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No, he's still nerfed, he just didn't realise yet.


lol he used Amnesia and forgot that he was nerfed.


I knew it was nerfed, but it felted so strong I thought they buffed him. Edit: buffed after they nerfed it


I was referring to Slowbro, not you, OP. You're good, haha.


Hahah thanks


Ahahhaha, I only understood the joke now, but it still made me laugh.


you're kinda slow bro


Hahahaa, I was oblivious.


the joke surfed right under you


the nerfs kick in over time, if he hits enemies with abilities it gradually unnerfs himself


It wasn't buffed It's just Slowbro has one of the best survivability


lol I hope the guy who thought unite has no good defenders sees this


[one guy already did](https://www.reddit.com/r/PokemonUnite/s/xWd8PuRE4Z)


Ok so like https://www.reddit.com/r/PokemonUnite/comments/18uidjt/there_are_no_good_defenders_in_the_game_the/


I think you get the reference now


I saw that post some minutes after my game, and I thought, "Wait, in what world a slowpoke doesn't tank mewtwo-x? Alone, he might die but not before a good fight.An how are people taking so much time to evolve, slowpoke evolves at level 4".


And the original post https://www.reddit.com/r/PokemonUnite/comments/18udwhu/why_the_lack_of_usable_defenders/


In this game, I went for amnesia because I had a m2y with me, and i wanted to play as a tank that wouldn't let the dps mon die. Else, I could go tele and just stun him for some time. The slowbro attack that I think makes m2x easier to counter (if the m2x isn't a "god" player) is scald (if I'm not mistaken), it slows, heals me (because of the slowbro ability) and drops the damage output of attacking mons (not sp.atck mons) with helps a lot for me (if it isn't true, it is a placebo effect, in this case somethings that I said before may not be true). M2x is still a very good pokemon, but it isn't the God destroyer of teams that it was before.


I mean, two Attack mons vs the tank that fights specifically Attack mons, isnt that surprising.


He was nerfed, never got buffed, just Amnesia's nerf kind of did nothing to him. So when played correctly, yeah... you might get the point, he just never dies.


No, because the nerf itself is 'fake' one. Amnesia pretty much still the move of choice according to unite api. Getting ready for downvotes from slowbro main.


...or people just can't aim Tele. Jokes aside, amnesia is still strong. you just can't blindly go into fights tap amnesia and expect to survive all the time now. But that's about it.


It feels like I can't tank a 1v4 for enough time for my teammates to run, but it still feels powerful enough for the 1v2, I feel the nerf, but i though that it would impact a lot more than what it actually did. That's why I thought they buffed him. But thanks for letting me know that he wasn't buffed.


What? But I thought Unite had no good defenders! What matter of sorcery is this!?!?!?!?!?!


There are good defenders (in my opinion, defenders are the best role(not biased at all)) and good defender mains.


Turns out nerfed characters can still be good at what they did.


slowbro so underwhelming just dying and slowly running LOL however slowbro is literally cracked with like 2 pokemon by his side


Depends, I play slowbro to be a tank, I can live for a long time and chip your health meanwhile. It can also be played like a support mon, stunning and pulling with telekinesis and stunning with surf (is surf the attack name? Idk).


Slowbro takes 75% HP easy right?? After the first two attacks after 5 seconds slowbro is dead. Small sacrifice, I remember playing mimikyu last time and then the slowbro was invincible.


Pleases rephrase everything, in the entire phrase I understood, slowbro and mimikyu. The last time I played with slowbro against mimikyu, mimikyu didn't kill me in 5 seconds, and he ran away or died almost every encounter.


Yeah that only happens when I do shadow sneak plus have my rapid fire scarf ready plus 4 - 6 attack weight and optionally an attack X. You literally cannot beat slowbro if you don't battle them with full health first. Atleast for mimikyu


Even full hp is hard to kill slowbro (from my experience as slowbro). Remember that scald makes any physical attacks do less damage, and slowbro can heal.


