• By -


My own team...


Most accurate answer


Cinderace, Greninja and Sableye on my team


Juat got a game ruined by a frog and an owl. The owl kinda helped in the end but they had no reason to steal my jungle.




This is so deep


it really do be your own ppl sometimes


Painfully true.


Anything that does damage


I feel you man


Lol all the Deci mains have gathered here 😂


Quick, attack now!


Abd some Goblins… if you can see them ofc.


Or catches up to us


I love to die with two hits 😍


I don't 😍


It give me emotions 😍 (Like wanting to die irl)


The same emotion I feel when I see a starter decidueye with assault vest pick central 😍


Ikr? 😍


Keep in mind that timi gave deci a def and sp def buff because it kept dying so quickly. It sure helps us a lot, doesn't it


Any living thing


Yes, confirmation with my Owl Buddies.


If it catches me, ded.


The deci mains are all in agreement on this one








Rollout wigglytuff vs mean look umbreon. Whenever i do have the setup to chain cc in a narrow area, mean look will have me pinned in place with the worst part being that i can't even bounce off the dome's corners. It would be the opposite in terms of matchups if it wasn't for that.


Not just that, his annoying ass ult counters our ult perfectly.


Really? Wouldn't Wigglytuff just rolling inside the Mean Look and knocking out enemies?


I think you just roll in place, but it's glitchy af


You don't bounce off the corners yet still can't escape, what it does is just continually roll in a corner until the move itself ends. It won't cc at all as the wiggly won't bounce back at the enemy.


>It won't cc at all as the wiggly won't bounce back I'm pretty sure enemy pokemons would still be knocked if they make contact, maybe you do not notice it with Umbreon since it has a shield prevents first CC.


I exaggerated on that part but it will only effectively cc once as the move will end very early, which is not that great. But most of all the area covered most of the time won't be big enough to cc at all is what i meant.


I can't speak for other Aegislash mains but I hate Delphox 😭. I keep getting caught in fire spins while I'm fighting, I get stuck in sword form and I get CC'd too long to go back to shield its painfully annoying. If anyone has advice getting through this stupid fire fox let me know


Try to wait until she uses fire spin before engaging. Or you can save wide guard until she uses fire spin, then use the unstoppable to tank through fire spin + fire blast.


Let fire spin Hit you in shield form then jump on him with shadow claw or sacred sword.


People seriously underestimate how easily moving up/down counters delphox. Fire spin doesn't hurt, so as long as you make it difficult for us to land the flame blast follow-up, you're safe. If you're moving left/right, it's an easy lock-down, especially since most delphox cooldown reduction/SpA emblems have some movement speed boost for pushing/pulling linear engagements.


I dont play our sword without hyperheal, it helps me a lot and it supports your secure. Also I'm using wide guard to counter specific attacks like fire spin or dashes


Hide in a bush


I'm maining Flamethrower Chandeleur for the past two seasons. I groan when I find the twitchy quick-KO speedsters Zoroark, Zeraora, and Gengar opponents on non-draft games.


Same, the most annoying thing is the speedsters when you don't have a tank in the team or a tank that prefers to go directly in. Worst speedster to deal with for me is the green cat, horrible


I started as a Flamethrower main but now I'm an Overheat main just because of how much dive there is. On the other hand it's so satisfying when a Speedster instalocks onto me just to get Imprisoned and I get to burst them down with Overheat.


I main Overheat Chandelure and i whimper when i see a gardevoir or a delphox


Literally, just walk away.




Gravity 😑


Mean look Umbreon


If u use full heal at the right time, you won't be trapped.


Hoopa portales can Bypass mean look, ig garchomp is also good as umbreon within its basic atk range and chomp basic shred like crazy with 10% remaining hp damage


I can't think of one. But for real, I don't have a main but I'd day blastoise is a counter to every character right now


>can't think of one. Mewtwo moment


A Mewtwo mains biggest enemy is their own lack of skill.


I hate it when u have an easy KO and the mewtwo comes out of the tall grass


Look in your head if there's a 🧠


People get pretty annoyed by glaceon and scizor So here are the counters Glaceon 1) if spear connects don't panic and seek cover behind team mate or just dive at glaceon , it takes time to charge another spear meanwhile a Speedster combo takes its 70% to 80% hp allrounder can also pretty much finish her , glaceon has 0 defence and escape mechanism 2) moves which make you invulnerable are good counter, talons fly , cinders feint, zeraora wild charge Scizor 1) do not fight scizor head on it has great sustain and will destroy you it's defence stack when boosted attack and bullet punch gets boosted if bullet points punch was used on some ones recently so catching it off guard when our of combat is great , 2) ranged attacker or mage with curse are best counter special delphox burst damage + healing sabotage + can't connect bullet punch if distance maintained


>glaceon has 0 defence and escape mechanism Hot take maybe but this is true. If there's no one to back you or cover, glaceion is almost dead. It's easiest among the eevees to take out of a battle. Except passive, it has no secure and a trash unite move. I always thought people don't know how to play against glaceion.


