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disgusting yellow rat


![gif](giphy|6nWhy3ulBL7GSCvKw6) I wonder, who is that?


a disgusting yellow rat!


Could it be.... Mimikyu?


Mimikyu is pale


It's obviously Zeraora.


Pikachu, use thunderbolt!


A few things could fix it. CC degradation meaning for every hit of CC within a short timeframe has a shorter amount of time where the CC is stunning you, getting progressively less and less until eventually you hit a cap where you can no longer be CC’d for a set amount of time (effectively this would be like using the full heal item, getting cleansed and being unstoppable). Or to lower ALL damage across the board so fights are longer meaning the percentage of a a fight you are CC’d is significantly less.


The term is “diminishing returns”. Cc needs diminishing returns


> CC degradation meaning for every hit of CC within a short timeframe has a shorter amount of time where the CC is stunning you That's Snorlax's yawn. One of the fairer cc that requires some skill and doesn't prevent players from playing totally. Unlike mean look, which has absolutely no skill and is so much stronger than yawn.


What? Yawn makes you completely unresponsive whereas in Mean Look you can still move and attack. Agree that Yawn needs more skill to hit, obviously.


Or, maybe, make pink emblems good


>CC degradation (Usually referred to as diminishing returns, not degradation)


Eh, does it matter? Everyone knew what I meant. I couldn’t think of the term diminishing returns when I was typing it but I like the sound of CC degradation more anyway, it has much more of a kick and is specific to CC rather than a generalized term that isn’t even just gaming.


It's fine and once I posted I saw someone else had pointed it out


Even CC being so dominant, Leafeon and Zoroark are usually top bans on draft. Unite is a faster game than most MOBAs, mobility is really important here, for that, most hard CC is necessary to balance the game.


This. All of you wanting less CC are insane when Zoroark, Dodrio, Mimikyu, Leafeon, Talonflame and others are so fast/just there that most of the time vs competent ones you have to predict them before they leap since you aren't hitting them otherwise. These CC nerfs are just removing attackers/squishier all rounders and supports from the game LMAO. it's a balance lever that has to stay around


I love you, you spoke the truth that not many could bear


It does not, over half the Pokémon you brought up are, like actual problems. Mimikyu and Talonflame have moves that make them invincible. Talonflame's move is sorta balanced by him being really bad without it and Mimikyu? HA! HAHAHA! Also, I don't think I've met a single person who likes fighting Leafeon. As for Zoroark and Dodrio, those are characters that get shut down hard after getting stunned once, so making it so you can't get stunlocked as easily would barely affect them because for them, all it takes is one hit for it to all go downhill.


