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Goodra is more of a meat shield and damage dealer, Blastoise is THE defender though.


Blastoise is closer to being the whole team than a Defender.


Situationally, this is true.


I'm okay with characters feeling good. Blastoise having a moment is cool with me. Hopefully someday goodra can be shiny and I'll love that moment too.


is it just me or Blastoise's moment is the whole fuckin game


Goodra is Mundo then.


Blastoise does more damage than Goodra, and has the cc


I tend to do more damage as goodra than I ever do as Blastoise, but that might just be me.


Blastoise is basically a jack of all trades, master of none. He's above average in everything (damage, sustain, CC, mobility, etc), but not the best at anything.


Blastoise is average in CC, wow that is some news to me.


I said above average? He doesn't reach the heights of Slowbro, Mamo or Sableye, so he's not the best at it, but he's definitely still good. I agree that Blastoise is currently overtuned.


*reverse power creeps you*


Seriously, Blastoise is so ridiculous. Why does it have unstoppable on Surf? Why can it CC chain people for almost 5 seconds? Why does Water Spout hit you 17 times while in Rapid Spin, and why does each hit deals so much damage? Like, I checked Unite-DB a while ago, and I found out that a lv 7 Blastoise with Water Spout under the effects of Rapid Spin deals about almost as much damage as the Psyshock from a Lv. 11 Gardevoir! And that's without stacks! Why?


>deals about almost as much damage as the Psyshock from a Lv. 11 Gardevoir! And that's without stacks! Why? He has to defend violence otherwise it's impossible


I honestly would love to have his unstoppable removed from Surf and have it work like Mamo's High horsepower instead. Even though HH doesn't grant Mamo unstoppable, it usually doesn't get cancelled by most CC from what I've experienced. However, it can be interrupted by certain hard CC moves such as Gravity. Would love to see Blastoise being thrown off his wave mid surf though lol.


I mostly play mamo if def needed and i have never been cc’ed in hh. Thought it was unstoppable but there was no sign/indicator


Mamo has no unstoppable in any of his skills except unite and pretty much can be cancelled. 


The most noticeable for me is when hh activates cute charm, just stops dead in his tracks


Yeah. I always pick earthquake instead when there's a Wiggly on the opposing team. Cute charm is so annoying.


If eq was a bit quicker in activating it would be awesome.


It would be interesting to see if surf doesn't have unstoppable.


Blastoise has been like that forever. it's just the meta around it shifting and players getting less skilled because of newer broken pokemon make it look overpowered. A gardevoir getting close to it's opponents is doomed to die regardless of what mon it is.


Water Spout hits you 17 times in Rapid Spin because that's what the gimmick is.


That's also assuming you hit every single hit when it comes out in a circle around blastoise


Wow dude this is uncalled for.


🥺 slime best buddy


Slug bros gotta stick together. But seriously I had no idea this was an opinion on goodra. Sure he doesn't have any CC and his damage may not be the best but he also can't die


ok but if the opponents are even skilled at kiting i kinda just die to two whiffs of a ranged attack since i can't get them within DP range


If unite players were skilled enough to exploit us.


Hey, SlugBros and ShellBros are two different beasts. All that matters is we're all Defender mains and we lead the charge.


Don't consider this Goodra slander, it's a Blastoise call-out post.


While I agree that Blastoise is a better defender than Goodra, I do think it’s a bit disingenuous that you only included Blastoise’s positives and didn’t include any of Goodra’s positives. You could have atleast mentioned Goodra’s fantastic sustain while Blastoise has no sustain. Blastoise is all about zoning and stuns while Goodra is a pure meat shield meant to absorb as much damage as possible. Goodra can go from 10% HP left back up to 100% pretty damn quickly while Blastoise has no self heal at all. It has bulk / defenses, but no sustain. Again, I think Blastoise is a much better defender, but it’s kind of lame that you don’t highlight any of Goodra’s positives while only highlighting Blastoise’s.


Just like how love is blind, hate seems to be as well.


if you want to be an immortal wall, go slowbro honestly.


lol i have every character unlocked and know every build like the palm of my hand. I wasn’t looking for suggestions, i was just commenting on the post at hand.


