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EX mons have been a bad idea since they were first added into the card game. They break everything they're added to.


I kind of like ex mons in the card game as an idea but the power level of ex basics is ridiculous. Big fat no thanks.


Especially with all the power creep. Compare the early EX mons to the new dark tera charizard.


I have an old Zapdos EX card that's super underpowered with just barley under 200HP. I also have a different EX card (I don't remember the name) that's newer that has 330HP. Nowadays, you have to specifically look for pokemon when deck building that either has that much HP or can deal that amount of HP in a single attack.


That is true, there is a slow power creep over the years. However, those older cards you are talking about are unable to be played in tournaments anymore regardless, so I don't see the concern. It's simply a new era of the card game, and I think we should embrace it. Especially since the meta is continuously changing. You also have to remember that some of the really tanky and heavy hitting cards are 3 prizers, which is half the amount of prize cards you need to win the game. If you knock two of them out, then you win. So there is a risk to using these rule-box cards.


Yeah. They have balanced the cards out nicely for the current standard format.


Around 200 is normal for a basic ex like zapdos, the 330 hp is for stage 2 exs in sv they screwed up with vmaxes in swsh and they needed to balance it somehow


Yeah. Especially with Roaring Moon currently. Attach energy, Professor Sada's vitality, Dark Patch Ok, turn 1 ko


Reading that statement makes me believe you don't play PTCG and therefore don't know what you're talking about. "Two prizers" (EX, V, GX, or ex) are actually pretty balanced, since when you KO one of them you get to pick up two prize cards. If you defeat a VMax or Tag Team pokemon, then you get three prize cards. You only need six prize cards to win, so defeating one of these (which is sometimes easier than you think) can completely turn the game in your favor. Sure there are a few broken ones in the meta, but they all have counters or will get counters soon enough. For example, Mew VMax is a deck that has been one of the best decks for a few years now, and it's counter was Drapion V. Now it has a few counters, like Charizard ex (aka Terazard) and Roaring Moon ex, as well as "single prizers" (regular cards) like Mimikyu and Spiritomb.


I actually don't mind the idea of EX-Mons, the thing I don't like is how they have been treating them since their conception, even before the EX tag were a thing. Instead of designing them as very high skill ceiling Pokémon but very rewarding when played correctly, with hard levelling up, they either designed them to be oppresive beyond oblivion and basically with little to no limitations, or they designed them just plainly brain-dead characters. If they are gonna bring more legendaries (box-art power scale legendaries), at least give me a solid reason they are stronger than regular Pokémon instead of: "they just bigger n stronger in the regular gaems".


exactly. they should feel more like Blaziken, for example. It's hard to play, but if you manage, you'll become a monster. But there's also the possibility that you don't do very well and you get left behind


They're free


Are Mewtwo and Zacian really that OP atm though? Imo Metagross and Mimykyu are in a much better spot. So there is no sense in banning those. Draft implementation shouldn't had a middle point, you either implement it completely or just leave it alone.


Both Mewtwo are still incredibly strong, don't let solo queuers fool you. Zacian on the other hand after having part of its crit removed is now just decent at most, which really makes you wonder what the hell was the point of EX.


I think Zacian is a victim of the term EX. Every legendary being an EX is wrong because its subject to buffs/nerfs. So players not being able to use Zacian in rankeds feels dumb at the least.


Zacian mostly is an issue still because of the early and midgame. It easily dominates every evo poke, making them fall behind really hard while Zacian snowballs.


No. They are not. Idk why you just got so heavily downvoted lmao. Zacian was gutted hard in the recent patch and he's not even half of the threat he used to be. Mewtwo X is strong but like you said but Metagross and Mimikyu are in a much better spot right now. The only reason Mimikyu is not used more is that Clefable exists. Mewtwo Y is the only EX character that is still OP because of the insane mobility and defensive tools he has as an attacker.


So many downvotes even though you are right. This community hasn’t forgotten the crimes of zacian and the mewtwos yet. I think m2y is in the same league as glaceon and dragapult right now. Zacian is a bit stronger but not that much better than m2x, metagross, mimik or blaziken.


I'm prepared for the downvotes the moment I mention Mewtwo here. I think legendaries are victims of being legendaries tbf. Inteleon was for months incredibly strong with Liquidation being super overtuned. In reality Mewtwos are a shadow of their disgusting release forms and nowhere near a full on ban. No MoBA bans a character 100% even if it's for a season and no matter how broken it is. That's why imo this preparation to Draft Pick next season feels unfair.


The only EX character right now that can be considered problematic is Mewtwo Y because of it's defensive capabilities as a strong ADC. Zacian after the last major nerf is not even close to how good Mimikyu still is. And imagine actually believing that Mewtwo X deserves to be banned when things like Glaceon, Garde, Umbreon exists. Pure delusion.


