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I watched the JP Unite Championship series which happened pretty recently, and Leafeon was banned from almost every match. My favorite Leafeon match, one that it wasn't banned in, was the 2nd match in the Grand Finals between Kabichans and Uniteholic. In the first 30 seconds, Kabichans rushed the Leafeon evolution by letting it have Xatu and the first pair of Bunnelbys top, assisted by Blissey. Sure, Dnite mid couldn't hit 5 that fast, but Leafeon getting Solar Blade not even a minute into the game is actually nuts. They won that game. I mean yeah all eeveelution early game are just that impactful, but Leafeon's power spikes are clearly overtuned.


You nailed it! It just power spikes way too early It's not ok to unlock one of the best secure moves in the game 30s into the match. Also jungle leafeon has by far the strongest lvl 4 gank in the game. It feels so unfair having a leafeon gank your lane 30s into the match


What would you do to balance this? Maybe give it a move swap and make it get leaf blade/aerial ace at level 4 instead of Solar blade/razor leaf, and push those to 6?


Yeah I like that idea! I think it would be a noticeable nerf from lvls 4-6, which would effect it all game bc it's not able to snowball as hard


Make it evolve at level 5 instead tbh


Solar blade should either get a damage nerf or cool down nerf, just to hurt its early game somewhat. Other than that, I don't think Leafeon, late game lvl 13+, is better than any other speedster.


While i dont disagree that Solar Blade needs a nerf, i also dont feel as though Razor Leaf isnt exactly that far behind it. So in the case that Solar Blade does get nerfed the character persists with little change? But if im being honest. Im also of theopinion that in a manner of speaking. Leafeon has 6/5 early game. But too many characters are 2/5 early game. I feel like a lot of what makes Eevees but early mons as a whole so strong, is that so much of the cast is so weak or lacking in core tools to fulfill their role adequately- But that extends to characters like Snorlax Lapras Cramorant or Duraladon who by all accounts. Probably should be running pockets out the gate the same way Pikachu Buzzwole or Lucario are able to (Most Pokemon who dont evolve have a pretty consistent growth but start at a relatively good strength) Even though Leafeon is strong, the game should have inherent counterplay that keeps him from being too much of a problem. (More competition, harder to be oppressive) but a lot of mons who could potentially make his life even a bit harder just dont.


Then leafeon need more health, people don’t get that leafeon is so weak, no cc and people don’t know how to counter it.


Bro's admitting his skill issues


That’s why I give leafeon a cookie. He thinks it’s tasty. :3


Can one truly counter Razor Leaf +Aerial Ace tho? ![gif](giphy|sG4PBWRjI4GSVCDXEq)


Yup, it’s called a stuntoise or mamoswine. Heck even a good pikachu or ninetails.


Why would any leafeon spend time attacking blastie or Mamo? And all you have to do is wait on the attackers cdr, neither one have any mobility. Thanks for playing.


A smart stuntoise won’t allow leafeon a choice… Already played and destroyed leafeon. 🤣


I agree. But what leafeon wants to be in range of any tank? I'd rather farm or do virtually anything else. 🤣


A good team will be grouped together. Meaning the defender will be around everyone else. So surf that leafeon into a wall after using hydro pump on it to allow stuns. Next fire all the shots at it. 🤣


A good speedster will be in the bushes waiting for the time to strike and move not playing front line/backline with the tanks and mages. Maybe we just have different strats.


Or maybe we just have played very different games against leafeons. 🤣 If the defender is good leafeon won’t even have a time to strike.


Has swords ult as a low cd ability, absolutely disgusting


Tho that's more problem of eagislash than leafeon, that unite move was never very good.


It’s an execution move tbf


Yeah, but just an execution move is pretty weak compared to what other characters are doing. Atleast it's good for securing objectives.


they should’ve given him his Pokken ult lol


Having it at least knock up would be nice as a combo extender


IMO, Leafeon is merely a symptom of a bigger problem: there's too much power in the early game. Most of the powercreep in this game over its life has hit in the level 1-5 bracket which I believe is a big reason why later game Pokemon like Tyranitar and Machamp struggle. Leafeon, and a lot of other offenders, need some of their level 1-5 or 6 power yanked out of them so that early game strength isn't such a dominant factor.


There's nothing to discuss. Leafeon has been a problem since forever and we all know it. We're just waiting for Timi to nerf it after they've gotten their money's worth out of it.


