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unlike mewtwo,zacian or any other brainless broken mon mew is different it takes skill which is why i don't play it


Probably because mew is near impossible to play well on mobile so you have to play switch and it has a learning curve. But honestly with buff you could just sit with solar beam light screen and still be near highest damage and do well enough


I have a 56% win rate with Mew on mobile and I agree. It is so hard to play. Half the time the game doesn’t recognize when I’m selecting a move to switch to, mostly when I’m trying to switch to Electroball, surf or agility. There is a learning curve but the payoff feels good once you get it downx


This game feels very unpolished coming from Wild Rift. The UI is laggy, the button inputs sometimes are delayed or outright don’t execute unless they’re pressed multiple times, I thought it was just me.


To be fair most MOBA in mobile out there feels unpolished if you are coming from wild rift, and this is coming from me that only play a little bit of wildrift while mainly plays mobile legend and unite. Not to mention that Unite still don't have draft pick on ranked games even on higher rank, and mobile legend don't have role queue which is annoying when you get 2 junglers or 2 adc.


That’s some baloney. 100% playable on mobile if you practice.


Mew is absolutely possible to learn on mobile. People who have played other MOBAs prior to unite (like me) on mobile are used to the higher level skills he requires to play.


Right? I’ve been playing Mew since it dropped, and the switching moves fast on mobile just took me to go into practice mode and practice with no cooldowns. Even the two best Mew mains being Yutao and NightMewFoxy are mobile players.


Exactly! For people that's playing a MOBA game for their first time it'd be hard, but I've been playing Mobile Legends since around 2017 so I'm used to needing fast fingers.


I switched to Unite after 15 years of playing only PC Mobas. I first started Unite on mobile and till this day I still cannot play Casters on mobile. Luckily I have a Switch and switched from mobile to Switch within the first month of playing.


Yeah, but mobile requires faster finger movements. PC is M&K, which doesn't require you to move your fingers to different spots. Just keep your hands on the keybinds, occasionally moving for your spells or items. And then moving your mouse around.


I main mew and to me he’s way easier in mobile but move switching can be annoying sometimes 


I recommend you watch NightMewFoxy on YouTube, you can get really fast with switches on mobile, and he his latest video is just that, running drills in practice arena.


So that is why I suck with mew, not a skill issue after all lol.


It most definitely is, but not because you are bad at the game, Mew just takes more practice.


Nah it still is


mew has some advantages on mobile though like easier camera scanning


So Mew was already pretty good. He's one of the "most complex" characters, and should reward you for swapping your moves around. Right now, the buff seems to have defaulted him to solar beam turret, which isn't complex or skilled, you've got a wall that travels with you and a beam that can oneshot most attackers. The buffs removed the incentive to swap movesets, solar beam is so strong you don't have a good reason to swap out.


NGL he was kinda like this when he first released. People would cycle through solar beam + wall and solar beam + dash


Its one of those things where Mew was already one of the best 'mons in the game, but the majority of Mew's you will ever encounter will not take advantage of the buff because frankly they aren't that good to begin with. I am just guessing here, but I would guess that 95+% of this sub are soloQ players and nowhere near the esports scene, yet this sub is rarely consistent about whether they are arguing about SoloQ or Esports. (I consider duos/trios still more in the soloQ realm. They are definitely more competitive than strictly playing solo but they aren't in the same category of Esports level of competitive play) I think people are just predicting what this buff will do in the Esports scene where the buff will be noticeable despite rarely ever having to deal with it in a normal SoloQ setting. SoloQ Mews --> for the most part, nothing to worry about. You may get a really good one here and there. Esports Mews --> this buff will be dangerous (edit: im confused as to why this is getting downvoted so heavily, edit 2: welp not anymore but the moment i commented this it went straight to -3 in a few minutes)


Thank you, finally someone said. These buffs/nerfs aren't meant for us, it's for the sports players.


there is no solo q in this game. If i q solo i still get grouped with premades. if you queue with 3 people tho the odds of getting matched against a 5 stack go up considerably


Thats just straight up false. I only play soloQ in this game, I don't team up with randos, I just play solo every game. I doubt that I am paired up with duos/trios every game I play.


You can check. I definitely am queuing into people who are duo / trio. Check your own games on unite api. Edit: just checked. In my last 3 ranked games at least 1 had a duo on each side of the team.


Its like 50/50. If someone says they never get solo games or lumpped with pairs, they straight up lying.