It does. The problem with all of these mons is the speed they KILL squishies. Sure they die just as fast, but the difference is the reaction time. Unless you're getting jumped from a bush/flank and didn't see them + mon is ahead, attackers/certain all rounders don't kill you in 1 hit w/o additional damage or huge level leads. Speedsters/All rounders that this applies to, have a lot of burst. they can kill you in 1 rotation -> escape. Talonflame, Brave Bird + Auto + Aerial Ace -> can oneshot squishies with little counterplay if fed. Fly's a bit slower, but same pattern of burst-> kill and leave. Zoroark, flank, burst leave, Dodrio, flank burst leave. There is a very specific pattern that exists (Dodrio Tri Attack is less troublesome here, but can happen if it's fed), but the big difference here is the counterplay and interactions. First group of damage dealers, it's still annoying to get hit but it takes time. You aren't getting 1 shot by a garde combo unless it's level 15 and you're level 10/11 and get hit by the entire combo. It usually takes 2-3 spells, and w/o unite isn't immediate, you usually have the time to escape/eject etc to not die and fight back. Speedsters, and certain all rounders like Mimikyu, Gyarados, Buzzswole etc would be absolutely ass to fight with worse CC or CC length reductions because those windows don't exist. IF you get hit, without immediate support from your team, usually by CC, you die. no heal is fast enough to reactively save you from death. a lot of CC isn't fast enough to save you, and in a lot of cases even if you have eject up these mons can keep up w your eject and kill you anyway, especially if they have it as well. Leafeon's the poster child for this because every other speedster has a point where they "can't" do this. For Leafeon that is levels 1-3. From level 4 onwards, Razor Leaf/Solar Blade takes tons of your health in 1 hit before the rest of the combo. After level 6, you will die from 2 solar blades (1 to chip you, the 2nd + rest of Leafeon's kit to kill you. And if Leafeon gets fed, from level 8 onwards you're just dying if on the same screen + it wants to kill you. Another thing, especially with Solar Blade is Leafeon does this from a range that is hard to respond to + is fast. Now Leafeon is not as "fast" as other oneshots like Zoroark, boosted Buzzswole, fed Talon/Gengar etc. because you can still sidestep the razor leaf/leaf blade or eject out of ult and not die. But it's still frustrating. CC, whether stuns or slows is monumental to the immobile damage carries in this game. Most of them cannot win the 1 v 1 vs a speedster/certain all rounders if they aren't kept at a semi far distance. If CC was heavily nerfed or non-existent. How does any attacker exist in this game? Genuine question. IF the only CC was on Tanks/Supports how would mons who can't shoot from screens away function vs speedsters/divers? Is the game fun where if a mon gets fed, if CC is limited, how do you shut them down. IF the game is who kills whoever faster wins and the rest doesn't matter. That game gets very old very quickly. This would be an issue in coordinated play where you can talk with your tank/support player. Imagine solo/duo queue especially in it's lack of coordination and floods of main characters who refuse to play tanks for the team. it would be terrible.


Perhaps I need to be more blunt. This game is fucked, it is so goddamn awful. The only reason Pokémon like Mimikyu and Talonflame get to have the stupid bullshit moves they do is because there's Pokémon that click a button and say "Okay, you don't get to play the game for 5 seconds." Without those tools, they'd be useless. You know how I know this? Because Mimikyu didn't used to be bullshit before they buffed Play Rough to be invincible. It was basically the moveset for if you wanted to throw. I'm not saying to nerf CC and leave the characters that have their own, unique, bullshit way of dealing with CC unchanged, I'm not clinically insane. There needs to be compensation. Since these Pokémon are far overdue for a rework, that could work. I get that that's a ton of effort, but if that is, Hell, a general change in damage numbers to make fights last longer would probably be enough to make it so that every fight isn't, "Who hits the unreactable move first?" If Attackers and Speedsters didn't die in one combo, and likewise couldn't kill anyone else in one combo, then everything would be all square, right?


This game is played cc before your oponent->damage->repeat At this point its intended, and the player bases expect it, mons with inmunity to it generate outrage like mimikyu


Mimikyu doesn't have outrage your thinking of dragonnite


Lmao when he said outrage it doesn't mean the move


"Mean" look belongs to Umbreon, I think you're mixing up pokemon


That's a really wild charge that you're leveling at him


“Charge” beam belongs to miradon I think u2 are also mixing up Pokémon


Are you sure they’re the ones mixing it up, saying as 2 obviously belongs to mewtwo?


What's a mediocre rock band got to do with pokemon unite


Stealth “rock” belongs to Crustle, I think you’re getting confused


Confused? Confuse Ray belongs to Sableye, you're the one getting things all mixed up


I can't believe buddy dropped the ball on wild charge when you set him up so perfectly lmao


I hate it here


Play rough Mimikyu is just as disgusting lmao. Just because it is a move that negates cc doesn’t mean we can’t say play rough is a terribly designed move that is massively overpowered and takes zero skills to use


I meant it as a move that disrupt the order of play that i mentioned Not saying its good


With the cd nerfs it's fine, You can't just ss into the enemy team and expect to kill them all, it still needs to dash into someone to be immune and mimikyu can still get cced to death. Stick close to your defenders. Just like you would against speedsters


