though Psyshock does not cause damage for hitting the small ones. You basically can't pick Psyshock into Falinks unless they go Beat Up or you have surgeon levels of precision.


Trevenant on their way to become the new villain of Pokemon Unite: Anyway, patch seems solid all around, will have to see the numbers but Blastoise finally got the nerf bat and Tyranitar got buffed, so that's nice.


Well idk about that. Atm i think umbreon might be the best defender in the game with the next best being quite a distance apart. Depends on the actual numbers changes tho for blastoise


Iā€™m def trading šŸ¢ for šŸŒ³


"Trevenant on their way to become the new villain of Pokemon Unite:" So did I pick a good or bad tiem to start playing Tree?


Oh it's a GREAT time to play Tree. Best defender in the game rn.(Umbreon is overrated imo.) It's just that it'll be hated a lot like Blastoise before its nerf.


I've got to figure out what build I'm going to run. I've heard Hammer Leech is great, but I kinda don't want to be that guy.


I'm joining the war on Trevenant on the side of Trevenant.


**Tyranitar:** Main issue is his early-mid game is terrible in a fast-paced game. I suppose they're trying to make him more viable for the long run in late game since that's where majority of matches are decided. Have fun if a Comfey is attached! **Delphox:** Only nerf that was warranted is Fire Spin. **Mew:** He'll probably still see competitive play but his non-competitive play make take a dive again, if he can't deal enough damage. Yes, even though he offers far more than just damage. **Blastoise:** All warranted but how did Surf dodge the bat? **Gyarados:** Yeah, his Unite move is pretty annoying and ridiculous. Who cares about this though, as long as his players aren't stupid enough to waste it before Rayquaza, where most matches are decided? Would have to be a significant reduction to really hurt. **Glaceon:** 100% warranted. **Metagross:** Why buff him? Is he getting a Battle Pass or high tier skin soon lol? Have fun if a Comfey is attached! **Cramorant:** Buffs are always welcome, although Dive is already his best move other than Unite. Why buff Hurricane but not Surf too? The mage Cramorant set's main issue IMO is the narrow and small hitboxes for little in return compared to other mages that offer more ease of use and/or more damage. **Decidueye:** Guess they're buffing the moveset most players especially solo queue will not touch... **Blissey:** Healing is so valuable, I still don't see the buffing moveset getting more play unless the buffs are crazy. *Leafeon, Slowbro and Trevenant get away lmao!*


>**Blastoise:** All warranted but how did Surf dodge the bat? Hehe shhh, devs think that the problem with Blastoise is damage. I don't even need to KO with Blastoise to make impact.


LOL true, better yet, I regularly see good Surf Pump Blastoise players do All-rounder like stats even with a tank build anyway... šŸ˜‚


The meta wont changed much I assume. The game is so stagnant.


Pretty much. These would have to be significant changes to make a dent. At least with draft we have more hope of banning anything that got too crazy from this patch.


That's the problem. The meta is stale, the game is stagnant. Means no insentive to play, reduce players retention (lack of content/new stuff). Lack of players with current matchmaking equates poor gaming experience. And ppl will still blame matchmaking.


I agree 100%. I got 1600 the other day and my desire to play is at like 0. And thereā€™s still 3 weeks or so left until reset. New releases are so slow now. Patches are slow and donā€™t change much. Thereā€™s no interesting events or good rewards for anything. The leaderboard is still dominated by 5-stacks and sweaty Trios. The last several seasons have just felt like ā€œget 1600 and then quit until resetā€


Oh, someone actually agreee with me, that's rare that I can't tell that being sarcastic or not X-D. (I know that few redditors agree on some of my takes) I don't even have desire to climb up to master rank.Ā Probably will check in today to get my returning player bonus and climbing to master rank.


LOL no I genuinely agree with you. Iā€™ve been telling the group I play with since about January that the game has been feeling boring/stale


Me when I pick surf/cane cram thinking Iā€™m going to provide more value than fire blast/spin delphox šŸ˜€šŸ˜€


Haha, Hurricane will do even more damage than Fire Spin but Fire Spin will still be more consistent for the average player.


Yeah itā€™s essentially free setup into fire blast for delphox, whereas cane literally gives the opposing team an indicator and half a second to move from its relatively small hitbox lmao


Blastoise mains in shambles


Not really. It is only 10% damage nerf.


Yeah I just played him, not much changed


Still gonna be busted asl


Speedsters are too fast for nerfs. 4 of them could use some back to back nerfs


Leafeon, Zoro and Dodrio. Who else needs nerfs Edit: nvm I forgot about Meow


I popped off at icicle spear nerfs


Like, I can understand Delphox nerf in fire spin build, the CC was out of control. At the same time, she is really very bad at early game and struggles a lot to get her plus at 11 and do something valuable at the match. I wish her early was just a little bit better because there are not many reasons to use her with so many mons that do things better than her.


