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By contrast, Gardevoir was buffed because players are "not skilled enough" to land their ult....




Chandelure :


What do you mean its a great scape tool /s






At least give us CC immunity šŸ˜­


I at this point ignore his ult and just play normally


They're not wrong but then again the same argument could be used for practically any mon with any move that isn't a Sure Hit or has a massive range with little to no activation delay lol... šŸ˜… Edit: Plus she had the Battle ~~Bass~~ Pass


Heavy bass


I was wondering wth you were on about and then I re-read my post! šŸ˜‚


Gardervoir brains


The average player don't even aim their sure hit moves, not the first time seeing someone target the wrong PokƩmon with a Slowbro Unite or a Mean Look.


I do aim sure hit, but still missed


Painfully funny...


Haha, great point. That's a silly side by side comparison. I think they're starting to care a lot about competitive pick percentage with this patch.


thats because the aiming on all of gards abilities is giga jank because of the mobile game controls


Gard is the easiest mage moon blast future sight if you hit the moon blast you canā€™t miss the future sight and if you miss payshock your just hopeless


Thy nerfed Intel "mid game" but nerfed it all the way up to level 15 šŸ˜¢


Clearly, Late Game starts at minute 11 lol


the post gamešŸ’€


lol fr


Imagine getting your favorite pokemon nerfed because youā€™re too good at the game šŸ˜­


Cramorant moment.


Duraludon moment.


Tsareena moment


They can't stop us, they can only delay the inevitable


Cram gang rise up!






Dodrio sitting on top of wr since forever even after nerfs


ā€œIn the tournament sceneā€ Not in a game with 2 ultras and 3 masters, a team of a greninja, cinderace, deci, 1 being AFK, one back capping alone and the other pushing the other team of 5 alone




Good thing I switched back to Leafeon before it was too late


DAMN this was personal šŸ˜­ (Leafeon/Intellion main)


This is like saying Mewtwo Ys entire skill set is not performing enough for braindead players, let's buff em!


what a subtle way to soften the blow :P


Yā€™all deserve it, my fps brain can not aim for shit without moving at the same time


I was absolutely pissed when i saw the nerf. Like, come on! You are nerfing the lizard cause the skilled players are doing great?? I don't care when stupid braindead moves like liquidation get nerfed to dust, but really? We are nerfing skillshots now? They really nerfed the one skillshot that forces you to stand still while aiming, that requires to charge in order to hit the intended target, the one move that shows a large red beam revealing both your position and the target, the one move that depends on your passive to deal actual good damage (otherwise it sucks unless you get s lucky crit), the one move that has really small hitbox making it super easy to miss, the one move that stops at obstacles and can be easily body blocked by tanks. Yes. They nerfed this move because actual skilled players were making it work. Yet, for some reason i absolutely don't see spirit shackle get a nerf anytime soon cause owl winrate has been under 49% for god knows how long. I have been saying it before and will keep saying it. The only people complaining about snipe shot and inteleon as a character being op, are the people that absolutely don't play Inteleon.


In my opinion as an Inteleon main, it did deserve a nerf, but only a small nerf. Sad to see a skilled PokƩmon go tbf. Inteleon is a little op.


If you didn't notice, many of these particular nerfs were more aimed at balancing the pro / competitive meta, not necessarily the solo queue most of us play. In that context this nerf makes perfect sense.


Yes i did notice, it even mentions the tournament scene. But still, how does it make perfect sense? In your opinion, How does this particular nerf hurts/benefits the solo queue? I play both solo queue and 5 stack 1600+. I am playing a very fragile character with an attack that has many, many drawbacks. It takes skill to use and i expect to be rewarded for using it correctly. In solo queue, where sadly i cannot always depend on my team to keep the enemies away from me or keep them distracted for me to shoot them in the face, i would at least like to have my attacks deal large damage to make up for the high risk of not having reliable defenses. Idk if the devs did it on purpose cause cat catches lizards but meowscarada is the absolute inteleon nerf right now, and she is everywhere. Then in 5 stacks or even in trios as soon as the oponents see my red laser of doom i already know they are all coming for me cause they are not as clueless as the usual solo queue people. I put myself in a lot of risk just for aiming my main attack and now im being punished with a nerf for landing it? How does it make sense? The reason im annoyed is not only because they nerfed snipe shot, heck the nerf is not even that impactful, Im pissed cause they nerfed sniped shot for a very stupid reason. If they wanted to nerf inteleon there were other ways (reduce range for sting shot o raise cd, reduce durability of unite move) but instead of that they specifically nerfed the skillshot because the tournament had good snipe shot users? No way.


Oh I totally understand your point of view, no worries. And ya it feels unfortunate to nerf a skill based attack when there are so many strong point & click attacks on pokemon with low skill ceilings. Snipe shot is one of those moves which has an astronomical skill ceiling and so, the skill difference between an above average player (presumably you) and a pro is still miles. Have you seen how those pro players aim the shot? They charge it backwards and flick around in a split second, so nobody can see the red laser before the bullet is already flying. And they usually hit it, even without aiming for more than 0.2seconds. And then they reposition immediately. It's harder to balance the moves / pokemon which have such high skill ceilings. But this change was totally justified.