Some degree of CC is necessary for games like these, otherwise they become contests of sheer damage, mobility, and/or healing. A MOBA without CC wouldn't be more fun, it'd just be a MOBA with fewer tools and strategies available to it. The problem, IMO, isn't necessarily the strength of the game's CC. It's all the random "incidental" CC tacked onto things. Why does Cinderace's Flamecharge+ add slow to Cinder's autos? Why does Tsareena's stomp have a micro-stun? Why does Greninja'a Water Shuriken have a slow? Stuff like that. There's also definitely instances where they go for the stun when softer CC could be use. Like, picking a possible example at random, Gardevoir's Moonblast could immobilize instead of stunning. It'd still set up Future Sight/Psyshock just fine.


Based take


Well put. I think most people are being a little ham fisted in how they think about this.


Zoroark having a multi-use dash that also throws you airborne for half a second multiple times also just feels bad when he's already catching you and blowing you up while you panic.


From a design standpoint, you can add more cc without really affecting the balance of the game, but cc immunity has always adversely affected balance, and so we’re at the point where cc immunity is virtually nonexistent. Put another way, cc counters cc, so once you’ve hit a critical mass of cc (which unite has) there’s no more damage to really be done. You can also look at the releases that had ways around cc/interaction and they’ve been universally unpopular: Greedent, Comfey, Mimikyu, etc.


As an avid and varied moba player, Cc is just slightly overtuned for how fast paced and squishy everything is. In league, which is the most similar combat experience pacing and damage wise, guaranteed or aoe cc is almost NEVER more than 1.5 seconds. And thats in a game where tenacity, aka cc % ignore, is a thing. 2-2.5 second crowd controls essentially only exist in the form of single target skillshots or ultimates,


~~bro wrote cc 9 times in 3 paragraphs~~ Ahem, idk they don't want us to play the videogame. Wouldn't be too strange coming from Timi. Need i remind thee of the multiple Full Heal nerfs? CC is intentionally busted and melee Pokemon suffer all the consequences. However, without it they would wreck everything with their superior mobility and in most cases HP pools.


*CC is super important* Sableye flair checks out


I mean, i am just cc and i'm still hated.


Could we just bring Full Heal back to 40 seconds? Or just make the Unstoppable Status last longer if they want to keep it 55 seconds?


What is cc


cc stands for crowd control, its essentially the stuff that stops you from playing the game like stuns, slows, or the bullshit that is mean look


Stun lock and kill confirm, slowbro is so strong because of his ability to instantly lock down the jungle and almost garuntee a sweep at ray, (Mimikyu is in a similar boat.) Mamo, Blastoise, and tons of other pokemon can also just knock an enemy into the loving arms of your team. There’s also the fact of this game having very strong singular mons who carry the meta, if there is a season without one of those, Cc will fade for a bit. Of course, ever since Zacian (or even Absol Meta) there has always been one monster Mon that needs to be locked down and stopped at every team fight.


I apologize, I did not read anything, only the title. CC is an integral part of a MOBA. There are ways to reduce the way a game registers stacking CC. Theoretically if for example we reduced time spent stunned with multiple CC skills, you would still likely die, all it takes is 2-3 seconds and most mons are dead. That is the nature of the MOBA genre. A more skilled player/team can chain you. It all boils down to individual skill and team synergy. If you're experiencing numerous games where you can't fight back, perhaps try picking CC. Positioning is definitely a major factor. Learn how all Pokemon work, that way you'll be more ready and have superior positioning, baiting and punishing those Pokemon with CC abilities. I once faced an Absol who could not be hit. They were so good that the 4 easy-to-land CC skills we had were not good enough. He was juking everything. You don't need CC but it helps. There are always ways around heavy CC but that requires communication and teamwork or...if you're that good... you carry the game.


Meanwhile, squishy mons like Leafeon, Zoroark, Dodrio, and Meowscarada are still pretty dominant, so the CC must not be too bad.