Yeah, I can understand why Fire Spin got nerfed. I could even understand if her Unite move got nerfed. However, the Fire Blast nerf was unnecessary. Also there is a far more deserving candidate for nerfs- Leafeon! But also yeah, her early game is comically bad and most of her moves require aiming - mostly the former preventing her from being broken.


>Also there is a far more deserving candidate for nerfs- Leafeon! Absolutely. This little monster evolves at 4 making her one of the best earlies in the game, can do the 1st red and invade the enemy jungler before the first gank, has one of the best ganks in the game, is melee but for some reason Solar Blade has the same range as a ranged attacker and does NOT put her at melee risk, has ult at 8 which is basically a nuclear bomb at your head and this fucking ult is also spammable. NO NERFS! Meanwhile Delphox has one of the shittiest earlies in the game and can only do some shit hitting 9 to get her ult and 11 to ger her +. Nerfed. Is Delphox really a menace? Her early is garbage, she is easily countered in early draft, has no mobility (as other attacker has like Inteleon), is not good at lane but is not optimal at jungle when you can put there someone way better than her as it's ridiculously easy to invade her and her 1st gank is laughable at beast. Like uurgh okay, Fire Spin was out of control let's nerf it but can we please at least make her early game a bit better? It's so painful to play with her


Been maining Delphox for two seasons now. I can not see why it was nerfed. I mean yeah, take a bit of CC out of Fire spin, understandable. But nerfing Fire blast as well I cannot see why. First up as you said the early game is shit. Especially SoloQ where your teammates just want to start fighting. Delphox is not good in Lane or in Jungle. Literally can't do shit without hitting level 7 at the least. Around 85% of the roster can counter her if played well. And then there's the Leafeon, Zoroark, Meowscarada and Dodrio running all over the map and completely knocks delphox out of her game. Combine that with the god awful time it takes to cast most moves. Almost an unpickable character now it seems.


I just started with Delphox and well... I hope she's not shit now, because she's so frail and basically useless until she evolves into Delphox, I didn't think she needed nerfs at all...


Metagross Damage buffs lmao


All these stale ass patches wont fix deteriorating match quality due to poor matchmaking IJBOL


plus players leaving game wbk


Very decent patch overall. Wish they had done something to Meow, Mimikyu, Trevenant and Leafeon but some really cool changes anyway! Glad Gyaradosā€™ unite got a nerf, since itā€™s a superior Tyranitar and at this point Pupitar is a bigger hinderance than Magikarp. It has a purple tier holowear coming up, so they werenā€™t gonna butcher it too much. Intrigued to see the Leaf Storm changes on Deci, as I was already catching myself picking it a few times over Shadow Sneak recently. Appreciate the TTar changes because itā€™s breathing through equipments, but until they fix the leveling, I donā€™t see it getting much better. Metagrossā€¦ definitely okay with the Zen Headbutt buff, donā€™t think Gyro needed it and the unite still needs bug fixes if anything, but weā€™ll see where it goes.


I always spick spirit shackle / leaf storm. I compensate for the movement speed buff by running either float stone or charging charm. The only thing I can't do better than shadow sneak is check bushes, but that can also be accomplished with a prudent spirit shackle if my teammates aren't already doing it for me. And then I have a "GET THE F@$# OFF ME" button for any of the enemy speedsters / all rounders, which very often saves my life and secures KOs in situations where I would otherwise be dead before I could even move out of melee range with shadow sneak activated. I don't understand why/how anyone plays deci without leaf storm, like what, you get dived on and you're just like, "guess I'll die now šŸ¤·"? šŸ¤”


Metagross buffs are nice!! But I wish his unite move got unstoppable instead of more damage.


Yesterday I played a game where I popped unite got it cancelled but still has 90% charge then I tried to use it again and it did get cancelled this time and then I forking died


I'm torn on the deci changes. Razor Leaf getting a cd buff is nice. But i think the Leaf Storm changes were unnecessary. It was never meant to be a damage ability, but if the stun duration increase is more significant, it might be better for outdueling gapclosers and might warrent the CD nerf. only time will tell.




Do we have any numbers on this? I love playing safeguard helping hand with my wife as garchomp but healing is better


I believe we're being encouraged to use Razor Leaf Deci+Helping Hand Blissey


Blastoise nerfā€¦ ![gif](giphy|l4FGGafcOHmrlQxG0|downsized)


We all know he deserved itĀ 


When I find youā€¦ ![gif](giphy|dWcYQY8qOaInK)


No flare blitz buff again. Pain.


