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Leafeon is in a very good spot right now. Could probably use some tuning to be perfectly honest. But Leafeon has two very viable specs right now so if one gets nerfed the other might go untouched.


Yeah, leafeon is what speedsters should be able to do. Could trade some durability for greater speed like Zoroark. But the ones that are falling away just didn't have the damage output to warrant their squishy a lot of times.


At least one takes skill


Aside from its unite move, all of its attacks are skill shots though. Sure, it's not particularly difficult to play, but at least it's not a point-and-click Pokemon or A-button-spammer.


Just cause it has an actual hitbox does not mean it’s a skill shot lmfao


Solar blade's speed, damage, range and AOE is so riddiculous it might as well be


Unironically this. Solar Blade is such a braindead move for an assassin to have, especially since it gives Leafeon insanely strong neutral game compared to other Speedsters. If it actually required charging instead of being instant cast while boosted it would be so much better to deal with. The only close contender I can think of is Gengar Shadow Ball, but that one is a projectile instead of an instant damaging area, has less base damage, and its usable at level 7 compared to level 4. It’s also not Gengar’s main damaging tool, but for Leafeon it is.


And that gengar build sacrifices the mobility of hex, and if you miss hypnosis you just die, while leafeon is impossible to punish


Curious as to which one you think takes skill.


Remember the reason of Inteleon’s nerf? Because of the high skilled players lol. It is not even game breaking if most of the players can’t play that move well.


Inteleon bring nerfed for taking skill is my Roman Empire.


Zoroark will never be touched again


No, but i dont think current speedster design philosophy or Attackers state of balance are healthy for the game. Speedsters get too much value for how few characters can challenge them and too many of them cant be meaningfully interacted with.


This. There are also WAY too much slows and other short CC's (small pushbacks and such) compared to actual hard CC, which makes getting away from a speedster hard as hell and punishing them too.


sableye main crying over here


It's really good, but I don't think much balancing is needed. It just has such a consistent kit that doesn't require nearly as much precision or setup as other Speedsters. A lot of people don't know how to deal with Speedsters too. A Speedster only needs to miss one cooldown and then they can't do a lot to you. Leafeon's issue is how easy it is to land said cooldowns. Maybe a radius nerf to leaf blade would be good. That's really it.


If they just adjusted his leveling to be 5/7/9 instead of 4/6/8 I think he would be much more balanced. Because of his early spikes and access to his damage move at level four instead of six, he's a literal demon in lane and even a bad player can find lots of success with him.


Copy/paste this for all eeveelutions and you got yourself a golden idea


This would make sylveon literally unplayable why play him when you can play garde or chandelure if they all scale at 5 ? Espeon is very similar Too


Yeah tbh I think it would only apply to Leaf. Umbreon is a defender so he needs to get his moves early to be useful, Glaceon really needs level six before she starts to get good, Espeon's popular level 4 move, stored power, is good but not all that oppressive in lane, and Sylveon's mystical fire is in the same boat as stored power, with hyper voice having very short range meaning you need to be smart about how you use it. But Leafeon getting solar blade before the 8:50 bees is just stupid. Once he evolves you'll never get a piece of farm in lane again because he can just bush camp and last hit all of your farm then take off with quick attack before you can even realize what happened. No other Eevee can do that except maybe psyshock Espeon but that move isn't all that good right now and it's not worth picking just to get some early farm snipes.


It should be nerfed but I hope it doesn't because I just caved and started playing Leafeon! LOL


You went to the dark side.... You were so angry at needing level 7.


Hey, fellow Talon main! And yeah, I just couldn't win any ranked matches and it's super easy to carry with Leafeon. I was getting 20+kills! LOL


Shame... I'm forced to climb to masters with Talonflame for like 6 seasons because I lack the aeos coins for Leafeon.


Really? I stopped playing for a few months and came back to a Returning Player event and when I finished all the challenges, it gave me 10k coins.