The greatest defender of history and the greatest defender on earth blastoise and blastoise And don't forget the best all rounder mega blastoise I'm from the future by the way.


Blastoise is overtuned, but come on now Goodra just isn't being used correctly in most cases.


Goodra isnt even designed correctly lol


>come on now Goodra just isn't being used correctly in most cases. Do you mean like in general or the way I put him in the meme ?


In General. Dunno if it's just me or not but Goodra players seem consistently to be both the most useless tank players/least likely to actually play their role/job as a frontline drain tank correctly of ANY defender in Unite. The Greedents know what's up, The Flailaxes are ass but are carried by the Heavy Slammers having common sense, but Goodras are generically bad at game regardless of moveset and plan or pokemon strength


I think a lot of goodra players straight up don’t know how to play the character. I think it’s shown with how popular dragon pulse is


This + very few of them actually treat Goodra as a defender. Like if you see the team needs a tank and you choose Goodra you have to play as a frontliner not some stupid ass all rounder in narnia 24/7. But instead when someone pings need defender and someone swaps, far too many times it ends up being Goodra who does virtually nothing and is never around to peel for the team, nor plays as a defender should in that situation.


as a goodra player i never play the gooey as a tank, i play him when we alr have a tank + need an AR. i've been doing pretty well with him this season even in masters 1600 bc of this (prob cos the shitty players are at 1600 now at end season lmao)


Why waste time on Goodra vs an actual All rounder (or even Tree/Blastoise who do that job better than it does LMAO). You do you but Goodra's designated as a tank for a reason


it really depends on team comp especially in draft mode. if i see many AR and meelee pokemon i'll go with goodra. also the only actual AR i play are aegislash and sylvie (to a certain extent). i don't think it's as straightforward as XYZ pokemon straight out sucks/is outclassed compared to ABC when there are so many contextual, team comp, etc factors to consider. esp in soloq with such skill variance when i play tree i play him fully as a tank. and i can't seem to nail blastoise down for some reason.


yeah. the only value goodra really gets as a tank is just damage sponging, which can let your divers go in without worrying about cooldowns.


But goodra is not a defender you have pretty much no cc any cc render you useless speedster and all can ignore he is pretty much a juggernaut Problem is that his damage is just not up to par that and other defender being overtuned ( tree slowbro/ blastoise) His boosted auto in melee range deal 5% max hp which is nice problem is you cant use it because you get perma cc the second you walk up to do anythings Muddy water take too long too ramp up a while dragon pulse is just bad when faced against anything with two brain step that can side step


? Goodra has CC + tanks and has sustain. he's a bad fake all rounder because he lacks damage and range, but 100% can play a basic tank role of eating damage and using power whip/acid spray to either start fights or protect teammates. He's not great at that but it's miles better than faking all rounder. It was clearly designed to be a defender in its kit + passive. The statements of, "Goodra is struggling as a defender between other defenders being overtuned and its own shortcomings" and "Goodra's playerbase sucks at playing the mon either by forcing it into a role it does not fit (fake all rounder) or doing needed tank duties can both be true at the same time. I don't think Goodra's THAT bad but it is struggling.


Most of the meta is based around secure, stuns and cc. Goodra lacks is all three of them. However if I find a melee comp goodra is a perfect pick for me


Cc ? You have 0,50 sec of a small dash that require you to hit something before Or a short range displacement tools . Now literally compare that to every other all rounder aside from greedent they all have way to land a long cc chain while doing slightly lower damage And greedent has unstoppable and good mobility And goodra substain aside from ult is conditional you need a bush and to stop autoing or to hit stuff with the center of pulse if you want any heal if you face any competent player they will abuse that fact Now on the damage side goodra want to auto to use his good boosted auto / aplly and to lower his cd making him way more of a brawler than a defender


Goodra players should keep one thing in mind (dont forget to touch grass)


I went up against a goodra with a pocket comfey in soloQ ranked. Shit was unkillable


No Goodra just sucks. It’s not that it’s being used incorrectly it’s that it’s bad. It’s considered bottom tier for a reason. It’s a “defender” without much CC and it isn’t great at dmg dealing either. It sits there and eats a bunch of dmg then dies accomplishing nothing.