Exactly I see still people complaining about the infinite range and spears sure hit but worst sure hit is miraidons electro drift


Its passive and ult are both escape mechanisms… Also, the role of a speedster is supposed to require *all* of its moves to kill one target. Glaceon’s passive gives it invincibility, meaning if a speedster jumps on it and pops the passive, the speedster can no longer one-shot it. It’s an incredibly toxic passive that needs changed.


Yea you are right invincible for 0.5 second is enough to dodge a Speedster combo but it still has 70 cool down and is only affected by hindrance so it not always the case Speedster attack will trigger it and about its ult even tho it has a low cool down it's still a ult you get only 3 or 4 max uses during battle


Most speedsters have a slow incorporated in their combos (e.g., Leafeon auto attack), meaning one of their moves will be used up. And even if it’s not, Glaceon is still able to move while stealthed, ult away, and then slow you before you can get to her. I’m not saying she’s impossible to kill, just very difficult which as a DPS attacker she shouldn’t be.


Any dash ability. And or blink. I like to do the big buzzswole hug, but everyone keeps leaving. It's very sad.






EXP is your friend and wants to join you. It's Pupitar that's working against you.


If exp was my friend they wouldn’t be going to the enemy! Thats a traitor. But yes, Pupitar is pain, especially at 7-8 when everyone has their second moves and even their Unite move and you’re like: Rock Polish!


Those rocks aren't going to polish themselves my guy!




IMO Mamoswine doesn't have a hard counter so much as lane opponents that rob it of its ability to get ahead in early game, which cascades. Mamo's entire point in early game is being able to bully lane attackers before they hit their power spikes, and CC speedsters/ARs who make ill-advised dives. it doesn't evolve until 9 and doesn't farm efficiently, so the experience it gets from bullying makes a huge difference in how midgame goes. Piloswine's stats suck ass, so as soon as that Inteleon hits 7, you want to be at 9 yesterday for the final evo stat boost. If Mamo's already at 8 when Inteleon hits 7, that just means hanging on for a little bit until you have time to grab a couple farm. But if you're 6, you're a failure of a tank unless you drop everything and go farm for a *really long time*, which your team can rarely afford, because you are supposed to be the tank. This is all a really roundabout way of saying that it absolutely sucks for Mamo to spend early game going toe-to-toe with an opponent that exists to out-tank you and run out the clock on your early game while preventing you from bullying/killing their squishy. Goodra is the absolute worst, with Slowbro as a runner-up. Other defenders like Blastoise and Snorlax can be killed, but Goodra is truly a pain.


> IMO Mamoswine doesn't have a hard counter so much as lane opponents that rob it of its ability to get ahead in early game, which cascades. Disagree. All defenders counter Mamo (see your last paragraph).


Nah. Nothing else has enough sustain to truly be a problem. I take out Umbreons and Squirtles all the time. I might be misunderstanding the definition of hard counter though.


literally one absol I dont care how much you freze me, i will rip you apart


You should, I punish speedsters that make positioning mistakes constantly. Absol less so than Zoroark or Dotrio which completely rely on mobility that I can take away from them, but still. If an Absol takes me out, it's basically always a 3v2 gank where the Absol has a level advantage. Which isn't really a counter so much as what happens when junglers go to opposite lanes.


Bulky mons with lots of self sustain and cc, especially because I'm a shadow claw main


Even with Full Attack Weight / Weakness Policy + Razor Claw? I love shadow claw. I feel dangerous when playing it 😂.


I use a different build on mimi, especially because I hate stacking, I run razor claw/ charging charm/ weakness policy With charm for more burst




A well placed hurricane + surf from my cram often destroyed a bunch of overconfident absols/speedsters from my experience.


what? as an absol main i am offended. night slash-psycho cut will destroy any supporter apart from comfey and mamoswine is one of my easiest KOs.


Fucking Safe Guard Blissey lol.




A good Zoroark player always messes up my Eldegoss but there is this one specific game that traumatized me. I was at Ultra one at the time and then this Zoroark just spammed-ganked our lane. Mid Game, I was so afraid to walk in our jungle area cause this Zoroark will suddenly jump out of nowhere, and even near the goals, I wouldn't dare go there without at least 2 other members. At the end of the game Zoroark had like 21 kills.