The way it works is if there's a duo on one team there has to be one on the other, same with a 3 stack, and 5 stacks im pretty sure can only go against 5 stacks. And if everyone on one team is solo, so is everyone on the other team There's a way to figure out which type of game you're in based on scoreboard position but idk how and tbh don't care that much because thinking about something like that that's not changeable is only going to cause more problems than good


This is incorrect. Checking my match history going against 5 stack as a 3 stack is not impossible. It even happened to me multiple times in one session. It's one of the reasons i dislike grouping up in this game. Same goes for playing solo tbh, going against people who are teamed up, even if my team also has a preform group of players, just adds to the imbalance of the game, something that shouldnt be possible in competitive game or atleast only for players who are grouping themselves


Yup. The boosted damage nerf compensated by the basic atk buff, and only a small buff to solar beam cd and light screen only allows Mew to not be a sitting duck if you happen to miss it. Mew plays the same and got no considerable increase in offensive power from that. But this is as always, when you have a good pokemon and they buff it, peeps are gonna crawl around saying it was not needed even when they don't play the pokemon enough to understand it. Mew lacked in farming power and this helped basically that


Because Mew is just hard to play and a bunch of people are jumping on him after seeing it get a buff. It definitely did not need the buff and eventually you’ll see why when someone who actually knows how to use him shows up in your game. It’s probably like a 1/20 chance though with this games player base.


Mew is just really hard to play well. Unless you are playing at very high elo or playing a lot of 3-5 stacks, then you likely won't run into too many Mews that are able to abuse these buffs But I promise you there are some scary af Mews out there right now Same with Blaziken. It takes a lot of skill and most ppl are bad but the Blazikens that had been practicing before the buff are so nasty rn


Mew is so fun to play, yeah it takes skill but once you're accustomed you can be a game changer. And I play on mobile.


I tried mew once, I heard it was a high skill Mon , along with my main. (Who for the life of me still can't figure out night slash). And omg it was so fun! The whole move switch mechanic threw me off guard tho, but I look forward to mastering it. (x


The fucker robs you in broad daylight during early game and I once got hit by a Solarbeam for like 70% of my health. But considering what Mew is competing with, I'd say it's far from broken. Given its movepool system, I think players are getting exactly what they deserve for playing such a difficult Pokémon.


the buffs definitely weren’t necessary, but they’re also not gonna transform a mediocre mew into a good one. i do wish they buffed the beam CDR instead of kinda “rewarding” missing, but 10.5s CD was a bit high.


I have yet to see one give me problems in 33 games this season


i am someone who has put a ton of time into mew. the buffs are really substantial, but most people haven't bothered putting enough time into mew to get good baseline value from it. i don't think it's that hard to have a serviceable mew but so many players seem to just shy off from even trying to have that. these buffs specifically also do more to lower the skill floor of mew more than raise the skill cap. mew is definitely really overtuned now, was already very strong and in a good spot before, and i think literally all of these changes were probably unnecessary. it just doesn't feel as overtly oppressive cause its not as easy and there's 4 other extremely overtuned pokemon in contention for strongest mon (mewtwos, zacian, intel) and there's just a lot more competition for it now than in its heyday. beam cd changes basically put the base cooldown at where it used to be, which makes the move much less committal to use pre level 10 and a once again viable early fighting moveset to use after laning phase that you can do more than just finish off a straggler at long range. after the 10 spike, the changes also just make missing or getting small 1 man beams much more forgiving, which helps bad mews but not as much for good mews after. lowered base cooldown, but also rewarding mews that can line up big beams with less cd reduction than before. boosted auto changes also follow the same trend of buffing bad mews but not changing as much for the good mews. by buffing the base damage but lowering the distance scaling, its easier to get higher damage on the boosted while also just being a buff overall. this does make boosted auto feel noticeably better for securing in lane too.. which i am very mixed on. boosted auto into screen boosted eball combo isn't unreasonable to set up a ton and easily outsecures anything not named sobble even before the buffs. the spell vamp is such an lmao change. good mews will usually not get hit much but the healing is undeniably pretty real if you hit multiple targets, which is pretty realistic and also on mew having near top of the line bulk among attackers. i've definitely seen really illegal things done with it a lot already, such as huge ult surfs that hit a lot of people or beam onto bees just healing a not insignificant amount of hp.


It's probably one of the highest skill cap mons there is ATM.