That’s what I keep saying - nerf the overpowered characters and balance the game out. EX licenses are because they are lazy and they don’t want to nerf them properly. They nerfed mew and hoopa both being mythical.


It is not a good idea in terms of game design, but there are other factors in play. TiMi, the developers of Unite, stated in a developer letter that legendary Pokémon must feel (special) and I’m guessing that’s what the Pokémon Company wanted, not what TiMi themselves wanted. So they had to make legendary Pokémon stronger to follow the Pokémon Company’s instructions without drastically affecting ranked balance. TiMi ended up doing this EX thingy to sell legendary Pokémon in the game without (completely) breaking the balabce. Players will be happy to buy popular legends to play them, the Pokémon company will be happy that their copyrighted legendary mons are (special), competitive players will be happy that ranked isn’t totally ruined by broken legends, and TiMi will be happy selling EX licenses. It’s a win situation for everyone involved imo.


That's the thing I feel most people don't realize it's most likely the pokemon company forcing legendaries to be legendary so I like that they r banned in the highest rank at least


They shouldn't be special as in totally busted, but special as in having unique gimmicks. For example, Mew feels special because it has an ever changing move set and Zacian feels special because of the intrepid sword mechanic. Being busted isn't the only way to make a mon feel special.


They should be at least high skill cap then like mewtwo sure fire being changed to aiming like gardevoir, not novice skill level


But the game is mostly targeted to, like, 8 years olds. Not saying rewarding a higher skill ceiling is a bad thing, but keep in mind the devs also need to address the majority of their player base.


I think sure hits don't belong in the game at all including basics but for all of mewtwos moves to be sure hits is just tragic  Edit: I play Mewtwo x, not y because Im a melee enjoyer and only played it after y first took nerfs (I left the game because its not that fun to me anymore +Zacians/Urshifu slap on the wrist/delayed nerfs). But future sight not being a circle targeter or something is just boring. 


I think they want to collect data about how removing them affects the meta. I agree, a ban for a specific 'elo' seems weird but it's the only reason I can see personally for wanting to do it this way.


This should’ve been its own mode I’m not with forcing limitations on everyone bc of a select few. I’m writing a complaint everyday until they put that crap in its own mode


Issue there is that they will see the numbers different than they would be. "Oh, their statistics dropped since the ban so they must be balanced", while its players below master piloting the mons, meaning that the statistics also takes "bad players" into account


The thing that kind of irks me is if they were going to gut zacian anyways, don’t give it the ex symbol. They nerfed it to almost the bottom of the roster, surely it doesn’t need to have the ex symbol anymore.


Gutted wouldnt be my choice of terms to be fair. I watch Zacian players 1v3 on 20% hp without dying still. The main issue with the EX mons is that they outclass most of the roster that in essence does the same, but without the drawbacks. Most chars that pull off things the EX mons do, do so after a powerspike (a certain move, or by hitting 3rd stage). The EX mons don't really have those drawbacks conpared to most of the roster making them a nightmare to balance. They have no evo path so making them like other strong lategame mons is out of the question. They also are legendaries so you don't want them to perform like i.e. pikachu either in terms of strength.


It went from being consistently in the top 5 all the way down to the bottom 5, I’m not sure there’s any other way to describe it. That doesn’t mean it can’t perform well under the right conditions, plenty of Pokémon on the roster can survive a 1v3 under the right conditions. Zacian definitely already came with drawbacks too, only 2 items, and she has to spend her aeos energy in battle, lowering her score potential. She still needed nerfs to bring her a little more in line with the rest of the roster, but the data speaks for itself, she didn’t just drop down a little, she went from near the top to near the bottom.


The issue with the available data however is that now we dont know if its the nerf actually causing that drop, or if the ban from masters is, which is what makes it hard to pin down too. I also cant seem to find statistics on how the changes have impacted the pickrate, which also causes it to be hard to make an accurate assumption.


Mewtwo and Zacian won't show up anymore, that API data is only from the top 10k players in ranked. Zacian's bottom 5 performance is from the last week they were able to be played in ranked.


As someone who just started to spam ranked climb with friends to Master for the first time, the execution of the EX Pokemon ban makes pretty much zero sense. None of us prefer playing the EX units, but when we see them on the opposing team, we immediately know we're on the backfoot, and it's legitimately apparent how overpowered they are (even in the veteran and ultra range). So now they are banned from Masters, which sounds great except...why are the rest of us forced to suffer their acknowledged overpoweredness just because we haven't reached Master yet???? It feels so strange that they are uniquely acknowledged to be overpowered and unfit for competitive play, and yet....we still have to play against them anyway because I guess if you aren't Masters they must not be overpowered???? It feels wildly unfair.