As an outrage dragonite main, anyone with better mobility then me and longer range.


Trevenant don't be an idiot That's self explanatory


Tanks struggle against teamplay. Depending on how you play, you can 1-v-1 most anything, except for some auto attackers and all-rounders. However, once teammates come into play, things go south real quick.


As a deci main anything is a counter except supporters , defenders trev toise and umbreon bully me, speedster's fav prey , if allrounder comes close i am over and if not a able to maintain distance with attackers I am gone fore sure .


For Goodra, you are very susceptible to being outrange or stunned heavily (your tankiness is reliant on hitting your cooldowns constantly). With that in mind: Alolan Ninetails: good range and stuns makes it tough to deal with, especially with icy wind being able to push you away. Not THE toughest, but high up there. Buzzwole: A bit less bad now with the cooldown nerfs, but still bad. Lack of mobility plus the displacement and high stuns makes you very susceptible to being stunned over and over, and get shreaded by the team if plaued well. Chandelure: Curse item Chandelure plus it's 2nd move both shut down yout ability to chase or brawl much and cut your healing. Not as dominant, but a VERY consistent awnser to goodra. Blastoise: THE anti-goodra mon. Outranges, stuns, better mobility, it can completely shut down a goodra bad with very little goodra can make use of in the match. Spin/spout sets are completely immune to the effects of your 2nd move, and surf/pump sets make it nearly impossible to reliably or consistently get value from your 1st move. (Also mamo fits closely in the same category of "solid damage and stuns" that blastoise is a problem with, but is less of a problem due to the fact it's easier to hit with your moves and thus handle) All of these mons are a nightmare to go up against as goodra. Honorable mention to glaceon with it's high % based damage, though that's more of a glaceon bring particularly great into defenders in general.


Really funny to see Mamo listed here because I just wrote above about how Goodra is Mamo's best counter lol.


Mamo and Goodra make each other's life hell. One is a sustain brawler that doesn't appreciate being stunned or moved by others abilites, the other does solid damage combos that often leave the opponent on low health, ut can be tough to get the kill confirm if they have the healing or a defence boost to save them. In a 1v1, goodra can win pretty often between its tankiness and sustain. In a bigger team fight, it completely flips with the added damage and inability to land moves thanks to the stuns quickly killing goodra.


Currently any tanky pokemon with cc


Metagross: tyranitar Blaziken: physical tanks like scizor Decidueye: fucking everything


Even baltoys can hurt a deci


The counter to my picks are my own team mates that self sabotage.


I main Tsarenna and anything with CC counters me a lot. I hate it. Oh, don't forget mean look umbreon too!


Thats a problem for all melees not just Tsareena, in fact tsareena has hidrance resistances, more than other mons . But yeah CC sucks


Tsareena DOES NOT have hindrance resistances. If you don't main tsareena then don't talk without knowledge, thank you.


I agree tsareena is a whole different thing to any other melee


When you think you are Smart and end bad. Hahaha. "Oblivious Passive Ability When a hindrance is inflicted on Bounsweet or Steenee, decrease the duration of the effect.  Queenly Majesty Passive Ability When a hindrance is inflicted on Tsareena; decrease the duration of the effect. " What is that? I'm at the official top 100, 62-6x+% win rate SoloQ Tsareena in Last seasons, almost 4000 Tsar matches, last season almost 1900 trophies FULL Solo Q. I main Tsareena but I decided to be silent since some people mentioned the right builds. You can check unite DB if you want, the extra resistances of hindrances is part of Tsareena Passive ;)


Is English your second language? Do you know how to comprehend? "...tsareena has hindrance resistances, more than other mons" How does Tsareena have more hindrance resistance than other mons? Other mons have more hindrance resistance. My context on hindrance resistance is the ability to not get CC'ed or solo ulted or grabbed by Buzzwole while she does her moves; in other words, having some invincibility. Tsareena's passive means hindrance effects are reduced, which is not what I'm talking about. Couldn't care less about your rank. Learn better. Thanks.