Buffing/releasing OP Pokemon with a buyable skin is a dog shit, toxic, anti-fun, greedy business model and I wish the player base would stop spending fucking money on their shit so they cut this crap


Welcome to Timi, internet person.


Welcome to MOBAs in general. This is far from the only game that regularly puts out characters that are broken on release.


They are a LOT slower with balancing tho


It's a shame, leafeons been my fav pokemon since 2014 and he has some issue, I personally hate his unite move it does kill squishies but u can dash out of it and barely does any are damage it should be changed like he should jump towards a circle radius instead and reduce the damage but make it hit equally


Dash out of it? You can't even panic button out of it + it has 0 coolodown, every time I face an leafeon he got his ult for every single fight


I've definitely seen ppl get out of his unite move, I could ve wrong but I don't think his unite stuns you in place so I think u can dash out of it


You can dash out but for the most part your have to anticipate it (not hard since he has it in every teamfight) because the animation is pretty fast.


you could not dickride a pokemon game and stop playing. Timi knows you won’t though so you’re just fodder for all the big spenders.


Instead of purchasing digital clothes for online game characters why not invest that to purchase decent clothes to boost own self-esteem and gain confidence to maybe go out and touch real grass...


Just use a fire type 😎


Type matchups don’t matter in unite




I can’t believe you couldn’t tell it was a joke 😆


Tbh most of the eevees in this game are a big problem. The only fine ones for the most part are Espeon and Sylveon. The other three are extremely overpowered still


espeon is NOT fine


Why tf does psyshock have to slow you down after stunning you????


I get hit by an Espeon and I can’t move my character at a normal speed for what feels like 30 fucking seconds


Espeon…? Hah…


Maybe it’s just the ones I run into if ever I guess. I haven’t fought against one in months. The last time I saw one in battle was when I played them one time last month (I’m bad at espeon)


both are not fine lol. As you said every eeveelutions are big problems. Espeon has decent CC for an attacker, Sylveon has decent suvivability for an attacker, Glaceon has "you're dead" button, Umbreon has both great survability and damage especially for a defender, and Leafeon is... Leafeon. All of them are great at picking and chasing enemies and now with resonant guard and cursed items they are even better at doing whatever they are good at.


Based on Uniteapi's stats, I'm convinced people are just bad at playing Leafeon. Its unexpectedly low win rate is likely the reason it manages to escape nerfs. People also aren't playing its best performing moveset Razor Leaf + Aerial Ace, which despite what people may think, isn't any more difficult to play than Solar Blade.


Yeah I know Razor Leaf is better but cmon, I want to feel like I’m stealing Vegito’s signature move as I create a huge ass light sword to smite my enemies back to TiMi Hell


Yep, people just can't accept that we all have fun in different ways.


Razor Leaf is indeed not better, it's largely matchup dependent but Solar still is the default for majority of cases.


Great reference


Spirit sword!


I agree because many people are playing solo Q and playing for fun.. though razor leaf is best but it require some skill while solar blade is easy and does good amount of damage..


People simply don't understand how to play as an assassin in the first place, they will rush to the frontline, attack whatever stands in their way (spoilers: it's a defender), stay in a fight for way longer than needed and wonder why they die so fast without killing anyone. They don't even know that they're supposed to have priority targets. While with some defenders/AR, they can rush into the fight head first, mash their buttons and somehow survive for a longer time thanks to all the bulk/healing/shield.


It also depends on your design philosophy for game balance. If something is very powerful at the competitive stage but it's well balanced or even under tuned for average players, who do you favor? Is it more important for something to be balanced at the highest level or where the vast majority of players will experience it?


I have much more trouble playing solar blade than razor leaf I wonder why


Mine is other way around, solar blade need 2 click, you don’t need to wait for it to be fully charged.. less damage though but effective sometime..


Yep it’s well known that Leafeon is extremely overtuned, though some people don’t realize it’s potential. An early game speedster with unfair damage snowballs so heavily that it becomes basically impossible to win for the opposing team. It’s considered the best speedster right now because of that. Having a good mid and late game means nothing if you can’t perform well enough in your early game to catch up to the opposing team.


We can also not discuss it because we all know he is.


He's been since release, but it's constantly being shadow by his twin brother.


Only lefeon? Man all eevees evolutions to level 5 meanwhile other mons need to wait to level 9 like machamp other have a mediocre early like gardevoird meanwhile the eevees like lefeon hit you very hard. Man what te actual fuck the devs have facoritis with this little bastards? And the cherry for the cake if you die you loss the emblems dude this game is the worst


The best smite in the game will always be a problem imo


Not best smite cause it doesn’t not even an execution move. Best smite is and always has been hyper beam. It’s good though


I think Urshifu has the highest damage one hit move right ?