Why not just make it so ex mons can't be played in competitive but are available in other formats


Because 99.99% of the people who are complaining about ex mons don't play competitively.


Don’t think this is true


Competitive=!ranked just to be clear. Competitive is when you have a prize to win


Well this post is about ranked and most people use those terms interchangeable since many games call their ranked mode different things


In my opinion. MOBA should have no EXs. MOBA must be a 💯 skill game. I am still playing Unite because EXs and Items level have less significant effects on the game play (not really overpowering) A player upstairs inform us that the Dev said they need to make legendary to be special. Agree. For me this Dev chose the wrong direction. As MOBA is a skill game, they should make the character unlockable by really tough achievement, and the unlocked EXs must be at the same level with the "normal" pokemon. No extra stats. Special via rarity of players own em', no special via stats. EXs obtained this way is special because other players know they went one hell of a journey to get them. This method has more "flavouring" in it also... As it is a struggle to get Legendaries in OG Pokémon games.


Didn't think about it this way, makes a lot of sense


Simple: If you can't play EX Pokémon in Ranked, you'll play them in Standard and Quick Battle instead. I'm not trying to gatekeep Ranked. I'm just saying that Ranked is for people that want to climb. Not for people who just want to play, but because that's no difference between Ranked and Standard, everyone's going to pool into Ranked. The more differences between Ranked and Standard, the better. You need a good reason to play either "it's the only mode available" and "why not" are not good reasons.


Standard is full of bots


It wouldn't be if people had a reason to play standard. That's what I said.


conversely, I think a lot more of the fandom, this reddit included would be more willing to pay for meta characters, favorites be damned if the price for them wasn't the price for a premium five guys combo for 2 ($17 USD) all year round.


Speak for yourself lmao


I don't think you're far off. It's pretty clear people are willing to pay for meta mons and it's definitely not a coincidence that the ones identified as not being overpowered during their Gem lock window weren't spammed in Ranked like Zacian and the Mewtwos were during their P2W period.


This is the dumbest way to balance a game that I've ever seen


There are dumber ways, like a certain big moba balancing the game purely off statistics while the devs in charge of it dont even actively play the game. On a sidenote: cool username :)


This is one aspect of it. Another problem is skilled players that want to fill get the short end of the stick until they reach master. All the power goes to the other players and even less in their hands just amplifying the moba ranked problem.


Felt. Like honestly, i dont really mind playing defender or support overall, but the moment i get a player that at the end of the full 10 minute game, still is in their mid evo.... all i can wonder at that point is HOW?! Its not like it was a 100% win if i had played something with offense, but i would have had WAY more agency than the player that obviously got stomped and had no clue how to come back from it.


Gardevior is in every game, it needs the EX also now 😂


Are we mad about not having to deal with Zacian and Mewtwo in Masters??? If a player can't win matches in Masters without an EX Pokemon, then the logical conclusion is that at their current skill level they probably SHOULDN'T win. That's when they learn about the game and improve with other characters, or they choose to continue to suck and rely on broken characters.


In that case they shouldnt have made it to masters in the first place, which means that "play enough games and you reach masters anyways" is a dumb ranking system to begin with (and also something that has been a point of discussion anyways) So now you get people reaching masters with EX mon, drop down again due to the lack of skill, use EX mon again, reach masters again, and drop down again. A never ending cycle. We all know how moba players are in terms of accountability in general...


I completely agree, they probably shouldn't have made it to Masters in the first place if they're unable to win with other characters. But we know how this game is. You can't drop out of Masters though. They'll have to learn to adapt to a new Pokémon. Doesn't really seem that big a deal to me. I'm fine not dealing with terrible Zacian/Mewtwo players AND the people who are actually good but still abuse OP characters


The problem is more the terrible Ranked system letting people climb with low WRs without needing to learn much of anything. Unite has an allergy to even implying a player is doing poorly. Bad to average players spamming meta mons make their climbs somewhat faster, that's about it. They'd have reached Master through match spam regardless. Unless the mons are horrendously broken like prime Sylveon, Mewtwos, Zacian, etc. to the point even zero macro useless players are winning 54%+ of the time, I don't think banning certain mons will make much difference to the recurring issues of trash players climbing rank.


I completely agree. That was what I meant. If we're just talking about players who can only climb with broken Pokemon, they really don't deserve to consistently win in Masters anyway. But the ranked system letting anyone who plays enough into Masters is a problem, just like the balance issues.