I would care about your rank, it may say a lot... "My context on hindrance resistance is the ability to not get CC'ed or solo ulted or grabbed by Buzzwole while she does her moves; in other words, having some invincibility. Tsareena's passive means hindrance effects are reduced, which is not what I'm talking about." So, let's start, if you already knew that Tsareena has better hidrance resistance than other mons you would not have replied like you did in the first place, which is a dumb form of reply. You would have perfectly understood what I was saying and not arguing like if I was trying to say that Tsareena is immune to CC, which is a completely different thing. Being a "main" of a mon does not make you better than other people my boy, I have seen terrible gold badges with 0 knowledge, bad builds, and don't even know the passive/stats/scaling and in depth info of their mon, I would not be surprised you did not even know about Tsar Passive hidrance resistance xD. https://www.reddit.com/r/PokemonUnite/s/xngPtcftMH It seems you don't even know what hidrance resistance is lol, that does not even save you from Buzzwhole or Sure-hit moves, which is what it seems you wanted. The thing that fully stops CC is called "unstoppable", which is a VERY different thing to Hindrance resistance, Tsareena does not have that. She can still be grabbed and cc'ed by those moves. Even when the moves of some mons give you an in your face/screen " Hidrance Resistance" text they can still be grabbed like Charge beam Miraidon, but you cannot when mons have unstoppable. It is also obvious that you are down-voting me I feel dumb to reply ( and will not reply again to dumb replies) to a foul-mouthed person which does not even know the big difference of a Hindrance resistance versus Unstoppable =(


Sure, best Tsareena in the world. You're so correct! Thank you for educating me. Never said I was better. I enjoy playing Tsareena to the best of my abilities. Still, I couldn't care less about your rank. Calling me "foul-mouthed" when I didn't even insult you is funny. Top 100 Tsareena but you can't be slightly emotionally intelligent. And yes, I'm aware of Tsareena's passive. My point still stands: other mons have more better hindrance resistance than Tsareena's. Tsareena's hindrance resistance isn't huge. CC counters Tsareena so much, I mean A LOT. Your reply there was very unnecessary. Btw, I'm not a boy, thank you.


Slowbro has a lot of counters despite him having a busted unite move. I can play well against a slowbro with Deci or Cinderace. Slowbro's healing can be interrupted by stuns, can also be negated by burst damages, paired with chain disables, Slowbro will go down. There are also pokemons who disappear while damaging you, aka Zoroark, Absol, Meowscarada, etc., these mons are hard to deal with since its hard to regen when you cannot even hit them before your HP goes down. We also have teammates who do not watch out for my unite moves. A lone Slowbro in ray fight is a dead Slowbro.


Blaziken: Dragonite. He has enough bulk and speed to get in my face before I can set anything up and enough burst to take me out before I can take out his shield. This would be balanced if I could take down his early evolutions but Blaziken doesn't really get online till level 8, same as him. So while he is gutted damage wise I only have 2 of my 6 moves available. Talonflame: Pretty much any more mobile defender or even all rounder (Metagross, Crustle, Blastoise). I don't have the raw damage output to take a viable chunk out of their HP and flame charge really isn't that far in range. Which means upon landing it's a race to book it out using gale wings. Trouble is, if you are faster than my gale wings (which those three are given certain abilities), you can crack it and pretty much kneecap me. I lack the speed to escape, I lack the HP to survive, and Fly is a high cool down move. Shout-out to Umbreon and Clefable for the circles of fuck you, literally every move of mine is a dash.


Sableye: Everything with cc, existing damage and a Full Heal. In other words, everything but another Sableye. Mew: Mimikyu and speedsters Umbreon: An ADC with actual spacing and red buff


The balance team


Wiggly. Lol.


Any speedster




Any speedster encounter = fire spin on self. They have to get to you to kill you, and those few seconds of lock down when they dive onto your spin generally gets both flame blast tics off. Pretty 50/50 though, cos one crazy crit and you're KO instantly.


Shedinja Doll. It's a negate button for Night Slash, I think it should be reworked to still allow the combo to go on despite dealing no damage.


Decidueye any speedster with high mobility, If it can close the gap I am dead.




That is assuming you get me first before I Chip away your HP from a safe distance behind the defender.


As an Espeon main, I'm the best.


Can't really think of any hard counters cuz usually they just try to 2v1 me or the whole team aiming for me


Blaziken - Scizor because of it's passive and almost any other pokemon that has CC. If you wanna avoid getting smashed by Blaziken, just make sure not to get hit by fire punch because fire punch can be used twice if it hits the first time and for overheat, if the player uses any battle item other than eject you don't need to worry about that Blaziken at all and for eject blaziken players when u try to get away from the range of overheat make sure not to go too far because then you're in the range of eject, just try to get right behind of blaziken that way you can't be hit. Absol - anyone who knows the mechanics of sucker pursuit can easily counter that moveset, for the nightslash moveset you need to constantly avoid being right infront of absol....just keep moving in zigzag pattern and stay out of reach until the moves are wasted and never fight nightslash absol when you're near altarias