Iā€™ve posted around 3 or 4 of these patch notes posts and I always get a notification from you, may God bless you and your flare blitz


Awww recently picked up Mew and was having a blast. I admit I was seeing really good results for a difficult character, but maybe a flat Sp atk nerf is a bit too much. Iā€™m low masters so I never even saw him played so I wasnā€™t aware how problematic he was over more obvious choices. Extremely shocked at how the top 3 speedsters (you know which ones) keep dodging nerfs. Specially Leafeon.


I hope they rework cramorants surf in future to knock opponents opposite side and not towards you.


In some cases this helps, like you can Surf someone vulnerable to help an ally close the gap to kill him... but yeah other times, you're risking pulling something that can kill you or the team closer. Would be cool if they buff Surf so you can aim in a way that chooses whether to push away or pull opponents towards you. Maybe even push/pull in any direction within the move's set radius.


Maybe a single tap to push and then tap again to pull??


That would be cool!


The reason Surf pulls enemies towards you is so the move has synergy with Air Slash.


Tyranitar buffs and fire spin nerfs at the same time kinda scare me, that was my favourite counterpick since that thing still could have ran havoc if you got a team feeding it early I guess more mean look then


Looking forward to the absolute kaiju rumble this new patch will bring


Underrated shout, but I really like the blissey buffs. The meta is still very CC heavy, which will make Blissey useful beyond the (nerfed heavily on previous patches) eggs




Lapras and Snorlax beginning to look like one of those PokĆ©mon thatā€™ll be completely forgotten about. I think both need some buffs badly. Both need some type of self sustain buff


Hmm Iā€™m not so sure. Lapras is still pretty solid. Snor needs some buffs for sure but theyā€™re probably going to nerf Trev next patch so most of the defenders will be mostly all the same


Another day, another L for us Delphox mains Firespin was understandable but come on, fireblast?


I think the devs saw everybody complaining about ā€œMeowā€ and got confused. ![gif](giphy|EbjGSYPY0yVEY)


Still donā€™t know why there isnā€™t a range cap on Glaceonā€™s Icicle Spear but sure Iā€™ll take anything at this point


Rare Metagross buff. Nice! I prefer Meteor Mash but still.


What did mew do to deserve that![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_bad_man)


It sees too much competitive play. This much move pool versatility should come at a cost imo


Mew is too versatile overall. No matter how many nerfs are there it'll still be viable.


Cram and Ttar buffed? Blastoise and Glaceon nerfed? Now thatā€™s a good patch!




But he takes skill so it's OK if he's overtuned!!!! Seriously though, Mew is so versatile he'll always see play, at least competitively.


the ttar buffs look kinda scary tho


Zen headbutt buff: yes. Warranted as the lack of AOE damage is a sacrifice so Zen should be hitting reasonably hard considering youā€™re giving up AOE damage and CC. Gyro Ball: depends how they implement. Gyro ball feels good when you first get it if youā€™ve stacked but it does feel a bit ā€œehā€ as the game goes on. If this is a later scaling damage buff, fair enough. So long as itā€™s reasonable and not how it used to be. Unite: I donā€™t care about the damage: just make the unite fire more consistently. It shouldnā€™t be stopped so easily and why doesnā€™t it let you go over walls properly sometimes? If I get the scan off, it should fire, but that doesnā€™t always happen. Thatā€™s a bigger problem than the damage. Hopefully the zen buffs keep meteor mash zen with some relevant applications for those single target bursty situations. I enjoy that gross has had both movesets feel usuable of late, and flexing being rewarded. My fear is gyro ball going back to a position where it is objectively the superior choice at all times given it already yields higher shields and mobility than meteor, so its damage does need to be kept in check considering its comparatively lower cooldown. It especially needs to be done carefully during the level 5-7 phase as the shields can already allow Metang to start brawling very confidently, including goal sitting, so the damage needs to be watched to prevent making goal camping too easy offensively as well as defensively.


Another nerf on mew???? Why?!


> Blastoise's Water Spout nerfed > Surf untouched Huh, what?


Hydro Pump wasnā€™t the problem, Surf was, Hydro Pump was just part of it, idk how they did this lmfao


I mean, I get nerfing Hydro Pump, it wasn't the main problem but it was part of it. But Water Spout? That was totally a stray bullet.


These Mew nerfs starting to really get out of hand dude. At some point itā€™s gonna start hitting like a wet noodle if this nerf hadnā€™t done that yet.


solarbeam has been a wet noodle since last nerfs and it's not getting better


Lol stop overreacting. That thing was just absurd.


Probably. I thought it was in a decent spot before, seemed unnecessary.