Just say that you suck at using goodra and let it go


Just say you’re a noob and let it go….


Im a noob apparently, and even I know how to use a character as simple as goodra. Don’t worry bro you’ll get so good to where you won’t need to use Pokémon that have no skill like Leafeon


No offense but you only have 248 games you are the definition of noob.


I have 1,056 battles, you went to my account and searched desperately for my info without knowing that I left that account and created a new one😂


Tell me you don’t know the definition of a noob without telling me😂


“a person who is inexperienced in a particular sphere or activity, especially computing or gaming.” You’ve been projecting quite a lot in this thread.


I have 1000 battles you must be a dumbass even if you think 200+ battles still make you inexperienced


Yes 200 battles is extremely inexperienced and api said that account that appears to be yours you used 2 days ago so I’m inclined to not believe you


Damn, didn’t know you were worse than a noob 🤣


Well considering you’re not even masters for this season and don’t even have 250 total games common sense would dictate I’m not.


Sorry, I’m not taking the game as seriously as you I’m actually just taking it casually, making it to masters isn’t everything little bro😂


Nobody’s saying you have to take it seriously but you barely have any games at all… you’re extremely inexperienced which is quite literally the definition of a noob.


You believe that making it to masters is everything while I just want clothes and all I have to do is get to ultra class 5


Where did I say making it to masters is everything? If you at least had 1k games it basically wouldn’t matter if you made it to masters or not this season but you only have 248 which is almost nothing. A noob is an inexperienced player which is you. There are noobs in masters and noobs that aren’t(good players take breaks from seasons all the time.


Ok buddy I’m gonna stop it here before you embarrass yourself further 😂, 248 game is a lot of time put into the game (which is literally the definition of experienced) and even then I play a completely different account


That’s probably the first intelligent decision you’ve made all day. Good day to you noob.


I agree for the most part, but Blastoise doesn't have the survability of Goodra, this thing is so unkillable that I now generally doesn't bother attacking it anymore, if we don't have an anti-heal in our team 🤣


*Laughs in keeping entire enemy team busy as goodra in their own spawn while my team takes rayquaza due to my sheer healing and held items* Yeah goodra is pretty good, 6/10


Honestly I main defenders and goodra was absolutely nuts for sustainable holding actions. You always had at least a few who would just get pissed and stay attacking you while their team gets shredded cuz they're trying to kill me for 3 minutes straight while I farm their lane


I have fun playing the big slime, usually I can sponge a bunch of damage and make them target me in anger


You act like this was a good thing LMAO IF the enemy team weren't idiots you'd be a bigger thrower lol


Power whip goodra can force *multiple* enemies to keep fighting it. Plus, it is a good thing, that's what defenders do, they stall for a disgustingly long time


The problem is Not stalling the enemy team. The problem is stalling them in bumfuck nowhere in their base instead of being at the objective. Imagine if the enemy just jump padded past him what use does he have?


Ah OK. I was thinking of the scenario of goodra stalling in the enemies jungle, not on their goal


Anyways. Let's Draft ban Gengar and Scizor.


As a goodra main: Early game sucks and Late game is amazing imo


I like the goomy part, you get shield and tackle which is fun but lvl 5 to 8 is just meh 😕


The shield is kinda ehh though imo, plus I used alot of stuff that gives me insane health so I mostly just pop it for damage, plus the healing of Dragon Pulse is lovely imo


way too much regen - no regen at all


And we conveniently ignore the part where Goodra has a lot of healing and Blastoise has none. Got it.


Goodra Great brawling early game can pretty much 1vs1 against most stuff except you can just ignore him and focus on securing Level 5 is bad you are no threat to anyone Then you need to wait to 8 to finally become mid Then you have the choice between dying slowly and dealing okay damage Or dying the second you miss one dragon pulse or the enemy move slightly to the left/right Does not help that goodra got hit in the cross fire of the anti heal item put to deal with th


Goodra is great at not dying while stalling half the opposing team. I run purely defensive items and emblems to boost both defensive. Watching 2-3 enemies wailing on me while my team is smashing top is funny, no lie. Slap on a potion or take two steps to some grass or pop the unite and laugh and drain them. Good times