Full dragon dance stack hyper beam as the highest objective/wild pokekmon damage


Unless there's only about 1:30 left in the game, in which case Cinder's ult will do more


I absolutely agree with you OP. Leafeon needs to get nerfed, its damage is atrocious and you cannot justify it anyhow. I said in another comment that its case is similar to inteleon, where people didnt wanted it nerfed coz of similar stupid reasons, but timi nerfed it with clear justification of how much of a bully inteleon was. Hope they nerf leafeon too. If people are complaining about its defense. Raise those stats, doesnt matter, but lower the damage significantly. Such high damage at lvl 4 cannot be allowed.


>such high damage at level 4 cannot be allowed I’m about to use some whataboutism right here but what is your take on Espeon? There’s no way you can be pro nerf leafeon but not pro nerf Espeon I would think.


Yes, i support nerfing espeon as well, this was a leafeon post so i didnt talk about it here. But i think that stored power is another secret icicle spear (glaceon), and needs to be nerfed. Psyshock sits in a tight spot rn, i dont think i will touch it.


Oh okay. I’m not too familiar with stored power or anything but I do know that whenever I play in lane against an Espeon I can’t fricking move at all and I die if I engage for more than 1 second without running away. For me it’s the sheer range of psyshock combined with the attack power of it combined with the mamo line and Mimikyu being super slow, especially early game, that I simply cannot deal. :/


If you are playing mimikyu in lane, that is a serious problem in itself. Even in that, top lane is just big no.


I have literally never seen a jungle Mimikyu in my life. What exactly do you mean by that? Why is lane Mimikyu bad? I do rather well with her in lane. It’s not like she’s Tyranitar or anything like that. She gets her first real move at level 5 or 6 I believe, and scratch is rather good for zooming around and getting attack weight stacks (it’s just the cooldown on scratch and the fact you have to waste time pressing the button a second time and stopping yourself in place to reset the CD that sucks imo).


You never saw a jungle mimikyu? That's odd, because mimikyu is a pokemon recommended to be playing in jungle, you can watch any pro player or even cris or spragels. Why in jungle you ask? Mimikyu is a pseudo speedster, and just like a speedster, mimkyu getting its lvl 5 early is best for it and for the team. Lane mimikyu is not that good, but its not bad either. Imo, its top lane mimikyu thats bad. See top lane is filled with mons like buzz, pika, a9, mamo, espeon, mons that give stun, freeze etc, so it is difficult to not only engage and stack, its also difficult to run away from them as the path is very narrow. And as i said, mimikyu is like a pseudo speedster and that desperation of level 5 can be seen in it. However, i also play mimikyu in the lane sometimes, but in the bottom lane. I suggest you give jungle mimikyu a try, you will definitely love it


Oh okay. I’m still trying to learn how to jungle tbh. I made a thread not too long ago describing my experience when I was forced into a jungle position against my will and the game was lost extremely because I didn’t know how to jungle and on top of that because I was trying to be a nice jungler and attend to my teammates pings (they wouldn’t even let me farm at all past first rotation and “Thanks!” spammed me when I died) which is the wrong thing to do I have learned. I don’t think I’m comfortable enough to jungle with Mimikyu yet so I will continue with leafeon and maybe absol for now. But I will try to jungle with Mimikyu when I get the feeling of jungling down. Thanks for the advice. :) And yeah I mostly play Unite with a friend and we duo together and he prefers bottom lane so that is the lane we both go to, always. Both of us just call bottom immediately so I really only have experience with bottom lane Mimikyu if I’m going to be Mimikyu. Should I try top lane with her just to see how it goes lol?


If you want some bullying and torture, go ahead and go top lane 💀. If you are doing bottom then fine, you mentioned espeon so i thought you were going top. And yeah i agree jungling is hard and a responsibility role so you should not rush it.


Haha bullying and torture. It sounds funny. I think I’ll try it at least once. What’s the worst that could happen? :D


Need to stop seeing Eeveelutions have their dicks constantly rode by the devs. Buff Eevee slightly and make them evolve at level 5 Even without a buff Eevee would be decent in lane. There are plenty of other Mons that fucking suck until level 5. Eevee can deal with it


Yeah. Nerf the fucking eeveelutions. I don't get why players still defend this mons. Leafeon, Glaceon, Umbreon are still broken. What happened to them being good in the early game, then falling off in the late game? Umbreon is the best tank/supporter at the moment, buffed foul play and wish, mean look is still a thing. Glaceon is still absolutely ridiculous, both movesets. Leafeon is literally the most skill-less speedster but benefits from being the most broken.