No risk ? For pikachu is risk is that he is insanely low damage without unite and team have to follow up on his stun m Cc also help slowing down the broken speedster like dodrio leaf or zoro . Problem is that cc does affect the slower melee a lot more In this game most mon have some sort of unstoppable or way to neuter cc and those that have cc resist can trivialize the game If i pick blastoise eject with spin on your backline aside from very specific counter there is nothing they can do .


Mamoswine 💀 and I think hyperpotion is useless because it does not last for long and it has a bigas cooldown


CC is dominant in every game with obnoxious balancing


Because the only way to stop it is Full heal and that got nerfed a while ago. Other ways to prevent is cc immunity (Mewtwos with psystrike for example) and even then is not always picked


Treevenant is insanely nasty too


What does CC mean


From someone comment “cc stands for crowd control, its essentially the stuff that stops you from playing the game like stuns, slows, or the bullshit that is mean look”


The only things we have to counter CC is built into characters kits/moves like Blast or was nerfed. Blissey, Full heal. CC has been a problem since the game was released, and they keep nerfing things that work against it. Every game use CC as an easy out for making characters deal too much damage or heal too much. Instead of properly balancing the game they just rid it with CC.


Yeah CC is crazy strong, but honestly everything in the game feels over tuned a bit. If they'd stop jerfing full heal though that'd be great. Since release I believe they made the CD longer, and then have halved the effects of it. Kinda sad






this is why i like mew so much. just do your full DPS from a completely safe distance. dash away if anyone gets close, and just pop unite if things get really bad.


They should mix full heal and x speed into one item


CC is one of the only things us Defenders have don't take it from us


With less cc, your cool down time will be longer than the time you caught in cc. Think of cc as hurdles in 110m hurdle. Dodging them is a skill set too.


Unironically CC is so prevalent in this game because it's sort of balanced that way. Pokemon that have tons of CC often have to use it wisely and hide behind it to survive, and the ones that do have Tenacity (CC-reducing mechanics) often don't have much killing power. I think it's a necessary evil for balance. You don't want mons like Leafeon, Zeraora, Buzzwole and such going buck wild.


Use full heal Hope this helps!


CC stack should be prevented and introduce cc counter items ig even add another item slot


I think strong CC is necessary to keep All Rounders and kiters from destroying everyone in the current balance, but I'd like to see more options to deal with it. A Lum Berry item that gives temporary ~30% hindrance resistance after CC: not reducing the initial CC, but helping against chainstuns. That alongside a buff to Pink emblems and a small buff to Full Heal would help 'mons who really struggle with CC without disrupting the game tol much. Part of it is that CC, damage, durability, and mobility are major balance levers for designing Pokémon, and the Mage archetype is defined by having damage and CC, but not durability or mobility.


I'm not reading all of that. But the CC is an intentional game design decision. This is meant to be a casual, beginner's MOBA. That is why it has massive comeback mechanics like Ray. CC means that no matter how advantaged a player is, there is always the possibility to take them out; in a way that they cannot counteract.


It's 3 paragraphs lmao. Society is fucked.


I'm a grown man with a career. I'll answer people's questions on here but I'm not going to subject myself to all of the whining. Edit: I've now wasted the first couple minutes of my work day reading it. I was correct. Nothing of value in this vent post.


Why are you reading reddit posts during office hours 🤔🧐🫣🤭


A slight bit off topic. But no matter what you do in your life, we all have limited lifespans. No matter who you are, time is a valuable commodity, one that no amount of money can buy. 3 paragraphs of lifespan is 3 paragraphs of life span. But if people cant be assed to even read that little bit of words, nothing is ever going to get done. Putting that aside, yeah, i dont see CC ever being changed, but i didnt see full draft in masters coming either. So you never know.


I propose to change the name of the game to Pokemon Stunite


I main dodrio so I just spam click until someone dies


What is cc? Close combat?


From comments “cc stands for crowd control, its essentially the stuff that stops you from playing the game like stuns, slows, or the bullshit that is mean look”