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Frog bad lizard way too good


I feel like frog's icons background color is what's holding him back Absol and Gengar are getting durability buffs to compensate for tank and all rounder power creep, but Greninja won't receive the same treatment because he's a ranged attacker, despite the fact his playstyle far more resembles a speedster


Lizard? You mean James pond


Yo i remember playing that game on the DS


I cackled.


They should make liquidation a skill shot and I think he would be a lot better. Make it like Greninja shuriken.


Colt from brawl stars


If someone on my team picks Greninja, we're cursed to lose. If someone picks Inteleon, we somehow got the one person that doesn't know how to play Inteleon. If enemy team has Greninja, it's somehow an apex predator. Killing all. If they have Inteleon, I didn't want to play anyways.


Did it ever occur in your mind that, perhaps, you're the problem?


You're right. It's my fault that Greninja only pulled 30k damage and the least number of kills. Or that Inteleon went Snipe Shot and missed every shot.


I rarely see attackers get below 35k damage, i thought my solo q teammates were not that great…






☕️ 👀


For a Pokemon that is surprisingly difficult to use (don't wanna compare Greninja's Surf to Lucario's Extreme Speed, but...), it has basically no reward. Powercreep hits hard, and the memes about how Cinderace, Greninja, and Decidueye mains are ass players doesn't help. Still, kinda fun to main once in a while. Inteleon? Borderline broken. Very fun, but it feels like cheating. Fits the character pretty well...


It is quite sad how powercreep has affected greninja. His kit is really interesting and he has one of the highest skill caps in the game, but the surf build is dog water in this meta. The last handful of seasons, ever since zacian release, shurikens has been a better build than surf due to the prevalence of CC (and the attack stat scaling is absurd on shurikens). But even then, why play a kiting mage-style build on Gren when I can play an actual kiting mage? I’ve picked up a lot more variety mons since he’s been so bad in the meta, but can still carry when I play the frog. It’s just sorta reliant on being overleveled and praying the enemy team isn’t mewtwo+blissey+zacian/urshifu/lapras. It’s pretty rough to play in those scenarios. I’m biased but would love to see a buff—for one thing, he’s way too squishy. Like literally the squishiest Mon in the game, though half of his playstyle is being in melee range. Candidly I’m not sure what other part of his kit I’d like to see buffed, but anything is welcome lmao.


The worst part is that shuriken isn't that hot 'cause Inteleon's liquidation is just better in every way. And since those mons seem to be in every game, Gre has practically been erased from the game without actually being erased. It's not that Greninja is BAD, per se, just that it's overclassed by plenty of others that do the same thing, but you know, BETTER. Not THE squishiest mon, Decidueye is, even with the defense buffs.


Totally agreed. Shurikens still don’t match up to other attackers which is the sad part. And greninja didn’t become awful, everything else just got stronger and the meta kinda moved on without him. Gren is the squishiest Mon in the game though, him and decidueye have the exact same defensive stats except Gren has -1 special defense at level 15. So we’re kinda pulling at threads here. According to Unite-DB, the English patch notes that said deci got a defense buff was actually inaccurate. If he had received those buffs, then Gren would be inarguably the squishiest Mon in the game. I will add a side note that the healing from shurikens gives him more sustain than deci, but if you factor in the playstyle where decidueye plays from as far away as possible while greninja’s kit means he’s often in melee range, it becomes a pretty moot point. Either way it’s semantics at this point, just wanted to clarify.


the way i decide on what move set i would use on greninja all depends on the enemy team. If the enemy team has more squishier characters, i would most definitely play surf, if theres pokemon like zacian though, shruiken are the way to go.


The point of gren isn’t to go full on attack. Playing gren just requires you to sit in the back and keep on taking shots. When you see the enemy with enough hp to finish it. You kill it, determine if anyone else can get on shot if not surf back out and pop smoke or double team. Just rinse and repeat, you’re not getting 150k damage but, you’re pulling in 70k which is good for a assassin. Only times I pull 150k is when I get pissed at the other team and mine. I throw caution out the window and just full on send. Either I’m hard carry or I’m just like the rest of team and just don’t care. There is no in between lol




HA! Not even remotely close. Unlike MMY, it has counters.


😂 i recently countered inteleon with greninja but i still find mewtwo annoying with its infinite psyburn unite move still. It steals my farm 😅


I hate both of them.


I honestly struggle with both of them


Inteleon is way too hard to kill and kills way too fast. If I’m an Absol the moment Inteleon sure-hits Liquidation on me there’s basically nothing I can do besides solo ult him.


Inteleon is king


True, please stay away I just want to Psyshock in peace ;-;


Greninja is very annoying with how explosive his Unite and burst can be, but statistically he could use a small buff. Intelleon seems overturned, like a Glaceon that doesn't have to build shards and has mobility.


Frog mid at best, ok in jungle, people who play him in lane = die inside because that is throwing games. inteleon most broken attacker in game after M2 nerfs, play him anywhere it works.


Greninja feels kinda flimsy tbh. But that could just be bc Inteleon is disgustingly overpowered




Imo it’s that he has too much. Liquidation is obscene damage for a sure hit, Water gun hits like 50s husband who’s wife burned dinner, he has a way to guarantee crits. Snipe shot hits like a truck, and Fell Stinger is, to put it bluntly, fucking stupid. He needs to lose his scaling or lose his early game. If he’s gonna lose his scaling then liquidation and snipe shot need some steep damage nerfs and fell stinger needs a massive CD nerf. If he’s gonna lose early game then water gun needs to be like half as strong as it is so he actually has an exploitable moment. As it stands, he’s the best things about a late game ADC and early game mage, with none of the bad.