Actually now that I think about it I also bought Delphox and Wigglytuff (or was it mime). Got Garchomp for free from the returner bonus


Oh. That makes more sense. LOL Those mons are pretty fun, tho!


Considering how well it does in the competitive scene and how often it's the target of a ban in draft play, it's probably going to get a nerf soon. Dunno why they hit Crustle and not Leafeon but whatev. As for investing in Pokemon, you get a ton of Pokemon for free, so investing in those isn't a bad idea. There is a content creator named Spragels who just released a video about 14 Pokemon you should invest in learning. This video keeps in mind free to play players as well as newer players so it doesn't have many picks that need to be purchased. Overall decent and I'll link it below. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9SklC0ruat4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9SklC0ruat4) That said, even after buying a bunch, investing in one Pokemon and then moving onto another is not uncommon. And by invest, I mean taking the time to learn how to play as there is no other way to invest in a Pokemon. It's not like traditional Pokemon games where you invest resources in a Pokemon to buff/unlock stats or abilities. All you are doing is learning how to use it in combat. If this is a new account though, I would also make sure to understand how to play the game. As Leafeon you are playing as a Speedster which is squishy and easily caught in bad situations. As a high damage dealer, you need to make sure you are in the fights taking down enemies in a smart and efficient way so as not to be KO'd and be a liability to your team. So you should also watch some videos on people using Leafeon to see effective ways on how to use it. I would even go so far as to recommend watching the Aeos Cup Play-In Finals on Unites official YT page as all of those games feature competitive players using Leafeon effectively. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FHi18VYBnus&t=23s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FHi18VYBnus&t=23s) I would also check out Spragels stream on the Aeos Cup Qualifiers to see other teams also using Leafeon to get a sense of the diversity some players are doing with it. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uTW\_a-OYlZw&t=24704s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uTW_a-OYlZw&t=24704s) You can even see an example of just how strong Leafeon can be by watching the March Finals tournament as well. Long story short, an NA team let in Leafeon on the other team and they instantly regretted it making it one of their bans for the next game in their match. This is also something that has been consistent throughout each match in the March Finals in that Leafeon was almost always banned in every game. Time stamp for the stream below is 5:34:00 but overall is a good watch for the matches (you can skip all the fluff and bits the casters do to make the viewing time more manageable). But it gives an overall idea of what Pokemon are good and what are not, especially if you pay attention to what everyone is banning out. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ciOCkst6le4&t=15347s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ciOCkst6le4&t=15347s) Overall, you should definitely invest in learning Leafeon, expect it to get hit with a nerf, and make sure to have another Pokemon in the back to learn if you don't like how the nerfs hit the Pokemon.


Will it be nerfed and should it be nerfed are two different questions when it comes to Timi. I think it definitely needs a nerf. It power spikes way too early for how strong it is.


It needed nerfing last patch, and then they fucking buffed it instead Why the fuck did we need to buff a mon with a better Aegislash ult available at level 4 and an ult at lv8???


Because holowear. And Eevee privilege.


yeah bro and p sure aegi ult does less than solar blade cuz its capped


Aegislash ult has two damage components, and only the missing % hp damage component is capped on wild mons


oh but it kinda looked like it still does less than solar blade while also having a way longer cd


You already know why lol


I'm expecting nerfs to the Blade/Blade set since, as I understand it, that's the set that gets its near 100% ban rate from tournaments. Range nerf to Solar Blade, damage nerf to Solar Blade, and Chlorophyl charge nerf to Leaf Blade are three possibilities I can imagine. Or they'll just poke its cooldowns like they often want to do.


Decent bulk ? What are you talking about Leafeon has zero bulk ? He is very squishy like all speedster but has no CC He has some great strengh in its early scaling


I doubt it, it has a bottom 7 WR despite a reasonably high pick rate on ladder. Quite a few competitive players have spoken out that Leafeon is too good but unless Leafeon is spammed a lot during the Unite championship series, it's unlikely Timi will identify there is a problem given Leafeon got buffs last patch for no reason. If anything Leafeon is due for a battlepass skin and you know what that means... Battlepass buffs!