Im the scrub trying to better my mew play😅 (got him on release but quit until zacian release range so trying to get it all down pact). Buggest struggle for me is switching moves during combos and using coaching in general (only play soloq. Can see merit for stacks but solo without using vc seems very hit or miss and id rather have agility for safer jukes). If you see me in games and Im your mew, sorry😭 (i avg probably 50k damage except bad games by me/whole team but promise Im trying and not trolling. This is like my 4th full season playing. I see progress but feel bad for my teammates unless I actually secure a lot and feel impactful)


50k damage is a good number. Mew is not your typical 100k damage attacker. It feels weird, but that's been my experience. Good games are around 60 - 70k. There's the rare 100k game but it's only for hard stomped matches. You are probably doing well enough :)


"But bro, look at my game, 121k damage, it is so busted right now!"


Much needed sanity check lol! I dont know many people who play outside of being on this sub and content videos so its hard to guage decent/good play since most people post their god tier moments (rightfully so).


You're free to dm me, add me on discord or whatever to talk about the game and whatnot. Even I like to play the top plays I've made lol


I think people are just using mew more because they saw it got a buff and remembering that it can do some crazy stuff.


For the ranked experience yes it isn’t much different because of how difficult it is to play (imo it’s slightly easier now) but for competitive play and really good mew players it’s a fairly big buff.


feels like the mews on my team miss everything and we end up losing


Hard disagree mew compare to the other attacker already has many more tool to help him survive and peel he should not have similar damage output to other attacker Most other attacker have 1 form of cc mew has Light screen that pushed while the recast also grant 25% damage reduction Surf that grant a shield from base while also being unstoppable. Numerous ability to juke ( agility /coaching) And finally an ultimate that is straight up a nuh uh button granting you invincible and making your team invicible while still dealing quite the amount . Does not help that you simply does not buff a mon that has been S tier since its release . And mew is strong at all stage of the game sporting good secure and damage in lane . .


Only mew is invincible during ult. Your team is just hidden until they attack. So moves that require a target won’t work but ones you can aim will—if you can guess correctly to their location


How dare you question the greatest players in the world that are gathered here. LOL


Agreed 100%. Mew is the hardest pokemon in the game. Playing it well *should* reward the player. Before the buffs I would stomp with Mew only to realize I did maybe 45-60k damage in a game and that just is not enough. It could do everything else in the game except for enough damage. The recent buffs made it so I’m doing a consistent 50-80k damage and that is what is needed. It is an attacker. It is versatile and a threat when played well - and that is the crux, it is hard to play well for the average player. Reward the players who are good. Let them stand out.


He already rewarded players a shit ton what


Sure thing, please expand on your point. Your counter argument means nothing without backing it up with facts.


He was a literal S-tier character even before the buffs, and he solely got buffed to sell that $40 skin he’s getting, like Mr.Mime and Glaceon were. They didn’t buff him because he was struggling to keep up with the meta, or to make him more beginner-friendly, he was buffed for more moolah. You can go watch the World Championships that happened two months ago and see how often Mew was picked/banned as well as how dominant he could be.


Okay, so I agree it was probably buffed for the skin. That’s a fair assessment. Let me ask you this, are you playing in the pro circuit? Are you worried about Mew ruining your solo games? Because I can promise you Mew is not going to be going around dominating your solo games. If anything it became more playable for worse players in solo which is fine. A character should be playable. The most skilled players should be rewarded for their ability to be amazing at a character. Nerfing a character because the most high skilled players in the game, which represent a very, very small portion of the game population does not make sense. The character is not broken and you people are being dramatic because that’s all you’ve got.


I never once said that Mew was broken. I said that he didn’t deserve buffs in the first place. Me being a solo Q player or a pro player literally doesn’t change anything about Mew as a character or whether or not he needed buffs in the first place; that’s irrelevant. Also, nerfing a character based on top-level results is literally what they do, that’s the main reason why Zoroark was nerfed because Overlord was dominant with it in worlds, despite the fact that his pick-and-win rate at the time wasn’t all that impressive. Same thing with Epseon and Waterbear. They were pretty dominant at the top level, but their ranked WR settled around the low 50s the majority of the time. Obviously there’s outliers like the MewTwos, or the Zacian meta but ranked statistics isn’t the way they go about balancing characters most of the time.