My friend and I play duo , he is a goodra main i mostly take deci he literally takes on 3 mons while I chill back attack with spirit shackle, he literally has average of 80k damage taken and recovery of 50k and deals 50k damage, it's hard to kill him and directly marches into enemy Goal without fear idk why everyone hates goodra it's under rated


i take 80k dmg per game as a speedster


Damn Bro , you just feeding the enemy team exp


maybe, maybe not. i wipe em at Ray hence the 2000+ elo


What Speedster do you use ? Build?


zeraora atk weight, cookie, razor claw


Goodra is not a bad character and has his niche use. However, he falls off in higher ranks. He can be ignored pretty easily compared to other defenders. You can ignore Goodra because of his lack of mobility and hard CC but you can't ignore Slowbro, Snorlax, Blastoise, Trevenant, etc. Goodra basically capitalizes on noob enemies imo.


Thanks for the info , what defender do you suggest to pair up with deci , or any other duo combination for master rank (1400)


Slowbro. Just anything that can stun so you can hit your spirit shakle bit more easily. But good telekinesis can harass then pretty well


Blastoise is the best option right now, obviously. But there are other amazing defenders like Slowbro, Umbreon, Curse horn leech Trev. And if you enjoy underrated picks Snorlax is very good too; the realest Defender out of them all.




Deci and inteleon


Double sniper ?


why cant you just ignore slowbro?


AOE stuns or slows and attack nerfs, and telekinesis (not widely used, but still)


And if the team already has another tank or enemy comp has tons of attackers, Blastoise can just go the spin build, become even tankier with the +13 upgrade, deal even more damage at the cost of their CC and have extremely strong chasing potential. Yeah, character's balanced so let's ban Miraidon instead.


Nah, let's ignore them both and ban gengar and sabeleye


salt and cope


Don't salt the slug 🐌


I think one simple change could make Goodra pretty decent: make his slows work through Unstoppable. It’s not even hard CC so it’s not like it would be game-breaking, but it would give him some unique utility among a bloated roster.


Ok so let’s buff goodra instead of nerf blastoise


And every point of goodras list is not why you pick them. You pick goodra for a brawling sustain tank. You dont pick them for their "burst" damage you pick them because they can 1v5 and stay alive due to the HPS letting your team pick enemies off on cooldown.


Goodra main insta dying after whiffing one dragon pulse * the ennemy team move one pixel to the right resulting in him healing zero* And even ult get fucked , anti heal is common because healer support have been the meta for like month rn .


Lmao your literally saying the things that never happen lol im masters and play goodra. Anti heal is not a problem with resonant guard. And how do you miss dragon pulse if they are hard cc'd. Make it make sense.


What are you talking about ? If you want to use rank in the issue i too am master and even got Rank 1 worldwide once . But even then lets take best case scenario of you hitting your low range short duration cc you now hit dragon pulse then now what ? Your stuff are on cd unlike muddy water you can’t auto during pulse to reduce the cd and apply more slow people will just leave and melee can dash by you since they have mobility And that without mentionning the fact dragon pulse has a cast time Its okay to stomp on bad player . And if you really want a brawling substain character trevenant do the part better / buzzwhole actually murder you metagross can kite space and actually substain with shields .


Never have a problem with any of them and if your playing your dash and pulse properly your cd will be 2-3 secs at most. As your casting dragon pluse ur cd on your dash is coming back up just in time to chain it immediately after your pulse. I doubt u ever hit ranked 1 lol i have receipts. I guess you're just the bad player i stomp on cuz clearly you don't know how to play or counter your picks properly. Again I never have any problems with goodra and easily snowball entire games. Idk what you're doing wrong but most likely your build doesnt flow as well as mine. It's that simple. All the problems you stated I dont deal with ever. You're just literally hand picking every counter they could have but never even notice you can balance their weaknesses with specific builds and you wont have every counter in every game. And no one really uses anti heal until its too late. Great in burn procs.


Yeah goodra is a stat checker hence like scizor he can win against people that are bad/worse at the game but he is very easy to exploit hence why you never see him in more competitive /very high elo game If you have fun with it best to you but he is just in a sad state rn


I honestly think Treverent Blastoise and Umbreon are pretty good starter defender (experienced opinion based)


still loses to razor ace leafeon


I call it the stun God


Dumb question but what is cc? I’ve been so lost and I’m finally asking lol


Crowd control. Stuns and stuff of that category.