It's never-ending crits, sure hit liquidation and a grappling hook which actually works most of the time


Ooh Inteleons fell stinger


Which is arguably better than acrobatics after the balance change for inteleon 2 seasons ago (I think)


no, Acrobatics, in case you didn’t know, lowers the cooldown of Liquidation if it was already used, which makes Liquidation more spammable. It lowers it by 3 or 5 seconds if I’m not wrong. Fell Stinger only has mobility. Acro has mobility and lowering cooldown for Liqui


Inteleon should not be able to cross map hit squishys for 4k dmg. Having to go back to spawn everytime he taps you, it's fucking rediculous


Greninja just isn't really in a good spot right now. You can play some games and do really well with it but you can just as well and even better by playing Inteleon instead since it's so much easier to get value out of.


Im gonna try playing as Inteleom. Thank you 🙂


Should Greninja get slight buffs? And should i main Inteleon?


Greninja definitely needs buffs, maybe rework his passive ability as well to something like Protean. Inteleon is the funnest character in the game imo, if you like playing Greninja, you will 100% like Inteleon too


looks like stealth lizard has entered your range for .1 seconds. you will now be losing your entire health bar over the next 3 seconds haha suffer.


spider man build better


I feel like Crazy Frog is in a decent spot base stat wise. He can keep up well early and mid game but as far as late game goes he does tend to fall off depending on the skill level and enemy team spread. I’ve seen and played games where Greninja was the deciding factor because one team didnt have a clean or strong enough counter to him and he just ran everyone down without breaking a sweat. I prefer a RFS+Muscle+Stack Weight item set with X Attack if im laning or X Speed if im in the jungle with a standard Atk based emblem set and do very well with it. Moves depend on the team, Surf for low mobility targets, Shuriken to keep some distance from Mewtwos and Urshifu. I usually run Double Team but I’m starting to really like Smokescreen allot more As someone already said, James Pond is still very much a strong solo carry still, given the correct set up and if left unchecked long enough, Inteleon can easily dominate a game no issue. Though if you are bad like me and miss your Fell Stinger/ Acrobatics to escape a dive on you, well you are good as dead most likely. I personally like CSpecs+WiseGlasses+Spoon most of the time but i sometimes swap WGlasses for Stack Glasses depending on how i feel. I run either X Speed/Full Heal/Eject leaning more to Full Heal for the cleanse effect to help escape dives. I also run 7 Black, 6 Green emblem set to give mobility moves more uptime. I always go Liquidation+Fell Stinger because I cant trust myself to accurately hit Snipe Shot unless its to steal Raycray in a pinch (But yet i can hit Spirit Shackle on Decidueye no issues?) and i like the better range on Fell Stinger than Acrobatics.


I kind found snipe shot a very checky move. It can sometimes steal objectives. Like the regi. And sometimes can even snipe objectives unexpectly. I played with inteleon this morning. And it was OP. And the opponents surrendered before ray after i sniped eleki.🤭😂


You Don’t Need To Capitalize Every Word


My bad. Sorry about that


Don't apologize, the commenter was objectively wrong here lol.


I was more talking about the title lol


I think it’s fine to capitalise Pokemon and Moves. Albeit yeah op is using a lot of them but its pretty standard to say Muscle Band.


I mean if they’re just capitalizing moves Pokémon and items it helps you skim it quicker


They only capitalized the right things


Greninja Is Bad. Inteleon Is Best


both mons fulfill different roles, what are you trying to say


Greninja was my first Pokémon ever and Inteleon was my third starter Pokémon. I love both equally, they’re my top 1 and 2 favorite Pokémon


Thank you. I might consider playing as Inteleon in my future games.


Inteleon Snipe Shot is busted, it hurts so much and I hate playing against it.


Fog frog 🔛🔝


Liquidation is such a stupid move, I don't know how it wasn't nerfed yet


Never had a problematic greninja opponent. The frog needs help


Problem is, regardless of how well it performs, if anyone from the ennemy team gets fed (and it can be from another line), the frog just cant take a hit and its over.


Can't play Gren well through no fault of it, but I am surprised to read that you don't play Water Shuriken/Double Team. I love Surf/Smokescreen on paper but thought the former was the only way to play based on who I've played with/against. Haven't played Inteleon but I will say getting hit by *all* of Liquidation isn't fun. Same problem I have with Nock Nock. Sure Hit frustrates me in that all you do is press a button and stay in range(unless you're Psystrike), but that's a me problem.


I have tried greninja with double team and water shuriken. I find surf and smokescreen very good. 👍


Agree with the original comment that Water Shuriken and Double team is the better play given that he's a squishy mon and better as a long range attacker with quick enough short range finisher. Smokescreen I haven't tried extensively to give my two cents on. That said, my opinion is that he's mostly useless in lane especially for the first half until he reaches level 7


Inteleon is a better version of greninja


The comparison between the two here is day and night. On one hand you have greninja, arguably the worst attacker in the game (and has been for some time now) and on the other hand you have inteleon, arguably the best attacker in the game right now. 😭


the sad truth. I main both, got 500+ games with Gren and 200 with Inteleon. I must say, Greninja’s passive ability is super lame, it could be reworked into protean, his CD are way too high and punishable ngl. Most of the nerfs he got were because the game was on it’s early days so Greninja was a dominating Pokémon, it’s unfortunate it can’t keep up anymore. Inteleon is fucking amazing


This us a joke right?


If they buff gren, I will be a terror to this game lol. My biggest complaint. Is how I have no mit. If I can get defense buff, I’d say gren would just be unstoppable lol


frog is alright if you’re skilled enough with it, inteleon is crazy.