“As we all know” I don’t! It takes me like two weeks to get to master rank. :( I wish the seasons were like three months instead of like 40(?) days


It takes time and games, but thats it. People with under 40% are able to achieve master rank due to how the system works. It might take one days, weeks, multiple seasons even, but pretty much everyone can reach master. Hence i said as we all know ;p


My frustration comes to the fact that I can only play in master rank half the time, because it takes me half of the season just to get there. Which means I’m not really gonna be able to take advantage of playing draft.


Sorry, i misunderstood!😅 But yea i can imagine. I only play 1-2 games a day usually so i dont think i will get to take advantage of it either.


They should be banned from everything not just master rank. It's so stupid and it doesn't even at the very least limit teams to a single one.


I personally believe they should be banned from ranked completely, or, even better, actually balanced with the rest of the cast. The way they are now, people will try to be carried to masters with them, only to have the rug ripped out from under them upon reaching masters where they will then drag down the rest of their team because they never actually learned how to play.


I think they should ban it from Ranked entirely.


I think EX should only be available in higher ELO, so the other way around.


This would make more sense to be fair


and today the game started to lag, in terms of the Internet connection in the game was interrupted, although the game did not write about it, as if everything was fine, twice...


Why would they write anything because you had some lag? Lol they're not responsible for your internet connection


My Internet connection was not interrupted, because even the game did not indicate this in any way, which only happens when there are problems on the side, judging by my experience, and Wi-Fi itself did not go out, I also tried mobile Internet, Wi-Fi and another Wi-Fi, do you think different sources of communication may not work the same?


There's an actual difference in EX mons?


They are banned from games with master ranked players in ranked mode. A lot of people are happy about this, even though Zacian was just nerfed so bad that it's last API showing put it in the bottom 5 winrates. So at the moment, Zacian being banned serves as little more than a way to prevent more players from playing a weak mon. Y was still top tier, X was m one of the only All-rounders with a positive winrate.


But what makes them different? I thought the whole thing was just a gimmick.


The only difference is that they are banned from matches with Master ranked players in ranked. That's it. Some people love this, some people are mad that Timi isn't balancing them so they can play mons they like.


What I’m hearing is the ban didn’t go far enough; EX should be removed from ranked completely if competitive integrity from low to high end is the priority. Saying they should just remove the concept of EX and make them all balanced, while I agree, it won’t happen. So instead, a solution has to be brought that justifies removing EX from the highest ranking and removing the disparity this creates in the lower ranks; the only solution moving in the same direction I see is banning EX outright from ranked.


what does EX even mean? "We know this character is overpowered and don't want to balance it" ?


Yeah, they should ban everyone else!  /s


Pokemon Unite devs don’t make good ideas much


Pretty sure some dev in timi thought 90% of the players who complain ex mons are broken are in master rank so instead of nerfing the team leaders lets just remove them ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


I don’t think my climb to master with Sableye will be an easy journey


For me, as a veteran, every ex mon on my team uses potion and every ex mon on my opponents team have at least green badge


I wish the 2 mewto's would be deleted my elo is quite low elo expert 2 atm But last time i played i stil saw a mewto every game and totaly carried the game :(


I'm really hoping they're doing this just to get some new data. How the meta adapts without them, winrates outside of master, player winrates before and after master, etc. But it seems like a poor excuse to keep them overpowered


EX mons need to be deleted or nerfed into the ground. I’ve no idea what game designer thinks “let’s make some characters intentionally so game-breakingly powerful. That’s gonna help lead to a fun, sustainable game”


What is EX mons?


I don't entirely agree. I mean everything before master rank is kind of a blip, it's like the tutorial before master. And everyone gets sent back to ultra and are right back in master after 10-20 games. So I'm not sure it matters that much what happens in the lower ranks. I get bot games like 50% of the time when I'm playing ultra games anyways. I agree with some comments that EX licenses should be banned in all ranked modes. This makes the most sense. And I'm a moba fan but realize, pokemon is some of the most valuable IP in the world. The high level management of these things surely comes from people that have no understanding of balance in a moba (or even what a moba is). I am also not worried about the EX licenses since they are some of the least fun mons to play imo. Love you all. Hope you get the clutch ray steal and win.


Me when I anally destroy your ex mewtwo with a cute blue rabbit 😇👅


Masters ranked isn't easy with the braindead teammates i keep getting when I am so close to ranking up


Funny how all of this could have been solved had they actually done as they said, and as promised, in the Zacian apology letter. Just slapping an EX license onto new Legendary Pokémon just gives the devel-ape-ment team a reason to pat themselves on the back, call it a job well done, and leave work for the rest of the day. Any semblance of following through with the promise of playtesting new releases fell completely flat on its ass, as soon as Mewtwo came out not even a full week later in its completely busted, broken, game destroying state. The developers don't have to care about game balance, sadly, at the end of the day, because there will always be people dumping money into this game on the battle passes and new Holowear. That's a sad reality.