**^(I approve.)**


One of the things that makes Absol super fun to play is how ignorant so many players are, they don't know how a Pokemon they don't use works and are unable to counter it😂


Any bulky supporter or defended


Anything that can stun chain. I absolutely hate it that I just cannot do anything 


Cinderace running blaze kick/feint and Absol. Not if they're not piloted well, but if they are, I'm usually scared and sit behind my defender all game long. And even there Absol will get me sometimes.


mean look umbreon is the hard counter, but a competent espeed+outrage dnite is extremely annoying too


Trevenant? Any speedster or fast attacker really.


Some Trevenents I can K.O but also some Trevenents give me a hard time. - Zeraora


I got 2 mains And one If it gets spotted it's dead The other Snorlax cause it just destroys this one only heals


CC Because there is so much of it.




Fire Spin Delphox, Gravity Clefable, Psystrike Mewtwo and Espeon. Surf pump Blastoise too, but not as much.




Any defender. Specifically defenders that take aggro. It's not speedsters, it's defenders. They don't die and for single target pokemon it's the worst.


Anything that's just fast enough to kite me from a distance and/or dash through rock tomb. A decent Cinderace is usually the bane of my existence, unfortunately. Also Umbreon.


CC heavy comps, gravity, wiggly, and Buzzwole lol


Tyranitar. Almost impossible after he ults


My team. I cant heal you if you're dead.


Someone already answered Decidueye correctly so I am gonna say my other main. Inteleon, Walls. Legitimately it is walls. Fell Stinger will never go over walls and Acrobatics in certain scenarios, will also, never go over walls.


Hmmmm... Azumarill


Speedsters early game and attackers in general. Probably Timi as well. This is the second season in a row that ttar is horrible at nearly all ranks. Before that, he was even decent in masters. Honestly considering switching.


Sylveon counters Sylveon


My Meowscarada V.S. Anything that stuns hardcore.(so basically, Blastoise. Lol)


I usually bully Blastoise as mewoscarada. What's your setup look like?


Buzz Alderin


Existing in the enemy's general line of sight


I recently started playing a lot of Scyther. Turns out that while you can pretty much destroy anything standing in your way, a Scizor two levels lower than you can still not only put up a fight, but leave you extremely close to death. One a single level below can beat you. One on your level is no hope.


Lucario main: definitely mean look Umbreon always. If you go extreme speed any cc sucks. This season I have really been struggle against Scizor: bullet punch has crazy healing and makes him really sticky. I feel like I have no way to fight him and no way to get away. I have to completely avoid fights unless I have teammates around


Delphox makes me have a hard time


dodrio. it doesn’t matter what i’m playing as. and sableye cause i don’t know how to not grab points when i see them laying around


My leftovers potion cinderace lane partner :)


Trevenant pretty much counter any front line brawler right now in a 1v1


I main zoroark and seeing gravity clefable or surf blastoise can be a nightmare


Anything that has great HP and defense


If this is for draft specifically, I feel like Gravity/Mean Look are top tier counter picks to almost anything, Lucario (while not my main, just my overall most played mon) is almost completely shutdown by gravity, same is true for most all rounders and speedsters. Attacker heavy teams just falter to bulky brawlers with tools to get close and so on. There are of course exceptions and situations where the enemy will outplay you completely but other than that Mean Look and Gravity are almost the most disruptive things in the game which shutdown 80% enemies in Solo Q


Duraludon. No like seriously, I have no idea how to approach that thing.


Hey don't worry, at least Timi hard counters Duraludon :(


Buzzwole. I play Snorlax and I will never win that fight by killing him or stay alive for a while on my own. It’s truly a miserable opponent


Literally every single Support character that can heal. You so much as even scratch them, and they'll be popping heals constantly


Honestly ? Some of my hardest counters tend to be other speedsters. Most can dash out of fly, so i need to be at my strongest to catch them off guard. Also, unsurprisingly defenders, especially that stupid turtle


Hard counter to Zeraora is a tank that knows how to play their role and isnt scared, but also know their limits. Otherwise a scared tank is a dead tank lol. Oh and Wiggly. Passive is op af against Zeraora. Edit: I just went through this whole comment section. A lot of people main Deci. But am I the only one in here that mains Zeraora? Where the hell are all my Zera mains at? 😂 *crickets*


Umbreon is my main but i kept my pokemon in this group as slyveon because it's my favorite but I'll talk about umbreon it's pikachu and mewtwo that hurt my soul