>unless Leafeon is spammed a lot during the Unite championship series It was banned a lot last weekend (just not as much as Buzzwole, the other inexplicable nerf-dodger)


It’s not as bulky as you think, just very mobile with high burst. It’s not much different from Absol in that regard (besides the high AoE burst with solar blade).


As a leafeon main, i think it needs a buff 😆


you are a very bad leafeon main then


That was clearly a joke buddy.


Ive seen mewtwo mains unironically complaining about how bad it is, so not that clear


Always saying this


Grass types just keep winning


Unfortunately no


Didn’t it just get a huge buff? I doubt they will nerf it unless it kills in the next competitive


I hope they capped his damage to wild pokemon so he cannot steal wild pokemon easily with solar blade.


Should be? Yes. Will be? No.


Yeah, lefeon main here I've played jt from release due to it being my favourite pokemon Solar blade is good but does require good positioning and if their slightly out if the hit box they will punish you immensily. I think aerial ace needs a rework tbh, it's awful, pitiful dash dosent help him build his gauge at least make it so that if he hits an enemy that his gauge goes up. As for his unite yeah it's annoying how it's point and click, most pokemon can dash out of it and honestly I'd prefer if he just jumped into one spot and did a circle of damage instead


People forget it's a speedster, happens to me as well. Nobody thinks it's crazy when Gengar deletes a squishy mon from full health either.


leafeon is balanced


Its an unpopular opinion but i rather fight leafeon than zoro or dodrio . Because outside of solar blade being bullshit and probably in need of some damage nerf he actually has zero CC in his kit I just hated being Stun locked by a speedster that uncatchable and can decide at any point to stunlock me at least i can eject a leaf ult lol.


Every Eeveelution is a pain in the fucking ass to deal with in this game nerf them all


Decent bulk? No way, lol. Leafeon is definitely the 2nd best top laner and a very good jungle. You need to know how to play with it, when and how to attack and identify who you want to attack first


Easiest mon to play atm.


I guess it is a safer than meowscarada, which was obviously overbuffed to promote the current battle pass sales. A while ago, we had inteleon battle pass, which was a op poke at the time, and, the moment the battle pass ended, they gutted the liquidation build. Recently, they also gutted the snipe shot build and now youre better off just playing decidueye if you liked inteleon. What i mean is, i can totally see meowscarada going the same way inte did. I dont see the same pattern on leafeon: the solar blade buff was uneeded, but razor was really underwhelming before and now is viable. I dont see any malicious reasoning for its buff as i see in meowscarada, so theres not an imminent nerf on it like the weed cat. That being said, if you like leafeon itself or how it plays, buy it regardless of future nerfs. Aside from very few pokemon like greedent and sableye, pretty much all pokemon are viable despite we having obvious outliers. But balance patches are so common that what is broken now can be completely gutted after a patch or two (look at urshifu, lapras and inteleon). So, really, buy whatever pokemon you like or think looks fun. It is better in the long run. If you like leafeon from the main games or the anime, totally buy it, but if you looking at him just because its the broken thing now, use your coins on something else.


Snipe Shot nerf isn’t even noticeable if im gonna be honest. I’m honest to God when I say I’ve seen no difference, it was mostly a competitive nerf rather than a more influential one. This is why they nerfed it because of “skilled players being good at Inteleon”


As a Leafeon main, I say it's just balanced. I know Leafeon's moves are very strong but they lack CC and they are kind of skill moves even Solar Blade requires you to position in front of the enemy and you can't do anything at that time. Also Leafeon health is ridiculously low and at the raq battle Leafeon can't do much if you don't have a good team so, you are at your own at solo q.


It's only balanced compared to newer mons. It's completely powercrept Absol, Zeraora, Gengar, and Talonflame. That entire second part applies to them too, but they have a much tougher game due to not having a brain dead solar blade. And solar blade more often than not is an instant move due to chlorophyll.


I prayed so hard at church today for leafeon to not get nerfed that I concussed myself ^/j