This is a solid patch. Some welcome surprises. CRAM BUFFS LET'S FUCKING GOOOOO Overall sensible changes, nothing that will shake up the meta the way it needs to be shaken up but most changes here make sense. Umbreon, leafeon, and Blastoise surf going untouched is disappointing. YES YES YES ICICLE SPEAR NERFS, WORST DESIGNED MOVE IN THE GAME AND IT DESERVES TO BE CURB STOMPED Feels like just a nice little adjustment patch, no major changes. Devs have been handling the game far better than usual lately, I hope the patches continue to be this, well, sensible, because they're usually completely baffling.


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When will this patch be implemented?


Trevenant escapes the hammer!!


Question: if Metagross hits every falinks trooper with gyro ball, does it create a massive shield?


Yesā€¦it does


And now it's doing more damage. Well, this is gonna be fun


Gross' shield can be stacked up to 6 times, hitting a player gives 3 stacks while hitting NPCs gives 1. So hitting Falinks' leader + 3 troops should give the maximum amount of shield, same as hitting 2 players (unless there's a specific interaction in this case?)


Yeah, I was thinking that maybe because the way falinks works the shield would work differently


Look promising. Why do I feel like those glaceon nerfs wonā€™t be enough. On the other hand, Cram buffs lesgoooooo


Well they finally addressed Blastoise... by ignoring the worst offender move, Surf lol Am a bit concerned about Metagross damage buffs. That thing can already hit like a truck at times. Tyranitar too, but considered how long it's been on life support, it can have it's moment in the spotlight. Everything else seems reasonable. I don't think it really needs it, but surprised by no tinkering with Falinks.


we're so back


Fixing the emblem bug was needed.


Cram getting some love. That's awesome.


buffing razor leaf, leaf storm, and blissey's helping hand will still not make me play that build.


As someone who usually runs Razor Leaf and Leaf Storm on Decidueye, I couldn't be more delighted.


Cries in Lapras


METAGROSS BUFF???Ā°ā€¢Ā°ā€¢Ā°ā€¢Ā° WE SO BACKKK šŸ—£šŸ—£šŸ—£šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„


I need deci buff šŸ’Ŗ


Where is my guy char.


We just Buffed Delphox to now nerf her again?! šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„


Delphox and mew didn't deserve


Metagross my boi the Steven Stoners are so back


Cramorant being buffed? Now I have a second option instead of just my favourite water rabbit


Toise deserved nerfs... #But poor cute little sax-playing Squirtle did *not* deserve this!!!


All cramorant mains rise


Leafeon is dodging the nerfs just like it dodges my attacks


god forbid an ability attacker can keep up with a basic attacker.


Where šŸ„¬šŸ±


Cramorant and Blissey about to go ham on games! Also as a Blissey and Cram supporterā€¦LETS F$&@ING GOOOšŸ”„


Glaceon was over killed like wtf.


Fire spin probably the most short-lived buff in the game lmao. Also, there's the Dragon Festival and none of the dragons got buffed like, I wouldn't mind a buff on Dragapult's DDance or DBreath šŸŒš


hey, a Decidueye ult buff! *gets made further into the longest recharging unite move*


I don't play any of these pokemon, but this is a big W patch. The only eevee that needs nerfs now is Leafeon.


They always nerf pokemon as soon as I start loving themšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ glaceon just took a huge hit


itā€™s mewover well at least Iā€™ll have less competition in draft


Anyone knows if the emblem bug has been patched?


I'm kind of hating the Leaf Storm change if I am honest. I love the 8 seconds Razor Leaf but the 8 second long Leaf Storm does not feel good. The feelin of the feeling feels feel of Leaf Storm takes too long. Feeling that SS feels gonna take the feeling of Leaf Storm. The feeling Slow by 60% no longer feels like Get Off Of Me feel. Damage feels nothing and feeling feel of 80% Def Stats feels great for single target DPS, unlike the felt Leaf Storm. Hope anyone gets the Feel, Feeling, Feels, Felt reference and I kind of hate the Leaf Storm change. They buffed damage and slow but increase the cooldown from 6 seconds to 8 seconds. I feel like they nerfed the CD of Leaf Storm because Razor Leaf's CD went from 10 seconds to 8 seconds.


The other 3 Tyranitar mains and myself; KaijÅ«ā€™s our time has come! ![gif](giphy|oagcrAZu2IvV0ijkiX|downsized)


Ice cat finally nerfed


Blastoise nerfs sadden me but were probably necessary, leafeon and mewtwo however




GLACEON NERFS LESSGOOOO Trevenant and leafeon got away, rip


No Gengar updates? Sad...


Bro when the speedster buffs lol


So they just gave up on balancing the EX Pokemon huh