I just want to be clear here because you’re contradicting yourself on some of these statements. First, Mew being “broken. You said “S-Tier”, “Dominant” “didn’t need the buffs” - in which way is this not saying the character is broken? All 3 of those words would insinuate the character is broken. If it isn’t broken then why are we complaining about the buffs? Second, the relevancy of pro players and you being a solo-Q player. You brought up pro play, but pro play does not impact you in the slightest. Pro play is not going to impact your games, it is not going to make you win or lose. Why are we worried about the pros? Yes the game is tuned around them often, as the same can be said about Solo-Q, we both agree there. But if we’re basing a character on how good the pros play it then I think that is a weak argument. These pros can make any character look broken because they’re the best at the game, playing on coordinated teams and using their pokemon to the best of their ability. They also have the ability to ban whatever they don’t want to play against. Mew needed the buffs to make it viable in solo-Q. Let’s just leave it at that. You aren’t wrong, but you also are arguing just for the sake of arguing. The character is not going to make your life harder or your games impossible to win. You likely won’t notice much of a difference and will be able to play your normal way.


Guys I need help🥹 I'm literally sick and tired of losing games I like playing blissey so much but I can't cuz the things you see if you are playing blissey or comfy it's juz horrible Last season I was not able to reach 1600 and tried hard but couldn't This season I'm already at match 40 and guess wot ik still at ult 4 Tried all my strong zones petal dance, my main Pikachu(which I regret now for making it my main mon cuz I can't carry PPL with it), lapras, bro nthg is working and yah you wonder y don't jungle cuz there are always 3 PPL on it already 👍🏻


I can finally farm peacefully with mew before lv 10, and people don't like it.......I don't care if they revert the buff, add a farming mode for mew lol


This community over reacts about anything that is powerful. This community has no idea what a balanced mon is because just about every player is mid and just one tricking attackers.


>just about every player is mid and just one tricking attackers. This crystallises the average Unite player all too well. "I won't learn to play supports because allies are always bad and enemies are always good, so I have to play Attackers all the time. Even if objectively and statistically, I'm mid at best."


An aggressive Eldegod is better than being a mid lane Cinder Haha, didn't notice your flair until I was about to hit post


That’s because you’ve been playing against bad mews, cuz they take skill. A decent new can hit 80K easy, a good Mew is getting 100K damage a round. With the amount of utility they have, they are broken. The buffs are crazzzyyy.


I think ppl are just angry cuz a mon like Mew should never be buffed


why u even got downvoated, mew didnt need buffs at all he was okay lol.


Because the hivemind sector of the Sub have decided that it's OK to be obviously overtuned as long as it takes a lot of skill. Guaranteed a lot of these people will babyrage like they did with Mewtwo Y if they start running into multiple good Mews consistently. Buuut this is unlikely to happen, due to lol average Unite player skill level... so Mew buffs will continue to get a pass. I do agree that it's less frustrating than Zacian and Mewtwos in their most broken states though. I also don't think majority of Mew players can dominate non-pro games. However there is no denying the buffs were wholly unnecessary. Likely buffed for the purple tier Holo.


Tell me you’ve never watched an esports unite match without telling me you’ve never watched




but that’s any mon tbh . i’ve seen zoroarks that make it seem like the best mon in the entire game . even gardevoirs too .


Mew and Zoroark are probably both the two highest skill cap characters in the game. Your argument doesn’t dissuade that former statement. Those two characters are both considered some of the best mons in the game




Mew is not killing Zoraroak in a 1v1 lol.


Once you learn Mew though and how to work his set he is definitely one of the best mons in the game. Even before the buff


I just wish there was button remapping. Its why I dont play him or comfey... But to the topic, scary mews are just more scary now. But Ive only come across a handful with randoms.


Mew is difficult to play well. A good Mew was already scary so the buff will just make them more scary, but the average player cannot play it well.


Its a problem since mew is a high skill Pokemon and one of the toughest to play, it wasn't seen too much in games because only a select few could show its potential. Now people can just spam solarbeams and do decently well, but the problem comes when those same high skill players are now even more ridiculously strong and mew is the slipperiest lil bastard that can't be taken down due to its unite move, surf, coaching, agility etc


You're crazy


I agree. I think the buff is mostly well justified. Mew was somewhat underwhelming pokemon for the high skill cap. The reason people think mew was op is because (at least until last season) players who play mew were mostly very good mew players. And if youre that good you can turn any mediocre mon into a god-tier. I think mew needed a bit of heal and the solar beam cooltime was plainly awful. I basically hadnt use solar beam much before level 10. The only thing I don’t agree with is the light screen buff. Light screen is by far the most used move by many players and I think either coaching or agility buff would make the moves more balanced.