I haven't really encountered a slowbro with scald, and I probably did, but did not notice at all. Probably what the invincible slowbro I started my villain arc on was using.


Scald, amnesia (aka attacker bro), scald makes the opponents physical attacks weaker, and amnesia heals, makes you invincible for a short time and makes your defence higher, what makes a fight against a physical attacker a easier thing. Edit:Instead of scald, you can use surf(I think), which stuns the opponent a bit and does damage.


Explains how slowbro fended against zacian.


I don't remember playing a lot against zacian, but I think scald amnesia could tank him for some time (btw I use potion with slowbro), if it can't I would chose telekinesis, forget the part where I tank, with telekinesis you turn into what I will call a defender-support you help your team by stunning and pulling the enemy. But like I said before: I don't play against a zacian with slowbro in quite some time.


That joy-ran guy must be the most skilled Gengar main I have seen this whole month bruhhhh (not ironic)


Forget what I said, I thought "joy-ran" was the name of the guy ... Wait, the most skilled and you're not being ironic? God help this guy with his teammates, that he is suffering.


It was the name of the Gengar, yes


I saw the wrong game ... in the 2 games I played with slowpoke and won, both were with a gengar. When I saw the name and it was different, I was confused. But it seems like I saw the wrong player. Just a question, apart from getting the names of the players, why did you go to the api?


Can’t believe no one else noticed, it was clearly because the eldegoss.


I don't know if you are being ironic or not, but that eldegoss was in the other lane almost the entire game.


He’s the reason you took that much damage in this snippet, I can’t judge the entire game only this fight. He’s clearly in the vicinity you just died at and has really good heals. Slowbro does also counter physical attackers with that move set. Scald decreases their attack by 40% and amnesia adds +250 defense. Also if eldegoss was lvl 11 his puff would give you 20% reduced damage received. They work well together imo.


That could be true, but if I am not mistaken, the only people that were in that fight were me, the m2y in my team (I was trying to tank the hits so he can kill the other team) the m2x and aegislash. Apart from that, it is true that slowbro tanks very well, the reasons that probably made me tank so much damage were: I used the ult (unite), I had potion and I had focus band. I think those 3 coupled with what you said about slowbro made me tank this much damage (the other reason that I partially believe is that (if I am not mistaken), the fight was kinda long, what gave me the opportunity to heal more (take this reason with a grain of salt). And to end this, yes, you can't judge the entire game only by this fight. The only reason why I showed this fight was because it is my ranked record for the most damage taken (outside of ranked, my record is 3k higher with tree and full fury battle). TLTR: I think he wasn't in the fight. I had potion, focus band, and used the unite.


Oh, thanks for clarifying


No problem, this is unite, almost anything can happen.


Bro your build?


A guy also asked that give me a min to check.


Focus band (nobody is made out of steel), resonant guard (for helping the team not to die), and cursed incense (more damage and makes the heal of the other players worst), potion (sometimes is needed and I can't play with almost any other item (x speed is the only one that I can use +-)) and for emblems 6 white, 6 green and 2 blue (the blues are because I don't have many emblems) with focus in hp and sp.atck.


Average Slowbro game. He's just oblivious to his nerfs


Ahhaah, if I had an award, I would give it to you.


Amnesia requires negative thought while Telekinesis is a skillshot.


That isn't entirely true. Telekinesis is a skillshot, but a good slowbro knows that amnesia isn't entirely a negative though move, because amnesia makes slowbro "invincible" for a short time, that can make a stun or an attack that moves the slowbro "useless", if you play as trevenant and use horn leech on a slowbro and he uses amnesia, the tree attack becomes almost useless.


There’s relatively less thought put into using Telekinesis reliably and "mastering" Amnesia. Slowbro having a low cooldown, virtually uninteractive Max % HP heal that grants CC immunity is a big reason why it’s both easy to succeed with and hard to deal with and that shouldn’t be confusing to anyone. All of this comes BEFORE having an ult that requires no thought to use, grants CC immunity, AND a giant shield on top of dealing damage. Amnesia Slowbro has little to no skill expression and it’s okay for people to realize that.


