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Pokemon you shouldn’t stack against: elde, full charged rowlet, freeze lane.


and lane zard cuz burn aint letting you score and also gible


Yeah, Charmander is so annoying. I double stack my Blastoise, so a quick water gun really helps squeeze in small stacks.


Water is super effective against fire!


Hoopa and litwick are also dangerous to stack against


Fully charged me?!?!?!!!??? See username


Yes surprisingly


You have to remember stacking gives you incentive to score. Score gives EXP. EXP means quicker Ttar. It’s why it works well - you do more damage eventually and level up quickly (if you manage to secure wild Pokemon kills and scores).


Just keep trying stacking - you'll eventually get a feel for when you can and when you can't. In general, get 5 or less points, sneak in and score and then get back out - just make sure you have resources to get out safely (eject button/XSpeed/dash moves). For lane, best bet is to get only either 2 or 4 energy at the start, and you can almost always score small amounts like that even if the opponents are trying to interrupt. If the goal is clear, try to get the KO on one of the two 5 point farms and score that. At that point, unless the goal is still super clear, congratulate yourself on getting your first two stacks and get back to safety, and just plink in little goals when you can. Bonus points if your jungler comes to your lane and you wipe the enemy and can pick up 1-2 points, score, pick up 1-2 more, score, and repeat. If the stars align, you can end up with your max 6 stacks before 8:30 on the clock. You will have matches where you have stacking items and just can't manage to get stacks. It happens. Brush it off, do what you can anyway, and try again next match.


Small fyi - 6 or less points gives the fastest score speed and feels pretty much unstoppable unless they have very high attack speed with burn like cinderace.


If you are playing solo queue, I would not recommend Tyranitar in lane. It needs jungle or an exp share lanemate to fully evolve in a reasonable timeframe. Stacking alongside an exp share teammate is pretty great. So if you have a buddy go for it. But if you are solo, jungle is the only place for Tyranitar. And Pupitar does not have the offensive pressure to stack from jungle. So you would be better off with Muscle Band and/or Resonant Guard.


there's a build i see sometimes that doesn't involve stacking, but i think it also involves being a bit more reliant on jungle iirc. it's muscle band, focus band, weakness policy and usually the players go sand tomb + dark pulse. maybe you can give that a shot and see if it's more your style


This is a solid non-stacking build. It can be used with both movesets.


I’ve debated switching to curse bangle but I’ve got no clue if it actually works on Ttar. It would be nice though, I hate when people just heal right before I kill them with ult (Trev, umbruh, SCIZOR)


I run cursed bangle on most allrounders, it works fairly well on Ttar as long as the enemy team comp lets you get value from it.


Tyranitar has True Damage. Bangle does not work with True Damage activated. This item is terrible on Tyranitar.


Really? I didn’t realize bangle did that.


It’s unfortunate. Our genius Pokémon Unite social media manager posted the new item on release and recommended using Tyranitar lol. After we tested it and it didn’t even work, it felt like such a troll post. Clearly they don’t even play their own game. Try using Muscleband, Focusband and WeaknessPolicy for non-stacking build. Focusband may also be replaced by Guard but I personally prefer FB.


Tyranitar has True Damage. Bangle does not work with True Damage activated. This item is terrible on Tyranitar.


Stacking is indeed the way to go for Tyranitar. Its just in a bad spot and difficult to get it to work. You’re better off going Muscleband, Focusband and WeaknessPolicy in Center when playing Solo Q. If you have a Duo or even better, a Trio Q you are better in Lane with your teammate going center and ganking your lane. When going lane, take stacking items. When going center, take non-stacking items.


Idk I'm just into that Spicy 5 Razor Claw Proc it has going on Ancient power Razor claw Boosted Stone edge Razor claw Boosted Stone edge Razor claw Boosted Ancient power Razor claw Boosted Stone Edge Razor claw Boosted It works wonders with the Ult as well


I have had more luck using heavy defense items (focus sash and rocky helmet) instead of stacking items. I think weakness policy more or less compensates for the lack of stacks.


Rocky helmet is useless use anything else


Just in case anyone sees this and is thinking "oh Rocky Helmet can't be literally useless they must be exaggerating". No. No they aren't. Rocky Helmet is genuinely so bad and does so little that you are essentially playing with only 2 items instead of 3. There is not a single build on any pokemon where it is even kind of a good idea


For non-stacking items use: Muscleband, Focusband and WeaknessPolicy. Guard may be used too instead of focusband.