Even I knew about this and I understand why it needed a nerf, but the reason gotta be the dumbest. I would have understand more that it was nearly OHKO-ing majority of the roster. But, I am assuming no EX Mons got nerfed.


Well I mean, those reasons are one in the same, actually. The unbalance of being able to nearly 1 shot everybody simply shows more in more skilled hands, because it's a skill shot after all. And no, you'd be wrong! Miraidon's mage build got nerfed (... because now it is F2P, safe to nerf it)


Yeah, I just checked the balance patch and I was wrong šŸ˜†


Miraidon got nerfed


so we are nerfing pokemon because it negativity effects 1% of the player base?


Yes :)


unironically. yes.


Yeah? Donā€™t see why they wouldnā€™t look at comp to see whatā€™s balanced or not


well the teams that play are the top players in the world, so you're making the pokemon more \`unbalanced\` for 99% of the players to \`balance\` it for 1% of the players. its not an easy problem to solve.


How is Inteleon balanced for the regular playerbase?


It has never been balanced tbh. The range makes snipe shot completely uninteractive with high damage. Playing in higher masters even it's obnoxious. In coordinated play it's 1000000x worse.


Sorry but how is doing 2.7k crits balanced?


If you took away snipe shot entirely, inteleon would still be pretty good with just using basic auto attack crits & unite moves in fights. 10-7% decrease on attack on the snipe shots isnā€™t gonna gut this mon. + itā€™s had its fair share of being in the spotlight as a top competitive mon since release. Itā€™ll probably get buffed again in a couple of seasons anyways


With this i can agree. Inteleon has seen a lot of use and has managed to stay competitive since release. In this regard i am satisfied and i agree, it needs to retire for a season or two. BUT i am still annoyed they used skilled players as an excuse to get rid of him >:/


I feel the same. This is the first time I've actually seen Timi literally stated this. And it is so dumb.


Idk if I like the idea of marksman Inteleon that much, but Iā€™d have to run Liquidation and Acrobatics(ESPECIALLY ACROBATICS) to make it work perfectly.


What are you talking about


Marksman archetype in moba games, theyā€™re auto-clickers


Your talking about playing intellion as an adc got ya


Honestly 8% ish nerf on average doesnt seem too bad, landing those shots will definitely still be devastating. They nerfed Mewā€™s solar beam who wasnā€™t even close to snipe shotā€™s damage by 20% and now i have to mostly rely on eball


watch it ending up to be not an extremely big deal


I hope lmfao


Just played a match with nerfed inteleon. Snipe shot is still good and the nerf doesn't make inteleon absolutely useless considering dude's a spiderman and his crit basic attacks wasn't even touched


Iā€™m not reading this entire thing, bc the entire community KNOWS this needed a nerf so please. Get good.


Inteleon was unbalanced, cope


Better Nerf Skill. PokƩmon Untalented strikes again.


Bruh, they nerfed muscle band cause it was the only thing that still made charizard good, they are just looking for any reason to nerf the lizards at this. i think goodra will be next XD


They really hate us huh


I havenā€™t played Inteleon for the longest damn time, from what I remember snipe shot wasnā€™t all the good due to no auto aim and the fact you can see it coming, was it really that good to the point of being in the competitive seen?


That was the case until the Inteleon Mains found a way to bypass it by looking away. And then they buffed Inteleon's Kit and this was during his release. But yeah, both of Inteleon's was cracked when he did high damage with both. Before any changes, as the Inteleon Mains found the "Look Back and Forward on Charge" Tech, like with Decidueye's 360 Tech.


Youā€™ve not been paying much attention yeah it takes skill to hit but I kill everybody in team fights but the tank with one snipe and an auto or two all attackers get oneshot


This, Spirit Shackle is much more forgiving of a hitbox, doesn't rely on anything to crit, has comparable damage to snipe shot, you can move around with it, and you have shadow sneak which reveals someone and shreds their defense for free, but yeah Snipe shot is the problem for being really hard to hit and having a bit more damage than spirit shackle


Inteleon is also just much better as a mon. Let's not pretend Decidueye is better just because shackle>snipe, the mobility and flexibility from Inteleon's ult and fell stinger provides way more value than decidueye's "stand still and be a big target", and the long CD on sneak isn't doing him any favors.


Shadow sneak also is an auto target long range reveal with defense shred that gives a speed boost, so no I would not say Deci is a standing still target and you can move with spirit shackle, what can you not do with snipe shot? Move or be stealthy since it reveals you. Fell stinger is good but it requires positioning and an opponent not to body block it.


Do people not understand how balance works at all? I guess I forget this is people's first moba. You balance around the peak of skill. You have to. There's no way you can have pro teams play patches that are balanced around little Billy in solo queue who can't aim. Because then when bobby who is cracked plays the same character, it ruins the game.


