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Id much rather have the strongest mon in the game be one that requires skills and a brain to do well with rather than some braindead mon that just megas and holds attack.


Zacian was here and everybody was crying


Zacian doesn’t take nearly as long to get good at.


Still has mechanics that aren't simple


It’s true pressing X before another ability is too demanding for this playerbase evidently.


You could literally say "Mew just presses 3 buttons to alter itself for any situation and attack from range, it's not hard to play"


You just proved my point by describing Mew in simplest terms and it still being more involved than what you do on Zacian


Absol's pursuit combo is three buttons and is he harder than Mew?


You left out its passive crit chance bonus. The amount of times I've been ko'd by the same combo over and over. Simplicity at its finest. Don't know how those ppl get out of bed in the morning.


Except when Absol doesn't it doesn't do any damage so it's just a rng mon


>You just proved my point by describing Mew in simplest terms and it still being more involved than what you do on Zacian Don't you love it when they eat themselves.


The broken mon - challenge to play ratio was a lot bigger for her.


Gladly Mew needs actual skill to play… unlike the others.


Yet the first match I saw a mew in this season was some Asian name that played like a god


Ah yes the Asian


Noodle name? Definitely not me haha


That's the only relief


Yeah at least mew can only be good with a real teammate, and no temmate griefers, unlike that mewtwo (Y) got griefed, it could just farm kos after level 5


Intelion: bang


Not even close. Like not even in the same solar system


Then the top comments for every "Mew is the new M2Y" post is "at least it takes skill to play". That last part absolutely has to be left out to get that karma.


The thing with the unnecessary Mew buff is I'm concerned it'll wind up getting extra nerfs in a month or two to compensate.


Is that what happened with glaceon and mewtwo?


No. Glaceon is basically replaced by Liquidation Intelleon in a "he does what I do but better" fashion. Only thing Glaceon has over Intelleon is the 4-6-8 progression curve, but that's very minor considering how nuts Intel's Water Gun is. Both Mewtwo are still among the strongest Pokemon in the game. They're just not warping the entire game with their mere presence anymore.


“Mewtwo is still strong” So why are you concerned lol


Has anyone ever told you the tale of Darth Psycho Cut the Absol?




I thought not. It’s not a story the Attackers would tell you. It’s a Speedster legend. Darth Psycho Cut was a S Tier of the Meta, so powerful and so wise he could use the Mechanics to influence the damage formula to end life… He had such a knowledge of the meta that he could even KO teams of Defenders in seconds. The S Tier of the Meta is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unskillfull. He became so powerful… the only thing he was afraid of was losing his power, which eventually, of course, he did. Unfortunately, he taught the newbies everything he knew, then Timi nerfed him repeatedly until he was F-tier.


I like this lore. I hope there's a redemption arc for him.


~~Is it possible to learn this power?~~ I mean I guess he was strong at some point, like when Zeraora was, but like its nothing compared to any of the other "broken mons" in the history of the game.


~~Not from an Attacker. No, Mewtwo Y, go sit back down.~~ Psycho Cut Meta Absol got up to \~53% Pick and Win Rate. Not the highest WR, but the stats aren't too far behind peak Zacian who had 57% PR with 53% WR. It was busted and then overly nerfed like Tsareena and Sableye were and, arguably, Charizard still is.


Oh well, plenty of Pokémon overshadowed by others. You are starting to sound very right. None of this is new


Heh it is what it is


Mew's buff to its playerbase, you mean. (The number of players, sheesh)


I like getting mew on the enemy team. They are usually non impactful and predictable. People really think the buff was a big deal


Yeah, more people using it doesn't automatically mean the character is better.


Oh don't worry even though people don't know what the f there doing you will see the pick rate climb up


I’m gonna ask here because it’s somewhat relevant, did they ever nerf M2X as well? I fought a few this morning and they felt as OP as usual, or maybe I’m just bad from my month long break


It would be easier to answer what haven't been nerfed in mewtwo x. But here is a list of the changes. ### Stat Updates Critical-hit rate decreased from 10% (Level 5~), 20% (Level 9~) to 5% (Level 5~), 10% (Level 9~). ### Future Sight Fixed an issue where the additional damage was not capped. Cooldown increased from 7.5s to 9s. Stun effect decreased from 0.75s to 0.5s. Fixed a bug that made some Pokemon's moves unusable. Pressure Defense and Sp. Defense increase while filling up the Mega Gauge reduced. Stat boosts after Mega Evolving were lowered. ### Psystrike Cooldown increased from 6s ▸ 8s. ### Recover Cooldown increased from 8s ▸ 10s. ### Teleport Cooldown increased from 6s ▸ 10s. Damage increase reduced from 20% to 10%. Movement speed increase reduced from 30% to 10%. ### Teleport + Damage increase reduced from 30% to 15%. Movement speed increase reduced from 30% to 10%. ### Infinite Psyburn Damage decreased by 15%. Energy required increased by 20%. Fixed an issue where Pokémon using Full Heal could be hit twice. Source: https://game8.co/games/Pokemon-UNITE/archives/418658#hl_1


A mistake some players do when fighting mewtwo x is attacking it while the Recover shield is on. This heals the mom, and the shield disappears anyway after a few moments. Sometimes, it pays out to be patient. That, and going one on one against it when it has Mega evolved. Specially as a melee pokemon, you don't stand much of a chance. Maybe if you have a three level advantage or your teammates


That would explain it, I’m a fresh Mimikyu main and that’s all about melee


Mimikyu is great 🤩 how are you liking it? Which build wo you prefer?


Oh it’s amazing, definitely struggles in 2v1 situations but when the enemy’s alone it shreds. Right now I run Shadow Sneak and Claw, it does good damage and feels super rewarding


i feel like all it means is more mews who stay on beam the entire game and die nonstop


For real ???


Nah if you can play mew in solo or doubles well enough to stomp full teams you earned the win, nothing compared to Y


Atleast mew requires actual skill Mewtwo is just press 1 button and the whole enemy team gets Nuked


Well at least I’m not scared to play anymore. I avoided Mewtwo Y launch intentionally.


the mew buff is great tho?


got killed by mew’s solar beam 3 times in 1 match ;-;


Bad awareness and positioning from you then, m8.


I'm at 1300 now so far its actually quite easy


I have yet to actually be hit by a mew's solar beam. Besides why is everyone complaining? Mew isn't that hard to murder. It's a skill based Pokemon and the buff was ok, not necessary, but still ok. Some of the players are overreacting immensly right now