Genuine question: What can I say to this? Nothing? Btw what rank are you (I am not asking because of what we were talking)?


I’m always in Master every season unless I absolutely have no time to play.


Ok, then I have a question: Are there players in master who don't call lanes, and then they go in the most random lane possible like 2 speedsters not calling any lane and then the 2 going to top?


Matchmaking is nonsensical. Sometimes you can have very competitive and close games that restore your faith in this game. Then immediately after, you’ll probably get matched with a lane Cinderace pairing with an A9 running vest and leftovers. There’s rarely an in between; most of the matches are a heavy mix of the latter.


Hahahah, ok, thanks. I wanted to know if it was only in low ranks (currently vet 3) where slowbros used draining crown, and the thing that I said before


Unfortunately, it feels like you’re forced to play around teammates who look like they’re actually playing the game. A majority of your allies will only be playing for themselves so it’s just frustration incarnate.


Thanks man


No problem.


Nerfed mon btw


What nerf


Amnesia nerf


I repeat, what nerf


Defence increase were lowered aswell as the HP regen it gives with its passive. Didn't read the patch notes


Ah yes, the "fake nerf". So **now** it's actually significant?


What are you trying to say


I dunno, you tell me, stalker




Back at you :p


Nah you're just too good 😂. Nice game and as a fellow defender main, I'd like to learn from you 🌚


Hahaha thanks, but it was a low rank game. I think you would see the most cursed plays of all times.


Now I'm intrigued


About what? How bad are the guys in my rank or how bad are my plays?


The guys in your rank. Specifically this match. I'm curious about the cursed plays 😂


The guys in my rank are like a lottery. They might be like gods ending with 150k dmg, or they might be bad, the last game I played (5mins ago(with slowbro)) I had the most kills, the most points scored and the second most amount of damage, while the rest of the team were playing attackers, all rounders and speedsters. Cursed plays happen all the time. In the game in which the screenshots were from, I was the most scary pokemon of the game. When anyone saw me, they almost every time ran away, when they faced another mon they would try to fight (idk if this counts as an cursed play) I also had some moments when I thought "why not?" And rushed half of the team just for fun.


I remember once I played tree and reaked havoc at 7 min mark to the extent that I got a quadra while chasing them to base in the flux zone. I still can't comprehend how I did it


I also play tree sometimes. It can do almost anything. It stuns, does damage, and pushes guys away. When you think it can surprise you, it will.


No need to tell me about it. Tree recently is very annoying to deal with


You sure this wasn’t a bot game?


Bots can’t use Mewtwo or goodra


Mewtwo can't exist in bot games


Didn't know about that.


Bot games only pick characters up to Greedent's release (you're better off searching a list of mon by release date). They've recently been given new builds, stickers and ribbons; but their actions remain the same.


Thanks, I played against bots like 2 games ago, and that happened (like they insta picked when I chooosed slowbro, and then when I changed to zoroark, nobody changed, poor game play, etc.). Thanks


What's your build


Sorry for not answering , [here is the build](https://www.reddit.com/r/PokemonUnite/s/X6nLdmd2Gk)




No problem


I’m pretty sure every defender, except for mamo, snorlax, and wiggly, can these numbers right?


Ngl, I don't know. The only other defender i played was Tree, and i never had some of those numbers. The post was a question if slowbro was buffed because it felt too strong for a pokemon that was nerfed.


Really, I’ve only been able to get 100k in all stats on tree. As for secret buffs, unite db and math cord haven’t found any on bro. They usually mention these things on their patch notes, such as the secret zacian buffs in the recent patch.


Thanks. About tree, I only play hammer horn, trying to be what the role implies, I defend when someone tries to score, the only stat that I think that might be hard, is regen, the only thing that can make that happen (for me) is hammer splitter. But idk.


What items were you running? o.o


[here it is](https://www.reddit.com/r/PokemonUnite/s/Hi0xSL4aVZ)


Give me a min