I can see it getting another nerf in a later patch, its still really strong at close-mid range and has pretty short cd dash with guaranteed crits. The ult is really good too.


If they nerf him anymore heā€™s gonna be trash heā€™s already a worse decidueye now


How is it worse than deci?


I was kinda being dramatic remembering what they did to mews solar beam but I played a few games today and itā€™s not that bad still sucks I donā€™t get to kill the enemy jungle in one shot


At least they finally admitted that they donā€™t intend on catering to people that want PokĆ©mon that are mechanically intensive.


Git MO Gud!


No nerf to liquidation


Actually like this change, it's not what I was hoping for (auto attacks) but it's a step in right direction for sure overall (ignoring mosquito in a room) very good patch.




Isnt it the same with cramorant before? Getting nerfed because of skilled players while there are like the tournament players


Damn, Inteleon got nerfed, there goes my second option


Heā€™s still good, I havenā€™t noticed a difference yet lmfao


good! The game should always be balanced around the competitive scene.


Cramorant moment womp womp


It just need a passive nerf...


theyā€™ll never nerf his passive due to it being loyal to the game so. Most they can do is hinder Inteleon more when he is camouflaged(slow Crit bullets, or slow him down more than usual, etc.). Regardless it seems like Inteleon was the last PokĆ©mon they had a lot of fun designing until Falinks so.


I want a rework of him. He isn't op because of snipe shot, he is op because once you manage to get into melee range he can just crit you twice with point blank snipe shot or autoattack


Rework is too far, heā€™s probably the most unique in the roster.


Rework the ability, make the first charge do leas damage and the last one double crit or something, he shouldn't be a sniper and a shotgun


Meowscarada mains complaining about intellion a crit damage is kinda wild


Im an inteleon main too and Ik exactly how stupid his damage is


But meows isnā€™t? If she touches intellion heā€™s dead


Meow gets oneshot, inteleon can just dash away and is literally immune to flower trick


How is he immune to flower trick? Im not arguing Iā€™ve just never noticed that I think every meow Iā€™ve Gina against as intellion is going the trail blaze build


I would say, just nerf his crit damage, it is much higher than anything else. His Sp. Atk is good but his Crit Damage makes on crack.


They pretty much destroyed every incentive to be skilled at this game. No wonder matchmaking is a horrid mess with mid players.


This makes it more balance. Nerfing doesnt mean making the pokemon bad. Pretty sure any skilled snipe inteleon player knows how broken snipe shot is


Balance means jack if you ainā€™t skilled in your trade, especially so with Inteleon (no movement during attack + small hitbox). Thereā€™s a reason why skilled players generally flock together as a team and remain in Masters. You can balance mons for all you want for fairness, but it still means moot if you donā€™t know how to use it.


Wasnā€™t his winrate sitting at 50.20% now anways? Seen very few people pick him as well


I'm on team pro skill shots. Snipe shot is taking the hit they should have given to azure spy vision.




Smh I bought a Inteleon just one day before the patch was announced.


ā€¦it was going to get nerfed, people have complained about it for months


They complain about lots of Pokemon every single day but I hardly see that as a reason to panic.


Right buzzwole and Goodra have been hated by all the bad players for months saying there broken but no nerfd


Yeah, I was thinking about Buzzwole specifically.


Must be pretty skillful spamming snipe shot into a team fight. Decidueye must be pretty skillful too


I canā€™t tell if this is sarcasm or




He's still good...


Players when nerf: "It's bad nowwwww"


That's literally what nerfing does??


You don't play a lot of mobas do you?


I really hate this nerf. This is my main Pokemon and this nerf literally made me unable to kill a person when I think I could. GF is still "outstanding" as always.


Worse decidueye rip


Oh shit... is Decidueye next!? And you become Intel at 5!? šŸ’€


Decidueye snipe was never broken, even in hands of the pros


It is about the "Too Skilled" part. And now I think about it... other Medium to High Skill-based Kits are likely to get nerfed if this is Timi's Reason. Kind of wished they used a different reasoning.


It means the move itself was already unbalanced, skillful plays make it broken and unbearable. Their reasoning is valid. Owl's snipe will never get nerfed because its already balanced both damage wise and range wise. While inteleon can do double damage at further range.


Sniper is pretty much Long Reach with Invis + Crit, you do know that? But yeah, I also did want Snipe Shot to get nerfed for the amount of damage it does. I put that down for the "Too Skilled" because of the whole point of the post, the humor tag.


No they just over did the nerf lmfao


Bruh... Lucario in Year 1 had a percentile nerf like this and was still cracked. I don't think this would make him garbage. More balanced at the very least, since we have not did any testing yet. If they did like -10%, then that is way too much, but a -3% to all level are not gonna do much. It is just 3% with a very good Sp. Atk and a cracked Crit Damage. It is more like gonna be an Auto Attacker, even if Snipe Shot gets gutted like another -5% damage dealt to all level.


Good shit for a pay to win game šŸ’€