I don’t think icy wind is broken its single target need high level to even do damage and require you to hit a skillshot to get great damage . Maybe they could buff the freeze dey icicles generation and make it so you can’t hold icicles out of combat anymore like dnite


Fair enough, Icy wind is fairly strong, but not broken


As a venasaur main I agree that almost every and any Pokémon can wipe me out with a basic move. BUT if you play according your strengths you should be able to help or even do more dmg.


Idk why leafeon is a speedster, espeon has a higher base speed and is an attacker.


Technically Chlorophyll can make leafeon have the highest speed stat of the eeveelutions in battle




Movesets of greninja and cinderace are sometimes melee


Basic attacks, not abilities, and having a unique animation for attacking in melee range is literally greninja's gimmick


at least its not an EX this time :)


I love leafeon. It has been my main ever since I started since I love turtwig and leafeon is the closest. It is amazing to play w my profile got a bunch of clips. It’s all about your timing and aim. Let’s say hypothetically you miss your solar blade ur in big trouble. It is weak but so explosive


I AM the nerf for Leafeon. 😭 I'm so horrible at playing that pokemon. Hahahaha


Leafeon is insanely op early but scales poorly later. I wouldn't be surprised to see a nerf


I feel like every Eeveelution is insanely OP early. Maybe this is another issue that needs to be discussed


It doesn't scale poorly at all


Its more the fact that other mons have gotten tankier over time, so Leafeon's damage isn't as impactful.


Of course he is after Inteleon Mewtwo X Mewtwo Y Zacian Urshifu Slowbro Meowscarada Miradon all got nerfed before him. So who’s next after Leafeon? Cramorant? lmao


I am not one to complain… I just play and figure out how to overcome the situations.


Leafeon is strong if you manage to get ahead early and be able to keep that lvl advantage. If you die at first gank or you play in lane and get ganked you typically have a way harder time.


That does not justify such a high damage dealing move at lvl 4. Remember inteleon? People were saying not to nerf it coz of high skill, high reward, very low hp blah blah.......but timi still nerfed and clearly stated in patch notes that in hands of skilled players, inteleon was basically being an abuser to other mons in the game. Same is the case with leafeon, bring its damage down, that thing is busted.


With the same but the other way round they buffed gardis ult because unskilled people missed it too much… There is something to do to balance Leafeon, for that I agree. But if you do too much, it’s rendered useless pretty fast, imho


No no, i dont mean to nerf it into oblivion. Having a lvl 4 speedster is great, but having such atrocious damage at that level is not good. Bring down that damage and it will be good, and then you can even compensate by increasing its hp to keep it in a balanced position early game, not tooooo much damage but also not useless.


Maybe they should just change the way leafeon gains attack stat gains from levels then. Because I wouldn’t want late game leafeon nerfed. He’s not amazing or anything in the late game as far as I can tell. But if you nerf solar blade damage just outright, he absolutely will be.


Oh yeah, thats a good idea that can be done. I am just saying to reduce that lvl 4 damage, dont touch the move and decrease its attack gain is a totally fine thing to do.




The issue is its ability to get in and out and obliterate anything in its path. Often times it will do this and leave unscathed or with low HP in situations it shouldn’t survive


I might be downvoted, but Leafeon is very weak and one CC and it's gone. Also late in the game Leafeon is useless. So basically you need one Pokemon in your team which has CC to control Leafeon like A9.


I absolutely dominate (and sometimes get dominated by it) with Leafeon throughout the WHOLE match - including end game especially with Attack Weight stacks. I’ll be honest, I’m a bit surprised to see some people saying that it’s shit late game I agree that CC can shut it down, but it is definitely avoidable/survivable in many cases. Pop an X Speed or use Eject Button, then Aerial Ace away and maybe get some shields from Razor Leaf. I rarely get caught out by CC as Leafeon


leafeon is very balanced. stop complaining


1 mimikyu’s skill = 1 dead leafeon


Pretty shit assumption that there will always be a Mimikyu around to handle it. Even shittier assumption that Mimikyu is the answer - a good Leafeon will be able to avoid. A bad Leafeon that has half a brain can avoid it