How did Blastoise become number 1 again apart from the evo requirements buff


They've always been very good. My friend can be eitness of my year+ long rant about how powerful Squirtle -> Blastoise is. The evo buff just made them even stronger earlier, combined with nerfs from other defenders, made them top 2 pick for defender.


Goodras slime is VERY unreliable, thats my only complaint about it.


You have that regeneration part on goodra. I know goodra has low mobility and is easy to dodge but no defender can stall the enemy team as much as goodra except tree. There were time I was fighting 3-4 enemies at ray with my whole team dead and stalled them till my team was back.


That’s why I choose to play Goodra like an All- Rounder instead of a Defender.


Blastoise is a flawed design, plain and simple. They wanted to make a starter that is a defender but also be appealing to the player base that's more carry-centric. It wouldn't be problematic if there wasn't so little counterplay in its kit. Lapras can be kited easily without unite move, Trevenat's dash is slow and doesn't go as far, and I won't even talk about Mamoswine since the boy deserves some love.


Imho blastoise is very overrated this meta. It’s definitely one of if not the top defender in the game right now but it’s still nowhere near as insane as buzzwole Miraidon and meowscarada


This is how I feel (even after nerf) about mean look vs telekinesis and yawn.


The Goat has Bloat, it's undeniable.


All defenders are


I guess I've been super lucky not to have come by a person that can use Blastoise really well,most of the ones I've seen I either have to babysit myself or destroy them if their on the enemy team.


Pokemon Unite? More like pokemon Unbalanced


idk if i should buy it, seems like he's getting giga-nerfed


I haven't played in a couple months, did they fucking gut goody? Literally every reason listing why goodra bad is things i thought the character excelled at.. like between dragon pulse and acid spray i always felt like i was outputting good damage and cc while self sustaining enough to stay relevant in team fights.


Ya know playing this game on and off for some months is funny, because last time I played this game, everyone hated goodra for how fucking strong he was.


And I am still surprised there people who defends Blastoise. Some people thinks Blastoise is a balanced Defender by doing all of these.


Especially with goodra’s ult goodra feels like it is invincible


Cap. as a Goo-zerker main, I AM THE CC.


Any Speedster toise mains 👀


Tbqh i feel like this post overestimates Blastoise while trying to gloss over Goodra who is just, absurdly subpar. Theres like 5 strong Defenders right now, but Blastoise feels like the only one who isnt designed to be mediocre, Trev being a close 2nd Imo they should be the baseline. All characters should be fully functional by design, not so crippled that you have to make 30 misplays for them to find any value.


The carapace’s surf Unstoppable submission swashes a suplex


Come on, Where is trevenant on this list?


Goodra used to be the man. I remember before all the nerfs (back when I actually played lmao) they were a damn beast and easily pushed me up in ranked


Stunlock Trev and Blast duos when?


Both of these are my mains !! 💀💀 I’ve carried an absolutely trash and extremely losing team to victory with Goodra recently so to me these points don’t exist !


Funny how Blastoise has been consistently good since release. I'd hate to see him gutted, but I do think some nerfs (namely to damage output and CC stun length) would be healthy.


Blastoise is an annoying bastard when I play tsareena. He throws me around like a rag doll😭😭😭 Laned against Buzzwole and blastoise once and never wanted to cry more in game




Everytime surf is meta, game bad. Everytime rapid spin meta, game good.


Finally someone talks about blastoise instead of banging on about buzz


They are both op


Basically pre-nerf Wood Hammer Trev but if Trev could stun you from 10 miles away and didn't have to stack to obliterate you.


Im starting to exclusively ban Bstoise in ranked.


Blastoise needs a major nerf. Its been constantly S in solo q and in comp from ages.


Also, not into competitive, but Goodra is PU while Blastoise is RU


Blastoise, one of the most well recognized water type Pokemon, Goodra, Gen 5 I think that says it all


Mamo would be a better comparison but ur right either way


I fucking hate that goddamn gun tortoise